Chad was sitting at a table near the bar in a direct line with the TV.  He hadn’t watched a game since college it seemed so he had no idea who was playing or what the stakes were.  What he did know was his work was all consuming and looking for investors had worn him down over the last few months.  Hearing the word “no” everywhere compounded by the recent lack of success in even getting meetings was wearing him down.  He had the next great thing, and no one would even speak to him!  He needed a drink and some normalcy in his life, even if he had never gone to a bar alone before. 

He didn’t blame his friends for his loneliness.  Most of them were pairs or busy getting settled into their careers.  The same track he was on at one point.  But being an Engineer and working on the same, safe project didn’t appeal to him as much as it did his ex-girlfriend, Jenny.  Quitting his job to follow his dream without telling her in hindsight may have been a rash decision.  And he hadn’t been laid since she left eight months ago.  A fact his boner consistently reminded him of even with a broken heart. 

 Moving on was tough, and he still hoped to win her back at some point.  Once he hit it big with his big project, she would fuck his brains out like a long lost vibrator.  His patent was in the works either way, and eventually, Chad knew he would be a success.  Being without his love was just the price he had to pay for now.

 “Hello.  I am Amelie, and this is my sister Justine.  May we join you?”

The voices came from behind Chad and as he turned to face the identical women his mouth opened wide.  They were gorgeous!  Both wearing matching Short sets that had a business like look except for the barely past mid-thigh cuff and the cleavage-bearing jackets.  The women stood about 5’8, but the heels made them look at least 5’11 which is slightly shorter than his own six feet while standing.  He didn’t know what to make of them, but they both favored his ex Jen, but with fewer clothes.  He remained speechless for a moment until Justine spoke.

“We will consider that a yes.” As they sat down on either side of him at the roundtable.

“Sorry.” Was Chad’s unimaginative reply. 

In an attempt to regain a modicum of cool he found himself apologizing just so as not to appear stunned by their beauty!  He could see directly through the women’s sheer white business blouses.  On one twin, the left nipple was sticking out in between the buttons of her shirt.  And on the other twin, the right nipple which in her case, was pierced through the center. 

“That is how you tell us apart,” Amiel said confidently the man had noticed her sister’s jewelry. 

“Justine is pierced on her breasts, and I am pierced somewhere else.  But we will get to that.”

 Chad was shocked at his luck and thought perhaps it may have changed for the better. Having just moved into a smaller apartment next door a few months ago he had ordered take-out on numerous occasions but never stayed to soak in the atmosphere.  He couldn’t afford his old place with no job and no Jenny to catch his back anymore, and cocktails were a luxury.  His student loans were monstrous and only together could they manage their bills.  The next move would be the outer boroughs, or into the street, he thought. 

He was always unlucky at picking up girls despite being very good in bed.  The skill didn’t translate into words for him when it came to selling himself and more recently his heart wasn’t in it.  Jenny understood, and he thought she loved him unconditionally.  Nothing that had happened between them made sense.  

 “Chad let’s just cut to the chase.” Justine continued in a seductive voice.

“Right now you have two beautiful twin sisters sitting beside you.  And we want something you have.  Do you think you can give it to us both?”


The woman now pressed closer to him on either side allowing each one to have a nipple brush against him.  Chad was no longer watching the game or thinking about Jenny.  His cock stood at full attention under the table until a single thought crossed his mind.

“How did you know my name?” He asked as he looked around for a camera or familiar face who had to be in on the prank!

The women eased back and locked eyes for a moment.  Then burst out laughing!   Chad’s eyes stayed focused on their heaving breasts the entire time, forgetting the question at hand.  From the glances, he was able to ascertain the twins were both C cups. Reaching in their purses, the sisters literally put their cards on the table.

“We want to buy and help you develop your invention, Chad Joseph.  We want to be your partners!”

 The women spoke alternately as they gathered themselves as quickly as they arrived. 

     “Don’t worry about the dinner bill we took care of it.  We wanted you to eat before we came over because it is going to be a long night.  Isn’t it?”

     Reaching out their hands to usher the man out of his seat Chad started to stand until his boner smacked across his arm in the attempt!  It was long but quite wide and heavy to the touch and nearly knocked his wrist off to the table!  Amiel stepped forward as she reached out nonchalantly to grasp the monster beneath its strained cage.  Rolling her hand around it as the few bar patrons there turned to watch her equally voluptuous sister exit.  Swaying her ass and turning to entice the men before exiting.  Distracting them all from her sister’s examination of Chad’s hardening dick behind her. 

“Is this for me or the business proposal?” she asked coyly. 

 “Both.  But what makes you think I want both of you as partners?”

He heard himself reply knowing somewhere in hearing the value of his work Chad had found his courage.  And seemingly something extra!  She smiled as she turned her back to him and started walking, pulling him forward by his cock while pressing his dick into her backside, hiding its prodigious girth. 

“Let’s not make the other men jealous shall we?  We have a car outside to take you to the office and discuss the details” she said.

