She wore Red High heels and a tight, conservative skirt. Her eyes were green and a bit glazed from the lack of sleep and the hit from the Vape before she got there. Not high. Just enough to make it through the first hour when she would decide whether or not the Evening was a complete waste of time or, to have a second drink. All depended on him.
His wife would be there, but she was with her Husband anyway. A man she loved but, no longer lusted for. It wasn’t either of their faults that sex had become Vanilla and mundane. That was what marriage was about, her mother had told her years ago. But that didn’t mean she had accepted entirely her fate of a sexless life!
They had made a connection and even though they both resisted it. Contact was inevitable. From the first handshake, she had been drawn to him and sensed the same with him! Her nipples tingled like the first time, and her voice hardly could utter the required “Hello.” Before their hands broke apart. And like that, she was hooked!
Brushing against him that evening to leave almost sent her into a mini-orgasm. But she knew that was a lie she had to tell herself as she slipped off her panties minutes later and felt the dampness that engulfed the silk set. To admit her affection. To admit she desired to be touched by those same fingers that were seemingly the same as all the rest? Would be to admit she wanted someone other than her Husband! She was too good to admit that. But still, here she was. Hoping for more.
The neighbors got together every couple of months, and Rob was smiling and mixing alone when June entered behind her husband. The years had eroded part of his chivalrous nature, but tonight, it worked to her benefit as she could scan the room over his shoulder. Placing both her prey and rival in an instant. She instinctively knew what to do and instead of the usual handshake, opted to hug this month’s host to set a precedent. The men, all of whom had wanked off to the thought of her naked body pressed against theirs many times, couldn’t help but perk up at the prospect of her ample bosom and seemingly soft ass pressed against their mostly out of shape bodies! And Rob was the 3rd closest!
He seemed engaged with another Housewife and seemingly, never noticed her unsteady approach. But within a moment, his arms were open as his hands brushed lightly against her breasts on their way to her back, barely above her waist! Smoothly done she thought. As his top two fingers squeezed the top of her ass strongly but, subtly as he whispered in her ear.
“As sensual as the last time.”
Before releasing her and greeting her by name, for all to see! The only one who noticed there might have been something between them was the woman who witnessed the exchange. But she was somewhat scandalous herself and enjoyed the moment.
June continued to the last two men and women at the party. Extending a hand to the first but unable to do the same with the last! He had witnessed the other men and didn’t want to be shortchanged! But Rob was still on her mind. His hands had found her two most sensual places that were long since forgotten in a sexless marriage! And it was confirmed. He felt it too.
The Evening passed with the usual banter about politics and the world in general. June’s husband once again gravitated to Bill. The man he spent the most time with on Earth. Their affection for one another bordering on sexual as she noticed their body language for what seemed like the 1st time. Maybe she noticed because she was thinking about her own chemistry with Rob? He who was attached at the hip to his own wife. June had been attempting to size her up all evening but was out of practice and as a result, couldn’t get a read on her. What was she thinking anyway? She was married!

She walked down the Hallway towards the Bathroom to get a grip on her emotions as much as anything else! Her dark sandy hair was a bit out of place, and her competitive fire was out of control! A quick trip would help her gather her emotions and hopefully, give her the strength to call it a night. She didn’t care what her Husband did, and as usual, he would probably linger at the Party. But June needed to go! If only to calm these sensations she was experiencing!
The vodka in her hand went down smoothly as she fixed her makeup and started to open the door to the Bathroom. She was momentarily startled at the sight of the couple pushing their way in! It was Rob and his faithful wife! Half a disappointment she thought as both seemed a bit tipsy.
“Excuse us.”
His wife continued forward towards the loo as Rob stepped in behind her and closed the door!
“Excuse me. I was just leaving.” June said.
In reaching for the doorknob, her breasts pushed against Rob’s own chest which felt so good! Rob used the chance to pull her closer, with his arm around her waist and smell her perfume?
“Flowerbomb.” Rob paused.
“One of my favorites.”
June didn’t know how to respond. Here she was in an intimate embrace with the one man she has been fantasizing about the Last 5 weeks. And his wife was watching them! Her face reddened with either embarrassment or excitement. She couldn’t tell which as her Ass twitched beneath his firm grip! His skin was dark. Mediterranean almost and the bulge in his pants was immense! Much bigger than anything she’d had in years! June’s impulses froze as his hand cupped her ass and one finger explored the crack between her underused cheeks! She almost melted!
“Rob loves perfume on a woman.”
Amanda was standing directly behind her now as her husband fondled June’s ass.
“Rob loves many things about women.”
Kissing her neck, Rob let his one hand wandered towards the front of her skirt. As the other explored the rest of her body! Amanda never touched her. But June could feel her hot breath close and when looking back to see how she was allowing this to happen, noticed her panties were down around her ankles and her hand was rubbing circles around her clit! June didn’t know what to think! She wasn’t attracted to women at all! But the site of Amanda watching as her Husband Rob took liberties with her body made her legs weak! Luckily, Rob still had a firm grasp on her bottom and held her weight in his hands! This continued for another minute until Rob spoke over her shoulder.
