Fred walked into his Downtown Office. Sitting down in his King’s Chair waiting for the Markets to open. It was only six thirty in the morning, and he wasn’t alone. His Executive Assistant was there with him posted up at the receptionist desk. Waiting for him with a smile on her face, as requested. A smile that was returned daily by a lecherous sneer from him.
She had been in her new position for about three months already. Top twenty percent of her class at Wharton. A certified genius hassled only by a mountain of debt due in no small part to a shopping addiction that offset her intelligence equally. The six-figure salary wasn’t enough to afford the luxury amenities of her colleagues anyway so being at the office 12 hours a day worked perfectly for now. Even the menial task of making sure his coffee was perfect wasn’t as much of an insult to a woman of her stature. He was, after all, the biggest boss and landing that job was a coup.
Fred had been impressed with her resume and work experience. Legal Degree and more recently M.A. from Wharton. Fred was even more impressed with Gina herself. Five foot 6 inches with a twenty-three-inch waist. What were at least full C cup breasts in a dress just long enough and tight enough to fit her voluptuous, brown body! She had worn Louboutin’s that were possibly a bit too inappropriate for the culture at the convention when they first met. Where he was the keynote speaker. And by the way, she carried herself, he knew she had walked in the Front Door and not a side entrance. He confidence told everyone that Gina belonged.
Gauging her reaction against Men he knew would have a problem with her very presence even before hearing her speak. Assessing how she handled them from across the room and reading her body language. Fred was getting excited to meet her. The Conservative businessman that he was didn’t show a tell above his belt buckle in the crowded room. And by the time she had worked around to him? The erection subsided thanks to innocuous small talk and thoughts of how his wife ignored him the morning before Fred caught his flight. As usual. He was almost angry as he turned to respond to her tap on his shoulder. Anger that dissipated within a glance.
Fred had listened to her pitch to work for him while reading the accomplishments on her Resume. She was smart. Charming. Articulate. And at the same time to him? Something else. Shuffling his feet in a circular motion as Gina spoke Fred had subtly dispersed those standing immediately to his left. And Gina’s insistence on maintaining Fred’s attention? Dispatched those on his immediate right. Until they were alone in a filled room. Her, facing the others in the room. And him? Facing only her. Though he had barely said a word.
“Look at me. Eye to eye.”
Grasping her left forearm above the wrist. Fred leaned into the shorter woman and unlike most men? Never diverted his eyes from hers. Maybe it was her mouth that he glanced at. Perhaps the totality of her face. But he wasn’t being moved or controlled by sex she thought. Or at least showing it.
“What do you want to do with your life?”
Fred had learned this technique from his Father. Establish dominance immediately. Control your surroundings. Press and apply the pressure. Ask for the impossible question and wait for the impossible answer.
“The same thing you want to do with yours.”
Fred looked for weakness or emotion in her response at the time. But her facial expressions wouldn’t betray her. If Fred saw anything? It was deep inside of her eyes, and it was empty space. Inviting twins of his own but, less barren. Was it passion? His slacks which began to grow the moment he grasped her arm. Electric to the touch of her. His first thought was correct. He had to possess her.
“How many Resumes did you hand out today?” Fred asked.
“Five, so far.”
“Let me hold your folder for you a minute.”
Taking her folder into his hand. Fred released her arm from his grasp.
“You’re hired. As long as you go collect those Resumes and bring them back to me within five minutes.”
The surprised look on her face was exactly what Fred wanted to see. He sensed a tinge of joy in her voice and thought again about his request. Knowing he didn’t want anyone to change their mind and pounce as he had. Fred changed his tone immediately.
“Just messing with ya. Not about being hired! The Resumes. I expect to see you in the Main Office in two weeks.”
And with that. Fred exited the room before he lost the edge.
