Jessica was about to Orgasm.


She could feel his heat growing inside of her body.  Stretching her open from the inside out even as her mouth opened wide to meet his tongue in space.  She wanted him to cum now!  Jessica could feel him swelling wider inside of her body.  Pushing her even further.  Even as she didn’t believe her body could afford to take any more of an invasion.


She had almost forgotten his wife was in the room until she felt the warm length of her tongue.  Slick against her anus.  And considering their symbiotic relationship?  That was a testament to her newfound lover, Jerrod.  Wanting to focus only on the smooth rhythmic motion of the man between her thighs from the moment he invaded her slit.  Jessica was beginning to quiver deep inside of herself immediately, and perhaps it was because he was the most famous person she had ever fucked.  As far as she knew.  Not knowing where the sensations were emanating from made her feel as if Jessica’s whole body was on fire!  And her constant wetness was an attempt to put it out!


She had spent many years in Europe planning her return and next move.  Transforming the Family’s fortune into terms, she could easily manage from afar.  While spending nights trying to find herself and feel something she never had since that night.  Alive.  Jessica decided to return once she surmised there was only one way to face your demons.  Head on. 


As Jerrod loosed her from her perch on top of him.  Jessica.  Her ample bottom and bosom seemingly slid off of him onto the floor. His wife, lover, and confidant Jane replaced him at her pulsing nexus.  Armed with a warm cloth used to wipe away the younger woman’s shameless display of lust.  While occasionally running her adept tongue between the folds.  Licking and twisting the appendage to seemingly Jessica’s advantage.  Women were never her thing.  But she could get used to this!  As Jane’s crafty tongue eased the joyful but slightly painful sensation of her husband thrusting inside of her.  His big cock still resonated against the new sensation Jane now provided.  As Jerrod sat back in his chair now solo. 


“We are so happy you accepted our invitation.  Do you still feel up to some role play?”


Jerrod spoke as Jane’s hands began to explore Jessica’s body further.  Like her husband.  She really appreciated the female form and enjoyed mapping women’s reactions to her touch.  Almost as much as she enjoyed watching Jerrod fuck them senseless.  Knowing how he made her feel every time they were together as husband and wife.  Only a woman who was with him too could understand and appreciate the real power of Jane.  Especially after she had her way with her.


“Would you mind if we tied you up now like we discussed?”


Jessica had picked up some habits and desires that the brilliant young woman hadn’t figured out how to control yet.  All based upon the excitement she felt when completely out of control.  And the danger of Bondage suited her new nature perfectly.  Unable to make any decision about how her own body could or would be used and sometimes?  Even by who.  A suitable penance for what she had done to Ron.


There was also an affinity for much older men with Big cocks.   Most of whom were very married men she found somewhat reprehensible.   Nasty old fuckers who had no right touching a woman of her quality without paying the enormous sums they eventually would for her time.  Jessica’s habits had become obsessions, and the only way she could break the chain was to finally face her demons. 


“Please do.” She replied.


Jane used the woman’s verbal cue to slap her Jessica’s pussy with her open hand roughly.  Eliciting a shriek from the unexpected blow.  And releasing a calming thought into her head.  She wasn’t afraid of pain.  On the contrary, she welcomed it.  Jessica’s fear was of her weakness of sin.  Feeling that she may still owe a debt to Jane for removing her Father from her life years ago.  And wondering if under the stress of the pleasures or torture she would feel compelled to admit it.   And be in no position to defend herself. 


“You liked that a little too much.  I think we have a winner hun.”


Jane began roughly exploring Jessica’s insides as she spoke to her husband and noted his cock’s appreciation of her work.  It stood tall and mighty like a Mandingo Warrior’s staff.  Ready to fill her when she asked. 


Jane began to attach the spreader bar to the ankle cuffs already fastened around each of Jessica’s legs.  And Jessica started regress immediately into her submissive self.  Where she was both most comfortable and deadly.  Feeling the areolas on her chest pucker up as Jane began to pinch them hard between her fingers and kissing her in the same manner simultaneously.  As she began to fall back onto the floor unable to both keep her balance as well as protect the sensitive nubs.  That was the moment she knew the night’s games had begun.  And decided to use her elbows instead to allow her new Mistress access to her swollen breasts. 


“And she is a quick learner.”  Jerrod chimed in. 


Jerrod then stood and walked to the table behind her.  Opening a draw, she was unable to see in her current state.  Jerrod began to kneel on the floor opposite Jane.  Balls and dick sitting directly in front of her forehead.  Just beyond the reach of her wanting tongue. 


“Eat her pussy again lover.”


Jerrod reached out and dragged the bar with one hand.  Curling the woman up in a semi-ball and lifting her up into the air slightly.  Allowing his wife to dig into the young snack with no limitations!  Jessica’s hands reached out and around Jerrod’s thighs and clutched his ass forward.  Allowing her mouth and tongue access to at least one side of his stick.  Which she flicked her tongue at wildly.  It was a position she couldn’t remember ever being in before and combined with the expert licking she was receiving from Jane?   Jessica felt another Orgasm welling up inside of her body.  This one more powerful than the last!  Jessica felt herself dripping down.  Outside of the folds of her beautiful and recently underused pink pussy.  Between the folds of her ass and spread around liberally by Jane’s tongue occasionally.  Until it felt so good?  Jessica thought that she would erupt all over her face like she had on Jane’s  Father’s long ago.    The thought alone fueling her wanton feelings.


“Fuck her babe.”


Jessica felt the plug being pushed into her tiny ass as Jerrod pulled the Bar closer to him.  Exposing it a bit more.  She hadn’t seen him pass his wife the tool and screamed in pain as she began to work the tool around inside of her.  Jessica’s Orgasm had been thwarted by the thickness of the toy stretching her ass.  But she wasn’t complaining about how she felt at all! 


“I think she likes it.”


Jane began to nibble at her clit whenever she parked the plug inside of Jessica in a way no man ever had tortured her before with his mouth.  Knowing exactly how to play with her hardened, exposed puffy piece.  Alternately licking and biting the pleasure point into a state of euphoria and to the precipice of her pain’s limits.  She felt relieved when the couple flipped her over onto her knees and began to take turns spanking her.  After finally cuffing Jessica’s hands together, behind her. 


This went on for almost an hour until Jessica could feel her ass relax around the plug and a different sensation began to build inside of her.  One that Jane knew all too well.  After being teased and pleasured.  Tortured and taken to the edge.  Nothing short of a good, vigorous fucking by Jerrod’s ten inches would sate her!  She was well past the point of taboo or concern and only wanted one thing.  And when the plug was released from her as, she just knew it would be next!  As long as she begged for it. 


“Can I have some more cock, sir.”


Words that usually got Jessica exactly what she wanted fell on deaf ears.  Until Jane answered. 


“You mean my cock?”


Jessica was so used to dominate men having their way with her.  It never occurred she would have to defer to a woman to sate her appetite.  But in her horny state?  Jessica didn’t hesitate to mirror the request to Jane.


“Mistress Jane.  Can I have some more cock please.”


Jane looked at the woman angrily now.  Her bare pussy pulsing inside of her firm body as she considered the request. 


“You haven’t even tasted my pussy yet.”


Pulling a chair from the corner of the room.  Jane sat down on the edge of it as she grabbed the slightly younger woman’s hair and pulled her face into her snatch. 


“You think I am going to let a bitch like you come in my house and take what’s mine?  And not be properly compensated for it?” 


Jane spread her legs wider as she pulled Jessica in closer.  Jumping as the desperate young woman darted her tongue into Jane as deeply and quickly as possible. 


“Just like a fucking Freshman.” 


Jerrod sat in a chair on the other end of them both.  And as Jessica’s round ass circled and full tits hung down?  He was playing with both as well as occasionally usingJessica’s own juices to keep her asshole moist and ready for his fingers to invade.  Mixed in with the occasional hard smack.  Jessica was beginning to enter into her own happy place.  Where pain and pleasure become one without any risk of thought interfering!  Her penance would be over soon.  And she could leave this all behind her?


“Fuck this murderous bitch like the dog she is baby.”


Jessica hadn’t heard every word clearly that night.  Especially with her ears pinned between or underneath one or the other of her host’s thighs!  But she knew that perhaps she was in real danger as she felt the knob of Jerrod’s bulging dick touch her anus and push right through any resistance.  Even as she screamed for him to stop. 


Jane had wrapped Jessica’s hair in her fist and lifted her head until the two women were face to face. 


“Did you really think I didn’t know who you are or what you did?”


Jerrod began to push harder and deeper into Jessica.  Causing twenty times the pain as the type she had enjoyed earlier in the evening.  When he was tightly inside of another of her orifices.  When he finally slammed himself as far as he could go Jessica began to drool from her mouth.  The pain was so exquisite! 


“It’s going to be a week before anything enters your pussy again. If even then.” Jane continued.


Slapping the woman across the face paled in comparison to the damage Jerrod was inflicting with each stroke!  Her body felt like it was being split in two!  Even if it did feel delicious to be in such exquisite pain!  As Jessica looked into her tormenters eyes, she could see her Jane’s father embedded in them.  Watching her shamelessly get fucked in the ass like the many times he had watched Jessica’s mother endure the same at the hands of a stranger.  And finally, she understood why.


“How did you know?”


As the words left her lips,  she at the same time realized the answer.  Her mother, Irene.  That weak bitch probably confided her feelings about what really happened to Ron to Jane!  And why wouldn’t she?  This was the most exquisite torture Jessica had ever experienced in her short but satisfying exploration of the BDSM world!  Her slut mother would probably say anything exposed to these two!


“Why did you do what you did?” Jane asked.


Jerrod was beginning to tire of holding back but, he knew he couldn’t let his wife down and cum in her yet.  She needed to be interrogated further.  And his black cock and the texts between them indicating that Jessica was a willing participant meant she couldn’t claim she was forced to do anything.  But once the sex ended?  Whatever else happened between the three of them would probably not be the consensual affairs the two of them customarily engaged in. 


“If you let Jerrod cum in me I will tell you everything.  Please, Mistress!  The pain is too much but, I can’t stop myself from cumming!”


“No.  You are fucking pathetic!  How did my father ever let his guard down with a pain slut like you.”


The feeling of pain had subsided so much Jessica began to push back onto the intruder in an attempt to massage his cum from him less willingly but, to no avail.  All she did accomplish was another Orgasm.  And a laugh from the two of them at her feeble attempt.


“I am my Mother’s daughter,”  Jessica replied. 


The fact Jessica was able to ascertain how she knew what Jane knew only made Jane more determined to coerce a full confession from her.  They both knew it was an admission of guilt and still, both weighed the option of ending this game and charade that consisted of two beautiful, naked white women and one extraordinary BBC was just as important as a dead man neither of the women really liked. 


“I will tell you but, not this way.  It’s too fucked up.”


Jane’s answer was short and to the point. 


“Suck his dick clean after he pulls it out of your dirty asshole.  Or we will have words.”


Jerrod came inside of her with a fury!  His balls.  Having been teased earlier erupted in a first spurt which was steady and thick.  Leaving the damaged orifice to marinate and repair itself immersed in his helpfully warm DNA package. 


Jerrod held off on his second spurt just long enough to shoot most of it into Jessica’s open, waiting mouth with the rest deposited onto her makeup.  And at that moment?  Jessica felt both exhilarated as well as Humiliated.  With streams of his love juice everywhere on her face and streaming down toward her naked tits as Jerrod used the spreader to flick Jane onto her back to admire his handy work before feeding his dick to her orally. 




Licking and tasting herself on him as cum dripped down her otherwise beautiful face was so demeaning and fulfilling simultaneously, she almost came again!  The sensations of relief were flushing over her body as she framed what she was going to tell Jane next carefully in her head to the best of her abilities.  As any girl who experienced such a powerful series of Orgasms knows? Formulating thoughts was nearly an impossible task at the moment.  And only truth was possible.


“I left because Ron tried to take me on my 15th birthday.  He wanted to share me with his friends.  Like my mother”


Reaching her tongue down onto Jerrod’s semi-soaked balls and past them onto her perineum.  Jessica could feel no inhibitions holding her back.  No boundaries or Taboos were too dark to explore.  Her tongue reached his hole and began to lovingly lick him hard again as Jane watched.  Still shocked at what she had said. 


