She wore the Blue Dress that he had delivered to her door, as per his instructions. It matched the turquoise necklace and blue, high-heeled shoes he had picked out for her as well. Cindy’s heart was beating like a drum at the proposition of finally meeting him! The heat of anticipation was building inside of her wonderfully curve ass with the rosebud inside moist to the air! Cindy could hardly wait for the elevator to stop so she could get to the place where her lover wanted her to wait. Being inaccessible while exposed to the men she had encountered at the Bar for the last hour. Especially the ones she fancied.
Men had been staring through her dress and peeking Cindy’s Undergarments in the iridescent light all evening! The dirty ones were the worst! Causing her to squirm in her seat even more because she loved dirty talk! It was quite the hour! Knowing the butterfly fastened between her legs was controlled by someone Cindy hadn’t met offline yet! Someone be in the bar or the room, waiting for her! All she had ever seen of him was his body which was chiseled. And his Dick which was Big, black, and beautiful! She was breaking all of her own rules! But at least being so far from home, she wouldn’t be discovered.
Men were stalking the beautiful Dark-skinned Latina as predators often do to prey, with no success. They were successful reminding Cindy of her own hands recently guided by Mark. Pressed against her tits and fucking her tiny ass as her Internet Lover asked of her every night for the past month! Mark leading her to do things to herself she never imagined! All while hoping her wonderful Fiance didn’t wake up and catch her selfish, slutty behavior! Pussy exposed. Chatting with a stranger while she finger fucked her ass and pussy on command? Her Fiance would drop her in a second if he knew what she was up to! His family would be so happy he finally had dropped his “dark” infatuation and would immediately pawn him off to one of the many Blonde haired, Blue eyed girls that were more acceptable to them.
Also, she was taking a chance and Cyndi had never been with a “Black” man. Only Latinos and white men. While she was infatuated and compelled by Mark to meet. Cyndi had heard all of the rumors about “never coming back.” Though she had empowered him by committing to do what he asked and wearing his gift. Cindy was telling herself she knew what she was still in complete control. Satisfying a curiosity and closing a loop. She was lying.
Behind the safety of her encrypted IP address and behind the closed door of her home. Mark had warned her this would happen. Taunting her horniest sensibilities. Praising her wonderfully put together body and expounding upon its effect on men! Knowing all along all she cared about was her effect on him! It wasn’t anything she didn’t know or hadn’t heard numerous times herself! It was the way he said it that made her panties cream and mouth start to water. Combined with the taboo nature of sharing herself with someone other than her future husband, a meeting was too enticing to pass up!
Cindy had deprived herself since committing to her Fiance Justin almost 2 years ago, after a very active sex life as a Co-ed. If it wasn’t great, it was active! The familiarity of just Justin had been wearing on her mindset and she spent most days depressed before she met Mark online. Maybe it was fear of commitment? Maybe it was the desire to remove another item off of her bucket list before marriage? Neither mattered as she had already committed to the interaction. She was already there.

The fact this expensive Hotel was known for its aggressive Bar clientele was unknown to Cindy, but not Mark! He even sent some of his Associates on a mission to fuck with her. A woman looking like Cindy would have been accosted in a Church and they enjoyed doing him favors since usually, he reciprocated by sharing his women in the past with them. Cindy would be no different, they hoped! Especially after seeing her!
Her skin tingled as the Bar ventilation brushed against her uncovered legs and seemingly, through her Dress. She was sitting where he told her too and Mark knew the Bar space well. Her skirt was sheer when the light hit it at certain angles and her panties were completely visible where she sat. Under the light at the end of the Bar. The tiniest of bras which barely covered half of her nipples encased her D cups. While the matching yellow panties which similarly covered only parts of her lower half and showed a slight bump, where the toy rested.
Mark told her to not cover herself as he would be watching her. And with the number of Black men in the place in Business suits, the possibility of discerning him from the crowd was impossible. He promised to spank her ass raw if she disobeyed and somehow, believed it would be his right to do so! She was acting like a lying, cheating whore! Not the good girlfriend and wife she had been for her Fiance all of these months! A man whose name she somehow couldn’t remember!
Cindy had never done anything like this before. Never imagined meeting a stranger had only interacted with online. Never even wanted to! There was something about this man that made her pussy get all warm and wet! It wasn’t just his profile. Filled with pictures of him having sex with other women in various positions. Any normal, horny girl would be turned on by that! It wasn’t being dissatisfied sexually since she never had been completely satisfied sexually by anyone! Her mother told her to accept it. He Grandmother told her that was how relationships work! At least Justin, yeah that is his name, would lick her to Orgasm at least once a month. She settled ahead of the curve.