Human Resources set Gina up with Relocation Services who arranged a nearby Luxury Apartment amongst other things. 175 plus expenses and a 3-day work week in Office that started at 6 AM. She would work directly underneath Fred and answer to no one else. Not even the Department Heads or Vice-Presidents. Especially not the Members of the Board. And if they weren’t apart of the Corporate family? She was to divert. Build her own team Fred could Trust to only answer to him or her.
Gina had done her job. Adjusting up his Corporate strategy flawlessly for three months as if they immediately became business symbiotic. Together implementing improvements that helped the Company Portfolio climb 1 percent in the last quarter. While others lost money? Fred made a little. Not much compared to when things were great? But enough to show him he had made the right decision. Because as much as it was always about the numbers for him. Fred had plans.
Big plans. But what was needed someone smart enough overseas to head up the Asian Liaison Office. A woman was a perfect choice for Asia. The Operation wasn’t huge, or on the scope with other regions so, there was little chance for failure. And there was the chance to have Gina as his lover.
She was shaped like the girls he often hired while away on business trips. Especially one night in New Orleans right after he was married. He had paid double to have his way with that one! This one? She was going to have shown him how bad she wanted the job.
At twenty-nine years old Gina was a bit older than his usual conquests. But those women were Professionals of a different sort. Her resume was completing Undergraduate at 17. Georgetown Law. Time spent as a Paralegal followed by a few more as an attorney. And more recently? A pivot and Masters from Wharton. Had her new husband not died suddenly she would be making Babies somewhere instead of rebranding her life and career.
For her? The position meant more than others who wanted plain old success and Titles. She needed a purpose. A reason. Having lost so much recently. Her best friend. Her Lover. Her way. Only to find herself once again immersed in a job and work. This time much different than the legal arguments and tedious Corporate protection racket. But still. The same. Cumming full circle. It was almost as if she was running on automatic. Pressing one button or another to free her limbs to continue. A life that lacked purpose? Lacks passion.
She once used to cream her panties at the most simple delights of the world. A mangled paper clip adeptly distorted into a clitoral stimulant. A man with a trouser snake that made her wonder about his size. Conversations with women she worked with she knew had sexual attractions and desires towards her. How easy it used to be. And she would dominate them all. By either suppression? Or submission. Before Love. The man who tamed her soul along with her body was gone now so young! An unreasonable blip of happiness, gone. And all reasons to remain? Buried with him. The attraction to her now Boss Fred the moment that they met had been the only brief feeling of life since. As slowly, Gina returned to being herself.
His sneer this morning she knew was mixed with necessity and depravity. And for the first time in years, Gina felt something in her reborn virginal vessel. A familiar twinge of expectation.
She no longer masturbated in Bathroom stalls. Or placed objects from the sex store inside of her daily to help her Brilliant mind focus. These were objects of a tainted youth subjected. She had done those Taboo things other girls would only dream and fantasize about. Given it all up for one man she loved just to watch him quickly wither and die. And come out of it all, a new Gina. Stronger than the last but, absent of any joy. Cumming was no longer a necessity. Hiding in plain sight, was.
“You never talk about your personal life.”
Standing in the entrance between the two rooms. Fred startled Gina with his voice proximity. Usually, she was at the ready with answers to any questions he may have. But the momentary pause was enough for Fred to know she wasn’t going to answer directly what he already knew by now. She was a tragic story.
“It’s because it isn’t what you pay me for. It’s inappropriate.”
Fred moved to the inside of what was their personal Private sanctum. Everything that was available to him within the walls of that single floor? Was open to her as well. Her station was temporary. Until the Full-Time Receptionist and Fred’s actual fuck toy, Jessica came in at 11. A relationship Gina guessed at but, never cared to confirm.
“Well, I imagine it’s time then. I want you to come to have dinner with my wife tonight and me. Around 9. She wants to meet you and so do I. No date. Just you.”
Fred retreated back into his office as quickly as he started speaking. Leaving Gina to her tasks and her thoughts. He wasn’t going to try to sleep with her with his wife there so, that was a relief? And since she wasn’t scheduled to be in the office the next morning? She didn’t have to wake up early, so there was no excuse. As if there could ever be one for the CEO’s personal invite.