Jerrod sat down and opened his legs wide to allow the young slut’s tongue access to him.   His flaccid cock slowly stiffening on top of her head as his wife watched.  Silent for the first time.  Was it true?  Could it be possible that the man who had given her life and left her so much money she didn’t need her famous husband at all.  Who encouraged and raised her to be tough and strong.   Was a predator?  She had read his journals but thought them to be so much fiction more than fact.  And had come to the position he would never do to her what was in his journal.  Just the depraved musings of a sexual man.  But Jane knew he was capable of what Jessica claimed and much more.  And she knew in her heart if he had planned it?  Ron wouldn’t have stopped until it was finished.  Jane had never considered Jessica had a reason to do what she did.  Survival.

Jane knew the rest.  The way, he treated Irene and disrespected her husband in his own home on many occasions.  The multiple arranged gang bangs and his sadomasochistic tendencies towards Irene as well as other well-heeled women in their community.  They were all consenting adults and willing participants.  She had resolved already in her mind that he was a deviant and to some, a monster.  For as many women and men sought him out?  He had destroyed five times as many by connection.  Looking at Jessica, she realized that her Father had raised her somewhat to be this way.  Like Jane.  And both women just wanted to be free of him forever.


As Jessica completed her thorough cleansing of Jarrod’s hole and began to slide her mouth over his now hardened cock.  Her thoughts of what would happen to her next no longer mattered.  She was free for the first time of the secret.  And if she was never going to leave this room?  Neither would her truth unless Jane decided to carry it with her.  Her childhood had been cut short, and Jessica had lived so much there was nothing she was afraid of in this world or the next.  She only cared for the moment. 


“Mistress Jane I am ready for anything you to exact any punishment you see fit.  Including calling the authorities and admitting what I did.  But I need you to understand what your father made me first.”


Jane walked over to Jessica and pulled her by the hair off of her husband.  The combination of lust and terror inside of Jessica’s eyes made Jane feel powerful.  But the woman’s sickening display of sluttiness somewhat repulsed as much as excited Jane!  She slapped the engorged tits aiming directly for the nipples and watched as Jessica shook and quivered in response.  So she slapped them again.  And again.  And again until the weight of Jessica’s body was being held up strictly by Jane’s own hand and a head of hair.    


“You really don’t care if you live or die do you?  As long as it hurts a little?”  Jane asked.


“No Mistress.  I don’t anymore.”  Jessica sadly replied.


It was the truth.  In all of the ways, Jessica had been molded and sculpted over the years to be something different than what she had circled back to.  A more reserved version of her own Mother.  Despite the men in her Family’s attempts.  First, by her Father.  Then her Grandfather.  She was doomed to never escape from what her mother Irene and Jane’s father, Ron, had made her witness.  It was a reverse Clockwork Orange.  With the images of men with her Mother becoming more appealing to her subconscious mind over time.  She was being primed her to replace her Mother as his plaything.  Or maybe to join her.  Either way?  Jane recognized that her father had painted Jessica into a corner that eventually she wouldn’t escape. 


Eventually, Jessica would have probably ended up being someone’s slut.  Considering her Mother’s hyper-sexual genes the right man would have pulled it out of her like Jerrod had Jane.  But Ron,  Jane’s Father had been psychologically priming her with charms even fully grown women couldn’t resist.  How else could she end up like this?   Tits up in the air and legs spread wide for access.  Wanting to please a stranger as penance is if that was ost of what Jessica had to offer.  It was in Jessica’s panting weakness that Jane felt an emotion she rarely did.  Compassion. 


Jarrod looked directly into his wife’s eyes and knew what she was thinking.  Which only made him love her more.  The anger she had felt was no longer justified.  They both knew what her Father was capable of and surmised that had Jessica not acted?  Eventually, Ron would have controlled and destroyed Jessica’s entire life.  To do Jessica harm out of anger would make her no different than him and that was not what Jane or her marriage was about.  Jane knew to keep Jessica against her will would be an act of contrition that was not justified by the circumstance.  Even if Jessica would enjoy it. 




The word was screamed at the top of Jane’s lungs, and she released the woman from her grip.  Allowing Jessica’s face to hit the carpeted floor with a thud.  As her hands were unable to break her fall due to them being fastened behind her back.  Jarrod stood up and immediately went to hug his now sobbing wife as Jessica felt the flush of pain across the side of her face from the fall.  Jessica’s admission had brought a halt to their session with a reality bomb.  And Jane needed to process her motives for being there. 

“I’m sorry.” 


Jane released her embrace from her husband and leaned in front of her once more.  Looking deep into Jessica’s eyes once more.  What she saw was not an evil, twisted murderer.  But a kindred spirit and fellow survivor.  They were both in many ways, raised by the same man.  And both had somehow, escaped his clutches only to be brought together now.  A part of Ron lived inside of them both, and it was deviant and somewhat sadistic.  But, it wasn’t in control of either of them anymore.  As Jane kissed her newfound sister gently on the lips this time, she knew she had no choice other than to forgive her.  They needed each other now more than ever.      


It had been a long time since she felt “that” way.  The exhilaration of danger that a woman had to cut herself off from because of lack of control.  No one could ever find out about her desire to lose it.  To lose herself or they would certainly exploit her for their own gratification. The thoughts that caused her to moisten and recoil simultaneously as she walked and her thighs rubbed together.  Having once felt true bliss, a wisp of the wind between her legs reminded her of things that sometimes seemed so far away. 

Certain things have no place in everyday life.  Being a lady requires as much.  If anyone knew what she wanted at her core, they would view her differently. If anyone knew how her hands always lingered in certain “zones” while getting dressed reminded her of nights and sometimes days spent in outright erotic bliss.  How a thought could transpose her from out of a conversation and into a melange of memories, they could not understand without having experienced what she had.  This secret was hers alone.   

The fact was that she didn’t care if they could or ever did find out.  Because if they did, it would be because she had found the courage to live out her dreams!  Purely selfish and wanton desires that made her clitoris throb as if between his thumb and forefinger being compressed now!  Who could notice how her areolas swelled and throbbed against the fabric of her expensive bra, masking all such expressions of thought!  She wished the design looped around her nipples with a silk string!  Providing her with the “support” and kink, she consistently desired. Her dates lips were moving, but she was not with this man. No, this boy.  Her presence was a compulsory one. A necessity and task set before her.  Like so many labors performed in her high-paying job.  But there was no desire to be there like with him.

The most she would grant him was a taste.  The chance to lick her dripping thighs and clean up the mess her long lost lover’s memories would provide as her date ate her box as he begged her to do.  To prove his qualifications of being more of a lover than a slave.  There was always a chance he would attack her and refuse to leave after her satisfaction was complete.  But she enjoyed the opportunity to use her Martial art skills to fend off the unworthy!  Dominating aggressive men was the only other way she had found to get off since he left her to fend for herself!  Beyond that? No new man would ever sate the desire to be pushed by superior men. Where were all the superior men? 

Sometimes she would open her legs in the mirror and remember what it was like to have been “his” property.  To walk in the door of his apartment in slacks and a sweater.  Go directly to the bathroom to change so he didn’t have to see her inappropriate work attire in his space. One minute and 27 seconds before the lash came down on her for being tardy.  Sometimes on purpose.  To test he Master’s attention to detail.  One minute and 27 seconds spent on a skirt which was too small to wear out in public.  But required to wear around “him”. Any undergarment he had chosen for her whether it be a thong or nothing!  She could feel herself moisten more with each leg coming out or going into her garments.  Wondering what sick pleasure he had in store for her that day! And a breeze from the ventilation between her thighs reminded her of the forgotten panties since she was thinking about him all night and forgot to put them on.  She was almost ashamed except for the memory of being told what to do! 

Her conservative tops were to remind her they belonged to him. She wasn’t supposed to forget whom she needed to please.  The time was she would slip a finger into herself to release the moisture between her legs.  Sometimes she would get carried away and linger more than a minute or two. It was nowhere near how full she felt when he put his full grown cock inside of it!  But sometimes she had to make due with what was available! That work time was the only secret she kept from him though she thought it wasn’t a very well-kept one.  He seemed to know her every thought!

When it started. She would put on the heels and walk down the hallway towards the garbage chute down the hallway.  Always at 4.  The men and some of the women were well aware it was going to happen but, she was always barely covered so, there was nothing they could do about it! Some of the women would open their doors to make comments.  She was to bend at the waist when disposing of the refuse and sometimes he would meet her at the door before exiting to slip a small vibrator inside her.  It was behind a door but, hardly private!  After the first time, it always slid right in.  She would have to make her way back to the apartment with it buzzing at high speed and it better not slip out! Oh, the Orgasms she would have as she tightened herself around the throbbing object and unsteadily walked back to her Task Master!  She would never admit how much she loved being tended to by Him!  But why else would she do this?

He expected a lot of things from her and pushed her in a way books and men never did!  They were always intimidated by her accomplishments and afraid to be men!  But not him! He treated her like any other woman he told her. She would have to work for everything He had to offer.  And what he had was 10 inches of well-formed cock and the ability to know how much she loved him! A love he had taken for granted.  Taken too far.

He would put his foot rest next to his chair and she would lean her almost bare bottom in the air and pussy on top of it.  Sometimes he would remove the vibrator.  Most times, he would just turn it down.  Sometimes, he would instruct her to sit directly onto his cock and push himself into her moist hole!  Her pussy would usually burst around him and he would pinch her nipples hard!  But just as quickly as she sat, he’d remove her and replace her pussy with her beautifully formed mouth. 

“Clean it good.”

He would say as if she wouldn’t!  She loved the thought of him watching her bathe his beautiful cock in her saliva!  She would often peek and notice his sly grin as she would work his length into the depth of her throat until it would completely disappear!  Something most would never believe she was capable of but, they really didn’t know her at all!  They knew the Ivy League graduate and powerful force.  Not the girly slut that loved being humiliated so much, her body tingled at the thought!  And it was better that way. 

After she was sufficiently worked up he would have her her sit next to him and lift her shirt or bra and hold her breasts together.  Her hands, cupped beneath and nipples facing forward to be licked, bitten, and sometimes slapped until the nipples were red and swollen.  Just right to trapped in the string. He would always make her stand while doing this.  Knowing she would be in full slut mode and if sitting, she would rub her heated clit against anything she could find!  Sometimes, he would run his tongue across her in a way that drove her wild!  This could go on for what seemed like hours but, was actually only moments of sheer delight.   When “he” was satisfied with her squirming and knew that she was ready “he” would stand and remove his dick from its cage again and this time, instruct her to slow kiss its length like “The good cocksucking whore” she was compelled to be!  From there?  All bets were off as to what would happen or how.  But it always ended with her cumming on command.  The shame of whatever he made her do making her orgasm stronger and longer each time before the final indignity.  Him cumming wherever he chose on or inside of her!  Which led to the “issue”.

The memories of “him” made her mundane sex life unbearable, but how could she prove her love?  Besides giving him what he wants?  If she was this way after a month.  Unable to think about anything past him to the point of almost losing 5 million dollars in a day.  What would she be like in a week?  She realized she had no choice since these men weren’t doing it for her either. 

“Excuse me.  I need to go to the Ladies room.”

Leaving her date alone to make her call and hoping.  Praying he would answer her call!  How stupid had she been! 

The 1st call went to voicemail.  The second frantic call was picked up on the 5th ring and his voice was angry.  He told her never to call him again.  She knew that.  But she also knew she had to!


When she arrived it seemed as if the weeks apart were a distant memory.  She wanted to kiss and hug him as he opened the door. Almost like normal lovers would but, they were not that.  She looked into his eyes for a spark.  A recognition of how much He had missed her but was hurt when she saw nothing!  How much of herself she was going to have to give to make him happy?  He’d won! 

  “I missed you.” She tells him.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “Come in.”

