Mandy didn’t understand why this was happening!  Hadn’t she done everything he asked?  Sending him pictures of her when he asked her to?  She even had allowed him to share her with his friend, even though she didn’t like the idea at first.  And now he was calling her, telling her they were through and he was going back to his bitch of a wife!  How did this happen?

The tears flowing down the side of her face hadn’t stopped since she had hung up the phone and squeezing her clit between her thumb and forefinger wasn’t doing the trick.  She was cumming all over the floor, sure.  Imagining Keith’s hand was between her legs, and his cock was in her mouth like she always did when he wasn’t around.  Waiting for his return.  But the joy her body felt didn’t stop the tears from flowing because she knew, he wasn’t coming to see her ever again.  The phone wasn’t going to ring, and Keith wouldn’t tell her what to wear or how to touch herself.  She was all alone now.   All because of his bitch wife. 

Mandy knew where he lived with his wife, but she had never gone to his home.  They met in her office as he was filing for divorce and their “relationship” had blossomed from there.  She never had a man like him.  Big and horny all of the time for her.  She was powerless to say no to him, even now.

Most of their rendezvous were in public places like a Department store dressing room or a secluded area of a park.  They both shared a spirit for adventure and exhibitionism, and with a cock like his, she was hardly ever able to say ‘no’ to any of his requests!  She was a simple, healthy, normal 24-year-old paralegal when they had first met, and not nearly the sexual creature she was today.  She never wore panties, granted.  And she always loved the feeling of the wind brushing against her bare pussy, even as a young girl.  But she was not mischievous sexually beyond that.  From their 1st meeting, his piercing eyes and the impressive figure had cast a spell on her, and before she knew it, Mandy was gagging on his dick and letting him use her body in every slutty way imaginable privately and publicly.  And now it was over? 

Mandy had hardly noticed that she was walking towards Keith’s home he shared with his wife as she was not in her right mind.  Her heart raced as she knocked on his door, knowing he couldn’t possibly answer since he was at work.  The thing she promised him she would never do, tell his wife about them, was exactly what was going to happen!  Since Mandy was not in control of her emotions, she had no idea what she was going to say to the bitch when the door opened and Athena, Keith’s wife stood in front of her.  The fat troll. 

“Can I help you?”

 A woman answered the door, annoyed at the veracity of Mandy’s knocking. She was about 5’10 with blonde hair and impressive features.  Her breasts were about 34C and barely covered by her nightgown, which was sheer.  Hardly the frump, her husband, had described!  She was beautiful!  She towered over the ebony seductress and looked down upon her as if she knew why she had come.  They always did cum after all!  In one form or another.

Athena held no false pretense.  Her husband loved to fuck other women, and she knew it.  But they had an “understanding.”  The marriage was solid, and she knew all about this Mandy person.  Knew he had told her he was getting divorced so that he could have her.  It was ok.  They had similar and differing tastes sexually and allowed each other a certain amount of leeway with others.  A man as good in bed as her husband needed to be kept happy.  And she didn’t do the slutty things in public.  Too much risk.  But they were definitely partners in crime.  She had pointed Mandy out to him in her office and gave him the divorce idea in the first place!  She knew what her husband needed.    

“I am looking for Keith.  Are you his wife?” Mandy asked. 

Her clothes were thrown on and in her heightened state, were not many.  Sweats and a tank top. She had not thought this through.  Her own 34C breasts were still hard from the masturbating she couldn’t stop doing, even on the car ride over to fight her rival.  She expected an out of shape frump.  Not a Greek Goddess with a body that looked like it had been trained for combat!  She WAS going to tell his wife everything, whoop her ass, and wait for Keith to come to her home later where she would make her case for his cock once more.  Mandy knew she was the best woman for him and wasn’t going to be discarded so easily.  If that were ever his plan

“Come in.  He should be home soon.  I am his wife, Athena.” She said while opening the door wide enough to allow the young woman entrance. 

“I don’t know if that is such a good idea,” Mandy replied.

For the 1st time today her instincts began to work for her.  She had hesitated.  This woman was not scared or shocked by her presence which meant she was probably armed or worse, crazy.  Mandy knew Keith was not due off of work for at least another 4 hours and wondered why the woman would say different and never even questioned her relationship to him.  She knew something wasn’t right.  But it was too late.

“No Mandy, I insist,” Athena replied.  “Unless you want me to shoot you on my doorstep and explain your crazy threat to kill me over my husband.”

Pulling out the small caliber pistol from behind her back, Athena smiled wistfully at the most recent young bitch who had been riding her husband.  She had followed him to the bar with a camera to videotape her fuck in the alley for him.  And what a show it was!  Mandy’s pierced nipples shining against the spotlight as her husband and his BF took her from both sides.  One holding her suspended by her waist.  The other with 1 hand across her torso, as he force-fed Mandy his big black dick.   All of Keith’s friends had big dicks, and she knew them all personally as well as intimately.  Even if Keith was clueless to that much. 

 She had been watching the tape when she heard the knock on the door.  Pleasantly surprised to see the young whore Mandy on her doorstep, she knew what she wanted to do as her own pussy throbbed at her good fortune.  Christmas had come early!  She wanted to see Mandy and her dark head between her thighs for two weeks, so she told her husband to break it off until Mandy could be convinced to be hers too.  Knowing all along it would bring the woman to her doorstep since she had been pulling strings to their attachment all along!  A proper introduction was soon at hand as she picked up the 25. Caliber pistol she had purchased for such an occasion placed the handcuffs on the table and answered the door.  Keith would not be home anytime soon, so this was a chance for her to question the young woman alone.  And make sure Keith was honoring the sanctity of their marriage.  For lack of a better term. 