Arriving at the Manhattan apartment the Connors used as a personal residence while in town. Gina was immediately directed to a Private elevator on the side of the Building by the Front Desk Clerk. The elevator had one destination and opened up into a beautiful space! The glass windows. Two of them turned to the side to allow the night air in. And Fred. On the balcony. Holding two glasses.
“Come in.”
Gina had endured many courtships in her jaded past. Mostly crude come-ons and direct suggestions from aggressive. Mostly older men who guessed her true nature. And at that time? It wasn’t hard to tell since in most of those instances? She had been the passive aggressor. Being wooed with kindness was not what she was accustomed to or even previously had preferred. But she knew there would be no wife or third glass to fill instantaneously. And Gina was relieved at the thought.
Her attire was a business suit. Her usual these days with one exception. Gina had found her last set of sexy lingerie and was wearing it beneath her suit. Garters and a push-up bra and a singular piece of black thong underwear which she hadn’t worn since the week before her Husband’s diagnosis and surprisingly quick demise. It wasn’t a conscious choice for her. But one she wore comfortably. Placing her purse on the table by the couch. Gina confidently strode outside to the patio. Where a table and her Boss waited.
“No wife?” she asked.
“No witnesses.”
Fred replied while passing her a glass of Champagne along with his usual sneered greeting.
“I wanted to get to know the real you. Without pretenses. So tonight? I am not your Boss. I am your friend.”
“Well, that is pretty hard to imagine. Considering you are still, my Boss.”
Did he think it was going to be easy? That she would seize the opportunity to cement her position with her body? Gina was flattered, of course. And for the first time since she could remember even a bit horny at the coming proposition. But she understood their dynamic and had promised herself to never be one of “those girls” who slept their way to the top! Even if she was attracted to him.
“You’re right. Which is why we are celebrating your promotion to Head of the Asian Division.”
Gina’s face lit up. She knew what was being planned in that area and had been compiling Data for the job search. At Fred’s request. Giving opinions on what would be needed there to succeed. And had just begun compiling a list of qualified candidates. She knew how important this was to him and, the Corporation. But she didn’t think she was under consideration! She ran out and gave Fred a big hug! Dropping all professional pretense for the moment and for the first time in two years, allowing herself to be happy!
Her breasts instantly perked up with the first close human contact in years! And instinctively she turned her face up and kissed her boss passionately! Surprising Fred immediately. After releasing the kiss awkwardly, she stepped back.
“Talk about inappropriate.”
Fred sneered as he pulled back her chair to sit in the night air.
Gina wasn’t accustomed to being uncomfortable. It had been a long time since a man hadn’t responded to her advances by reciprocating. But it had been a long time since she had been so direct with one as well. What she wanted was confused by the setting and circumstance as well as her own reaction which she knew wasn’t solely about a promotion.
Fred began to talk about when they first met and the sense he had about her. How he had watched her closely since, to make sure she would be right for the post. The way he accentuated the word. Post. Gina heard every word and answered the way she knew he wanted her to since she was being given more than directives. This job was more than that. It was a purpose. She found her mind wandering into her past. Delving into the part of her brain that had been shut off due to circumstance. It was as if fires were being relit inside of her.
“All three points of action.”
The words whispered came out naturally. As the nubs of Gina’s nipples pressed her smart blouse and sleek garments that slipped across the body’s most sensitive spots. The conservative cut still maintained her outward appearance of modesty But inside? Her clitoris began to throb at the inflections of his voice. The moistness of his lips. And of course, the small bulge that began to grow inside of his trousers as their chemistry began to bubble. It was the slow acting yet powerful chemical formula between them causing the natural reactions she once took for granted. Horniness.
“In a manner of speaking. Yes. We seem to be simpatico on this.”