To her surprise, he was not alone.  There were others in the Apartment and it looked as if they were aware of their relationship by the grins on their faces as she came in.  Taking he by the hand he pulls her into the spare bedroom past his guests.  All while explaining he will be right back.  Her lack of care for his company being there is immediately offset by the touch of his hands above her wrists like old times.  He understands how to control her!  She hadn’t acknowledged how deeply she felt for him or when she had changed from independent woman to the woman reflected in the mirror in the next room.  A lustful woman who wanted nothing more than for them to be alone again like old times!  Her body being manipulated by him until she could take no more!  A feeling that she was encouraged by the door closing behind them!

“Sit”.  He commanded and she complied immediately.

“So.  I want to hear you say it.”  He moves across the room leaning on the ledge. 

“I missed you Sir and I am willing to do whatever you want to make you take me back.”

“Make me?” he replied.

She realized her mistake immediately and hung her head in shame.  He hadn’t changed a bit!  She wanted more.  Much more.  To be with him full time and she was willing to do anything he wanted except the thing he had asked of her.  She didn’t understand why he wanted to have her do this but, here she was!  On the night that he had told her about begging for them to resume their relationship.  But he wasn’t giving an inch!

“Let’s start from the beginning.  Before you try to engage me again in that tone.  What do you think I should do?  Forgive you for telling me no?”

“I just wanted to talk.”

“And I told you from the beginning that Vanilla shit ain’t me!  And you agreed!”


“Do me a favor.  Take off your panties when you talk to me.”

Her face flushed red at the request, knowing this is what she wanted!  Immediately standing she removed her panties and left them on the floor.

“Good. Now open your legs and finger your pussy while we talk.”

Immediately she felt herself flush hot and wet and was completely uninterested in any continuing conversation or who was in the next room!  Rubbing her pink pussy in front of her missing Master was what she was hoping would happen and more!  They were back together and that was all that mattered! 

He removed his slacks and out popped the big black cock she was missing so much!  Her mouth watered in anticipation as he stood before her face, stroking his manhood outside of the reach of her hands or mouth!  And she knew better than to reach from past experience. 

“How many men have you fucked this month?” he asked.

“None” she answered.  “My pussy only wants you.”

He took a step closer and instructed her. 

“Take off your blouse.  And how many men have eaten your pussy?”

He knew her so well! 

“4. But I never touched their dicks or let them touch me.”

This was completely believable.  That Corrine or she could convince men to pleasure her without any reciprocation.  She was smart but also beautiful beyond words! She loved manipulating powerful men but, she had no Power over Anton.  She wasn’t even allowed to use his name!

Moving forward his cock was not directly in front of her face pulsating.  She knew it was a test but, she couldn’t resist as her tongue flicked his cockhead gently.  She was expecting a rebuke but instead, he moved forward and pushed himself inside of her mouth without words! 

“Suck this dick very carefully and stop only to answer my question.” He said. 

It was probably Corrine’s best blowjob ever!  She sucked and slurped at his dick like a long lost friend!  Pausing only to taste his chocolate balls before resuming her masterful sucking motion!  She could feel him getting bigger inside her throat and wanted to taste his cum on her tongue.  But she knew what he wanted and came prepared to make him happy. 

“Tell me what I want to hear.” He said.

“I am ready.  Please cum in my pussy.” 

With that, the door to the other room swung open and the 6 men and women came walking in. The women were now naked and each had a leash attached to their necks.  They sat on the bed naked and unashamed.  Watching as Corrine was being mounted by her Master while Corrine was still half dressed!  Her 34 C’s hanging out from the top that was still halfway attached.  None of that mattered to her as she was with the one she wanted.  The one she loved!

By the time he came, they had put on quite a show!  The men and women, all strangers pawed at her naked body.  Some playing with her tits.  Others enamored with fingering her tight ass and how she came each time they inserted their fingers inside of her!  Soon they were all sucking their Masters and Corrine felt her pussy filled with warm, sweet cream!  Enough to give him what he wanted. 

The gathering was cut short as Corrine fell asleep.  Something he had never let her do before in his home.  She woke ours later to an empty bedroom and the sounds of moaning coming from across another room in the Apartment.  A room she knew all too well as His favorite place to break in new girls.  She had spent countless hours in there herself and would again.  But for now.  All she had to do was hope it took so she would never have to go through another month without him again!   

Sitting in the Hotel Bar, she was excited about the day’s prospects finally!  After the endless meetings and conversations, the deal she had been working on was behind her and the possibilities of a night alone in NYC ahead.  Being away from these people was the only thing on Anne’s mind, as her body was ready to experience something new and primal.

Anne’s husband was back in Ohio.  Probably fucking her secretary which didn’t matter to Anne at all.   Beyond the fact he spent Anne’s money on the whore it didn’t matter.  She already knew he was an ungrateful sack of shit!  One incapable of making her feel anything.

But if it weren’t for his infidelities, she would have remained faithful and unhappy forever!  Never known the pleasure and satisfaction of being used properly by a real man or men.  The sexually satisfied woman she was going to be soon was because of him!  Anne was always better at getting even than mad. 

Her Assistant was attractive but in a slutty way. She reminded her of her college dorm mate and the many experimental afternoons they spent together Freshman year.  The things that they did were tame compared to things she had done for Anne as a work slave.  Anne’s pussy and the secretary’s face were inseparable behind closed doors and the first year went by too quickly as Anne recalled.  Good times!  But only a small part of who Anne was. 

She hired Janice for the same reasons any man would have. A reminder of a lover she once had combined with a vision of her red hair between her thighs, tongue caressing her crotch.  But she would have never acted upon her impulses if her husband hadn’t beat her to it.  She was faithful to a fault and prepared to live in a sexless world.  Thank god for his horny, little pecker as her nipples began to swell in anticipation of being rewarded for being so bad.  She could barely not touch herself recalling her commands to Janice. 

“Seduce my husband while I am out of town.”

The words had flown out of Janice’s mouth, and there was no going back.  Her two fingers were furiously fucking the younger woman as she sat in her office chair with Janice ass extended to her in the air from her perch on the floor.

“I’d rather seduce you, Mistress.”

The words came back almost as quickly.  Anne smacked her ass with the flayed strap a few times and yelled for her to stay quiet!  She would do what she was told to do, and Anne inserted a plug into her ass for being disobedient.  Knowing Janice loved the pain as well as the attention.  

Janice for her part was an open book.  She usually dressed professionally in tight-fitting gear.  But she always wore hints about how she would have preferred to be treated.  A choker accessory with a symbolic ring attached.  Bracelets that were either oddly constricting or similar to restraints.  And an odd reaction to being told to do things.   

Keeping Janice around and at Anne’s beck and call enabled Anne to think again as orgasms seemed to open her creativity.  Regaining control of her marriage was one thing.  But rediscovering her desires to dominate and be dominated was something she would have to do outside of her marriage for now.   

Janice new job of keeping her husband busy and unsuspecting while she extended her stays after each business trip was a part of that.  Letting him believe he was in control while she was actually preparing to make him into something else.  Janice job was to introduce him to riskier sex while recording it all for Anne.  They would watch the tapes once a week before sending them to her attorney when Janice would lick and talk her through all the good parts until Anne would stifle her voice with her pink pussy.  But she would always let her up in time to breathe.  Anne’s hand’s massaged her clit thinking about the control she would soon exert over him.  And the lover she was meeting downstairs.  Before she came too soon, it was time to go. 

Anne had to change her thoughts before she soaked her panties and never left the room. Sometimes she hated being in control!  But her husband wasn’t her equal, and the love lasted as long as his wandering eye’s attention span. The truth was her intellect intimidated and emasculated him.  Anne had been careful about her business, and that was reinforced by a very strongly constructed prenuptial agreement which she would have gladly torn up had he shown any backbone over the years!  The thoughts completely turned down Anne as she changed her panties and left for the Bar. 

These trips out of town grew her business, sure.  But the nights alone were the motivation for planning them out.  That and feeding Anne’s inner slut.  What happened by accident once had her hooked on being a toy for men the same way her secretary was a toy for her!  Powerful, hung, men with large. Appetites for women like herself.  She always reserved the second day to recoup but always ended up fucking her way through that one too.  In discovering her own sexuality, Anne uncovered her own submissive danger zone and began to rely upon her journeys to keep her sanity.

“Slut A” was how she described herself on her profile.  Promising a plethora of sexual activities if she could be convinced to do them by the “right guy or group.”  It was good to be the boss, but better to be herself.

Anne’s own red hair was conservatively cut.  But her dress choice for the evening was immodestly tight and perfectly synched to her curves.  It had a zipper in the back and barely contained her voluptuous breasts in the front and her legs that were covered just above mid-thigh.  Shopping for clothes was always the most fun, as she would never keep these things in her family home lest her husband find them and discover her own extracurricular activities.  Each city came with a new reason to shop.  Trying slutty outfits on helped he get into character.   


Her eyes raised above the Martini she sipped, as the man from the internet stood before her even sexier than in his picture!  His beard was rough, but not unkempt and he was as tall as he said he was.  Around six feet even and from what she could tell, in as good shape as in his pictures.  She only hoped the one picture she couldn’t verify in a crowded bar also matched, but she would look into that soon enough.

“Yes, sir.”

Anne stood and greeted Tim with a hug, nearly jumping as his large hands cupped her ass behind her back in the process as he whispered in her ear.

“I can’t wait to spank this ass.”

Anne thought to herself, black men!  They were always so aggressive and forward!  Even the educated ones seemed to fuck her like she owed them something!  Being in charge and having to think for everyone all of the time was boring.  But she never had to worry about that with them, which is why they were her preference in these situations. 

“I see you are as fuckable as in your pictures.  Are you ready to spread those legs for Daddy?”

Anne sat back down and slid next to him in the booth, smiling as she did so.  The memory of his firm body pressed against her and his smell under her still fresh and new!  They had chatted for about an hour online total which mostly consisted of him telling her what he expected from her for his 10 inches.  And once the bargain was struck, there was no turning back! 

“Put on the collar.”

The gold leather matched her dress color which of course, he had instructed her to buy.  Anne had never gone this far with anyone publicly.  And the thought of being watched as this man leashed her publicly made her quiver and moan!  Of course, she hesitated, even though she was now alone in the city.  But his fingers moved under the table and rested in between her thighs, spreading her lips and trailing across her wet mound to allay her fears.  


“Are you getting cold feet?”

Tim’s hand between her legs thrust one large finger into her wet pussy which she was sure the Bartender noticed as he leaned into her and whispered.

“If you are getting cold feet I can just leave you and your wet snatch alone?”

Tim’s fingers fucked her rhythmically as he looked deep into her eyes. 

“Put it on.  Don’t be shy to be who you are with me.”

Anne looked at the Bartender’s disgust and contempt watching them closer from across the room as she reached onto the table and fastened the collar around her neck.  Her nipples were jutting out beneath her dress, and her panties which were bunched up on the side were moist from the finger fucking or the anticipation of what was to come!  Anne knew the city would be different. 

“Ask for the check.”

Anne motioned to the waitress as Tim continued to fuck her pussy shamelessly as the Latina approached them in the corner of the room.  


“Ask nicely.”

Tim squeezed her clitoris as he told Anne to repeat herself, releasing an orgasm unlike any she had ever experienced!  Anne felt the humiliation of the moment and noticed the smirk come across the server’s lips as she gasped in the shame of her sweet bliss!  Her left nipple was noticeable to anyone within 5 feet of the couple anyway, and it was apparent what was happening to the woman as Tim was hardly shy about taking liberties with her. 

“Check please.”

The woman smirked at Anne’s sluttiness as Tim smiled at her as he began to talk. 

“So what’s your name?”

“Jasmin” she replied.

“Well, Jasmin. Anne here is a guest of the Hotel, and we would deeply appreciate.”

When Tim said deeply, he plunged another finger deep into her twat, bending one to rub her outer wall which elicited a moan from the helpless woman before continuing. 

“If you would just Bill the room and send up a bottle of Dom to room…What room is it dear?”

“1221” Anne moaned.

“1221.  We were going to go clubbing, but as you can see, I don’t think Anne will make it.  And could you bring it up?”

Reaching into his pocket, Tim handed the waitress a folded 50 Dollar Bill. 

