There were always exotic women with sharp curves and strong bodies, coming in and out for no longer than a few hours at a time.  African.  Asian.  Italian.  Irish, Hispanic.  Filipino.  Different shapes sizes, and walks of life down the same path.  Sometimes alone.  And sometimes, together.  All doing a form of “The walk.”   But what does an outsider know about anything that happens inside a home of consenting adults?   


Ron waited as Lorraine walked around the corner of his home towards him from the opposite direction of where he was perched.  He recognized the smile on her bright yellow face from a distance as a nervous one.  But her confident, sexy gait was undeniably confident until her last step.  Which ended directly in front of Ron’s prone lawn chair.  Everything about her portrayed the woman as sure, even if she wasn’t.  But it wouldn’t be long before she believed in herself again.  Because she was there. 


“Are you alone tonight?”  Ron asked smirkingly.


Smiling up at the woman as her breasts blocked the sun from the front of his face he remembered the words of his Uncle lawyer.  “Never ask a question you are not sure of the answer.”  The curves of her tightly-shave cunt already betrayed no shadows between her tight white shorts.  And no fearful intent on her part at all.  Ron read her weight shifting from one foot onto the other as a tell he had seen before.  The sassy Latina hell-bent on taming the Beast within Ron’s shorts, once and for all!  His cock even twitched a bit at the thought of what was anticipated she would try first.  And what Ron would do next. 


“I am more than enough woman.”  Lorraine smiled.


Her pride stuck in the words even if she doubted, they were true.  Knowing her friend was in love with him but knowing herself even better.   This wouldn’t be the 1st time they were together.  Just the first time they would be together alone.  And from their first time together?  Lorraine wasn’t sure what she was saying may actually be the lie.  Because Ron was more than a handful!  Or even two.


Her body ached for him.  She could still feel his warm hardness pulsing inside of her days later.  And had only nervous conversation with his girlfriend Jill since.  Trying to hide how she really felt about their threesome was hard!  And Jill told her she and Ron had been fighting ever since which secretly made Lorraine smile.  Jill said she was leaving to visit her parents for a few days.  To reconsider the entire relationship and whether there was a future for them at all.  While Lorraine listened as a good friend would under the circumstances.  Hoping that Jill wouldn’t catch on to her growing interest in her man!


When Ron called and asked her to stop by the day Jill flew out of town?  All types of thoughts ran across Lorraine’s mind.  One about her own girlfriend who was boring in bed for a girl but, loyal.  She knew nothing about what Lorraine had been up to the previous Thursday night and her evolving thoughts on her own sexuality.  But mostly she thought about Ron and the way his dick felt inside of her body!  She realized she didn’t care if her girlfriend found out and what she wanted was more time with him, alone.  


“What time”?


She could have said no.  Hung up the phone and called Jill immediately and tell her about the invitation and that would be the end of it.  She could fight the temptation to fuck her man AND have Jill back on a regular basis again.  Because she knew if she said anything?  Jill would break it off with him.  But Lorraine didn’t want it to be the end.


 She was hoping they would have invited her back to join both of them.    Their dynamic had been electric!  And she wanted nothing more than to experience Ron again!  His confidence in inviting her over was exciting to her!  Knowing what she knew now about them both.  The right thing was satisfying a thumping emptiness between her legs since last week Lorraine knew Ron could sate.  Jill had just left the door wide open.


Inviting Lorraine into their shared bed was proof of her willingness to evolve and share.  Both Ron and Jill both knew it wasn’t in Jill’s nature to share anything!  Especially Ron.  He knew there had to be more in it for her or it would go on for as long as it could before Jill lost her cool entirely.  Demanding some form of reassurance again of his devotion to her.  The interim was going through their playful motions.


The fruits of the game now stood directly before him.  Close enough for him to reach out and rub his palm against Lorraine’s mound before Ron decided to respond to her boast.


“I’ve heard that before.” He sneered.


Lorraine would have probably would have never imagined a man interacting with her that way last week!  But Ron had opened up a world the young woman had stopped considering long ago.  And she welcomed his forceful yet, gentle touch with an involuntary shiver and not much else.  His palm circulated across her mound in the ways girls usually touched her.  And increased her desire to be not just filled by his cock but more intimately this time!  Ron pulled aside her terry cloth shorts to lick between her legs with the confidence most men only pretend to have.  As the heat and moisture between her legs bunched her shorts even closer together between her thighs.  His perversion matched only by his skill.


Lorraine loved Jill as a friend and occasional lover too.  And the two women were attracted together for what seemed like forever!  She was the girl Lorraine cheated on her Girlfriends with before Ron.  Not seeing her being the main reason she agreed to join the two of them in the 1st place.  With the caveat, she was not there for him.  How things change in a moment.


All Lorraine could think about in the seven days since their Menage Trois was him!  Watching how attentive Ron was to Jill had made her instantly jealous and understanding of why Jill never called her anymore!  But hearing his voice on the other end of the line was what she wanted now!  Lorraine didn’t need a clumsy excuse to stop by uninvited while Jill was out of town.  All she had to do was stop by and see if the connection she felt was really there.  And now as his finger decisively slid into her moist slit.   She knew she had done the right thing!


“Either way.  I’m glad you came.”



She almost did as Ron removed his hand and walked into the home.  Expecting her to follow closely behind.  He waved at the camera in an odd gesture she thought as they stepped inside together.  The long distance to the Bedroom seemingly steps away as Lorraine felt something she hadn’t felt in many years.  Overwhelmed and unable to say the words no. 


Ron lit a joint sitting on the side of the Bed in an ashtray.  Passing it to her as she sat her down on the Bed before exiting the room.  When Ron reappeared he was as naked and immodest as the day he was born.  Swaying from side to side as he moved towards her.  


“You’re assuming an awful lot.”  


Her mouth moved but her body stayed put.  Because she wore no panties or bra all she could do was pretend there was a chance she would walk away by behaving modestly.  But there was only one reason she would be there! and her hard nipples gave her completely away before Ron stood above her silently.  Grasping the blunt in one hand and her face in the other before pulling her chin up.  Her mouth directly in line with his 9 inches of brown steak.  With her eyes were directed upwards, watching him pull the weed into his mouth.  Ron’s head tilted down to kiss her.  Blowing smoke onto her tongue and down her throat as he kissed her passionately.  Releasing her mouth from his with two words.


“Stop playing.”


Lorraine felt her hand moving up between his legs.  Pulling Ron’s cock towards her opening lips knowing she shouldn’t be doing this!    It was pure lust and instinct taking over.  Watching his eyes roll back into the recesses of his head and making her mouth even wetter!  Her tongue encircled than engulfed, his stiffening cock as Lorraine surprised herself with how deep she could push it into her mouth and almost down her throat!  The enthusiasm that was more about how excited she was to see him this time alone.


What would her girlfriend say if she knew where she was and what she was doing?  And what about Jill?  Would she accept an apology and Lorraine’s skilled tongue swirling between her own tan thighs as a proper apology?  Did Lorraine even care?  As the thoughts ran through Lorraine’s head?  Her hands moved downwards towards her own slick box.  Rubbing her clit like her girlfriend usually did.  As if she was there with them!      


Sleeping with men was expected of her as a young, sexy Latina, so she wasn’t a virgin anywhere.  Her strict Catholic guilt made sure of that!  Lorraine was even engaged to a man before who had taught her about sex as a chore.  Those encounters were more about his pleasure than hers.  Those far from earth-shattering experiences only pushed her further away from men and before long Lorraine had rebranded herself a Lesbian. 


Any attraction to men had been a fleeting thought since.  Until watching Ron and Jill together had made her envious in a way she never experienced.  She WANTED him to make love to her the same way he had Jill.  With kisses and strokes long and deep inside of her body!  The sight of his brown skin sliding inside of Jill’s pink hole as it spread and sweated around his cock.  Lorraine knew what she wanted! 


There were no rules she told herself as she devoured the brown monster inch by inch.  Her body temperature heating up at the thought of Ron entering her like he had Jill.  Kissing and caressing her chest and back lovingly as he tested the depths of her well as Lorraine had watched in anticipation.  Wanting to be next but knowing that wasn’t what the two women had agreed upon.  If Jill was in town?  She wouldn’t be here.  Dressed so provocatively for however long he clothes remained. 

“You are very good at this.” 


Ron let her know he approved as he watched her head bobbing back and forth over and around his thick monster.  She was barely able to contain it in her mouth, and half wanted/expected Ron to grab the back of her head and force him down onto her.  Causing her to cough and gag as she usually had in her past with much smaller men.  But he didn’t.  He just watched as she did what she could before stepping back and pulling her tight T-shirt over her head.  Revealing her wonderfully shaped C cups and absurdly hard brown nipples.  The darkest part of her body. 


“I need to taste them titties now.”


His mouth circling her areolas in the most frantic yet, seductive way.  Ron had caressed and rubbed her titties beneath her bobbing head and now, pulled them and her upwards towards her mouth. 