“Oh yes, we are. May I use the ladies room?”
“Of course. Down the hallway to the left.”
Gina couldn’t take it anymore! The meal had been delicious, and the conversation was definitely favorable. She would be leaving in five days and would not be required to come to the Office until then. Her routine. The thing she had just became comfortable with. Was going away as quickly as she had secured it. Another surprise of life. And on top of that? She was alive! Feeling again as she always had. Horny at the simple breeze of wind she couldn’t feel through her rough suits of armor. Having gotten everything that she wanted professionally wasn’t enough to fill the void. She needed more.
As she took off her suit in the confines of Fred’s bathroom and replaced the high-heels on her feet. Gina knew no wasn’t going to be an acceptable answer. The garters she wore seemed planned, but she didn’t care what Fred thought now. Gina knew he was never supposed to see them. But also knew she wanted him to see them now!
As she opened the door leading into the hallway, she was startled herself. Fred stood leaning on the wall down the hall. He was unbuttoning his shirt carefully as Gina began walking towards him step after step. Until they stood face to face. There was nothing else to talk about. No more necessary pretenses to hold onto. Just them.
“I’ve wanted to see you like this since we first met.”
His hands wandered from her ears. To her mouth and the left side of her face. Her neck which he grasped tightly. Causing her body to arch forward towards him. A natural state of submission towards him. As his other hand began to explore her body.
Her tits. Nipples one at a time tweaked and squeezed as Gina began to cream her panty line a bit. She hadn’t dared to touch herself at all when she had the chance. Fearing she may be in their longer exploring her other long-lost lover. Herself. The sensations and enticing opportunity to play with her mound had been conquered by thoughts of this moment. When he would finally show her what being the boss was all about!
As Fred’s hand rolled the tiny piece of string across her lips. His mouth engaged hers in an intense mixture of wills. His to dominate her. And hers to be with someone worthy. His middle finger rhythmically pounding her reborn virgin pussy without direction or need for instruction until her legs became too fragile to stand on! They were only being propped by the upward momentum of his thrusting hand and the firm grip of his hand on her neck!
Gina could feel the restrictive pull of air as gravity dropped her weight down onto two unsure sticks. And her desire to give in further. To submit to a man felt in the moment to have never been greater! It was the timing and unfamiliarity of what was once familiar. Hardened nipples and a drenched pussy not fingered in so long! So long she forgot the circumstance.
But Fred knew. He had an investigator look into her past and knew all about her youthful experimentations that lasted well past the stage of curiosity! Gina was perfect for what he desired. Another mate but this one? Under his control. As he deftly maneuvered a second digit into her warmth, Fred felt himself grow bold that he possessed her now. And sure that he would thoroughly enjoy his new toy!
Fred took his hand from between Gina’s legs and wrapped it around her waist. Holding her up and into him by cupping her ass cheek by the dimple. Gina’s breathing became steady and robust instead of the frantic and erratic breaths of air that had accompanied her orgasmic bliss. Even as her heart was still racing with excitement!
Pulling her full face around Gina could feel his four fingers tingling and caressing her moist inner fold. Arching her toes up with each touch before Gina realized her legs being off of the floor! Swiveling her around till she sat on the edge of the bed. Gina’s hands reached out for his buckle only to be grabbed and encased in Fred’s own. Redirecting them to the space in between her own thighs.
“I want to see you touch yourself first.”
Four hands rubbed up and down her slit. 20 fingers she felt one at a time in her mind as her senses worked in overdrive and Gina’s memories followed. She was with her first lover. He was letting his girlfriend tease her like it happened back then. As Fred removed her hand and Gina squeezed at the nub of her clitoris. Imitating what that woman had done to her that day while her Lover bound her arms behind her back, Gina came the same way she had that day. And transformed as she was, Licked her lips for the taste of pussy that followed before her head had been thrust forward onto his cock! Fred’s cock which was now standing before her tall and strong. Until Gina fixed her lips to the prize!