“Of course,” Jasmin replied as the two exchanged smiles. 

Anne was too deep into her own voyeurism to notice though as she was fixated on the few people left in the Hotel Bar at this hour who were all watching her get finger fucked by a stranger!  It was too dark, and she was too far gone to recognize any faces.  But she knew she had an audience when her pussy clamped down on his fingers as she came.  Tim clipped his leash onto Anne’s chain and stood up, removing his magical fingers from her tightened hole in the process.

The walk to the elevator was blissfully short as Anne dropped her head and traipsed behind Tim quietly.  Two other men followed them and jumped in the elevator behind the happy couple as Tim pressed the button and immediately turned his attention to Anne. 

“Turn around and bend over.”

Anne turned to face the two men who were both smiling wide grins.  She bent at the waist, exposing her gold panties which were a mess scrunched around her pussy.  Her face was directly at eye level of the two men’s crotches as she felt Tim enter her roughly, pushing her face straight into two strange crotches!  She felt their engorged bulges rubbing against her cheeks as Tim wasted no time splitting her in two in front of them!  She was so ashamed of herself for cumming on his 2nd unannounced entry into her as the men reached out to hold her up by her firm tits. 

“So you like this big dick baby?”


“And you are ready to take us all on?”

Anne reached for the silent men’s cocks, rubbing them up and down her open palms as Tim continued his public pussy punch with his oversized dick.  They were as advertised!  At least 8 inches, one wider than the other!  The elevator opened as Tim withdrew his meat and the men pulled aside, allowing Anne to fall to the floor.  Her panties still around her thighs as she felt a tug on her leash. 

“Come slut.”

Anne crawled on the floor of the thankfully empty hallway with the two men behind her.  Laughing at her dripping snatch and lace panties hanging around her thighs as she moved.  Tim opened the door with her key card as they all walked into the Suite to become better acquainted. 

Tim closed the door and took his cock out again which Anne immediately took into her face. 

Smack . Smack.

Each ass cheek was assaulted by the other two men, making Anne release Tim immediately.

“Ask to lick this meat slut!”  Tim growled at the horny woman.

“Please, sir.  May I suck your big, black cock?” Anne asked nicely.

Tim grinned at the woman as he nodded his approval while behind Anne, the other two men got undressed.  She could barely fit half of him in her mouth until Tim grabbed her head and started forcing himself down her throat roughly.  Her eyes began to bulge as Tim held her firm as one of the other men behind her played with her ass.  Applying some form of lubricant as he pushed his finger deeper and deeper inside of her.  Anne was excited by the unknown.  Not knowing who these other men were beyond Tim telling her beforehand they were trusted friends who loved fucking white women like him.  She felt herself building to an orgasm at the thought of being so powerless to stop anything from happening now! 

Tim grabbed Anne firmly by the neck and lifted her off the floor before turning her around to enter her once more!  Unzipping her dress which stood around her ankles and constricted her ability to move!  This gave the men in front of her access to her tits as they both affixed clamps to her pink nipples, which stood out long and hard from her breasts as Tim once more entered her pussy to Anne’s delight!  Her short haircut left not much to grab, so her ears were pulled back to accommodate each of the other black dicks one at a time until she had lost count of what was going on! 

Tim was now working himself into her ass slowly as one of the other two men finally removed the dress that held her ankles hostage if only to get them wide enough to access her swollen clit.  Anne felt as if she could explode into two separate pieces but she was helpless in between these 3 men!  But it was obvious they had done this before as Tim settled her expertly onto his friend’s 8 inches while pumping her ass deeply.  The pain that she felt now replaced by the joy of being filled and controlled by three strange black men fucking her holes! 

“Now you can remove this from your slut bucket list!”

Tim laughed as he released a stream of semen deep into her anal cavity.  The other two men continued until they also came inside of her.  Something they hadn’t discussed would happen but thanks to the stinging inside of her body from their massive dicks, she was happy had occurred!  The man beneath her made Anne lick her juices as well as Tim’s semen, which had dripped onto him as he pulled on her collar.  Anne knew she found her favorite new hobby when she felt herself cum again as she licked him clean!

“Best one yet.” 

All she understood as the men leered over her fallen, cum stained body on the floor.  They never even made it to the bed as Anne lay exhausted from the activities before Tim led her into the shower to fuck her once more as she cleaned herself up, but this time, he didn’t cum.  She was being worked harder than ever by anyone and enjoying every second of the ride!  The other two made use of the large Jacuzzi tub, filling it with a warm bath before leading her in to clean herself, and them.  Her nipples were amazingly still clamped together tightly and now throbbed in pain due to the lack of other bodily distraction.  Anne was exhausted but willing to see the night through.

“If you are going to join the club, you need to learn how to take care of all a man’s needs.”

The two men took turns commanding her in the water for what seemed like an hour.  Teasing her by fucking her holes whenever she bathed or attended to the other.  But Tim had disappeared from the room, leaving her to their whims. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

Jasmin stood, the waitress stood in the bathroom doorway wearing an apron and holding a bottle of Champagne.

“And don’t forget a woman’s needs too.”

Tim kissed her deeply as he came up from behind Jasmine.  Anne felt a twinge of jealousy at their intimacy but didn’t have much time to formulate an opinion on the new addition to her party.  She barely had time to react to the 9 inches being worked into her sore but satisfied pussy from behind by one of her new friends!  Jasmine walked over to the water’s edge, her perfectly manicured pussy with the tattoo that reads “Tim’s” staring Anne directly in her eyes. 

“Eat me, bitch.”

Anna was used to the routine by now.  Spending every other evening at Jake and Gemma’s house in her Maid’s uniform.  The one she wore to clean their fucking house!  The Garters with no stockings, undergarments, and red heels completed the ensemble.  And the shoes.  They were Louboutin’s of course.  Since Gemma didn’t want cheap footwear worn in her home and sluts should know how to wear heels in every situation, without scratching the floor.  There were standards. 

Anna pulled back her blonde mane into a ponytail, which her husband Phillip hated because he said it made her look like a Milk maid!  Ironically close to the unspoken truth since her nipples were also pinched to exhaustion by the clamps, Gemma sometimes attached to them.  They stood straight as an arrow too.  The clamps had been replaced by more permanent bars her Husband had yet to see, due to her dexterity partially, as well as his normal aversion to sex after fucking his secretary at work!

Her tits constantly throbbed too.  Like when she was pregnant but, different.  Between the red lipstick and consistent fucking Anna was now exposed to Anna was having trouble discerning reality from fantasy.  Behind The Parker’s closed doors, she was experiencing a Different World.  The modifications to her body and routine though suggested it wouldn’t stay that way.  

Her own tits spilled over the top of the uniform and the pain from her freshly pierced nipples had ceded days ago, giving way to a heightened sexual sensitivity and improved perspective.   There were new forced responsibilities around her former friend’s/current superior’s home.  And ridiculously degrading chore list that included internet masturbation time and other slutty masturbatory chores in between actual ones, that were usually recorded somewhere.  But Anna was starting to accept and adapt and slowly, had begun to change.  Even if she didn’t notice when it had happened.

The structure and attention to detail servicing Jake and Gemma provided her a balance in life despite the circumstance, and Anna began to enjoy each day more.  Once she got past the angst of wondering about who the different men came from and instead, started to enjoy the anonymous and strictly submissive encounters at the hands of strangers.  Being assured by Gemma that even though she deserved it, Gemma would never put her health in jeopardy by sending her unclean men.  She was always to be the Dirtiest whore in every room she’d said.  And Anna was supposed to live up to that.

The number of men by now surpassed the totality Anna had been intimate with in a lifetime before this year!  The number of black men alone had jumped from just Jake to 14 in the same time frame!  But despite the vigorous schedule, Anna had somehow learned to keep up.  In some ways, Gemma was now her Best friend again!  Instructing her to drink more liquids since she was cumming a lot each day.  And to relax when facing the pounding of an Anaconda and let it do its work!  There was no escaping it!  And even if her body could move, it would usually be to meet the cadence of the cock’s owner!  Anna was adjusting well.

The first month was the toughest, but Anna quickly learned her days off were the key.  She could sleep after her son was off to school, instead of shopping in Malls and spending her husband’s money.  A well-stocked refrigerator may have been a positive for her husband too, but combined with a declining credit card bill let him know something was wrong.  He also realized Anna had stopped begging him for sex.  Since his secretary usually got first dibs on his cock, it took him a month to notice!  But by then, it was too late.  Anna was no longer just his.

Sometimes two different black men would watch her clean the house and give instructions.  Anna usually hadn’t met them before, and definitely wasn’t supposed to start a conversation.  She was simply told to do as she was told and only object if they put the safety of the home in danger.  All results of sexual contact in the Living Areas were to be swallowed.  No guest was to cum in her pussy or on her uniform.  Only in her mouth.  Anna knew she was being trained as a slut.  But also knew how much her husband hated Jake and Gemma and letting him know what happened with Jake alone would end her marriage!  Jake would never knock on their door Thank God!  But if he did, she would have to answer it and probably, hire a lawyer.

The men would often ask lewd questions about her sex life with her Husband which usually led to what they referred to as the “Fuck by Comparison” test.  The black cocks were all bigger than him, and Phillip wasn’t small at all!  And they were also much more creative in the ways they broke Anna in!  It was a good thing Anna had been a gymnast because many of the positions she had been forced into would have cut another woman in half!  Whereas for Anna, it was just an adjustment. 

Gemma liked to watch sometimes and would direct the men, but mostly to Anna’s detriment.  She had a fascination with watching Anna and especially loved threatening the poor girl with the biggest cocks by having them press their dicks against her tiny asshole as a threat!  But Gemma didn’t want Anna to go home to her husband crippled!  She always instructed the men to pound her pussy hard instead.  And Anna was usually lubed by then, having cum from the feeling of their cocks scarily close to impaling her ass.  There was a time and place for everything, and soon enough, Phillip would learn the truth.  

Whenever Anna was blindfolded she had to rely on other senses. Touch.  Feel.  Sound.  She already knew some of the men she had been with were friends of her husband because she recognized their voices!  Another clue they were different was the usage condoms and lack of anything beyond a vanilla fuck!  One even called her by her name as she recognized his voice as the major investor in her husband’s company and at that point, she came!  He tore off the condom and stuck his seed into Anna’s gaping mouth before exiting without another word and leaving her wondering how long this could go on!

Without the nipple clamp, her Mistress would attach to her clitoris before each ‘safe’ encounter, she would never be able to even get moist for these “men.”  She craved to feel their skin against hers, and the condoms only made her hump against them harder and harder in search of relief!  Using her well-developed cunt muscles to squeeze the men dry in hopes a real man would come in next and fuck naked box, only to be disappointed and brought to the edge once more.  Gemma had learned the subservient woman’s body well and made sure Anna would go home with a belly full of swallowed cum and nothing more! 

The first time Anna went home and used her favorite vibrator until her batteries wore down and she was forced to fall asleep!  The second time Gemma set her up with appointments, though, Gemma gave her an envelope full of money and a note to buy a bigger vibrator! How did she know?

Anna had learned from Gemma’s rants about Black Superiority in sexual matters what was being done to her.  She had read about it on the Internet.  About how some women only sleep with Black Men like Gemma.  And she never really understood what that was all about and honestly, was attracted to Jake because she knew he had a big cock!  Not because it was black!

But these weeks had taught her that even if they didn’t ALL have big dicks, the ones she now knew did!  Anna was starting to feel less pressured and more comfortable with the circumstances and surroundings.  She was no longer the unwilling participant.  And she was sorry about what she tried to do to her friend’s marriage.  When Anna woke up, she decided she wanted to change.

“Gemma.  Hi.  Can we meet for lunch today before I come by?”

“Who is this?” Gemma asked surprised at the tone of the call because of course, she knew who she was. 

“Gemma?  Mistress, please.  I am so sorry, and I know this is disrespectful.  Me talking to you.  But I may want out of our arrangement.”

“What?  There is no out!”

“Unless I tell my husband.  Then you have nothing to hold me with.”

Gemma laughed. 