“Get dressed hun. We’re leaving.” He said.
Immediately Amanda pulled up her panties and smiled at her husband.
“Don’t smile. You know what you did was wrong!”
What the fuck! Rob was the inappropriate one! Or was he? They were both? June’s confusion continued as Rob moved her against the sink and grabbed her left wrist. Amanda circled behind him silently. Watching as he used his control to rub her hand against his big dick!
“We are leaving soon. But I think you and Amanda made a connection in here. Maybe you guys should become friends. We are always looking for new friends.”
With that, Rob pressed his face and mouth against June’s! They shared a deep, long kiss that she had never even shared with her Husband of 15 years! His lips were warm and soft! And his tongue was commanding! In breaking the kiss, Rob looked into the love-starved woman’s eyes and knew. She was his!
“You should stop by the house sometime. I think you two would get along.” He whispered.
Amanda opened the door and grasped her Husband’s hand. They were gone as soon as they had come! I mean they had cum? Or just June! It had been so long since June had even felt the sensation of arousal, she couldn’t tell if she had or hadn’t! All she knew was she didn’t understand anything about what had just happened!
After cleaning herself up a bit which wasn’t easy in her sensitive state. June exited the Bathroom. Walking past her other neighbor who had been talking to Rob in the large room when she first entered and into the small gathering of 10. She could hear the couple saying their goodbyes and noticed her husband, attached to Bill as usual! She gave him the nod. Letting him know she was leaving to take the short walk 3 houses down and into her bed, alone. Saying goodbye to the neighbors as she went for the door on unsteady legs.
Amanda’s voice rang out across the room.
“We will walk you home since we are tired from all the activity!”
The crowd laughed as if they knew something which, they didn’t. Amanda was so pretty and sweet! They just wanted her favor already! But they didn’t know her. No one there did! That was their advantage.
June almost bolted, but for some reason, she was stuck in place. She wanted Rob for herself but, would have never acted upon it! At least that was what she told herself. But there was more to the couple that piqued her curiosity. And it only made sense she wait since they lived two doors down from her.
Rob smiled at his wife, and they walked towards her hand in hand. His eyes never left her as if they were truly in love! It was hard to miss. June knew she should probably avoid them both but, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t deny herself a chance to feel Rob’s hands across her body again! Tantalizing her senses as they were and igniting fires inside her she had forgotten even existed! She wanted to know more!
The door closed behind them, and the 3 hit the sidewalk towards home silently. Amanda stepped back. Allowing Rob and June to walk side by side while he explained as much as he was going to in the street. They were one house away from June’s when Rob broke the silence.
“I liked you from the first time I laid eyes on you.” He said.
June turned around and asked Amanda.
“Don’t you have anything to say about that?”
Amanda’s head faced down as Rob continued to speak.
“She won’t answer you unless I tell her to. That is the basis of our marriage.”
“What do you mean?”
The distance between the homes seemed woefully short as they reached her driveway.
“Come to think of it. We aren’t so tired, and we have never seen your home. Would you like to invite us in for a Nightcap?”
Pausing to consider her husband probably wouldn’t be home for another two hours. June decided to sate her intellectual curiosity and said yes. Ignoring her throbbing parts pleas for immediate gratification by her own loving touch. She wanted to rub her wet clit to sleep! But she didn’t want to seem intimidated by the bohemian customs of her neighbors! And since she wasn’t moving anytime soon. She figured best to get over it now!
What June took her marriage vows very seriously. And despite her suspicions about her Husband’s proclivities towards men. She had no proof and didn’t want any! She had convinced herself that she was his. Even if he wasn’t interested. And the lack of sex had helped her rise in her Legal practice. She had almost forgotten what attraction was like until Rob! But there was something about him that was different! She knew it from the start. But now, she was learning what.
“Do you mind if we make ourselves at home?” Rob asked.
Not knowing what that meant. June considered saying NO! But again. She was off balance yet, excited to learn.
“Of course not,” June replied.
With that. Amanda removed her panties from beneath her dress and placed them in her purse while simultaneously pulling out what appeared to be a sex toy! She pushed a button which started a slow vibration, then sat directly against the door on the floor with her legs spread in a way that showed great flexibility. No one could enter unless they pushed her over!
Rob walked directly to June and circled around her as she stood, watching in amazement at the silent wife’s grinding against the floor!
“She knows her place June.”
The words entered her ears and heightened her senses.
“I love my wife. As all men should. But she can’t handle all of my urges.”
His hands circled her waist now as if measuring her responses to his touch. June stood transfixed. Almost unaware of his explorations until one hand reached beneath her skirt and 3 fingers plunged deeply into her wet pussy! June moaned and looked at Amanda directly in the eyes for something. Anything that would show objection to her husband touching her in front of him while her pussy dripped down her legs in waves she never knew she was capable of! That was when it happened!