“You know you are a natural, don’t you?”  Ron again expressing his approval of her performance so far.


The warmth of his mouth and lips kissing in between her breasts, so close to her own heartbeat made her shake again beneath him.  As he pushed her down onto the bed and began licking down her body until his head was between her thighs.  Kissing either side and teasing her clit with clumsy rolls of the tongue that seemed perfectly timed to her reactions!  Until Ron dug in.  Devouring her pussy with what had to be divine intent!

 Back and forth.  Up and down.   Figure eights until Lorraine’s body betrayed her, and she could feel the Orgasm welling up inside of her body! 


“I’m cumming.”


Ron rolled her legs up further beneath him as she began to shake and in one slow stroke?  Invaded her convulsing pussy just in time to get the desired reaction! 

“I love a wet dick.”


The strokes were long and slow with an extra push at the end that shook Lorraine a bit further than she ever knew possible!  The pain of being stretched enhanced by the pleasure or her own Orgasm beneath him!  His throbbing bare flesh rubbing against her walls that made her wonder does he do this with every girl?  But not wanting to stop it now!  No man had ever entered her unprotected, and she had sworn that no random man ever would!  But at the moment?  All she wanted was to feel his cum inside of her! 

“I know I cheated?” 


Ron began to pull out of her as her Orgasm subsided a bit.  His cock teasing and massing her insides in a short steady stroke.  Keeping the sensors inside of her body on full blast as his hands seemed to be all over her at once!  Under her ass.  Cupping her as he pulled her in but controlled her every stroke. 

On her tits.  Rubbing them and pinching her nipples one at a time in between hugs and kisses that calmed her fiery soul.  His tongue invading her mouth passionately from time to time as she began to Orgasm as many times as she could manage from his artful mastery of her!  As Ron began to push deeper inside of her.  His full shaft pressing against her shaved baldness finally.  Lorraine began to experience what she was looking for! 


“I want you to cum inside me.”


Lorraine’s voice was barely audible as she felt Ron stiffen and shoot his seed deep inside of her womb.  Leaving her there to recover.

“I will be right back.  Have to go check on something.”


Jill had watched the whole thing on the home security in a room upstairs.  Her mouth was gagged, and her hands tied behind her as she watched her man impregnate her friend.  The machine whirred and whipped inside of her a dildo half the size of Ron.  As she squirmed at the delight of watching her dream come true.  She couldn’t have children, and it gave her happiness to know the plan had worked so well.  Hoping that one day, they could all be together again soon. 

As the women walked towards the Lounge area off the Dining Room.  Avery noticed how Jane strode so confidently.  The two women.  One more Beautiful than the other were now all grown up.  Owning the room both knew was the sight of their parent’s many sexual trysts a decade ago.  When both women were still children and far different versions of themselves today.


The familiarity the ladies shared with the building, and one another made the moment all the more natural.  Except, it wasn’t.  It was the culmination of a long-ago perceived betrayal by Jane.  Never forgotten by Avery.  


Unlike the impossible promise between them made in a sapphic embrace, Avery had been too ashamed of to ever recall.  The way their warm breasts and hearts were beating in syncopation of an unspoken promise.  A broken one.  Both women had the right to never see one another again and yet, they were here together.


Playing and exploring each other’s bodies.  Exploring one another’s thoughts of reckless abandon, in between passionate kisses.  There was nothing serious about their sex then.  Till their moistest.  Most sensitive and delicate senses ground against one another.  Swirling in a rhythm that bound their flesh together as something more.  During a moment of ultimate weakness.  Jerrod had caused this to happen.


In Avery’s mind?  The first time she allowed Jane to tie her wrists together in submission.  It was compounding a mistake.  Even if it did fulfill another need.  Another thing she wanted to try that fueled her nightly sleeping ritual of masturbation by fantasy.  The black box had been well checked by Jerrod.  The lesbian lusts though?  Those had been filled by Jane. 


Now over a decade later as both women walked towards the back booth?  Their two husbands stood behind in the next room, talking about a game.  Seemingly unaware of the nooks and crannies of privacy the building allowed.  But not concerned with their departure after Avery’s outburst.  When the two women entered the Backroom to sit at the corner table the men assumed it would soon be worked out. 




One nodded to the other.  The button was pushed by Jane and the table and chairs swiveled into the wall like a TV stage prop!  The Other room with one important thing they both needed now.  A well-stocked bar and stools on the left.  And a King size bed to the right.    


“Well, Jane.  Wow!”  Avery stalled and smirked before continuing. “You have done well for yourself!”


Avery spoke first.  Like always.  The older sister with the broken wing.  The outward strength portrayed was a lie and a mask.  Ensnaring weaker men attracted to her natural beauty.  Unaware of the type of attention a woman like Avery required to possess completely as a partner.  That Avery’s couldn’t be identified by the nice guys.  You had to be strong to see her. 


“Not completely.”


Jane responded while her eyes never strayed from her former lovers.  Looking inside them for the gashes and tears Jane knew were there.  If she could heal Avery in one night, she would.  But the wounds weren’t so easy to locate on the stranger that Avery was today.  Even for Jane, who once knew Avery’s Body and Soul so well. 


“I didn’t get anything that I wanted but, I got almost everything.” 


Jane spoke in a measured tone while reaching out to caress the head and face of her first love.  Afterward all Jane could do was react with a facial expression of hurt.  As Avery recoiled from her touch and immediately moved behind the unfamiliar but, fully stocked bar.


“So.  I am supposed to think after all of these years that you never ‘intended’ to not only fuck.  But marry the guy I loved?  And didn’t use me to do it?”  How exactly did that happen anyway, Jane?” 


Avery reached for two glasses in an attempt to hold onto her emotions the best that she could.  Putting the cold ice into both glasses and pouring two fingers of scotch like an experienced bartender.  She was angry.  But composed herself well before continuing to speak.


“You.  You, Jane, were always making plans.  Always fixing broken things.  How exactly did you fix Jerrod to marry you?”

Avery handed the glass of Cognac to Jane after never asking whether or not she wanted it.  She was assertive.  Reliving the moments ago feeling of finally cutting loose!  On her husband.  The weak fucker.  Jerrod for thinking she ever wanted to see him again!  And especially this bitch Jane!  Avery could feel her breasts swelling with excitement with each new defying word!  As she walked and sat on the edge of the Bed across from Jane and noticed her lovely breasts and the shadow of nipple across the front of her dress.  Jane wasn’t so plain anymore!


“Or did you plan to save your heterosexual virginity for Jerrod too?  Since we both know you are the original Butch lesbian.  No matter how much you dress yourself up like a Princess.  What a fucking waste! Just like this fuck room!  Why are we here?  Of all places!  Did you just want me to see that it exists?” 


Jane knew what she meant.  This room.  This building had been owned by her father with the secret purpose that only select members of the community were allowed to know about.  It was a part of a Private membership held only by a few men of the community who knew it existed.  And most of the community’s women.  There was another house which was better known and off the grid a bit.  But this room?  Was legendary.


Jane and Avery’s fathers in their time were two of the men.  With Jane’s father through a series of holdings being the legal owner of this building until his death.  When it reverted to Jane.  Her selfish Dad certainly knew wanted the story to end with him.  But the secrets held within these walls were immense to be destroyed.  Here, they remained captive. 


“I inherited this place.  From my father when he passed.  It wasn’t a choice.  And according to more than a few people, it also wasn’t the original intent.”


“You could have sold it. Why keep it?  You barely live here.”  Avery responded.


“And pass up an opportunity?”


Jane moved closer to Avery but this time, stopped short of offering condolences and picked up the drink she had poured for her.


“I found my Father’s diary in this room.  His book of dirty deeds that were over a decade long and still growing when he died.  It was everything that we believed it was.  And more.”


“Then why keep it?”


“Because its mine.  I own it.  And I don’t give anything away. That is where we are different Avery.”


In turning her back for the first time from the conversation.  Jane gave the woman her first clue that the communication between the two of them would not be one-sided.  Avery could see the muscles clearly developed in Jane’s open-backed dress and the recognition of the years gone by came rushing through.  Jane was a strong woman.  Nothing like the girl who serviced Avery all those years ago she remembered.  Always with a loving touch and kind word to soothe Avery’s, broken heart.  Jane wondered what her touch was like now.  Even as she needed to continue her angry pretense for answers.


“If you would have taken the opportunity to invade your Father’s inner sanctum and discovered what I had?  Written in my Father’s own hand?  You probably would have sold the place.  But then again, your Dad was just an average deviant.”


“Fuck you. Plain Jane.”


The name the girls used to call her in High School rolled out of Avery’s mouth as if she had created it.  But hit the wrong mark.  As Avery would soon find out.  


“I was going to say I’m sorry about how things worked out and explain everything.  But now?”