Gemma had considered this day would come, but surprised it was so soon!  She understood Anna now better than the woman herself.  Anna barely bristled when requested to do the dirtiest things with hung strangers just to get to their cocks.  She also knew Anna had enjoyed most of her chores.  Especially too because Anna always had before marrying Jake!  And she definitely knew Anna didn’t give a fuck about her husband! 

Gemma could learn a lot from watching other people have sex.  What they were REALLY like was on display which was why she never missed a minute!  The thought of losing Anna was awful because she would have to destroy Anna’s husband before she wanted to.  So she decided to take another tact.

“Sure Anne.  We can have lunch like the friends we used to be and the usual restaurant.  But on one condition.  You dress appropriately.”

Anna knew what that meant.  No undergarments at all.  A sheer top that would show off her pierced nipples.  Short skirt.  High heels.  In a restaurant, they both frequented the outfit could cause quite a social scandal!  But Anne heard her voice respond in kind almost immediately.

“Yes, Mistress.”

There was always going to be a price for freedom.  As Anna walked into the Restaurant, Gemma’s interest piqued because of how she was dressed.  It wasn’t the outfit, but the added accessory.  A leash attached to the throat affixed to a collar, which she presented to Gemma in her hand before she sat as a sign of submission.  She stood in the vestibule impressed with Anna’s boldness!  Especially for such a social climber to present herself this way publicly!  Gemma knew she had changed.    

“I was wrong Mistress Gemma.  And I am sorry I was dishonest with your husband.  I am willing to do anything you want to make amends.”

Gemma’s response was a sharp dagger into the woman’s eyes which ironically, made Anna wet.  The thought crossed her mind that Gemma would spank her ass good for putting their “relationship” on display and Anna was getting eager to get to the result! 

“Cmon.  You can tell me all about it at home.” 

Gemma tugged at the leash, pulling her friend into the backseat of her car before driving them the 2 miles to Gemma’s home.  There were no words.  Just an awkward silence as they walked through the door and into the Living Room. 

“Take off my clothes.” Gemma barked.

Anna hadn’t been with a woman only once.  When Gemma forced herself upon her that the first time.  Gemma preferred to masturbate while she satisfied others and sometimes, spank her ass while talking to Anna about how much of a slut she had been.  But Anna did think about Gemma’s sweet snatch rubbing across her face almost daily, so her eagerness was hard to hide.  When all of Gemma’s clothes were gone, she immediately dropped to her knees and attempted to taste her folds once more!

“Not so fast.  You said you wanted to talk?” 

Gemma wrapped the leash around her bare hand, restricting the air passageway in the process and sending Anna flailing onto her back.  Her bare vagina beaded between her pink thighs as Gemma unceremoniously stuck an oversized vibrator into the hole and turned it on!  The head of the phallus rotated, causing Anna’s eyes to also roll back in the process as she came! 

“Cumming without asking permission?” Gemma snarled.

Flipping the leash as she spoke and dragging Anna on the floor, Anna found herself bent over the ottoman but this time, her groin pushed the invader deeper inside her depths.  She felt the paddle cross her ass and screamed in agony unlike ever before!  Gemma for her part moved behind the slut and placed her into a choke hold.

“So what do you want to say now slut?”

Anna felt the air leaving her lungs as she attempted to speak and manage the massaging her pussy was enduring from the vibrator.  Her eyes reddened and swelled even as she experienced orgasm after orgasm despite being in mortal danger!  It hurt so good! 

“I don’t care what you do to me anymore Gemma.  And I am not sorry for what I did because I love you both!”

With her last breath, Anna turned her head and mashed her tongue into Gemma’s mouth!  The shocking turn causing Gemma to release the chain and return the affection as with no other woman before!  Gemma was completely turned on!  The same feeling as when her husband first unleashed his beautiful cock inside her passed through her soul as their tongues danced together in a frenzied symphony!  She released the leash on instinct, allowing her slut to fall forward and the vibrator to squeeze it’s way out of her hole, still semi-circulating as Anna caught her breath to speak again.

“I was a miserable, cheating, bitch and even worse, a bad friend.  I deserved to be humiliated and don’t blame you one bit for everything you have put me through.”

“Go on. Anna.”

“But.  I have to admit it hasn’t been all bad.”

Crawling over to Gemma, Anna placed her hands between the woman’s legs, spreading them apart.  She was no longer waiting for instructions and placed her tongue on Anna’s box.  Swirling her tongue to the top before attacking her rosebud with vigor.  She would have never imagined herself WILLINGLY eating pussy before.  And she had no desire to taste another.  But this one was attached to Gemma.  And Gemma had set her free in so many ways Anna could no longer count!  Except for one. 

Gemma grabbed hold of the bars attached to Anna’s ample tits and began to tap the ends, sending vibrations coursing through her body as she ate her pussy as if it were her own.  Gemma began to drip onto Anna’s chin and Carpet as her body pulsed with desire!  Gemma had broken her friend and that, as much as anything else,  was an Aphrodisiac for her!  She came in a burst, basting Anna’s face in the process and for the first time together, Anna felt her own power return as she spoke what she wanted. 

“I want a Divorce.  But if you show Phillip those tapes, I will end up with nothing.  I want to be able to be your slut all of the time.  Not every other day.  Will you help me, Mistress?”

Gemma sat up and looked at Anna’s eyes, noticing one thing that had always been absent from the woman’s face.  Sincerity.  Gemma knew that sooner or later, not unlike herself at one time, sex would win out!  Anna had never known what Gemma saw in her as a friend, but would soon find out it was what she didn’t know about herself that kept them close.  She was a slut, true.  But deep down, she was also an exhibitionist.  The Ying to Gemma’s Yang as it were.  And once she started, there was only 1 evitable conclusion. 

“Ok,” Gemma said.

“Ok, what?”

“Ok, I will help you.  Ok, I forgive you.  And ok.  I have a plan.  But first…” 

Gemma’s legs opened wide inviting Anna to dive in.  Her pussy was dripping for more attention, but Gemma instead began by circling her wet tongue in and around Anna’s puckered ass!  A flame shot through her entire body as Anna licked her bunghole practically pink!  Her pussy throbbed in appreciation as well as anticipation of receiving similar treatment!  And it wouldn’t have to wait long! 

Anna repositioned her head in an impossible sideways angle, enabling her to slide her tongue up and down sideways into Gemma in a way she had only recently imagined.  Anna dove in between Gemma’s thighs with reckless abandon!  Especially attacking her clitoris and nibbling on her Master’s folds as if it meant everything to taste her!  Gemma pressed her head into the floor in an attempt to establish authority.

“You better make me cum slut!”

The last word halting as she sprayed Anna’s face with her pleasure.  Caught off guard, all Gemma wanted to do was clean the mess and regain her composure, but Anna was busy doing exactly that!  Rubbing her orgasm into her skin like Gemma had seen her do with the cum of many black men!

Gemma shuddered once more, releasing another less potent flow which Anna caught just in time!  Gemma pulled Anna’s leash up across her own body and Anna received the message.  Sliding her big breasts across Her Master’s labia and torso before settling mouth on her tits!  She had never sucked a titty before.  But Anna knew what she liked and attempted to do that for Gemma, as much could imagine.  Only when her lust took control of her did she find herself stuck like a baby on Gemma’s delicious, cum flavored breasts!  As time elapsed, Gemma was able to regain control of herself.  And Anna. 

“Anna!  I always thought you hated girls.”

Gemma sheepishly smiled down at the woman, as Gemma slinked back down between her legs to slide into Gemma’s core once more.  Her voice mumbled something incoherent as she became once more enchanted with Gemma’s rosebud!  She never imagined she would enjoy eating pussy either!  As a matter of fact, until the day in the Bathroom she never thought about it!  In hindsight, beyond being shared by so many men against her ‘free will.’  That had been the brightest revolution!

Anna recalled the men impaling her on both sides and wishing it were Gemma plugging her mouth instead!  Watching in envy as Jake sat between her legs in what was a makeshift throne.  Watching her get fucked intently as Jake licked her for what seemed like hours!  It was clear, none of the men were going to touch her.  She belonged to Jake!  But it was also clear they weren’t strangers to her nude body either, and Anna admired the strength in her nakedness!  She wanted to be proud like her!

Anna had envied Jake having her forbidden fruit to himself!  The taste of her pussy had lingered through the night even as she was “forced fucked” into Orgasm after Orgasm by strange men.  But as much as anything else, she couldn’t wait to do it ALL again!  Especially expound upon her pussy licking experience!

Anna’s expanding boundaries were well past being exposed as the size queen she actually was!  She was resolved to being a sex toy for others.  But Gemma?  She wanted Gemma for herself!  And Gemma could see in Anna’s eyes she was willing to do almost anything to have her.  So she was finally ready.  

Gemma stood and pulled the chain once more towards the basement.  The one place Anna was never allowed to go in the house.  There she would be edged and whipped for the next hour for everything she had done wrong that day, as well as instructed what to do when she got home.

Precisely, how to lay the trap for her hubby.  And how to get a Queen’s Chair of her own.     

Walking into the Bedroom Jennifer knew exactly what to expect.  She had been at the gym for the past 2 hours barely able to contain her energy!  The weights had flown up into the air with each push as Jennifer attempted to Focus on her movements, as opposed to what was probably going on at her house.  

The Glock in her right hand was loaded but, the safety was on.  The sounds of fucking weren’t hard to distinguish from the ones emanating from the TV on the wall.  They were the same.  Her husband, Joseph was using their personal home theater without her!  Everything was visible from the hallway with the door open.  Jen’s finger slipped off the safety for a moment as she recognized the woman on her Wall Unit as her friend Christine!  But cooler heads prevailed as she watched the whore scream in agony as Joseph.  Her greatly endowed Husband and lover, pushed his whole 9 thick inches into her spread ass in one slow, cold stroke!  She never knew either of them was capable.  Him of fucking her close friend.  And her of taking such a huge cock up her tiny ass! 

Christine wasn’t a large woman.  As a matter of fact, she was small by comparison to Jen.  Almost a half-foot shorter and nowhere near as physical.  Many a night, Christine had too much wine and after talking about how fantastic of a lover her husband was, would joke about what she would do to Christine, or any other woman if she ever caught them together.  After the women would gasp at the seriousness of the fit Jen’s words.  She always eases the tension by telling Christine loudly in front of the other women.

“You I’d just make lick my ass you’re such a whore!”

They’d laugh at Christine because they knew she would never cross Jennifer in that way!  And Christine would laugh because she had already fucked all their husbands without them knowing!  Some of them twice.  But Jennifer really did scare and excite her as much as any man.  Something Christine had never experienced before with a woman.

She had been competitive in Judo and even competed in the Nationals, almost making the Olympics!  She was proficient with firearms also as well as the only woman any of them knew who had ever knocked out a man.  While wearing high heels!  Jennifer was in love and lust with her rich, Half-Nigerian husband who was seeming, her only weakness.  She would obviously do anything for him.

 And Christine?  She couldn’t resist the temptation and danger involved in completing the circle of neighborhood men!  The escalating nature of her whorishness required a Grand Finale worthy of the accomplishment.  A dangerous fuck in the home of her most dangerous friend!  Even if she had to promise him to do anything he wanted!      

Her feet paused as Jennifer lowered her shorts and panties onto the floor before proceeding any further.  Of course, she double checked the safety as she slowly rubbed the barrel of the cold metal over her clit a few times.  Just enough to unleash a small, tender wave as she felt her thighs slightly moisten!  The had discussed him cheating for what seemed like the longest time now.  But she never had the courage to confront her feelings about it because she also knew he was usually very discreet. Saving his trysts for road trips and never ever straying close to home!

Watching the screen intently, Jennifer noticed the handcuffs that held Christine’s wrists in place behind her back and moistened in amazement as she watched her Husband’s cock push into and out of her tiny hole!  She screamed at the top of her lungs “Please.” But no other words found their way out of her throat since Joseph would fill her ass once again, rendering her unable to speak.  It was so hot!  Catching her husband pound the little slut!  But she knew she couldn’t let him get away with this in their home!  Jennifer walked into the room with the gun at her side and a grin on her face. 

“What the fuck do we have here?”


