It had been a long time since she felt “that” way. The exhilaration of danger that a woman had to cut herself off from because of lack of control. No one could ever find out about her desire to lose it. To lose herself or they would certainly exploit her for their own gratification. The thoughts that caused her to moisten and recoil simultaneously as she walked and her thighs rubbed together. Having once felt true bliss, a wisp of the wind between her legs reminded her of things that sometimes seemed so far away.
Certain things have no place in everyday life. Being a lady requires as much. If anyone knew what she wanted at her core, they would view her differently. If anyone knew how her hands always lingered in certain “zones” while getting dressed reminded her of nights and sometimes days spent in outright erotic bliss. How a thought could transpose her from out of a conversation and into a melange of memories, they could not understand without having experienced what she had. This secret was hers alone.
The fact was that she didn’t care if they could or ever did find out. Because if they did, it would be because she had found the courage to live out her dreams! Purely selfish and wanton desires that made her clitoris throb as if between his thumb and forefinger being compressed now! Who could notice how her areolas swelled and throbbed against the fabric of her expensive bra, masking all such expressions of thought! She wished the design looped around her nipples with a silk string! Providing her with the “support” and kink, she consistently desired. Her dates lips were moving, but she was not with this man. No, this boy. Her presence was a compulsory one. A necessity and task set before her. Like so many labors performed in her high-paying job. But there was no desire to be there like with him.

The most she would grant him was a taste. The chance to lick her dripping thighs and clean up the mess her long lost lover’s memories would provide as her date ate her box as he begged her to do. To prove his qualifications of being more of a lover than a slave. There was always a chance he would attack her and refuse to leave after her satisfaction was complete. But she enjoyed the opportunity to use her Martial art skills to fend off the unworthy! Dominating aggressive men was the only other way she had found to get off since he left her to fend for herself! Beyond that? No new man would ever sate the desire to be pushed by superior men. Where were all the superior men?
Sometimes she would open her legs in the mirror and remember what it was like to have been “his” property. To walk in the door of his apartment in slacks and a sweater. Go directly to the bathroom to change so he didn’t have to see her inappropriate work attire in his space. One minute and 27 seconds before the lash came down on her for being tardy. Sometimes on purpose. To test he Master’s attention to detail. One minute and 27 seconds spent on a skirt which was too small to wear out in public. But required to wear around “him”. Any undergarment he had chosen for her whether it be a thong or nothing! She could feel herself moisten more with each leg coming out or going into her garments. Wondering what sick pleasure he had in store for her that day! And a breeze from the ventilation between her thighs reminded her of the forgotten panties since she was thinking about him all night and forgot to put them on. She was almost ashamed except for the memory of being told what to do!
Her conservative tops were to remind her they belonged to him. She wasn’t supposed to forget whom she needed to please. The time was she would slip a finger into herself to release the moisture between her legs. Sometimes she would get carried away and linger more than a minute or two. It was nowhere near how full she felt when he put his full grown cock inside of it! But sometimes she had to make due with what was available! That work time was the only secret she kept from him though she thought it wasn’t a very well-kept one. He seemed to know her every thought!
When it started. She would put on the heels and walk down the hallway towards the garbage chute down the hallway. Always at 4. The men and some of the women were well aware it was going to happen but, she was always barely covered so, there was nothing they could do about it! Some of the women would open their doors to make comments. She was to bend at the waist when disposing of the refuse and sometimes he would meet her at the door before exiting to slip a small vibrator inside her. It was behind a door but, hardly private! After the first time, it always slid right in. She would have to make her way back to the apartment with it buzzing at high speed and it better not slip out! Oh, the Orgasms she would have as she tightened herself around the throbbing object and unsteadily walked back to her Task Master! She would never admit how much she loved being tended to by Him! But why else would she do this?
He expected a lot of things from her and pushed her in a way books and men never did! They were always intimidated by her accomplishments and afraid to be men! But not him! He treated her like any other woman he told her. She would have to work for everything He had to offer. And what he had was 10 inches of well-formed cock and the ability to know how much she loved him! A love he had taken for granted. Taken too far.
He would put his foot rest next to his chair and she would lean her almost bare bottom in the air and pussy on top of it. Sometimes he would remove the vibrator. Most times, he would just turn it down. Sometimes, he would instruct her to sit directly onto his cock and push himself into her moist hole! Her pussy would usually burst around him and he would pinch her nipples hard! But just as quickly as she sat, he’d remove her and replace her pussy with her beautifully formed mouth.
“Clean it good.”
He would say as if she wouldn’t! She loved the thought of him watching her bathe his beautiful cock in her saliva! She would often peek and notice his sly grin as she would work his length into the depth of her throat until it would completely disappear! Something most would never believe she was capable of but, they really didn’t know her at all! They knew the Ivy League graduate and powerful force. Not the girly slut that loved being humiliated so much, her body tingled at the thought! And it was better that way.
After she was sufficiently worked up he would have her her sit next to him and lift her shirt or bra and hold her breasts together. Her hands, cupped beneath and nipples facing forward to be licked, bitten, and sometimes slapped until the nipples were red and swollen. Just right to trapped in the string. He would always make her stand while doing this. Knowing she would be in full slut mode and if sitting, she would rub her heated clit against anything she could find! Sometimes, he would run his tongue across her in a way that drove her wild! This could go on for what seemed like hours but, was actually only moments of sheer delight. When “he” was satisfied with her squirming and knew that she was ready “he” would stand and remove his dick from its cage again and this time, instruct her to slow kiss its length like “The good cocksucking whore” she was compelled to be! From there? All bets were off as to what would happen or how. But it always ended with her cumming on command. The shame of whatever he made her do making her orgasm stronger and longer each time before the final indignity. Him cumming wherever he chose on or inside of her! Which led to the “issue”.