She was in a trance as she held her own hands clasped behind her back as if they were bound together. Lips full and moist. Working their way from the top to the bottom of his manhood with a rhythmic pulse and artistic grace. Fred was used to professionals. Women who would stroke him with the primary purpose of fast money. Not because they wanted to!
“Can I rub my pussy boss?”
He wanted to say yes. Wanted to cum with his 8 inches as deep down Gina’s throat as possible. Causing her to cough and gag on his seed as soon as possible! Opening his eyes and seeing her beautiful mouth and occasional tongue lick and drive him as close to the edge as anything. Begging for his permission. She easily could have delved into her puffy slick snatch on her own, but she wanted him to understand his control over her was complete. She was now his responsibility.
“Turn over.”
His voice was strong and sure. But what he was asking for? Gina wished he would have waited longer to take! Her ass sat high in the air. Face, in the middle of a plush pillow, left strategically in the middle of the bed. Out of her fantasy now. Gina wondered what he would do with her next. Hoping it would be enough to satisfy the lustful urges he had unleashed in Gina that had been safely bottled up inside. Gina couldn’t take disappointment.
If Fred were to put his cock in her now, she would cum? Sure. But he would be no different than any other man. Maybe one with a black girl fetish which would make Gina sick to her stomach. Before she came thinking of being used in that way. She could never work for him after that happened. After she had welcomed his dick into her mouth with such warm, loving kisses and greetings! It would show he didn’t appreciate her quality at all! Because all he wanted from her was a raw fuck!
She needed for him. For anyone to see her for what she was inside. She needed to be loved.
Feeling the cuffs being fastened around her ankles, she quickly attempted to pull her legs closed behind her! Fred roughly inserted two fingers into her still wet snatch. Rubbing her G-Spot and coaxing Gina’s moans into the air before quickly removing them and injecting the longest into her ass! The shock cause Gina to spike and shoot out of her hole her happiness that Fred indeed did know what she needed! Removing his finger and beginning a slow, steady spanking with what had to be a riding crop! But Gina couldn’t tell for sure with her face biting the pillow as she enjoyed the exquisite release of her Boss steady paddling!
“Tell me where you want me.”
“In my pussy, Sir?”
Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.
The sound reverberated at least 5 more times before he stopped to put his fingers back inside of her. Straying to squeeze her clitoris before crudely sticking his arms between her prone thighs to wrestle each nipple one at a time. As she struggled to deal with the sensation of exquisite pain coming off her brown bottom, tanned red.
“I am going to ask you again and you better not lie to me. Where do you want me?”
Gina thought for a minute about her Husband. Gone forever from this place and unable to protect her now. Her pussy sat throbbing under the touch of another man. Without his permission or supervision. He never even knew Fred and could never approve! It was the end of an Era as her mouth watered and voice began to speak.
“I want you to put it in my ass.”
Dropping his riding crop, Fred began to move into Gina’s world. Slowly massaging her snug pussy hole until he felt it. Could feel her. Pulling him deeper. And deeper inside of her body until he was pressed against her welted ass. Skin to skin causing Gina to tear herself away upon impact. Only to be pulled back roughly onto him! Her neglected womb seeping over Fred. His stroking became as long as they both allowed and his thumb. Moistened by Gina’s own body. Stayed stationary in its place. Waiting for the second shift. Which wouldn’t be long.
They knew what the other wanted and needed.
Gina could never go back. Never relive her youthful days of sex without consequence. Give in entirely to a man or a couple and live their dream. She was too good for that now. And probably, too good for it then.
And she would never find anyone that loved her like him. Understood her desire for pain and pleasure so completely that she couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended! Luke was gone. She could never hope to find a lover and a Master in one person again. But she couldn’t change who she was either.
If she was going to live? She needed this. The feeling of blood running through her body. Rushing to soothe the pain. Her nipples pushed outward into the air. Hormones racing through her loins. Ass throbbing.