“On Saturday?” he asked.

“Well normally we stick to traditional business hours, but we prefer to work in an unorthodox method most times.  Depends on the business.”

He followed Amelie’s voice reflexively.  Guiding him through the short walk to the door, where Justine stood holding it open until the duo passed her by allowing Justine to give the men one last glance.  Justine had drawn most of their attention by walking ahead of the two of them.  The man being led by his dick by the identical in almost every way ingénue name Amiele cloaked 

momentarily as she completed the first part of their seduction by ushering Chad out of the doorway.

The Town Car driver opened the door as Justine slipped by the two again to enter the backseat first.  In pushing past her sister, Chad noticed the women’s nipples briefly brushed together.  Chad would have sworn Justine shimmied her shoulders, prolonging the contact and creating friction between the two pairs of jutting areolas but realized it could be his imagination.  He had been watching a lot of porn recently.    

As Justine next slid her cones against his own chest, he could feel the metal attached to her nipples press into him.  The sinful twist causing his hardened cock to twitch in her sister’s hand once more!  One sibling now placed her hand on top of her sister’s before replacing it completely engulfing his pole inside of her own hand.  She looked up at him from her seat in the car with her arm extended and fingers surrounding his cock and pulled the poor man towards her she spoke.

“In case you attempt to get away.  There is one of us in front of you.”

And Amiel finished.

“And one of us behind you.  Get in.”    


The women smiled and continued to tease the sex-starved inventor inside the car while adjusting their outfits.  The fact that they were still discussing his fusion project while doing so was inconsequential.  They kept interrupting their proposal to tell him how cute he was!  But it was all business-speak aside from the constant brushing of Chad’s inner thigh which made it hard for him to focus on what either woman said until they mentioned money. 

Their offer was more than he would have dreamed of making with the stock options!  Including ten million dollars upfront for the patent licensure rights.  The patents would pay out forever, and he needn’t worry about money again!  But there was a condition. 

They also wanted Chad.  They wanted him to build it for them to run their power environment in some far away African country! And he had to agree today.  The details and the papers were in their office, but the idea was to use his power grid to support the new government expansion and upgrade.

Chad gave two fucks about social engineering.  But he did view his invention as a child and liked the idea of implementing it on a large scale.  But he did wonder would he be able to have his dream as well as win back his woman at the same time?  With her, it wasn’t about the money.  Chad was convinced that he could do both despite what he knew was going to transpire soon.  If he ever admitted it, she couldn’t really complain since they are technically not together anymore, right? 


He hardly noticed when the car stopped and the door opened in front of a building with HART on the doors.  Delaying their exit Chad boldly grasped the sister’s thighs in either hand and stuck his mouth to their breast one at a time over their blouses.  He felt like a new man already!  Perhaps it was the talk of money working on him like an aphrodisiac!  As Amiel stepped out, bending to show him her beautiful bronzed ass engulfed by her pink thong he thought he would like their Saturday style of mixing business with pleasure! 

The elevator doors closed behind them and Amiel began to speak.  He was learning the pattern between the two that Amiel was always the first to speak. 

“I want you to understand the Confidentiality Agreement you are about to sign also includes this recruitment session.  You can never talk about anything we discuss, or you will be in Breach of Contract and suffer numerous penalties.”

“Very stiff penalties” offered Justine along with a sly smile.

 “What happens at Hart, stays at Hart” Justine chimed in as she brushed past the man as the Elevator doors opened. 

Her blouse she began to unbutton immediately, and Chad watched as her bare back was exposed. More fabric fell to the floor as she continued into the open space and directly behind another door. Her ass was definitely identical to her sisters!   Amiel headed towards her desk, Chad’s hand in hers despite his wanting to follow her through the unknown entrance. 

“Don’t worry about her for now.  We have business to tend to.  Follow me.” She said

Despite his most primal instincts telling him otherwise, Chad followed Justine’s completely clothed sister to the desk where the papers laid out next to a pen.  Looking it over briefly he quickly signed.  Having seen everything that he needed too and see except the women’s naked bodies.  They wanted him, or his fusion project and he needed to get laid by these gorgeous women!  What else was there to discuss?

His dick was wet on its tip now from the relentless teasing of the twin temptresses as he focused upon the beauty of the moment along with Amiel’s green eyes and pouty lips.  His dick ached to feel them suckling the base of his cock like Jenny used to do for him daily!  She was the only woman he ever met who could take his dick in her mouth that way. 

“I know you’re thinking we are going to let you fuck us now Chad!”

The voice of Justine behind him as she stood completely naked!  The beautiful woman’s nipple rings looked even better in the light!  Momentarily losing track of Amiel who had stepped around the desk and began to unbuckle his belt to lick his bulbous cockhead in a smooth circle before devouring it down her throat! 

“Ummm.” Amelie licked his pre-cum off the tip and what had dripped now down each side carefully. 