Rob ripped her panties off and would have lifted her off her feet! But his hand against her back stopped her from falling onto her face! Her skirt was up and his Dick inside of her faster than she knew possible! The pain! It was much bigger than anything she’d ever experienced, and Rob was as rough inside of her as he had been gentle before! Fucking her from behind as they watched Amanda writhe on the floor in front of them! Rob whispered into her ear once more.
“35. You don’t have the body of a 35-year-old woman. Your pussy is as tight as 18.”
June was appalled at his language but at the same time. Wanted to hear more! No man ever talked to her that way! Especially not her queer hubby! Did she just think that? Rob lifted her off her feet as her heels dangled in the air. But he wasn’t pushing into her. June was sliding up and down his cock like a Rodeo rider and didn’t even know it! Cumming all over the front of his expensive suit and barely able to look Amanda, his wife in the eyes as she watched them both!
“Amanda. Tell her now.”
Amanda began to speak and explain that though they were married. Rob fucked any woman he wanted with her blessing. She said she had been a young slut. Cunt even. Destined to be nothing. Do nothing with her life when Rob saved her. Showed her the way of discipline and focus. And she was never as happy as when he was pleased!
“As you can feel. My husband has quite a large cock, and in case you can’t tell, he can and will fuck you for a long time. Much longer than most woman can take. That was how he got me! I challenged him in a Bar one night. He said he could make me come 10 times before he came once! I said if he did, I would be his slave for a week! After the week was over, I was a different woman!”
“Enough talk.”
Rob barked as he dropped June down from his cock, and onto the floor! Walking over to his wife, his cock dripping with June’s juices. Amanda opened her mouth to take as much as she could of it over her tongue! June watched the spectacle, unable to move forward or retreat as her pussy hole still gaped from the blissful assault! How many times had she orgasmed? Was she still cumming watching her neighbor get faced fucked roughly on her floor! Something June had thought would never appeal to her now, she wished it was being done to her!
“She is not just my wife June. Amanda is my property. But as you can see by her gagging. She still can’t suck my dick properly, and she definitely can’t handle my needs alone!”
Pushing Amanda back onto the floor, Rob reached between her legs and seemingly, turned it up while pushing her onto her side. Reaching into her purse are removing a pair of handcuffs to place behind her back! His cock dripped Amanda’s saliva as all June could do was watch. Paralyzed by the sight and the hard fucking she had endured at the end of his member. She wanted it back! And she wouldn’t have to wait long!
Rob rose and considered June’s hungry eyes, knowing what she wanted! Getting on his knees to meet her at eye level, Rob kissed her deeply like before, and June melted! Moving behind her, Rob lifted her skirt and mounted her as he stood behind and over her. Each push going deeper and deeper into her soul!
“I am going to ask you a series of yes or no questions and the moment you lie to me is the moment I stop. Do you understand?”
“The neighbor’s say you need this more than anything. Are they right?”
” June answered.
“They also say you are a first-class bitch. Are they correct.”
The word that usually made June lash out in anger now made her cum intensely beneath him! The pause made him double his entry into her harder and deeper.
“Answer me, Bitch!”
“Yes. Yes, I am!”
Reaching down, Rob caressed her jutting nipple so hard she wanted to scream! But she couldn’t as June felt another wave of orgasm pass through her!
“I said Yes or No! Do you want me to stop fucking you on your Living Room floor now!”
“No.” He answered so quick June surprised herself.
She couldn’t see Rob’s smirk but, he knew she had given up. Given in to his power as his rod swoll to greater lengths inside her! He loved when they broke! And he couldn’t wait to cum inside of her. Rob knew it wouldn’t be long now!
“Is your Husband Gay?”
June paused before answering, and Rob knew he had her where he wanted. If she said no. He would leave her where she lies. Make her beg to see him again since he knew she was never going to be the same.
And if she said yes? He would have defeated her. Made her admit the one thing she never could admit to herself after 15 years of Marriage. Her marriage was a lie.
Rob came deep inside of her at the admission what seemed like at least a quart of cum but due to her lack of sex, how could she tell! Pulling out he walked over to his wife Amanda, who dutifully licked and sucked him dry!
Amanda was pulled towards June as she lay on the floor, ass still in the air.
“Don’t worry. Amanda will clean up this mess. Won’t you dear?”
With that, the younger woman delved her tongue deep between her neighbor’s folds. Expertly cleaning her crème filled hole and licking their collective juices off of the floor until there was nothing left! At some point, her hands were freed as June felt them on her ass, steadying June as she experienced shock after shock until she fell asleep on the floor.
June was awakened by the sound of the door opening and her husband walking in 2 hours later. As expected. She was on the couch and wondered if it was all a dream! But her sore pussy let her know it wasn’t though there was no sign of the neighbors left. The house was cleaner than she had left it and there was a note pressed in her palm written by a woman, was her guess.
Meet me at the Mall tomorrow to go shopping. It was great talking with you.