Joseph stopped momentarily and looked at his pants-less wife.  Her beautiful, trimmed bush-hardened his cock inside of the tiny woman and she whimpered at his still growing dick, pushing against her forbidden walls!  She had never been so full and the pain was only matched by the pleasure of Joseph’s ever-growing spike!  She hardly noticed the gun until the barrel was pressed against her head and her eyes became filled by an angry wife and friend! 

Joseph grinned momentarily as he looked into his wife’s eyes and saw her fury!  He pulled his dick out slowly, till just the tip was inside of Christine before thrusting into her hard and fast!  Christine howled in pain as the most powerful orgasm of her life overcame her!  The pain and humiliation were unbearable!  And her pussy was squirting all over Joseph’s thighs and down to the sheets! 

“Owwwwwwww” she moaned. 

Barely feeling the pain as Jennifer grabbed a parcel of her hair and yanked her face off of the pillow she was drooling over!  

“You are a fucking mess bitch”. 

Joseph looked into his wife’s eyes and knew what he was going to do.  His heartbeat was pumping so fast that he cock feel the skin on his cock stretching inside Christine’s well-oiled ass!  It hadn’t started that way.  But since he was recording, he could watch the young slut finger herself while kissing the knob of his distended cock tomorrow.  If there was a tomorrow to come.

“What are you going to do with that gun?  Shoot me?” 

Joseph spoke almost daringly.  And at the very least, defiantly.  But he had planned for this.  Hell.  He had planned this!   Except for the gun part which Joseph always knew was a possibility with his hot-tempered wife.  The only thing that seemed to bring her down anymore was a long, vigorous fuck!  Which wasn’t the bad part.  That part was it was the same fuck!

Marriage can kill passion.  And Joseph reasoned that he would rather take a bullet than continue this Vanilla construct of a marriage.  Something had to change.  So he clumsily left clues when he was sure his wife would play along, invited the local strumpet and pseudo friend a chance at what she seemingly always wanted.  Her friend’s husband’s cock!  And waited.  Seducing a sub who barely knows she is was easy.  A simple matter of timing and opportunity. 

“Do you think I care about this slut Jen?”

With that, Joseph crammed the length of his hardened rod deep into the confused woman’s body in one swift, unloving stroke!  Pausing as his balls touched her prone ass while Christine screamed in what could only be described as agony!  He almost came inside her it was so hot!

“I will fuck her until she can’t walk for you.  If you would like?”

Four more swift, deep strokes later Jen felt stunned by her reaction!  Jen could have done something.  Should have done something.  Anything besides just watch as her betrothed battered his sick, slut friend’s ass right in front of her!  Anything other than drip down her thigh at the sight of her man, conquering another woman right in front of her eyes! 

Christine for her part cried in pain.  Biting at the air for comfort in the form of a stick or bone even!  She settled on hoping she wouldn’t bite her own tongue when she realized no oral distraction was coming!  There was a wave of pleasure mixed in between the agony of being stretched so wide over and over!  One she had never experienced before that lifted her pain into the euphoria that perhaps was being amplified by fear!  Holy shit this man was right she thought!  That big brown cock was rendering her legs useless beneath her and her cunt was contracting like a dog in heat!  Christine knew she must look pitiful to them both.  And the threat that she may never leave the room was very real!  But what a way to go!  Jen always knew it could end like this!  The helplessness was only adding fuel to her fire. 

“Doesn’t look like the bitch wants to leave.”

Jen grabbed a swath of her hair as she spoke and used it to pull the woman forward.  She was completely helpless.  Hands cuffed behind her back.  Ass overstuffed with cock as she was.  She felt the gun pressed to her temple once more as Jen spoke.

“Look at me bitch!”

The words scared her momentarily until she felt Joseph slide completely out of her ass!  The air whisked inside her, filling the space left by the enormous dick she had promised to drain inside her tiny hole.  Joseph’s pursuit of her was strange.  Much different than the other men in the neighborhood who had taken her shopping.  Or along with them on short “business trips” to enjoy her talents.  Joseph didn’t offer any of that. 

As a matter of fact.  He was the only husband who had approached her.  Cornered her in the kitchen of another neighbor and kissed her as if she had asked him too!  His hands seemed to be all over her body in the short encounter! Her ass.  Her tits.  And surprisingly, inside of her pussy while whispering her the vilest thing she had ever heard into her ear!

“You will beg me for the dick.  You get wet to the touch like a true slut.” 

Joseph was almost laughing as he said it!  The first encounter only lasted a minute but, she hadn’t stopped thinking about him since.  Within days she was giving him her first public blowjob!  He had bought her a collar and attached a leash to her whenever she knelt before him.  The school around the corner has not very private cubbyholes he would take her into which Christine was sure were not Private.  Many people had seen her bobbing head and the last two times, Joseph made her wear a skirt and held it up, so passersby could see her ass as her head sucked down mouthfuls of semen down her throat before shooting his last burst onto her face.  The photo she had sent Joseph at home.  Proof she hadn’t cleaned it off yet was the last piece of “evidence” Jen had discovered.   But Christine was by then, desperate.  Humiliated.  Broken. 

Jen had been yelling directly into Christine’s face and with her hair in hand, almost lifting her off of the bed!  The moment had passed and she was back in the present.  Her asshole ached and she could barely breathe, due to the number of Orgasms’ she had experienced in a short period of time!  She was defeated and barely able to resist being flipped on her back and straddled by Jen!  Her mouth was full of pussy and her hands were still bound beneath her.  Her only weapon was her tongue.  Which thrust into Jen’s powerful box frantically due to lack of experience and deprivation of air!  She wanted Joseph to fuck her anywhere so bad!  But with a face full of sweet pussy.  And her ears muffled by Jen’s powerful legs.  All she could do was eat her out and hope she lived to tell the story! 

The couple spoke softly.  Almost lovingly for the next five minutes while Christine licked and sucked Jen’s pussy and clit for her life!  When there was silence, Christine felt Joseph’s strong hands beneath her legs.  Pushing them apart.  They were powerless to move from the ass fucking and suffocation.  And Jen’s hole began to gush into and all over the woman’s mouth and face.  Her lips wet with so much juice they slipped and slid between Jen’s folds.  As she rubbed her face all over her mouth.

“You’d better not bite me bitch?”

Christine jumped as she felt the end of the object she knew had to be a vibrator pushed inside of her!  It was on high and immediately had her insides shaking!  It was then Jen lifted off her face and she realized what they had done. 

Her legs were chained together at the ankles.  And somehow, the vibrator was attached to a harness snapped around her waist!  And she was cumming! 

But she didn’t see Joseph until he entered her mouth and commanded her.

“Clean my cock so I can fuck my wife!”

Christine opened her mouth as wide as she could until his balls rubbed against her nose!  He had taught her well as she slurped her saliva off, as each inch reappeared from between her lips.  It was instinct!  The pleasure of the vibrator sending her off over and over.  All Christine could do was whimper like a sad puppy as she watched to couple fuck all around her for the next hour!  It was so humiliating!

Not only had he not fucked her, as promised.  Not only had she eaten pussy for the first time!  And not only had she actually saved a marriage she was hoping to sabotage.  Christine was now a slave to them both! 

“I told that whore not to mess with my man.  Now,

look at you!”

Their final act was to kick Christine off of the bed and onto the floor.  Writhing like the wanton slut she always had been!  Christine watched intently as Jen beat her once again.  Riding the cock Christine wanted so much as Christine was being overwhelmed by a toy!  Her ass still throbbing from the fucking it took earlier.  As Christine lay on the floor admiring the cock she also wanted inside of her, she couldn’t stop cumming or smiling!  And it was all on tape! 

“I love you, baby.  And I want you to be happy.  Happy Anniversary Jennifer!”

Jen grinned down at the defeated woman as she felt her husband’s throbbing cock, pushing her into “that place”.  The one that made her fall in love and overlook their differences.  The one that made her 3 months pregnant.  She felt her husband’s loving seed fill her womb once more and reveled in delight, knowing she would have the slut come lick her dry happily!  Especially since she had spared her life! 

The recording alone was enough to enforce their will on Christine if, ever necessary.  And it would be nice to have a cunt licker at her beck and call she thought.  But they would only need her for a year, tops.  Long enough to keep her husband home and time enough for Jen to fully recover.  By then, Christine would be a new woman!

The thought had crossed her mind.

“How well do you think you know Jake?”

Anna could be such a bitch.  Her big tits gave her a sense of entitlement that came from their power to make men, and certain women bend and kneel to her whims.  And she gave no fucks about anyone not named Anna!  Why they were friends in the first place escaped Gemma most times with her especially wanting to tell her exactly “how well” she knew her own Husband!  But then she didn’t want to spoil Anna’s surprise.  But this bitch was just asking for it!

Gemma instead sat across the table smiling the fake smile she knew would make Anna’s day.  The one that revealed just exactly how clueless she was to the fact Jake had ejaculated into Anna’s cleavage just before she arrived to meet Gemma for lunch.  Even if it was a lie,  Gemma’s face hid the disgust she held for Anna’s deception while maintaining her balance deftly.  She would get her chance to smile soon enough!

The remote butterfly Jake had fastened inside of Gemma buzzed her button mercilessly under the mismatched set of undergarments she was wearing beneath the long, 70’s style skirt.  The one with the pockets large enough to conceal her remote control and hold her keys.  She fumbled the keys and especially the one to the lock with the anticipation of teaching Anna a lesson in loyalty.  A lesson she knew the whore couldn’t understand with words.  Anna would have to experience it.

“When she acts bitchy Gemma what will you do?”

Jake’s voice was in her ear like a whisper of wind, and she brushed her hair back behind her left ear, as if he was invisible but right there with her instead of elsewhere preparing for the night’s fun.

“Press the button and don’t.”

“Cum.” He finished.

His dick rocked her insides at the time, accentuating the clear message of what he wanted from her.  And Gemma was listening.

The purring of the tiny machine made Gemma relax as she smiled at her unsuspecting, slutty friend imagining what she was thinking while verbally mocking her with ambivalence!  She wanted to kick her ass.  But Anna’s tits did look irresistible, so she understood a little while imagining her husband’s big, black cock in between them, poking the chatty bitch in the chin which made Gemma laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

Gemma couldn’t say it.  But the thought of his cum shooting into her unsuspecting mouth made Gemma very happy!  She knew Jake well enough to he would punish the disloyal bitch!  And it was only a few hours away.

“Just looking forward to my trip and thinking about all the men!”

Anna wanted to hear this!  Ammunition for her weekend rendezvous with Gemma’s husband, while she was out of town supposedly on business, could only bring him closer to her she thought.  Gemma could tell her what she planned to do while away for the weekend.  And Anna could tell Jake and get even closer than they were already!  Having his 11’ buried in her was the best feeling she’d ever experienced, and she wanted more.  But Gemma was in the way!  She wanted to do more than fuck him whenever he had time.  And the best way was to remove her beautiful friend and rival from the picture altogether.  It wasn’t as if they had any kids and she was breaking up a family.  Just a marriage!

“Can you keep a secret?” Gemma whispered while moving in close.

“Of course.”

“I have something planned for later tonight.”

“Really what?”

“Let’s just say it’s a group thing.”

What a slut!  Anna had felt somewhat bad about what she was doing with Jake behind her friend’s back and almost had told her what happened between them once.  Maybe Gemma would have understood since she was married to Jake’s cock as much as Jake and knew its effect on women better than anyone!  But Gemma was looking more like a greedy slut to Anna by the second!  If she were Jake’s wife, she would never fuck anyone but Jake!  Even if that did go against her nature.  Even if he cheated on her like Gemma suspected and Anna knew but said she couldn’t prove.  Jake deserved better!

Gemma’s under the table orgasm wasn’t noticeable and masked by fake laughter and Anna’s general self-involvement.  Gemma had lost another bet with Jake and would be doing penance soon as time allowed.  She could always lie to him about the orgasm?  How could he prove otherwise?  Though most women wouldn’t be aroused at the thought of their man with another woman, it was always Gemma’s most favorite thing!  Watching.

Flipping the switch off and asked Anna the one question that always brought her back to Earth.

“So how are things with your husband?” Gemma asked.