“The reports on you were exact!  9×6!”  Looking into his eyes as they rolled back at the feeling of her wet, warm mouth causing him to cum so easily! 

Reports on his dick?  Standing up she kissed turned to her sister kissing her deeply and passionately.  The woman’s breasts rubbing together as they matched each other’s moans so well it sounded as if they were singing a song together.  Chad reached out and cupped Amelie’s ass in his fingers maneuvered the zipper on the side of her shorts.  Removing his hand only to allow them to drop to the floor.  His hands caressed her supple bottom and teased her honey pot before settling in, rubbing circles around the ornament.

 “And such talented hands.” 

Justine led her sister by the hand and Amiel, in turn, grasped Chad’s hand leading them into a darker second room with little light except under the King Sized Bed that sat near the front wall.  The woman stopped on either side of him, alternating kisses and removing his clothing.  His shirt, pants, and Boxers all removed in a slow dance mixed with kisses and touches until he stood before them both naked.  Chad found himself seated on the edge of the bed licking at Amelie’s pierced clitoris deftly as the woman moaned her appreciation for it!  She pushed his face forward onto his tongue as he rolled and flicked it over the attached piercing.  He enjoyed how she shimmied around each time his tongue found a new spot of pleasure.   Justine pulled him down flat on the bed by his shoulders so that Amiele could place her thighs astride his face, confining his mouth to her sister’s service. 

Justine moved between his legs now to tease Chad’s aching, tender balls.  Her tongue licking his formidable stick towards a pleasurable climax despite his best efforts to remain in control of his situation.  Not an easy task with such an expert on his tool, working against his will!  Luckily, she seemed to savor the control her throat had over him and paused from time to time allowing him to gather his wits.  Caressing her pierced nipples around his cock before resuming the machinations upon his slickened stick that were driving him wild!  She tasted the salty precum mixed with her own saliva and wanted more!  But alas, she was there to complete a mission and knew she should enjoy what she could from him for now!  There would be other chances to taste him as she eased off her expert cocksucking to bring him closer to level now.  They were almost done. 

Chad couldn’t see what was happening with his face full of wet, tasty pussy.  But he knew the difference as Justine’s mouth stopped teasing his rod and was replaced by a wet, tight pussy that fit his cock like a glove!  Finally, he thought!  He wanted nothing more than to shoot his seed into her tight hole and fuck Amiele as soon as his cock could recover!  He felt the handcuffs being slipped around his wrists but was in no position to notice or care.  He was fucking identical twins!  Amiel slathered his face one final time before sliding upwards to attach the chain attached to his wrists to the bedpost above him and standing up, next to her sister! 

The surprised look on Chad’s face as he watches the women kiss while his dick unloaded into an unknown pussy was perfect!  3 women! His eyes rolled back as the woman riding his cock shuttered and came inside of her!  His arms outstretched above his head, he was unable to move forward to see who she was but the secret wasn’t long for keeping. 

“My baby sisters Justine and Amelie.” The voice was unsteady with her still shaking bum but familiar to him all the same.  It was his love, Jenny! 

“We have always been close.” As she finished her words and sexual convulsions simultaneously.

The sight of his long lost girlfriend reemerging where she had lived with him in his dreams for the last eight months sent the blood rushing back down to his cock immediately!

“I have been keeping tabs on you and honestly would have expected you to fuck at least one girl by now!  But you proved just how special you are so I wanted to make our reunion special too!” 

She deftly had maneuvered herself to face Chad as her sisters watched astride the bed. 

Masturbating each other as they watched their big sister slide upon Chad’s still hardening cock.  Leaning on her knees and elbows as she slowly rocked herself back and forth over him.

She missed him as much as he missed her and wasn’t going to waste much time explaining what happened or where she had been.  There would be time for that later!  That was why she had her sisters bring him to her in chains so he couldn’t resist.  With everything they had shared between the four of them, there was no reason not to let the girls see his beautiful cock up close as a reward for delivering him to her!   


The girls quietly left the room, confident that Jenny would call them back in the morning to get better acquainted.  They loved their sister and respected her more than anyone else and knew she would keep her promise of letting her future husband fill them too.  But they also knew the night was the lovers chance to get reacquainted and they knew how much she missed him. 

“You almost fucked everything up when you quit your job and didn’t discuss it with me Chad.  I will always take care of you as long as you always take care of me by being honest.  I know you are true to me already.  Always have.”   

Jenny’s kisses on his chest and neck assuaged any feelings of anger he might have otherwise felt.  Knowing how great of a woman she was and how lucky he was to have her back!  His last thrusts into her canal pressed upon her button as he came inside her slick canal once more and she lay spent on top of him.      


“There is a lot to talk about between us.  A lot you don’t know.  Like about my family.  I wanted to share with you before but, things got complicated when I fell in love with you.”

Chad didn’t understand what happened but didn’t need to.  His hands uncuffed now holding her tight to his body was all that he wanted so, the other problems between them weren’t important.


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