Jane smacked Avery with an open hand harder than anyone ever had!  In fact?  It was the first time she could remember being smacked anywhere other than on her bare bottom and the force startled her off of one heel.


“You always thought you were better than everyone.  Especially Jerrod.  You think he would ever marry a truly average woman with Tits and no substance?  You never loved him!  You loved getting fucked!”


With that?  Avery lunged at Jane with a fury she never knew she had inside of her!  Swinging and flailing her arms and legs in the direction of the Jiu-jitsu expert in an awkward manner.  Hitting Jane in her arms repeatedly.  Each blow never reaching its destination and just as quickly?  Avery felt her breath being restricted by an arm across her throat.


Jane had maneuvered herself behind Avery and somehow, twisted her in a way that she had lost the free will to replenish her lungs.  Unable to breathe as Jane’s free hand held Avery’s breasts close to her body in her hands.  She felt a slight pinch but was losing consciousness and couldn’t tell if it was her imagination and odd arousal at being overpowered?  Or Jane exerting her free will over Avery who was slowly losing strength.


“You always thought you were big shit.  In control of everyone and everything because of these perfect tits.  Your perfect mouth.  Your perfect ass.  You little spoiled bitch!”  Jane sort of snarled.


“Let me go…”


Avery spoke as she squirmed against Jane’s strength to no avail.  And as the blood began to flow slower and slower into her brain and seemingly faster and harder into her nipples and pussy.  Avery started to panic.  Believing that Jane could have other plans in mind and a simple hand into her rapidly soaking panties would be all that required to melt her resistance.  Avery needed to break free.


“Apologize, bitch.”


Jane loosened her grip enough to allow Avery to catch another deep breath before she answered.


“No.  You used me to get close to my Boyfriend.  What type of friend fucks their friend’s ex?  You should be apologizing to me bitch!”


Jane hadn’t intended for this to happen but, knew that it was a possibility!    Having hoped for a more peaceful resolution to their issues since Jane never forgot her first lover.  And her Husband’s one-time favorite plaything as well had Jane believing the reunion had so many possibilities.  As well as Avery’s pride.  Jane and was prepared for any possibility.  Especially this one.


“I’m sorry you don’t understand what happened.  And.  I wanted to explain it to you.  But I am not sorry. Jerrod is my husband.”


With that, she released the woman onto the Bed.  Otherwise, Avery would have dropped to the floor and perhaps hurt her delicate self.  But Jane didn’t want her that way.  She wanted what she always wanted from her conquests. 


“And yes.  He is the only man I have ever been with or even want to.”


Avery laid on the bed panting, in an attempt to catch her lost breath while Avery walked over to the Bar and fixed two more drinks.  Both women having gulped down their first.  Their Fathers would have been proud. 


“Do you remember when we first found out about this place?”  Jane asked.


Avery put her head down remembering the story.  There was a girl in her class who told her about it.  A senior like Avery who had approached her after gym class.  Confided in her. Her name was Lynn.


Lynn’s father was a gambler but, not a very good one.  Her mother?  Well, she had started out as a good and dutiful wife but came from poor stock, with no family money to speak of.  It wasn’t long before their façade of affluence broke down.  And Dad’s lousy luck was visited upon her Mother who had no intention to go back where she had come from.  At least that was how Avery had described the woman as she began to recall the story Lynn told. 


“My parents took me to Amici’s for my 18th Birthday Friday, and it started out as the best night of my life.  Dad encouraged me to do something he always yelled at me about and dress sexy in high heels and a short dress telling me.  You’re a woman now.  So, I dressed accordingly.  Even though it felt strange to have my Dad ask me to sex it up for a family celebration.”


Avery remembered Lynn’s voice becoming more playful as she spoke what to her were the most horrible portions of the tale.  And how she had moved closer on the bench towards Avery.  Uncomfortably close as her hand rested on Avery’s thigh and the rest of the girl’s had almost left since it was the last class of the day and most girls chose to shower at home.   


“My father said.  I brought you a Mercedes like your friends have.  And you want to go to Dartmouth in the Fall but princess.  I have no money and haven’t had any for a while.  He sipped his Champagne and walked out of the room with tears in his eyes.  And that is when Mom took over.”


Avery was reliving the moment.  As silent on the bed as she was in listening to that day in the quiet locker room listening intently as Lynn continued.  Taking off her shirt so her breasts are swinging in the air explaining she was going to shower and drive home and would be willing to drop off Avery too.  If she needed before continuing. 


“So, Mom says to me.  Your Father is not a man dear.  I am sorry to tell you this but, he is just a failure and a fraud and hasn’t been taking care of you.  He lost everything years ago, and it is only by being cooperative that we have been able to keep anything.”


Lynn continued by asking her Mother what she meant.   


“Well.  I convinced My Parker to not Foreclose on the house.  And have been entertaining our creditors every week.  Privately and publicly.  Doing favors for them and providing services for Real men.  Not like your Father.  He is a cuckold dear.  And it is better you hear and experience this yourself and don’t waste your time with Daddy’s hopes and dreams bullshit.  There are so many rich and generous men here willing to pay for your education.  For a price.”


“A price?”


That was when Lynn said her mother pressed the button under the table, and the booth became the very room the women were talking in now.  Lynn’s hand also began to move up and down Avery’s leg at this point as well.  Coming dangerously close to touching her there.   


“Remembering that story turns you on, Avery?”


Jane’s voice had brought Avery back into the present.  For a moment she was in her gym shorts.  Pussy lips pressed against her firm athletic panties.  Waiting to be removed from their place by Lynn.  Frozen in place thinking about the degradation she had endured in order to secure a four-year scholarship when all she really wanted was to be normal.  Fuck a couple of guys her own age.  Kiss a few girls she found edgy.  And marry a nice, safe College boy.  Lynn’s tongue swirled across her body and into her mind as Avery wondered if she was now so sex craved telling her no and pushing her tongue away from her twat would drive Lynn to desperation.  Better she lifts her ass off the bench and give her a better angle instead. 


Like Lynn believed her mother had.  There was nothing wrong with sex for money.  If the money was significant.  Better a rich whore than a poor one!  But unlike her mother?  Lynn wouldn’t have to apologize or fit in.  Lynn belonged by birth and was still around. 


“What does that matter today Jane?”


“It doesn’t.  I just wanted to see if any part of the slut that I used to know is still there.  That’s all.”


Jane smiled a superior grin knowing the enhancements she had made to the place.  The men who opened this room.  Her father included.  Were a step above savages.  The room was muffled, but back then, they enjoyed the thought of customers being within an earshot of anyone hearing the goings on of the fuck den.  Reveling in one member taking a husband for drinks as another debased his wife on the other side of the wall.  Utilizing blackmail.  Exerting financial dominance and essentially preying on the women in the area.  The men used the club to humiliate other men without them ever knowing. 


Jane had eliminated that aspect by changing the acoustics, so the room was now sound proof.  Nothing in?  And nothing out.  No one could hear if Avery protested and the only person who could?  Didn’t care.  Jane’s breasts began to harden in anticipation of living out a long-desired fantasy with Avery.  Willing or not.  


“Avery truth is, I miss you.”


Jane began to take her shoes off as she spoke.  Sitting directly in front of Avery on the edge of the Bed.  Watching her every move.  Jane started by rolling down her stockings.  Leaving only the slightest of fabrics between her and the chair and dress beneath her bottom.  Before she started unbuttoning that and letting it slide down her shoulders.  Standing to her feet to step through the top of the dress.  Jane stood before Avery in the slimmest of panties and bra set which looked more like a bustier than a brassiere.  Her rock-hard body proof that Jane was now, fully grown.


“You were always the best big sister.”


Jane began to slide next to Avery on the bed in an extremely aggressive manner.  Her confidence having frozen Avery in place.  Avery didn’t know what she wanted, but she knew it wasn’t to leave!  Her wrists began to ache almost instinctively.  Feeling the invisible rope bindings.  Or cuffs.  But it was what she wanted and not what was happening.  As Jane reached out for them.  Touching fingers on both of Avery’s hands with her own before sliding them down to clamp down on her wrists?  Avery knew whatever happened next that she wanted it to.


“Give me a kiss lover and let’s make up.”


With that Jane pressed her face against Avery who attempted to feign moving her face away before swinging it back to accept the intruding tongue of Jane!  Pushing through her exceptions and taking away her ability to resist the chance to do two things she always wanted to do.  As Jane mounted her and began to rip Avery’s dress off of her body?  Avery was lost. 


Jane was again the dominant one.  She leaned over and watched as her left breast fell directly onto Avery’s mouth.  The same way Lynn’s mother’s had onto Lynn’s as the men.  Jane and Avery’s fathers.  Watched the mother restrain her own daughter.  Lynn had said she wanted not to think about the way her mother’s nipple had tasted inside of her mouth and specifically, on her tongue.  But it was only in her mouth long enough for the cuffs to be attached to her wrists! 