But with Mark, it was more. Much more. Her attraction to him was immediate if not Primal! He was brash and forward and talked down to her in a way that was insulting yet, comfortable. Mark had captured her dreams and tapped into desires Cindy didn’t know were inside of her! All she wanted to do was meet with him. Be with him! Even if it was only once. Cindy needed to know if she was in Love or lust so she could put it all behind her. Never stopping to think her very presence already answered her own greatest question!
“Phone call Cindy.”
The Bartender handed her a Cordless phone from behind the Bar. His smile as telling as his voice that he knew the caller personally. As if familiar with the routine.
“How do you know I’m Cindy?” She asked him. Not knowing why she did.
“The caller described you well.” He snickered.
“Cindy, are you downstairs?” It was Mark’s dark voice.
“You are calling me here, aren’t you?” she answered smartly. There was a pause before he spoke again.
“I am on the 11th floor. Room 1120. It is a corner room. The Bartender has closed your tab and handing you a Scotch to bring with you since you have started without me.”
Turning to the bar, she noticed a Dark libation placed near her. She hated Scotch and was only a novice at drinking the Red wines she had been sipping on for the past hour. Ordering what Mark had suggested.
“What did you expect me to do?” she nervously and slightly angrily replied.
Cindy was nervous. Nervous about the whole situation and for the 1st time since she had begun rubbing her pussy lips online for his amusement. To now questioning her own motives and reasons for being in a far away from home Hotel Bar about to engage in God knows what! It was only when the device went off again she relaxed.
“You could always go back to your car and drive the hour back home to your life. This is your last chance because once you open that door…you belong to me! I don’t have time for girls or games. I suggest you get your dripping wet pussy to me immediately. Because if you aren’t here in 5 minutes, I am emailing your Fiance our chats.”
Cindy’s pussy melted more at the thought of being blackmailed and threatened than anything else! The thought of being exposed for the things she had done with Mark online! Was it cheating since technically, they never met? Would he take her back after seeing her stuff her ass with a vibrator and cum on his work chair like she never had with him? In a way, it shocked her back to her senses.
“Coming now.” She said demurely.
“I bet you are. 4 minutes.”
Was he serious? She picked up the glass and spilled some of it on her fingers in the process but had no time to clean it off. The men in the room watched as she walked out hurriedly. Disappointed they wouldn’t get their shot at using their best lines. But the other women seemed relieved knowing their chances had improved.
By the time she reached the door, 8 minutes had passed. Cindy knocked on the door for what seemed like two more before it opened and Mark stood before her. He wasn’t smiling and he didn’t grab her in his arms and pull her into the room as she imagined. But his face did match his Beautiful body, making her wish he had!
He was wearing slacks that she gathered to be made of expensive linen and were somewhat see-through so that his dick print was visible in front! His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, the way her Uncles usually wore theirs. But his brown skin was darker and somehow, more appealing to her current sensibilities. Mark had turned and walked into the room. His strong ass driving his legs forward after taking the drink from her hand and sniffing the dried alcohol on her fingers in a peculiar way. She was clearly mesmerized more by his presence in person than online as she found her legs riveted to the spot!
Bzzzzz .
“Come in Cindy. I won’t bite. Yet”
The controller in his hand sent an electric pulse through her. Waking her from her temporary slumber.
The room was a Suite and Mark sat in a Lounge chair across from the Love Seat he instructed her to sit in. There was a camera atop a Tripod pointing directly at the Seat and Cindy, as soon as she sat down.
“Is that on?” she asked.
“Why? You like cameras don’t you?”
Mark’s last words to her were still on her mind as she sat down gently. He had threatened to ruin her impending marriage a moment ago though she knew he didn’t have her Fiance’s email and couldn’t possibly complete the task! Fuck! He wasn’t even sure Cindy was her real name! Why would she allow him to record her now? How cocky was he?
“Is it on?” she asked.
“Of course, it is. Now lift up your skirt and show me your panties.”
Cindy hesitated.
The tenor in his voice was stern as Cindy’s fingers reached for her skirt hem. She pulled them up and instinctively opened her legs.
“Very good. Take off your top. I want to see those Beautiful Brown titties in the full light.”
“But I am wearing a Dress?” Barely able to speak the words as she was so flustered. Her heartbeat racing and her pussy dripping. Her face slightly pained by hardened nipples boring into a barely their bra! She was confused and aroused and only wanted to do what he asked! But Cindy didn’t want to do the wrong thing!
That was when he pounced! Before she could respond, Mark had stuck his hands into the top of her dress and ripped it in half! What was she going to wear home! While she was startled, two fingers were plunged deep into her vagina which her spread apart inside of her! It was so intense! Cindy arched her hips forward and up towards the sky as he invaded her hole with his digits. Removing the device as well as his hand simultaneously!