Anna had married well, sure.  But she settled sexually, and her husband spent more time at work than home with Anna and their young daughter these days.  He had a nice sized dick.  But it didn’t compare to Jake’s Meaty Masterpiece dangling between his legs.  And he didn’t use it enough on her!  Even with their infant daughter spending the Summer at his parents, her husband Phil hardly found any time to fuck Anna.  Even shying away from the blowjobs she once loved to give him.  She was mostly alone, and Gemma knew she hated thinking about it.  It was a blow to her massive ego and a very sore point with Anna.  Jealousy was what caused Anna to start fucking Gemma’s husband in the first place.

“Well, he.”

“I’m sorry I have to get home and get to the airport.  We’ll talk when I get back?”

Gemma wanted to make sure Anna was angry and followed through with her date with Jake.  Pissing her off seemed like an excellent strategy to begin getting her rival worked up good!  Gemma strode happily out the door of the Restaurant which Anna was sure due to her looking forward to being an anonymous slut.  But all Anna cared about was being Jake’s.

By 7,  Anna was entering her friend’s home, no knocking as Jake told her he was in the Master Bath waiting.  Removing her Dress and leaving the garters and push up bra on, Anna began the ascent up the stairs and onto the tiled floored Master Bathroom and marital sanctuary.  She wore the outfit her husband had brought her for their last Anniversary night together which made her heart beat a little faster and her thoughts a lot sluttier than the usual. She thought what he would do if he saw her in it now, going to fuck her Best friend’s black husband who Phil hated!  It was getting her more excited by the moment.

Phil had always liked the other guys Gemma dated.  But they were white and had a lot in common with Phil.  Anna even suspected he wanted Gemma for himself which only made her secretly hate her more.  But after hearing Jake and Gemma go at it on a weekend getaway, his attitude had changed toward her and Phil wanted nothing to do with the new couple.  She was now referred to as Anna’s slut friend and worse by Phil.  But Anna was intrigued.

“Hi, beautiful.”

Jake’s teeth flashed a bright white smile that traveled across the distance of the room and seemingly, brushed against her pussy.  Standing up in the water, she could see about 8 inches of flaccid dick attached to his hip like a 3rd arm!  She loved her husband’s full 7in before, but now, there was a new Sheriff in town and no turning back!  Her body craved her best friend’s husband!

Stepping out of the tub and down the steps, Jake approached the excited woman in slow motion, or so it seemed.  His lips reached out to hers and engulfed them in a kiss for the ages that melted her will and moistened her already soggy box!

“I have a gift for you.”

His fingers fastened a collar around her neck before three fingers were plunged into her vagina, giving Jake control and preparing her for the inevitable long ride to bed.  She had read about bondage before and even tried to introduce her husband, Phil to it.  But he was only into basic sex and had hardly touched her since.  But Jake was the one she wanted now.  Anna couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her!

“Suck my cock.”

Jake had always been a perfect gentleman with her, so this new tone surprised and excited the horny woman immensely!  She dropped to her knees and carefully worked the head of his cock into her mouth.  It was a little wider than her husband’s but too long to fit down her throat completely, which didn’t stop Jake from trying!

“Relax.  Don’t bite.”

Her air was being constricted as her eyes rolled back into her head in anticipation of passing out.  Jake just smiled and pulled the bra down under her tits, unleashing her 34 D’s and pressing Anna’s erect nipples against his thighs!  She hadn’t even noticed she was fingering her pussy before she came on her fingers and Jake released his grip on her hair!  What an orgasm!  She didn’t even know something like that was even possible!

“Enjoying yourself yet?”

Jake looked down at the blonde woman beneath him as his erection stood upwards, saluting its work.

“You are fucking amazing!”

The words just came as she shook on the floor beneath him.  Her eyes fastened upon still wet his balls and ass as she attempted to recover her senses.

“So you liked that?  Because Gemma said, you would like that the first time I fucked her throat.  What a slut you are!” he said.

Anna ignored the insult and instead attempted to catch her breath and tell all of Gemma’s secrets.  But her words came out in halting breaths mixed with muffled sounds.

“She is.  She is probably fucking another guy right now.  Which makes no sense when she has you at home.”

She had that part right!  Picking her up from the floor by her arm. Anna stood still partially clothed before him, looking like a drunken whore recovering in a bathroom stall.  She was still beautiful, and her body was top notch even after the baby.  Anna was justified in her conceit.

“Tell me more.”

Jake turned her around and grabbed her arms, binding them together behind her back at the forearm with a cord of rope while spilling all that she had.  Told him how Gemma didn’t love Jake like she pretended too and wasn’t the devoted wife that she appeared to be.  How Gemma had bragged to her about fucking four guys at a time one night and her plans to rendezvous with four more this weekend.  That part was made up.  But since Anna was on a roll getting buried herself by Jake, she wasn’t about to stop before she completely buried Gemma for good!  Jake for his part just listened.  Pinching her long nipples hard from behind her every time she said something he knew wasn’t right.  Sitting on the edge of the bathtub behind her waiting until he was ready to pry her now defenseless slit apart with his hand before impaling her like a split roast with extraordinary grace!

“Keep talking.”

Anna’s face flushed as she told all of the dirty secrets between the girlfriends!  She must have cum ten times from sensual inner massage of her best friend’s husband’s pole.  All while recounting the dirty stories she had told her to him!  The things she made up were from her fantasies to life.  But close enough to the truth that Gemma would not be able to defend the lies either!  The smile on her face cemented and the cum long washed from between her cleavage probably meant it was going to be a long, hard night!  The kind she dreamed about ever since hearing them fuck all those years ago!  When Gemma walked through the open bathroom door, she almost thought she was hallucinating!  A side effect of mind-blowing sex.

“Don’t mind me.  Just forgot some things.”

Anna wanted to stand and run!  At least cover herself!  But her feet were off of the ground now, and her arms were of absolutely no use in dislodging herself from Jake’s seemingly still growing rod, which was pounding another unexplored region inside her at the moment!  Jake was maneuvering her in ways her husband never could!  Causing her to orgasm by hitting her G-spot over and over!  It hurt so good!  But even Anna could see it wasn’t safe!  Anna was helpless to resist and unsure she wanted to, having been nearly drained of all energy by a good black dick.  Even in the face of being caught red-faced with a dripping snatch Anna was too happy to care!

But Gemma walked in calmly for a reason.  Revealing a Nanny Cam pointed directly at them, recording her betrayal on tape!  Gemma walked with the camera in the same direction, bringing it in for a close up of the well-fucked face of a Jezebel.  She didn’t want to look directly at the face or open her eyes even, but the pounding her pussy was enduring left her no choice!  Gemma grabbed her left nipple, squeezing it so hard Anna’s pussy burst into a wet, earth-shattering orgasm, with Gemma recording the whole thing.

“You like my husband’s black dick?  You want to be me, bitch?”

The last stroke caused Anna to squirt her answer all over all 3 of them and Jake to push her onto the floor, where Gemma continued to record the moment.

“Wonder what your husband will say about this?”

Gemma stood next to her bull husband, stroking his cock as she continued to record Gemma’s uncontrollable lust!  She was embarrassed.  Ashamed.  Humiliated.  And still cumming two minutes later as Jake immersed himself in the bath water once more to clean himself off.

“That’s three hon.  I won again.”


Jake sneered at the well-fucked woman while recalling the other two.  Gemma’s college roommate was one.  She fell victim during a weekend visit which now was every 3 months.   Two was Gemma’s cousin and closest confidant.  She was the easiest to seduce as she asked Gemma’s permission 1st, being the one who initially turned Gemma on to black men!  Each time the bet was the same.  Jake got the pussy.  Gemma got to watch which she absolutely loved to do!  But since Anna lived so close?  Gemma wanted to be sure things didn’t get out of hand between them before she agreed.  She knew how alluring big tits could be to men.

“The stories I told you Anna weren’t about me stupid!  But they were for your benefit.  I wanted to see how you would react to them because I knew you would tell.  You have your eyes locked on Jake’s crotch everytime we are together.  You just needed help.”

Grabbing the woman’s hair, Gemma flipped her onto her back before lifting her own skirt above her, revealing her naked honey pot which dripped down onto her friend’s face.  Anna had never been with a woman before and wasn’t sure she wanted to be with one now.  But her face was soon smothered by Anna’s thighs and held in place by her weight.  Her tongue was trying to keep up with Gemma as she slid back and forth over her entire face, humiliating her further.

“I’m married.  I don’t fuck anyone else.  I know everything about how to keep my husband happy.”

Gemma laughed as her pussy unloaded it contents across her glistening face.  Kissing her husband as he leaned in to express their undying love for one another.

“You are so hot wifey.”

She couldn’t see Jake, but wished he would stop watching and come to fuck her now!  When her legs parted, she knew that was exactly what was happening and her pussy began to moisten once more.  Her knees were high and legs spread as if there was an invisible lover between them as her pelvis dry humped the air.

The cock pushed into her and knew immediately it wasn’t Jake.  It was wider and shorter than Jake was and as Gemma stood up, Anna recognized the two men in the room as her own husband’s employees!  Before she could respond, she was back on her knees, with one of the men pushing his long, thin cock into her mouth before she could object!

“You know each other don’t you?”

Jake laughed as he watched the two size up the holes between her legs in anticipation of filling Anna like never before! It was just like in the stories, but this was really happening!  The men were telling stories about how much an asshole her husband Phil was while sharing her breasts stuck between them equally.

A lick here.  A bite there.  A few choice words mixed in.  They always knew Anna thought she was too good for them to even look at.  And didn’t hold her bitchiness towards them against her either.  The fingers of one, or the other, or maybe both violating her personal space the whole time to her silent delight.  She was too good to keep just for himself and a woman built like her should never walk around looking like she needed to get fucked either.  That she looked like she needed a good boning all of the time!  Today was different!  Today she was like every other lucky girl!  Anna knew they were being intentionally disrespectful.  But her body kept telling her they were right.


“Enjoy Gemma.  We will be watching the tape in the living room later while deciding whether to send it to your husband’s parents!  I remember you telling me how much they hate you anyway!”

They all laughed as Gemma felt her ass being lubed up by the Mailroom clerk!  She was being tossed around by the two until the clerk settled into her tight hole while his buddy, the Shipping manager filled her cunt with his long cock.  She hardly protested as her face, once flushed with embarrassment and shame was now filled with lust!

“Yes.  Fuck me.  Fuck me!”

Gemma smiled and put her husband’s cock down her throat next to them, never gagging once as she brought him to the edge of oblivion over and over before aiming his jizz at Anna’s unprotected face!

“Who’s the slut now Anna?”

The men both came inside of her, never considering pulling out as Anna attempted to recall if she had taken her pill on time!

“Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.”

The men spoke simultaneously as she writhed on the floor, unable to comprehend how she could have been so stupid!  She was cramping on her insides, but unable to release her hands from their restraints.  Her pussy and ass were leaking cum since all three men had dropped full loads either in or on her.  A body that was still shaking and being recorded!  Anna didn’t know what to feel since she was sure the tape was proof of rape.  But she couldn’t recall asking them to stop once!  That was when it all hit.

Anger.  Betrayal.  Happiness?  All she knew was she was grateful that before Jake left to show his friends out, he dropped her into the bathtub.  Allowing the water to wash some of the sticky cum out of her.

“I am so glad you arranged to spend the weekend with my husband because I really like watching him fuck other women.  I get the Best of both worlds.  I get to watch and know because I give him white sluts like you, he will never leave me.”

The smack across Anna’s face was undeniable as she felt her skin heat up as the blood rushed to the flesh beneath.  Gemma was playing with her hair too and twirling it in a way that teased her into believing she meant to cut it short.  It was a mind fuck.

“I knew my cousin Jan wanted him.  She told me.  That didn’t mean she didn’t have to pay the price of fucking all the guys.  But I respect her.”

She paused and smiled at Anna.

“My roommate Jen?  That was a surprise since she has never been very sexual to my knowledge.  But she really has no time to find men so; I forgive her too.”

She paused and smiled again.  Gently caressing Anna’s face and lingering her hands over those magnificent natural breasts even childbirth hadn’t ruined.  She knew the boys were going to love her!