The men were taping the whole thing too.  Instructing Lynn’s mother to let her know if she accepted or wanted the scholarship?  She would have to be “enthusiastic.”  The tape would be proof for all time of Lynn’s willingness to use her tongue to please her own mother as she rode her face as if she had done this before.  So, when Jane slid up and placed her own slit over Avery’s wanting mouth?  She knew exactly what to do.  


“Ummm.  Have you been eating pussy at school?”


Avery began to swirl her tongue around and inside of Jane with an intimate knowledge Jane has missed so much!  This was even better than 18-year-old Jane telling the story of Lynn practically attacking her in the locker room that day while admitting that she had been fucked by her Father and a few older men that night.  All under the direction of Lynn’s own Mother!


Now Avery remembered being angry, at first.  Wondering why another girl would tell such a story!  Thinking this was going to get out and Avery would have nothing left.  Only to instead be treated to the most thorough tongue lashing of her life by a thankful classmate.  One who thoroughly enjoyed the harsh treatment she had received at the hands of Ron and the other sexual deviants of the community that night!  Her tongue was showing Avery how grateful she was for her Father!  And that quickly?  Lynn had been forever changed.


“Do you remember what you told me about her?  About Lynn?”


Jane was now slowly rotating her pussy over Avery’s tongue inside of her wet slit.  Arching her lips to give Avery the chance to speak and participate.  Up until that moment, Jane knew that Avery had no choice.  Curiosity and lack of proper attention as well as the memories of how good sex could be meant she was destined to be cuffed to this bed, given a chance.  But only her words could make it ok. 


“That I loved the way Lynn ate me out?”


Jane was satisfied Avery was still in there as she resumed her 360-degree rotations over Avery’s stiff and steady tongue.  As she leaned forward to place her ass directly onto her tongue?  Avery began to furiously lick and buck beneath her weight. 


“You know you shouldn’t be cumming this way, Avery.”


Jane placed her lightning box back over her mouth as Avery slurped at it furiously.  Attempting to catch her breath and Jane’s sweet honey simultaneously through her mouth.  Since her nose was pressed hard against her muff making breathing in anything beyond Jane’s scent an impossible task!


“And that is not what I was talking about.”


Jane swung around on the bound woman and reached between her legs.  Running her hands up and down Avery’s well-manicured bush.  Teasing her wetness into believing it could have what it wanted.  A tongue or finger.  Some type of constant contact to clear the mess her between her thighs that was quickly building again! 


“That I envied her.”


Jane pushed 3 fingers into Avery’s hole as she told her.


“See.  No one knows you like me.”


Avery was going to get what she wanted but first?  Jane wanted her to herself.  That was the deal.  As she began to lick and suck Avery’s pussy and clit Jane offered Avery what she really wanted. 


“Rim my ass then slut.”


The two women remained that way in one form or another for the next 30 minutes.  Avery cumming harder than she had in years.  Knowing she could finally be her true self!  Cuffed and controlled.  Without any responsibility or ability to stop anything that would or could happen!  She pulled at the restraints with each new orgasm as it built up inside of her before being set free.  And reveled in the comfort so much, she forgot about the time and the fact she hadn’t come alone!  The sound of the booth turning let her know that someone else had entered the room but, she couldn’t see who from the sides of Jane’s round behind.   She began to struggle a bit more against her bonds when Jane sat straight up, on top of her again.  Covering her eyes now. 


A pair of familiar hands grabbed each leg until both were like her hands, both bound apart.  This time in sleeves above her ankles.  


“Don’t worry babe.  I am going to stay right here.”


Jane’s voice reassured Avery that no matter what?  Avery was going nowhere.  She was dominant and more than capable of controlling Avery in ways only she had.  But the pressure she felt between her thighs was another reminder of the past. 


The bulb was round and hard, and Avery could feel her gap widening with its push forward.  As the knob slipped inside of her body.  Avery knew it was Rod.  And a tear began to form inside of her eyes.  She didn’t know whether it was because of the reunion of their two bodies?  The Lover Jane, sitting directly over her.  Leaning into what she could now see was Jerrod’s ebony, full-grown chest to kiss those soft lips as he began a rhythm inside of Avery?  Sadness?  Or the pure joy of knowing she was going to cum again.  This time harder and all over her long-lost Rod!  Avery knew all along something like this was what she wanted to happen.  But she never believed for a second that it would!   


“We wanted to say we were sorry together,”  Jerrod spoke.


The three of them.  Together again and for the first time moved in unison.  Jerrod tunneling his way through Avery’s nerve endings with his massive cock.  Her screams muffled by Jane’s slippery nest over her mouth.  And Jane’s mouth locked on the lips of her husband as her banged his ex-girlfriend beneath them both!  It has worked like a charm as Fred was in another room being distracted by the waitress.  Her instructions to keep him tied up until they all get there.  Together.


Beneath the Pope’s Avery bucked and crowed until all she could do was lay there as Jane took her cuffs off her wrists and then, her legs.  Jerrod climbed up between them.  Stopping to kiss her lips.  Tasting the familiar scent of his spouse upon them. 


“I missed you, Avery.”


Her hips shook as Avery’s leg lifted onto the bed.  Encircling his cock between her hips.  Rising and falling with each deliberate stroke of her honey hole!  Her head shook each time Rod would hit bottom and push a bit further.  Through the rebuilt nerves once originally assaulted over a decade ago.  Avery began to Orgasm over and over again as Jerrod began to cum inside of her!  Feeling the pressure of his spurts mixed with her own she suddenly pushed up and him off of her while saying.


“My mouth.  Please put it in my mouth.”


As Jane replaced Jerrod’s stick with her tongue in Avery’s subservient mouth.  She continued licking and sucking the woman to an extended Orgasm.   Jerrod gave Avery his choco stick.  Placing the nearly spent monster onto her wanting tongue.   Just like old times.  As Avery thought about Lynn.  The young girl who was always a bit adventurous eating her pussy in the shower.  If anyone had seen them they certainly hadn’t stopped to intervene!    It was as out of control as an 18-year-old as Avery ever felt.  Even with all of the times Jerrod and Jane had tied her up or masked her eyes from what was coming next.  As she began to Orgasm once again under the influence of the Pope’s Avery understood why Jane hadn’t sold the place before falling asleep.



     Ever since Shari had met Daniel, her life had become a series of exciting events best compared to almost out of control!  Looking at herself differently than a month ago or, even last week!   The things that used to matter to her such as social status or working to impress her girlfriends didn’t anymore.  Shari transitioned from career girl to company woman seamlessly.  Spending the majority of her time in gyms, or classes mixed with the occasional shopping spree.  Shopping the only subject, she wasn’t accustomed to that interested the woman at all!  The other two always wore her out.

     Two weeks ago, Shari received a notice from her apartment management company informing the woman of receipt of funds.  Her advance rent payment for the next two years in cash recorded.  On the same day, HR called her in at work informing her of her “promotion” to the management consultants division!  Shari had never heard of the department before but was familiar with the name of the department manager as one of the men Daniel had recently introduced her to.  The change meant she would be “on assignment” and reporting to the office she was informed was no longer required.  There would be a quarterly progress meeting in which objectives would be set, and payments doled out.  1/4 salary + any expense claims submitted.  A Corporate Black Card to use for expenses to avoid any fee claims to be requested.  And a firm handshake from her lady boss.  Some of the company’s, high-level employees started here, and Shari knew she would make the most of everything.  Every opportunity to shine Shari wanted to take advantage of.  

     She adjusted to the freedom quickly, even if she did miss the ‘grind’ of the NYC subway’s early morning commute. Shari’s eyes had been opened to the how the question of the way the world worked. There was no way to get them to close again!  She looked at herself in the mirror and acknowledged she was still hot at 26 and determined to get the most out of life while she could!  Standing at  5’5 with the same dangerous curves as her fully Latina mother, her body had settled in now.  Her ass naturally curved up into the air as if inviting men to enter while cradling her slim waist.  Shari’s breasts consisted of matching round, almost C cup breasts that held nipples so sensitive to the elements; they appeared to be perpetually hard!  They were perfect in shape, and dimension most women swore she had work done, but she hadn’t.  Shari was just a dynamic woman whose sex appeal was undeniable and sex drive until recently had been underutilized at work.  Not anymore, she thought as she headed three doors down towards the gym.

     Being half-Irish on her attorney father’s side meant Shari’s eyes were as green as Emeralds.  He had met and impregnated her then unmarried mother when she was his underaged housekeeper.  After he had divorced his college sweetheart, he married Shari’s mother Eva who for her part, never looked back.  If anything, her mother had always warned her about becoming like her Spanish cousins.  All sluts she had described them as while keeping her away from “that side” of the family, not wanting her daughter being influenced by their “whorish, ghetto ways.”  The same ways Eva had learned that resulted in Shari’s very existence and Eva’s affluence!