As Fred placed himself on her, he could hear her voice.
“Four points.”
Her voice began to trail off as the fleshy cone made its entrance. Her body ached instantly. Than arched back into his hips for more. More. Until her ass was filled and there as nothing between them!
“I belong to you now?”
Her moans of ecstasy filling the room as the pain of the moment attacked her senses! Tears of joy and pain falling from her eyes like always. Wishing he was here but knowing that door was closed as soon as Fred had opened it again.
“Yes. Your ass is mine now, so you belong to me.”
Encouraged by the moans of his Asian Director which Fred took as proof he was telling the truth. Fred began to cum. What fun could he have with more time with this Ebony Goddess! Looking at her ass coated with his seed he wondered if this was how his wife felt about Jerrod. Seeing juices coating his cock. Her white skin against his dark. Like his white against Gina now.
“You need to go soon.”
Fred became cold in an instant.
“I wish I could fuck you more but, some of us have to work tomorrow.”
Gina kept her head down in the pillow. Tears across her face from the rude intrusion of her Boss. She felt low. Used. And didn’t know exactly what to say next having been in this position? But never in THIS position. She started to lift her battered body up though all she wanted to do was fall forward and go to sleep! It had been two years since she had even masturbated! Having used the power of her mind and the extra boost of having lost Luke to focus her mind. Her pussy had been assaulted. Ass taken. And she was still quietly, cumming from the spanking she had endured! Gina knew she had to leave but, she just didn’t want to yet!
“But since you belong to me…..”
Gina felt the vibrator being twisted inside of her. It was small but when turned up? Very powerful! Reaching between her legs, Fred grasped her hands and placed them on the device.
“Hold this.”
Gina could feel the sensations welling up inside of her and before long? Forgot Fred was even in the room! She could manipulate the settings and pull it out. The tip was extremely powerful, so Gina began rubbing it across her clitoris for a while until she came to a crashing orgasm and dropped the device! Her legs still bound and having forgotten Fred was even there! Which he was. Filming.
Her eyes looked up into the camera, but all she could manage was a smile.
“Just a little insurance in case you change your mind and story. But don’t worry. No one will ever see this.”
Gina smiled at the thought of how much money the recording could be worth in the future and had to ask.
“Could you whip my ass one more time please, Boss?”
Gina left the apartment an hour later and did as she was told. Straight home and to the shower. Toy inserted at precisely 12 am. Streaming live to her Boss at 12:01.
At that time Fred sat with his attorney in the loft office. Taking turns buzzing the toy periodically and asking her to utilize the bag of goodies he had provided for her at the door. As the men drank red wine and watched the performance on the big screencast.
“My new head of the Asian Department. Smart as shit. And as delicious as Pink Berry. Don’t you think we are covered in case of a Lawsuit?”
“This would ruin anyone’s career. When can I try her?” his Lawyer Bob asked.
“She’s not that whore from Marketing Bob. She’s a Lady. I’m not passing this one around. I’m grooming her.”
“Grooming! You’re fucking kidding right?”
“Bob. Are you second guessing me?” Fred asked quizzically.
“No. It’s just she’s…..”
“Goodnight Bob. Thanks for stopping by.”
Fred stood and took the man’s glass and walked him towards the elevator. Knowing the mistake, he had made Bob immediately began to backtrack. Fred just listened and nodded until the man was inside the doors.
“Make sure you kiss that pretty wife of yours for me, Bob. Will Ya?”
As the doors closed, Fred returned to the study. Where he saw Gina twisting a paper clip. He looked at his phone and pulled up a contact marked Bob’s wife. It had a photo of the blonde woman with a black cock in her mouth. A souvenir from her last year’s Christmas party sent to him by the owner of the cock and her colleague. Fred sent the text with the picture attached to the wife with Gina’s address and instructions to help her pack. He wondered how Bob would feel if he found out about his own wife? And told her to do as Gina told her or, he would.