Stepping through the door, Mandy heard the door slam behind her and the locks being set.  Athena was enjoying the power trip and instructed Mandy to move towards the table where the handcuffs sat waiting for her.  The younger woman pleaded for leniency but to no avail.  Athena’s pussy was already pulsating, and for her, that meant no turning back! 

“Did you really think you were coming to MY HOUSE to start some shit?  Sit down bitch!”  Athena tossed the handcuffs towards Mandy and instructed her sternly.    

“Put them on.”

“Bitch are you cray…”  Whack! 

An open hand smashed across the heartbroken young woman’s face without warning, halting her speech mid-sentence.  Crazy.  No.

“Now!  Next time it’s the butt of my gun, and I am calling the cops.  You can explain to them how you ended up in my living room.  Our neighbor is on duty right now.  I can call his cell, strip you naked and turn you over.  He loves black girls too.  The whole night shift will get a crack before dawn.  You are far away from home Missy.”

She smiled at the thought of her considering this. She would make light work of Mandy in or out of handcuffs, and she hoped she would get the chance to prove it to her.  It would only make the conquest more sweet.  She continued.

“If you work hard enough with your mouth, you may not be arrested by the tiny dicks.  These police are well known for forgiving tickets with the help of a flexible tongue like yours.  At least from what I have seen.  But I am sure your attire would call for something more.  Are you willing to take that chance? Now put em on!” she screamed. 

Mandy had never worn handcuffs before since she had always been so willing to please her boyfriends, they had never been necessary.  Her mind was ablaze as she locked them tighter than they should be and the thought about what this crazy bitch would do next!  Mandy was still moist from seeing Athena standing in the doorway, totally comfortable with her sexiness while standing before her.  She had never been with a woman and didn’t plan too either.  But she also knew she was trapped.  She wished she had thought it through instead of coming here. 

Athena smiled as she placed the gun on top of a shelf the smaller woman would not be able to reach.  Mandy stared at her, wondering why Keith ever would need her in the 1st place!  She was an Amazon!  Her body was one toned canvas accentuated by a plump bottom not usually found on white women, or so Mandy believed!  And Keith had married her, so she knew, she had to be good in bed.  What a fool she had been to believe him!  All married men lie.

 “Don’t worry dear.  I won’t hurt you as long as the conversation goes my way.  And that means I talk, you listen.  Before you answer any of my questions, though.  We need to figure out how you will address me.  You I will just call slut.  Or whore.  Or both.”  Pausing for emphasis.

“Look, Athena is it?” Mandy said.

“I realize you have no reason to forgive me, but I am sooo sorry for fucking your husband.”

“Are you now?”


“Well, that is the first lie.  Never met a woman who claimed that!” 

 Athena said while walking towards the smaller woman and ripping her tank top down, causing the woman’s hands to lurch forward in modesty and fall off of the couch she had been sitting on onto the floor!  Her hands were cuffed in front as Athena straddled her from behind in a hold reminiscent of a wrestler as she straddled Mandy between her legs and reached around to squeeze Mandy’s hard nipple in her left hand. 

“If that were true, you wouldn’t be horny right now would you?”

Pulling the woman’s sweatpants beneath her knees limiting Mandy’s ability to move.  Athena plunged her right middle finger between the woman’s thighs, feeling no resistance beyond Mandy’s wetness.  As scared as she was, she was every bit the slut from the video, which she now resumed. 

Mandy’s eyes opened wide at the sight of her secret affairs playing on her ex-boyfriend’s wife’s TV as the screen filled with the views of her dirty deed. 

“You interrupted my favorite part.”

Athena spoke as Cliff came onscreen and grabbed the young woman’s head.  Pulling her mouth off of his saliva soaked cock and coating her face, tits, and a portion of her dress with his semen.  Mandy had forgotten Athena’s fingers inside of her and captured by what was happening onscreen came her all over Athena’s hand violently! 

“Looks like someone enjoys amateur porn!”

Athena laughed as she pushed the woman forward with her foot onto her hot, tingling nipples releasing her hand from inside of her.  Mandy was spent and hardly noticed the cuffs being placed on her ankles attached to a bar.  She couldn’t run away if the wanted too.

Athena pulled her to her feet by her hair and released her hands from the cuffs, only to pull them back behind her and refasten the cuffs. 

“The name is Mistress Athena.  And its time you learned how to please me.  And if you do a good job, I will forgive you for trying to fuck my husband away from me.  If you don’t…”

Athena sat back down on the couch and spread her legs, revealing a well maintained, pink pussy.

“Eat.  While I tell you how things will go from now on.”

Mandy had never been so close to a woman’s pussy and began to tentatively lick up and down Athena’s slit like she would like to be licked herself until she found a rhythm.   Athena gave her an hour to get her off twice, or else.  She came 3 times but of course, said it was only once!   Athena thought then how much she loved breaking in new girls as Mandy feverishly worked the dominant woman’s clit with her tired, but now willing tongue.   

Hours later.   Beep.

Checking his phone the image came through from his wife as he opened the door.  His wife being pleasured by his girlfriend!  Walking into the living room after and taking his clothes off at the door, Keith walked over to where his wife laid.  Her legs spread wide to accommodate the head bobbing in between them. Keith bent over and kissed her deeply, causing Mandy to lift her eyes to watch.

Snap!  The whip flashed against her skin and backside and she quickly resumed her task, Keith’s most desired cock inches from her face!  Athena had not told her she could watch!  She felt a twinge of jealousy at the intimacy between them until finally, the married couple stopped and Keith moved behind her.  The head of his cock relieving all tension as he fucked her harder than he ever had!

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all?


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