      Shari for her part though saw through her mother’s bullshit.  Always rebellious and being from a different generation than her mother, Shari didn’t let social or political views get in the way of her sexual needs once she reached college.  At her father’s alma mater, Shari would date and bring home black football or basketball players during extended breaks, calling them her ‘boyfriends.’  She knew her father would accept this behavior with open arms being a big-time University booster, and she loved flaunting these studs in front of her mother! 

     Her father encouraged recruits to fuck his daughter in the home while her mother was forced to hold her tongue behind their thin walls.  She could complain privately about the inappropriateness of it all, but Shari’s father didn’t care!  Most of these players would be professionals and knowing them in the future would boost his profile!  The whole thing for four undergrad years and two more graduate years transformed Shari into the woman now mounting the exercise bike who always arrived ready for action!

     Well into her 20’s, she would bring home 18-year old freshman to fuck around their house driving her mother crazy while boosting her father’s profile to legendary heights.  Throughout six years, Shari had graduated from fuck doll to teacher to friend of the Athletic Department in Academia herself.  Her envious mother just called her slut and puta.  Shari didn’t care because what little girl doesn’t want to please her Daddy who cut the checks while continuing to pay both of their bills!  And she liked sex.    

     Shari felt terrible for her mother because she knew the truth about her and would soon let the older woman know as well.  But that is another story.     

     Shari’s had always thought about those college years as being the best times of her life!  She met her first “boyfriend” on a recruiting weekend and remembered fondly bringing him back to her dorm to give him a taste of college life, meaning her sweet freshman pussy!  Shari rubbed her crotch against the exercise bike she now rode.  Remembering his long, pink tongue fondly as it had explored her wet pussy!  It was implied and sometimes insisted on the female hostess to “Show the High school boys a good time!” so they would want to play for the school in the fall.  Shari had every intention of helping her school and making her Daddy proud by getting a good report from her recruit!  But even Shari knew having his mouth and tongue kiss and caress her dripping wet pussy had been a bonus!  She had never met a guy who didn’t expect her to go down on him first but again; she did have limited experience with boys until then.

       As his tongue moved back and forth, Shari recalled how sure she felt some lucky cheerleader at home must have taught him well!  She remembered his black head moving back and forth in opposition to his tongue as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm that day.  Using the advantage of being a college girl to persuade him to keep his talented tongue working her swollen clit.  Bending her over the edge of her dorm bed, slamming his 7’ dick inside her pulsating young cunt!  It was the proverbial cherry on top of a horny young woman encouraged to cum for her father!  And Jeremiah’s black dick was the first and biggest she’d experienced to date, but not since.

For all of her willingness to explore sex, Shari had been relatively inactive and was not the as promiscuous as her classmates, preferring to keep her pussy to herself.  A knock on the door from the now famous, cute Quarterback to collect the recruit changed that.  Shari quickly became a team bonding experience and as she recalled the threesome Shari’s pumping of her exercise bike at a sharp pace became grinding of her barely covered pussy into the seat!  She was cumming with less intensity than that day as she looked around at the gym to see if anyone noticed her unorthodox riding and reaction to completing the toning part of her workout alarmed any other members.  It was spasmodic by comparison to the average result of riders after their regimens were complete.  But their workouts weren’t filled with Shari’s thoughts either.

       Those experiences introduced and ignited her desire to be the slut her mother warned she was capable of becoming.  At least some of the time.  She remembered feeling ashamed for a day afterward, thinking about what her mother would say!  If she ever found out she had been sucking on the school Quarterback’s big white meat while a black High schooler fucked her virgin ass sore!   The quarterback was calling an audible and stuffing his 9 inches into her tight twat.  Filling her with more dick than she had ever imagined while all she did was pant for more!  She knew her aunts and cousins would do anything to pass the day, but until then, she never understood why!  By the time her father called and told her he was sending her to Jamaica for a 3 Day weekend and not to worry about her Monday classes, she was over it!  Jeremiah had signed the letter of intent and mentioned her by name as a primary reason why.  The University loved her now.

     As she showered in the open area, Shari washed her privates carefully and exclusively.  She soaped her manicured patch to perfection as a blonde woman came aside her and turned on the shower directly next to hers.  The same woman who attempted to chat her up last week which her friend had told her about.  A married woman who trolled the gym for woman for hookups.  Shari looked at her and smiled before sneering at her naked body, letting her know she was about to get what she wanted!     

     Shari ran her hand across the stranger’s body before grasping her hand, pulling the wet woman into the sauna.  Closing the door and kissing her wet lips, their bodies rubbed together slipping off one another as the heat rose between them.  Shari leaned back and grabbed the strange woman’s head, pressing it between her thighs!  She loved being eaten out by sexy girls!  Shari had decided to give the woman a chance to please her because she thought about Jeremiah and his fabulous tongue and needed to feel one now!  The gym was notorious for adventures just like this and Shari had a reputation for being involved. They may not have known one another, but the blonde woman knew what to do as she hoped Shari would have picked her weeks ago! 

     Shari lifted her ass off of the seat and pushed the woman’s tongue into the brown button she had just cleaned for her!  The blonde woman’s tongue savored it as Shari for her part, began to verbally assault the ass licking stranger calling her a cunt licker and her “bitch.”  If her husband knew what she was doing, the woman thought he would call her the same!  The danger of being caught by her Conservative husband only intensified the passive woman’s resolve to satisfy Shari quickly!  She was on a time clock knowing he suspected her real reason for working out.  Artful strokes with her tongue became more focused on the goal at hand of making Shari cum again but for her this time.  The thin, blonde woman stuck her tongue as deep as she could into Shari, doing circles before Shari herself removed it from her tingling ass and placed her wet flower on the grateful stranger’s mouth instead! 

     Getting up Shari sneered at the woman who remained seated with her face covered with sex and sweat, pressing her fingers into her vagina begging Shari to return!  In opening the door wide, a clear view of the spent housewife was available to the two women now in the showers who usually worked out there together.  Shari nodded acknowledging their suspicions before resuming her bath under the warm water.  Washing off the sweat and sex so that she makes her lunch date while gesturing towards them to have their turn which upon leaving, she noticed they had!   The sauna door closed behind them and as she exited the locker room area.

     Shari was looking forward to the yearly tradition of sex with her two college lovers and had gotten carried away!  It was always the same at this gym with the women and was one of the advantages of membership.  Quickies.  Looking at her phone she recognized both of her former lovers; both professionals now had texted her requesting she come by earlier for the yearly reunion.  She listened to the desperate man at the front desk describing the blonde woman she had just left exactly to the receptionist. 

     “I think she’s in the sauna.” She volunteered before continuing on her way. If she would have received them earlier, maybe he would have a chance of collecting his wife.  Now she was sure he would be waiting quite a while.    



     It is a charmed life.


From the back, the man reminded her of her Science Teacher.  The one that she had tried to seduce precisely 10 years ago, to no avail.  Telling him, he was already compromised by returning her hot, unsolicited texts with his own salacious retorts either way.  He was older but, there was no mistaking those lines and that ass!   Mandy had been more than anxious to let him fuck her, and she always got what she wanted!  Especially the older and supposedly smarter faculty in her Private School.  In pretending to be someone else to entrap him Mandy assumed she would gain the upper hand.  And her offer was a simple trade for the grade with a bonus!  Getting her tight snatch getting pummeled in the process and he would never be able to tell a soul.  She remembered like yesterday. 

“My tight, white, pink snatch.” As she raised her skirt over her hip.  Unveiling her pantyless, tightly shaved hole and moist, shiny lips to the light.  For a passing grade. 

The fact that he passed on the chance to invade and use her younger, more eager body was something she Mandy never had forgiven or forgotten.  It had delayed her gratification as well as her dirty schoolgirl fantasy!  Something that had never happened before or since.  But, the way he had turned the tables on her that day left a lasting impression.  Because he laughed. 

“Have you ever handled a Black cock?”

Turning his back to her offer so coolly, she was embarrassed to even speak!  Mandy recalled her legs arching backward and her ass arching into the air at his unexpected, dirty worded response!  As if he had inserted two fingers inside her to tease!  Her other Instructors would have begged for the opportunity to bang her pussy raw!  Her Math A was a result of her letting Mr. Smith go down on her for hours of After-School credit!  Same with the gym and Mrs. Velez.  But she never offered to fuck any other Male faculty member for grades!  She didn’t have to since she was a naturally brilliant student.  It wasn’t her fault that school bored Mandy to distraction!  It was up to her own imagination to find challenges.

“Sit on my desk, Mandy.” He commanded.  “And open your legs wide, so I can see what you are offering.”

Mr. Warren had walked to the door to lock it and was talking to her as he taped paper over the window.  Blocking the view from the Hallway so no one could see in. 

“Samantha, right?  Those text messages from the dirty whore I met online.  That was who you were pretending to be?” 