“But you?  I never thought you would ever betray me and fuck my husband.  So now, you belong to me.  Or I will make sure Phil divorces you and gets everything you slutty homewrecker!

Anna heard her speaking but only understood the last sentence.  She hoped her friend wouldn’t drown her, helpless as she was with her hands tied behind her back.

“I’m sorry.”

The second smack came from her lips and was almost sent back immediately by Gemma’s rage.  She allowed her husband a long leash, knowing he could be with almost anyone he chose.  He was not just a big dick to her.  He was a good man who deserved better than this slut who lost herself so quickly with other strangers.  Anna had failed.

Anna would have taken him from a weaker woman.  Sneaking around behind Gemma’s back showed no class or respect which it was obvious Anna had never been taught.  Gemma saw Anna’s face when she was being dominated and knew the woman’s marriage was over already.  She would never be able to stop, even if left alone by Gemma.  She was an experimental slut now.  There was no going back. The blackmail angle just gave her an excuse.

“I am going to give you one chance to earn the contents of this tape…”

30 minutes later Anna walked down the stairs in her high heels, and nothing else beyond the collar and chain fastened around her neck.  The men from before were gone.  But five more sat on the couch, watching as Gemma led Anna downstairs to meet them.  The stories Gemma had told Anna were true!   Gemma watched the men encircle her new pet in the middle of the room, and Anna knew exactly who the next story was going to be about really!

Lynne walked into the office like any other day, late.  Her hair and makeup were of course, flawless.  Her outfit was as usual, sexy on her yet professional.  It showed a little cleavage of her 38 Ds and matching skirt just tight enough to show her curves.  But not as tight as they once were.  She was beautiful and very much engaged now, making here weary of all of the attention the opposite sex gave her at work.

 It was quite a reversal from previous times.  It was something she needed to adjust to as well.  A new wardrobe consisting of skirts precisely 3 inches longer at the hem and blouses much looser than she had worn her previous 27 years felt like bags!  The wardrobe was an engagement gift from her Fiancé.  And Lynne was trying to adapt to the change, shifting from a single woman into the respectable future trophy wife.  Albeit one that had been polished by many men.

Being engaged didn’t stop men from ogling and enticing her though and in a way, it was her own fault.  She had spanked her pussy as she drove to work, something one of her co-workers liked to do whenever they hooked up that Lynne had enjoyed and adopted as a part of the normal masturbation process.  The woman felt guilty mostly because, at one time or another, she had slept with or blown most of the men in her sales office.  And even she remembered the incidents as good times now past.  The last day was going to be hard emotionally as the change was inevitable.

Selling financial products in a bad economy can be depressing, and sex was sometimes necessary to close a client or keep up morale.  Lynne had always been a team player, giving the guys confidence by letting them have their way with her, given good reason.  What started out as mostly a slut’s curiosity  helped turn a lagging sales staff into the Number 1 producer on the East Coast!  Her relationships had helped her climb to VP, and she had earned her position combining brains and well-timed “pep talks” to keep production up.  The entire office was sad to see her go. 

But Lynne was going.  She had met her future husband, a wealthy, successful attorney insistent upon keeping her to himself.  His selfish and dominant personality appealed to her in some ways, even if he didn’t carry it into the Bedroom.  There he was putty in her hands and as timid as a mouse.  Not her style at all.  But eight figures and no prenup combined with the security that brings was hard to pass up, and as a Financial Manager, she knew a good deal when she came across one.

Lynne knew she wasn’t getting any younger and at 28 had enough sex to last a lifetime, whatever that meant.  Sure the sex with her beau wasn’t great, but with frequent masturbation and the occasional affair, Lynne figured she would survive.

She had placed her butterfly under her panties in the morning after Dan; her Fiancé had left her unsatisfied once more, having no idea how to lick or fuck a woman properly!  She had almost screamed in anger but remembered their flight to the Virgin Islands and upcoming wedding and held her tongue.  Ironic since she felt he did the same.

 All the way to work she had buzzed herself into a better mood until seeing her boss Craig, Lynne felt that familiar work feeling spread from her nipples into her rapidly swelling breasts.  She envisioned his cock splitting her them perfectly as he fingered her wildly on his desk, balls rubbing across her face and chin.   How wet she had gotten whenever he smacked her ass and told her “Good job.” whenever she or anyone else under her closed a new account.  His hands-on style was always a little rough with her but, she had always looked forward to their relations.  Thinking about giving all that big dick up had Lynne both upset and horny!  Under Craig, she had amassed her own, more modest six-figure fortune.  But his cock was still the best perk the office still had to offer!

Lynne felt her eyes tearing up as she walked down the hall for one of the last times ever.  She passed Jim, her favorite office pussy licker on the way to the woman’s bathroom and wished she could invite him in for an Afternoon snack like she used to!  His dick wasn’t as big as Craig’s, but he worked it inside her masterfully!  Especially after caressing her walls with his long, dexterous tongue!  Being one of only two women in the Office was an advantage when it came to sex!  Especially since the Receptionist was gone immediately at four every afternoon and herself was bisexual with a fetish for stronger women like Lynne!  As she stroked her pussy behind the closed doors, Lynne almost wished someone had ignored her stated wishes to end all office affairs weeks ago and just came to ravish her one last time!  But Lynne came on herself all alone and left the ladies room feeling better, but still sad.

Brad, Joseph, Melvin.  Greg, Wayne. Todd.  She had made them all cum one way or another and in one place or another.  In her home.  In their homes.  At office parties.  In cars.  All the memories!  Most of the men had been grateful to have spent any time with such a beautiful and understanding woman such as Lynne!  And despite her almost non-stop office promiscuity Lynne was well respected for being such a team player!  Men had been fired for disparaging her with the full support of the staff as Lynne was seen as an office treasure!  Women like her don’t grow on trees. 

The office was nearly empty when she reemerged which wasn’t completely unusual for a Friday.  But they all knew it was her last day and the thought that no one cared hit her hard!  It was only 11 AM for Christ’s sake!  Lynne walked towards her office disappointed she didn’t mean as much to them as they meant to her!  No sign of Ted, who she had a threesome with to help save his marriage once.  Lynne walked into her office feeling as if her time had been wasted and it was probably best she just go.  She didn’t owe them anything anymore!

“Lynne.  Can I see you in my office before you check out for good?”

“Sure Craig.”

His tone was business as usual, and because of her position with the company, they did have to go over stock transfers and stuff and better to just get it over with!  He had been more respectful of her departure than anticipated but considering the lack of bodies in the office today maybe it was because she had been too easy.  They didn’t appreciate her!  Lynne walked the few feet and sat in the chair directly facing him.  Her eyes still red from crying.  

“Sorry to see you go.  And it seems you aren’t taking it so well either sweetie.  Here.”

Walking around the desk Craig sat on the edge in front of her, handing her a tissue. 

“Well, you must be the only one who misses me.”

Cue the waterworks.  Lynne started crying forward; her head pushed unexpectedly directly into Craig’s lap as she sobbed uncontrollably and incoherently about all she put into the company.  Building the sales force up giving them her wisdom and “encouragement.”  And no one showed up to see her off!  Fuck them! 

“It’s not like that at all Lynne,”  Craig smiled as he spoke.  Making the words sound more condescending than comforting!  They had used her, and now they had no more use for her she thought.  She felt cheap.

“Than what is it like?”

Craig pressed the button on his phone and spoke to Anne, the receptionist.

“You know what to do.”

Hanging up the phone, Craig turned to Lynne and lifted her up into a comforting embrace.  It was so out of character for him to be nice!  But Lynne she was so distraught she barely noticed his 10 inches rubbing against her belly between them.  But even in distress?  Sex was on her mind as she felt herself getting wet between his arms as her cries became louder. 

“It’s okay.  I asked them to come in at 3, and we have a big sendoff planned.  No one could ever forget you, Lynne.”

With that Craig pressed his lips hard against hers, stealing the breath from her sobbing mouth and replacing it with his determined tongue!  He had never kissed her before, and the shock of the circumstance startled Lynne a bit.  Enough to distract her from hearing Anne enter behind her before the woman’s hands came across her ass, jolting her forward. 

Lynne turned momentarily shocked as the woman smiled up at her.  The choker around her neck, a reminder of the hours she had spent pulling her mouth onto her wet bush for her pleasure and amusement.  Her hands had been cuffed in front of her before she even had a chance to react as Craig was now working for his big hands back up her torso, ripping off her blouse in the process!  Even if she had the will to resist which she did not, she couldn’t leave the office undressed!

Lynne had closed the door behind her and began removing her soon to be ex-boss panties just as quickly as she buried her face between her thighs.

“Boss you were right!”  Anne squealed.  “She has a Butterfly on!”

Lynne was embarrassed at being discovered in this way but knew she was helpless.  She was always the type that once touched, needed more attention.  Many handshakes over the years escalated into wet, dirty sexual encounters which were one of the reasons she wanted to change and become a housewife. As her body was being manipulated against her stated free will, Lynne started to miss the office again!  Especially when the Butterfly that had been keeping her focused for weeks was being held in the air for her soon to be ex-boss to see while the secretary began rimming her ass to perfection.  

“I told you so.  Lynne is as much of a pervert as the rest of us!  She can’t leave.”

Flipping her over onto her stomach Lynne knew what came next.  Craig entered her roughly from behind, thrusting into her as if it were the last time while Anne went to the front of the desk and began kissing her deeply while fingering her wet snatch.  Lynne was cumming within seconds and Craig, being so turned on wasn’t far behind her in shooting his load deep into her!  Soon they switched positions.  With the receptionist cleaning her out while Craig put his still semi-hard cock into Lynne’s mouth the way she always liked it.  Drooling and needing motivation!

She hardly noticed the cuffs being placed around her ankles as she kissed the cock between her lips like an old friend!  Her senses were in a frenzy from having someone, no two someones to share her bliss!  She had been faithful for two months now and hoped to get pregnant on her Honeymoon, but that didn’t seem so important now as she trembled, splayed across Craig’s desk with his cock in her mouth and a tongue up her vagina!  If they had done this before she would have never left! 

Craig’s desk was clear which should have been a clue, but Lynne had been so hurt she never noticed, and now she was handcuffed and nude in his office.  When flipped onto her back Anne could see it was noon!  Craig mounted her chest and began the slow tit fuck, complete with dick slaps to the face that always made he feel appreciated by her boss!  She especially loved when Anne placed her wet pussy on her mouth taking turns licking her nipples and Craig’s cock intermittently.  Keeping them both coated in saliva as her pussy convulsed beneath them, waiting for an intruder to make it all better!  She wouldn’t have to wait long. 

Lynne felt her legs being lifted into the air by the chain attached to each ankle as she felt the familiar pulse of a hot cock between them!  Had more people come in?  Her orgasm began, and before long, it seemed as if she had lost track of the cummings and goings!  She was helpless to defend her most precious parts that she had been saving for her Fiancé as much as keeping from her staff. 

One after the other Lynne was sent off by her loving staff.  By the time Craig had unleashed a second load over her nipples and face, and Lynne was greeted hello with a deep kiss from Ted’s wife Janine, who licked the cum off dutifully.  Anne had concluded most of her staff had given her a proper goodbye! 

 Brad, Joseph, Melvin.  Greg, Wayne. Todd.  They all came!  Twice so it seemed.  By the time Lynne recovered hours later all that was left were presents and Ted’s wife in a 69 with Anne in the corner of the room!  Ted was with Lynne, fucking her with his biggest Dick in the company by 2 inches at least until settling his head between her thighs and licked her back to reality!  Why did she have to leave?

The next night Lynne was married but sore.  She was also pleasantly surprised when most of the staff made it down to the wedding as an unexpected surprise!  After the reception, Lynne asked her new husband if it was ok to forgo sex and just cuddle and talk since she was tired from the tight schedule which he agreed to.  It was a beautiful night and the wind off of the Atlantic Ocean in St.Croix was perfect, and though she was horny as usual, she knew Hubby would never do under the circumstance! There was a lot to discuss.  Such as how she had changed her mind about quitting just yet.