Her dress and sensibilities in tatters. Cindy hardly could respond when her panties were being ripped and tugged off of her bottom! It was almost as if she was being raped but, she was enjoying being tossed around by him! Probably because it was him and somehow she knew despite her lack of familiarity with her man or surroundings, she was beyond safe. She was where she wanted to be!
Before she realized what had happened, she was naked except for her Bra. Her round ass exposed to the camera over his Powerful knees! Mark’s hand swatted her bare bottom bringing out a slight scream from her throat.
“Bite your tongue.” He said.
Spanking her again for emphasis. This time she whimpered less but, still too loudly for Mark!
“You were late and you spilled my drink.”
Smack. Smack. Smack.
This time the whimpers were less like a plea and more like a moan. He was right. She hadn’t made it to the room in the allotted time and she did not give a fuck about his Drink! Cindy had been preoccupied with her own sexual indecency! Her granite like nipples and trying to control her dripping snatch and wandering eyes. So many beautiful men of all races. All with their semi if not hard cocks pointing in her direction! She could have had anyone in the room at any moment she wanted to and she knew it! Then and now! As Mark’s large, warm hand smashed over her exposed ass cheeks in a lovingly harsh manner! What a relief feeling his digits invade her dripping hole again roughly! Spread once more inside her but in a different way! His fingers rubbing the inside mound from within a few times before relieving her momentarily with their absence. Only to be shocked back to like by the squeezing of her delicate clit between his thumb and forefinger! Before she knew what was happening he repeated the action twice more, releasing a squirt across the Suite’s glass table and onto the Carpeted floor! Something Cindy didn’t even know she was capable of!
“Oh….Oh….OH MY…..”
Cindy didn’t know what was happening to her, but she knew it felt so good!
“You may be getting married. But you will always be mine.”
“At my beck and call to do whatever I want from you.”
The vibrations from his hands swept her body with cool vibrations and sensations that offset the pain Cindy only imagined these waves were the infamous Multiple Orgasms she had heard so much about! Barely able to move and barely capable of opening her eyes. Cyndy felt what she imagined what broken women must experience at her current predicament. Disappointment yet, relief! She finally knew what kind of woman she was.
She didn’t care if she had to leave the Hotel naked because it was worth it! She came so hard the naked woman reposed in the bed was no longer the same woman who entered the room! She was transformed! What seemed to her to be a new enlightenment though, Mark had been planning for weeks!
What Cyndi didn’t know was Mark knew exactly who she was as well as what she needed. He worked with Mark at the same Firm! Completely different departments since Mark was legal and Justin, her Fiance, was Management. The son of the Owner of one of his clients from a Family of notorious men. Workaholics. A Family known for their cheating wives as much as their Business success! Todd was young and cocky and Mark honestly never liked him! He wanted to have something over him. Even if he couldn’t let Todd know right away!
Cyndi was the fortunate victim. If she were less attractive or different, he probably would have treated her differently. Seduced her differently. But when he first saw the picture his Investigators came up with he knew immediately, she was special. It was in her eyes. Breaking Mark’s heart could do the trick and make him want to litigate more. Angry is good for business! But one look into her eyes he knew, she was special. Loyal. She needed a personal touch. Looking deep enough into her eyes, he saw himself.
If only someone had spanked his bottom when he was a kid! He wouldn’t be the depraved maniac he had grown into, comfortably! His nights wouldn’t be spent with Associates wives who expected Mark to treat them the way their Husband’s were incapable of! Give them the type of sex those Men saved for Prostitutes and Secretaries! Applaud the women for the long-sloppy blowjobs.
Humiliatingly insane positions and unrepentant usage of their entire bodies. Even sharing them with his friends. His life was one Domination after the other with no satisfaction forthcoming.
Cyndi was different. Unlike the others, Mark wanted her for himself. And almost immediately he knew, she wanted him too. It was as if they were immediately connected. This routine was usually much different. Ending with his Object’s spouse passed around and recorded with his many Associates and as such, compromised and controlled through passive blackmail. It was easier to get things done with a strong woman behind her man, pulling his strings. The arrangement worked for everyone. Especially Master Mark.
After a sweet, wet, grateful Blowjob Mark found himself between Cyndi’s legs, slowly pumping her mound with part of his 10 ½ inches of dick. Talking to her each time he went a little deeper. Showing off what an expert Cocksman he really was! She squirted twice more that evening before they finally hit the Bed. He even allowed he to clean up and sleep next to him. Kissing her to experience a level of intimacy he rarely allowed. It was going to be difficult to watch her get Married in 2 months.