Mandy had moved closer to the door and gleefully had one leg astride the desk table.  But upon hearing his revelation of knowing her plan, she began second-guessing her initial intentions.  Mandy knew he would be in his classroom because Mr. Warren always stayed late.  Fixated at his desk until right after the first late Bus only Scholarship students ever took home.  If she timed him right, she could be alone with him in a Deserted High School Classroom.  Finally feeling what she viewed bouncing against his Khakhis all Semester!  She had a foolproof plan.  But she needed the bait.

The naked pictures of her Mom were precisely that.  She was built like Mandy but, more mature.  Mom’s Tits were rounder and her Ass, plumper but Mandy figured, that’s what a Black man would probably like.  It wasn’t hard to get them since her Mother was divorced and kept them on her Computer to send to Men for hookups.  She was a horny woman.  Too horny to be alone. 

“Problem is.  I recognized your Mother’s pictures.  I have some others of her I would like to show you.  Hell, maybe even the world.  If you don’t do as I say.  Now on the desk and those legs wide.  I want to see that hot pussy Mrs. Velez is always raving about!”

Turning around, Mandy’s eyes became affixed on the Most Beautiful Black Cock she had ever laid eyes on!  And her 1st in real life!  Startled by its beauty, Mandy hardly heard her Teacher’s words as he helped her onto his desk.  Reaching out to touch it, Mr. Warren smacked her hand and face hard enough for it to sting as her young areolas swelled her 34C’s with blood. 

“You are a student.  Any sexual touching between us would be inappropriate.” He said.

Taking her Reddish blonde hair in her head and pulling her face back, Mandy found her head tilted back while she lay prone on a desk.  Her hands were quickly zip-tied behind her back.  While Mr. Warren put a grasped her neck and pulled out his phone.  Mandy remembered feeling completely helpless as Mr. Warren pulled out his phone and presses a button on his desktop, opening a file of photos that her own mother was the star of! 

There pictures of the two of them together.  In this classroom in the exact same position, Mandy she was in now!  From the look of the classroom, it was probably Parent/Teacher night.  What Mandy had been purposefully doing badly in his class and Mom wanted to know why.  And from the series of pictures that followed, she apparently found out!  Seems as if Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

Mandy recalled how wet she got too!  Ashamed at seeing her own mother, sucking her teacher’s cock before she got the chance made her jealous, angry, and hot at the same time!  By the time the Video began, she was absolutely squirming on the desk! 

That was when Mr. Warren stuffed her pussy rudely with a vibrator!  Mandy began to cum all over the hard surface as her eyes never left the screen.  Watching as her Teacher took turns fucking her mother’s pussy and mouth before cumming on her dress!  That was when it stopped abruptly and resumed with more video of her sucking that beautiful black cock!  Mandy kept cumming to the hum of the vibrator.  Smaller than the dick she was looking at but was unable to guess it’s size!  She had no comparables. 

Mr. Warren had grinned at her plight and let the vibrator slide from between the young girls’ legs at the time.  Sitting in his chair, he spoke to her in a way no person ever had.  And she still remembered to this day.

“Your Mother has already secured your grade in exchange for a stern talking to you.  You almost blow your placement and had I been a mean person, I would flunk you.   I had been trying all semester to get your attention when I got your “messages.”  I knew it had to be you since as you see.  I know your mother very well by now.  Do you have anything to say for yourself, before I let her know what you tried to do?

Still startled by the intense vibrations of the electric dildo.  Mandy found herself usually at a loss for words!

“Here is what is going to happen Mandy.  I am going to keep fucking your Mother because she is lonely and your prick. Dad never knew how to properly treat a slut like her.  And by the time you get back from College.  She will be a different woman and, a better mother.  This I promise you.”

Mr. Warren then proceeded to turn the device back on.  Running it up and down her pink lips and sometimes, letting it linger on her clitoris for effect.  His dick sat between his legs in his chair.  Challenging her mouth as it taunted her desire to taste the cool slit on top and cleanse the salty liquid making it glisten in the light.  But that was as close as it got to her body as Mr. Warren didn’t attempt to have her pleasure him at all.  Leaving her confused and questioning her own desirability.  Even as she experienced the most intense Orgasms of her young life! 

“Don’t you want to fuck me?”

Her body was reddened from the flushes of feeling she was experiencing, mixed with the embarrassment of begging for dick for the 1st time in her life!  Her eyes rolled back as the educator teased her swelling mound for the next hour silently.  Stopping only to pull a gag ball out of his locked desk drawer.  In which she glimpsed more zip ties.  A blindfold.  A pair of handcuffs.  And a couple of thin, metal rulers that were the perfect size for a spanking she thought!  After the ball gag was in place, the Blindfold applied, and Mandy found herself entirely at his mercy!   Mr. Warren resumed his position, seated between her legs as he blew hot air over her oversensitized clit.  Before returning to his slow torture of her barely 18 pussy with his buzzing accomplice.


The door opened, and Mandy was momentarily left alone.  Spread-eagled, vibrator pushed into her pussy on the desk facing the door, so anyone entering would surely see her predicament.  She squirmed as she listened to the whispers.  Unable to only moan her displeasure through the girth of the rubber gag stuffed into her mouth.  The slurping sounds being made she was sure were coming from a lucky woman!  Imagining her tasting the end of Mr. Warren’s cock only made Mandy hornier and, more jealous.  She was incapable of anything other than dribbling her nectar onto the Metal Desk, warmed by her grinding ass and wet from her own youthful mists.  Who was there?  What did they want from her?

The video of her Mother had left her helpless to do anything but comply since she obviously couldn’t tell her what happened?  Would she take her word over a 9 ½ Cock that made her Mother scream?  Would she want to?  From the way, she had licked up his every drop from his balls as Teacher had commanded her to do?  Her Mother was a tough nut to crack.  Fucking many men and never once giving the impression of being submissive to anything!  But she had seen what Mr. Warren had done to her and now, it all made sense!  Her Mother had changed recently.  Calmed down and when she left the house, obviously was going to see Warren!  What were the odds? 

“Close your legs, Mandy?”

The vibrator was still placed firmly between her legs as he tied her ankles together.  Lifting both legs directly into the air, Mandy felt a finger that had to be attached to a woman, circling her previously untouched ass! 

“Get it ready?” Mr. Warren said. 

As the foreign tongue began to circle the hole, sending a spasm of vibration through the teen’s body that would have sent the Dildo flying from in between her legs, had they not been folded so tightly together! 

“Mandy as I said.  You have never handled a Black cock and unlike your mother.  I don’t think you are ready for such things.”

She heard the woman laugh and her tongue briefly left the student ass as the slurping noises resumed.  All Mandy could imagine was the woman was once again swallowing his cock!  When she was supposed to be making Mandy squirm again instead! 

“Have you ever even tasted pussy?”

Mandy could hear the smile as the unknown woman straddled her learned face, removing the ball gag and smothering her tongue so she couldn’t answer!  The fresh smell and moistness of the Woman’s skin was a freshly showered smell.  And Mandy’s tongue darted in and out of it as quickly as she could in an attempt to please and well as a gasp for breath!  And in that exact moment, Mandy felt the plug pushing her insides out, and a wave of Orgasm take over her!  She couldn’t breathe but, didn’t need too!

With both holes filled.  A warm, wet, squishy Vagina rolling around her face, and images of her Black Teacher’s Hot cock fucking her Mom running around in her head.  Mandy was in an impossible position!  Even if it was a pleasurable one.  Her tongue found its rhythm around the pussy by imagining and remembering what her gym teacher had done to pleasure her!  Before long, her tongue was rewarded as the woman splashed her approval into her mouth and across her naked tits!  She recognized the gym teacher’s voice as she said her name.

“I taught you well Mandy.”

 As she thanked her for returning the favor.  The teacher licking her own juices from the prone student’s neck and breasts.  Something Mandy never permitted her to do because after all, Mandy wasn’t gay!  It felt so good!  Soft and gentle.  Unlike the Boys she allowed to lets lick her buds before sending them home with Blue Balls.  Mandy’s legs bucked in the air, clenching her pussy tight in a feeble attempt to keep the slippery mechanical lover inside of her as her ass sent waves through her body she never knew they were possible for any woman to have!   This really was not what she planned! 

The teacher bent to kiss her mouth as Mr. Warren had moved behind her.  Their mouths and tongues upside down in between one another, as Mr. Warren began to move inside the woman Mandy knew was a devout woman lover!  Although she couldn’t see what was going on, she knew Mrs. Velez was being fucked by the Science teacher by the increased moans.  Deeper breaths in between their erotic kisses.  And the description Mrs. Velez was giving! 

“His dick is too big for you Mandy.”

Her hands pinching the young woman’s nipples as she herself was being driven intensely into by Warren’s rigid stick.

“And he fucked your Mom too.  Did he tell you?” Mrs. Velez whispered wantonly into the cumming girl’s ear. 

“Answer her Mandy?” Warren said sternly.  “Describe to her what you saw before she came in.  I want to hear what you remember from your studies.”