The memories of “him” made her mundane sex life unbearable, but how could she prove her love? Besides giving him what he wants? If she was this way after a month. Unable to think about anything past him to the point of almost losing 5 million dollars in a day. What would she be like in a week? She realized she had no choice since these men weren’t doing it for her either.
“Excuse me. I need to go to the Ladies room.”
Leaving her date alone to make her call and hoping. Praying he would answer her call! How stupid had she been!
The 1st call went to voicemail. The second frantic call was picked up on the 5th ring and his voice was angry. He told her never to call him again. She knew that. But she also knew she had to!
When she arrived it seemed as if the weeks apart were a distant memory. She wanted to kiss and hug him as he opened the door. Almost like normal lovers would but, they were not that. She looked into his eyes for a spark. A recognition of how much He had missed her but was hurt when she saw nothing! How much of herself she was going to have to give to make him happy? He’d won!
“I missed you.” She tells him.
“Did you miss me?”
“Come in.”
To her surprise, he was not alone. There were others in the Apartment and it looked as if they were aware of their relationship by the grins on their faces as she came in. Taking he by the hand he pulls her into the spare bedroom past his guests. All while explaining he will be right back. Her lack of care for his company being there is immediately offset by the touch of his hands above her wrists like old times. He understands how to control her! She hadn’t acknowledged how deeply she felt for him or when she had changed from independent woman to the woman reflected in the mirror in the next room. A lustful woman who wanted nothing more than for them to be alone again like old times! Her body being manipulated by him until she could take no more! A feeling that she was encouraged by the door closing behind them!
“Sit”. He commanded and she complied immediately.
“So. I want to hear you say it.” He moves across the room leaning on the ledge.
“I missed you Sir and I am willing to do whatever you want to make you take me back.”
“Make me?” he replied.
She realized her mistake immediately and hung her head in shame. He hadn’t changed a bit! She wanted more. Much more. To be with him full time and she was willing to do anything he wanted except the thing he had asked of her. She didn’t understand why he wanted to have her do this but, here she was! On the night that he had told her about begging for them to resume their relationship. But he wasn’t giving an inch!
“Let’s start from the beginning. Before you try to engage me again in that tone. What do you think I should do? Forgive you for telling me no?”
“I just wanted to talk.”
“And I told you from the beginning that Vanilla shit ain’t me! And you agreed!”
“Do me a favor. Take off your panties when you talk to me.”
Her face flushed red at the request, knowing this is what she wanted! Immediately standing she removed her panties and left them on the floor.
“Good. Now open your legs and finger your pussy while we talk.”
Immediately she felt herself flush hot and wet and was completely uninterested in any continuing conversation or who was in the next room! Rubbing her pink pussy in front of her missing Master was what she was hoping would happen and more! They were back together and that was all that mattered!
He removed his slacks and out popped the big black cock she was missing so much! Her mouth watered in anticipation as he stood before her face, stroking his manhood outside of the reach of her hands or mouth! And she knew better than to reach from past experience.
“How many men have you fucked this month?” he asked.
“None” she answered. “My pussy only wants you.”
He took a step closer and instructed her.
“Take off your blouse. And how many men have eaten your pussy?”
He knew her so well!
“4. But I never touched their dicks or let them touch me.”
This was completely believable. That Corrine or she could convince men to pleasure her without any reciprocation. She was smart but also beautiful beyond words! She loved manipulating powerful men but, she had no Power over Anton. She wasn’t even allowed to use his name!
Moving forward his cock was not directly in front of her face pulsating. She knew it was a test but, she couldn’t resist as her tongue flicked his cockhead gently. She was expecting a rebuke but instead, he moved forward and pushed himself inside of her mouth without words!
“Suck this dick very carefully and stop only to answer my question.” He said.
It was probably Corrine’s best blowjob ever! She sucked and slurped at his dick like a long lost friend! Pausing only to taste his chocolate balls before resuming her masterful sucking motion! She could feel him getting bigger inside her throat and wanted to taste his cum on her tongue. But she knew what he wanted and came prepared to make him happy.
“Tell me what I want to hear.” He said.
“I am ready. Please cum in my pussy.”
With that, the door to the other room swung open and the 6 men and women came walking in. The women were now naked and each had a leash attached to their necks. They sat on the bed naked and unashamed. Watching as Corrine was being mounted by her Master while Corrine was still half dressed! Her 34 C’s hanging out from the top that was still halfway attached. None of that mattered to her as she was with the one she wanted. The one she loved!
By the time he came, they had put on quite a show! The men and women, all strangers pawed at her naked body. Some playing with her tits. Others enamored with fingering her tight ass and how she came each time they inserted their fingers inside of her! Soon they were all sucking their Masters and Corrine felt her pussy filled with warm, sweet cream! Enough to give him what he wanted.
The gathering was cut short as Corrine fell asleep. Something he had never let her do before in his home. She woke ours later to an empty bedroom and the sounds of moaning coming from across another room in the Apartment. A room she knew all too well as His favorite place to break in new girls. She had spent countless hours in there herself and would again. But for now. All she had to do was hope it took so she would never have to go through another month without him again!