So she did.  Speaking in detail as the Gym teacher reached between her legs.  Beginning a circular motion with her fingers around the student’s clit.  Occasionally thrusting three of her fingers into her tight hole while whispering.

“You are going to need more room than that to take this black cock, Mandy.  How is the Blackmail cumming by the way?”

Mandy screamed as the older woman twisted her tiny nipples harder than anything she had ever known!  The pain causing Mandy to shriek and cum simultaneously! 

“Just like her mother.” Mrs. Velez said slyly. 

Mr. Warren with that, picked up his pace and from the motion of Mrs. Velez own tits traveling from Mandy’s open mouth down to her stomach, Mandy felt another wave of jealousy!  She knew she had lost control of at least one of her favorite teachers and now, would probably have to be Mrs. Velez Bitch for the rest of the term!  But to not get teased and not fucked was beyond unfair!  As Mandy came for the final time to Mrs. Velez dexterous hand manipulations.  She felt the shivers from the woman on top of her as Warren completed the after-school session, filling the gym teacher’s pussy with cream!  As the plug slipped from her swollen, gaping ass, Mandy felt the relief of satisfaction fill her young body.  Finally, it was over. 

Mr. Warren leaned over her ear and spoke to her for the Final time that year. 

“We are going to forget all about today except, this vibrator.  It is yours now.  Take it with you to College and use it, whenever you get the urge to fuck one of your Instructors for a grade.  From now on.  You will do all of your Assignments on time and earn your grade that your Mother continues to pay for.  And if you don’t.  I will make the rest of your Senior year a living Hell.”

Flipping her defenseless bottom over his knee.  Mr. Warren spanked her naked bottom with a metal ruler for the next 5 minutes.  Making her repeat how she would act in class.  How she would behave at home with her Mother.  Or what he would do to humiliate them both, exposing what dirty sluts they were to whoever would listen if, she didn’t comply. 

His instructions to keep the Vibrator as a gift.  To keep her from ever considering getting her grades any other way than studies and hard work.  When she thought about one of her schemes.  When she wanted to seduce another helpless man.  Remember what happened the last time you tried it and fuck yourself to sleep.  Wake up, and study.  

Mrs. Velez made her a pussy eater until the end of the school year.  Which helped her get into her Sorority in College.  Where she graduated in 3 years before attending the same Medical School, she was now interning at.  A 4.2 student. 

The man on the Coffee line turned and looked at his former student, only recognizing her from the lustful look in her eyes.  She was older now.  But some students are less forgettable than others.  She smiled like the former schoolgirl she was as she approached him carefully. 

“Hello, Sir.”

Sir was what she called him from that moment on.  He had helped her focus and became the only teacher a woman as brilliant as herself could ever honestly have. 

“Hello, Mandy.  I was very sorry to hear about your Mother.  But I hear you are a Dr. now?”

Mandy’s face blushed he knew so much about her!  Her mother had passed away in a Car accident a couple of years ago.  But she had been a much better mother, and Mandy never said a word about what happened.  How could she?  Besides, what would be the point? 

“Thank you, Sir.  It is amazing what you can accomplish when you are put on the right path.  I hope you are still Single?  I mean a Teacher.”

“Of course to both!  There are few things I love molding more than minds.”

She pressed her mature body against his reflexively, accidentally brushing his manhood in the process of feigning an innocent hug, so she could whisper in his ear.   

“I am back home to sell the house and will be here for a few days.  Stop by tonight.  There is something there I am sure Mother would want you to have.”

Mandy suggestively placed his hand on her breast for all to see, not wanting to waste the opportunity with a misguided innuendo.  The woman behind them both gasped at the inappropriate display of affection.  But Mandy didn’t care.  She had been outside the store for hours, waiting to see him!  She wasn’t going to let the moment pass with doubt. 

“Well.  You never did take your Final.  I will be there at 6.”

“I was thinking 7”

Twisting her nipple slightly he smiled.

“Six it is.”

It had been a long time since she felt “that” way.  The exhilaration of danger that a woman had to cut herself off from because of lack of control.  No one could ever find out about her desire to lose it.  To lose herself or they would certainly exploit her for their own gratification. The thoughts that caused her to moisten and recoil simultaneously as she walked and her thighs rubbed together.  Having once felt true bliss, a wisp of the wind between her legs reminded her of things that sometimes seemed so far away. 

Certain things have no place in everyday life.  Being a lady requires as much.  If anyone knew what she wanted at her core, they would view her differently. If anyone knew how her hands always lingered in certain “zones” while getting dressed reminded her of nights and sometimes days spent in outright erotic bliss.  How a thought could transpose her from out of a conversation and into a melange of memories, they could not understand without having experienced what she had.  This secret was hers alone.   

The fact was that she didn’t care if they could or ever did find out.  Because if they did, it would be because she had found the courage to live out her dreams!  Purely selfish and wanton desires that made her clitoris throb as if between his thumb and forefinger being compressed now!  Who could notice how her areolas swelled and throbbed against the fabric of her expensive bra, masking all such expressions of thought!  She wished the design looped around her nipples with a silk string!  Providing her with the “support” and kink, she consistently desired. Her dates lips were moving, but she was not with this man. No, this boy.  Her presence was a compulsory one. A necessity and task set before her.  Like so many labors performed in her high-paying job.  But there was no desire to be there like with him.

The most she would grant him was a taste.  The chance to lick her dripping thighs and clean up the mess her long lost lover’s memories would provide as her date ate her box as he begged her to do.  To prove his qualifications of being more of a lover than a slave.  There was always a chance he would attack her and refuse to leave after her satisfaction was complete.  But she enjoyed the opportunity to use her Martial art skills to fend off the unworthy!  Dominating aggressive men was the only other way she had found to get off since he left her to fend for herself!  Beyond that? No new man would ever sate the desire to be pushed by superior men. Where were all the superior men? 

Sometimes she would open her legs in the mirror and remember what it was like to have been “his” property.  To walk in the door of his apartment in slacks and a sweater.  Go directly to the bathroom to change so he didn’t have to see her inappropriate work attire in his space. One minute and 27 seconds before the lash came down on her for being tardy.  Sometimes on purpose.  To test he Master’s attention to detail.  One minute and 27 seconds spent on a skirt which was too small to wear out in public.  But required to wear around “him”. Any undergarment he had chosen for her whether it be a thong or nothing!  She could feel herself moisten more with each leg coming out or going into her garments.  Wondering what sick pleasure he had in store for her that day! And a breeze from the ventilation between her thighs reminded her of the forgotten panties since she was thinking about him all night and forgot to put them on.  She was almost ashamed except for the memory of being told what to do! 

Her conservative tops were to remind her they belonged to him. She wasn’t supposed to forget whom she needed to please.  The time was she would slip a finger into herself to release the moisture between her legs.  Sometimes she would get carried away and linger more than a minute or two. It was nowhere near how full she felt when he put his full grown cock inside of it!  But sometimes she had to make due with what was available! That work time was the only secret she kept from him though she thought it wasn’t a very well-kept one.  He seemed to know her every thought!

When it started. She would put on the heels and walk down the hallway towards the garbage chute down the hallway.  Always at 4.  The men and some of the women were well aware it was going to happen but, she was always barely covered so, there was nothing they could do about it! Some of the women would open their doors to make comments.  She was to bend at the waist when disposing of the refuse and sometimes he would meet her at the door before exiting to slip a small vibrator inside her.  It was behind a door but, hardly private!  After the first time, it always slid right in.  She would have to make her way back to the apartment with it buzzing at high speed and it better not slip out! Oh, the Orgasms she would have as she tightened herself around the throbbing object and unsteadily walked back to her Task Master!  She would never admit how much she loved being tended to by Him!  But why else would she do this?

He expected a lot of things from her and pushed her in a way books and men never did!  They were always intimidated by her accomplishments and afraid to be men!  But not him! He treated her like any other woman he told her. She would have to work for everything He had to offer.  And what he had was 10 inches of well-formed cock and the ability to know how much she loved him! A love he had taken for granted.  Taken too far.

He would put his foot rest next to his chair and she would lean her almost bare bottom in the air and pussy on top of it.  Sometimes he would remove the vibrator.  Most times, he would just turn it down.  Sometimes, he would instruct her to sit directly onto his cock and push himself into her moist hole!  Her pussy would usually burst around him and he would pinch her nipples hard!  But just as quickly as she sat, he’d remove her and replace her pussy with her beautifully formed mouth. 

“Clean it good.”

He would say as if she wouldn’t!  She loved the thought of him watching her bathe his beautiful cock in her saliva!  She would often peek and notice his sly grin as she would work his length into the depth of her throat until it would completely disappear!  Something most would never believe she was capable of but, they really didn’t know her at all!  They knew the Ivy League graduate and powerful force.  Not the girly slut that loved being humiliated so much, her body tingled at the thought!  And it was better that way. 

After she was sufficiently worked up he would have her her sit next to him and lift her shirt or bra and hold her breasts together.  Her hands, cupped beneath and nipples facing forward to be licked, bitten, and sometimes slapped until the nipples were red and swollen.  Just right to trapped in the string. He would always make her stand while doing this.  Knowing she would be in full slut mode and if sitting, she would rub her heated clit against anything she could find!  Sometimes, he would run his tongue across her in a way that drove her wild!  This could go on for what seemed like hours but, was actually only moments of sheer delight.   When “he” was satisfied with her squirming and knew that she was ready “he” would stand and remove his dick from its cage again and this time, instruct her to slow kiss its length like “The good cocksucking whore” she was compelled to be!  From there?  All bets were off as to what would happen or how.  But it always ended with her cumming on command.  The shame of whatever he made her do making her orgasm stronger and longer each time before the final indignity.  Him cumming wherever he chose on or inside of her!  Which led to the “issue”.

The memories of “him” made her mundane sex life unbearable, but how could she prove her love?  Besides giving him what he wants?  If she was this way after a month.  Unable to think about anything past him to the point of almost losing 5 million dollars in a day.  What would she be like in a week?  She realized she had no choice since these men weren’t doing it for her either. 

“Excuse me.  I need to go to the Ladies room.”

Leaving her date alone to make her call and hoping.  Praying he would answer her call!  How stupid had she been! 

The 1st call went to voicemail.  The second frantic call was picked up on the 5th ring and his voice was angry.  He told her never to call him again.  She knew that.  But she also knew she had to!


When she arrived it seemed as if the weeks apart were a distant memory.  She wanted to kiss and hug him as he opened the door. Almost like normal lovers would but, they were not that.  She looked into his eyes for a spark.  A recognition of how much He had missed her but was hurt when she saw nothing!  How much of herself she was going to have to give to make him happy?  He’d won! 

  “I missed you.” She tells him.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “Come in.”

To her surprise, he was not alone.  There were others in the Apartment and it looked as if they were aware of their relationship by the grins on their faces as she came in.  Taking he by the hand he pulls her into the spare bedroom past his guests.  All while explaining he will be right back.  Her lack of care for his company being there is immediately offset by the touch of his hands above her wrists like old times.  He understands how to control her!  She hadn’t acknowledged how deeply she felt for him or when she had changed from independent woman to the woman reflected in the mirror in the next room.  A lustful woman who wanted nothing more than for them to be alone again like old times!  Her body being manipulated by him until she could take no more!  A feeling that she was encouraged by the door closing behind them!

“Sit”.  He commanded and she complied immediately.

“So.  I want to hear you say it.”  He moves across the room leaning on the ledge. 

“I missed you Sir and I am willing to do whatever you want to make you take me back.”

“Make me?” he replied.

She realized her mistake immediately and hung her head in shame.  He hadn’t changed a bit!  She wanted more.  Much more.  To be with him full time and she was willing to do anything he wanted except the thing he had asked of her.  She didn’t understand why he wanted to have her do this but, here she was!  On the night that he had told her about begging for them to resume their relationship.  But he wasn’t giving an inch!

“Let’s start from the beginning.  Before you try to engage me again in that tone.  What do you think I should do?  Forgive you for telling me no?”

“I just wanted to talk.”

“And I told you from the beginning that Vanilla shit ain’t me!  And you agreed!”


“Do me a favor.  Take off your panties when you talk to me.”

Her face flushed red at the request, knowing this is what she wanted!  Immediately standing she removed her panties and left them on the floor.

“Good. Now open your legs and finger your pussy while we talk.”

Immediately she felt herself flush hot and wet and was completely uninterested in any continuing conversation or who was in the next room!  Rubbing her pink pussy in front of her missing Master was what she was hoping would happen and more!  They were back together and that was all that mattered! 

He removed his slacks and out popped the big black cock she was missing so much!  Her mouth watered in anticipation as he stood before her face, stroking his manhood outside of the reach of her hands or mouth!  And she knew better than to reach from past experience. 

“How many men have you fucked this month?” he asked.

“None” she answered.  “My pussy only wants you.”

He took a step closer and instructed her. 

“Take off your blouse.  And how many men have eaten your pussy?”

He knew her so well! 

“4. But I never touched their dicks or let them touch me.”

This was completely believable.  That Corrine or she could convince men to pleasure her without any reciprocation.  She was smart but also beautiful beyond words! She loved manipulating powerful men but, she had no Power over Anton.  She wasn’t even allowed to use his name!

Moving forward his cock was not directly in front of her face pulsating.  She knew it was a test but, she couldn’t resist as her tongue flicked his cockhead gently.  She was expecting a rebuke but instead, he moved forward and pushed himself inside of her mouth without words! 

“Suck this dick very carefully and stop only to answer my question.” He said. 

It was probably Corrine’s best blowjob ever!  She sucked and slurped at his dick like a long lost friend!  Pausing only to taste his chocolate balls before resuming her masterful sucking motion!  She could feel him getting bigger inside her throat and wanted to taste his cum on her tongue.  But she knew what he wanted and came prepared to make him happy. 

“Tell me what I want to hear.” He said.

“I am ready.  Please cum in my pussy.” 

With that, the door to the other room swung open and the 6 men and women came walking in. The women were now naked and each had a leash attached to their necks.  They sat on the bed naked and unashamed.  Watching as Corrine was being mounted by her Master while Corrine was still half dressed!  Her 34 C’s hanging out from the top that was still halfway attached.  None of that mattered to her as she was with the one she wanted.  The one she loved!

By the time he came, they had put on quite a show!  The men and women, all strangers pawed at her naked body.  Some playing with her tits.  Others enamored with fingering her tight ass and how she came each time they inserted their fingers inside of her!  Soon they were all sucking their Masters and Corrine felt her pussy filled with warm, sweet cream!  Enough to give him what he wanted. 

The gathering was cut short as Corrine fell asleep.  Something he had never let her do before in his home.  She woke ours later to an empty bedroom and the sounds of moaning coming from across another room in the Apartment.  A room she knew all too well as His favorite place to break in new girls.  She had spent countless hours in there herself and would again.  But for now.  All she had to do was hope it took so she would never have to go through another month without him again!   

Sitting in the Hotel Bar, she was excited about the day’s prospects finally!  After the endless meetings and conversations, the deal she had been working on was behind her and the possibilities of a night alone in NYC ahead.  Being away from these people was the only thing on Anne’s mind, as her body was ready to experience something new and primal.

Anne’s husband was back in Ohio.  Probably fucking her secretary which didn’t matter to Anne at all.   Beyond the fact he spent Anne’s money on the whore it didn’t matter.  She already knew he was an ungrateful sack of shit!  One incapable of making her feel anything.

But if it weren’t for his infidelities, she would have remained faithful and unhappy forever!  Never known the pleasure and satisfaction of being used properly by a real man or men.  The sexually satisfied woman she was going to be soon was because of him!  Anne was always better at getting even than mad. 

Her Assistant was attractive but in a slutty way. She reminded her of her college dorm mate and the many experimental afternoons they spent together Freshman year.  The things that they did were tame compared to things she had done for Anne as a work slave.  Anne’s pussy and the secretary’s face were inseparable behind closed doors and the first year went by too quickly as Anne recalled.  Good times!  But only a small part of who Anne was. 

She hired Janice for the same reasons any man would have. A reminder of a lover she once had combined with a vision of her red hair between her thighs, tongue caressing her crotch.  But she would have never acted upon her impulses if her husband hadn’t beat her to it.  She was faithful to a fault and prepared to live in a sexless world.  Thank god for his horny, little pecker as her nipples began to swell in anticipation of being rewarded for being so bad.  She could barely not touch herself recalling her commands to Janice. 

“Seduce my husband while I am out of town.”

The words had flown out of Janice’s mouth, and there was no going back.  Her two fingers were furiously fucking the younger woman as she sat in her office chair with Janice ass extended to her in the air from her perch on the floor.

“I’d rather seduce you, Mistress.”

The words came back almost as quickly.  Anne smacked her ass with the flayed strap a few times and yelled for her to stay quiet!  She would do what she was told to do, and Anne inserted a plug into her ass for being disobedient.  Knowing Janice loved the pain as well as the attention.  

Janice for her part was an open book.  She usually dressed professionally in tight-fitting gear.  But she always wore hints about how she would have preferred to be treated.  A choker accessory with a symbolic ring attached.  Bracelets that were either oddly constricting or similar to restraints.  And an odd reaction to being told to do things.   

Keeping Janice around and at Anne’s beck and call enabled Anne to think again as orgasms seemed to open her creativity.  Regaining control of her marriage was one thing.  But rediscovering her desires to dominate and be dominated was something she would have to do outside of her marriage for now.   

Janice new job of keeping her husband busy and unsuspecting while she extended her stays after each business trip was a part of that.  Letting him believe he was in control while she was actually preparing to make him into something else.  Janice job was to introduce him to riskier sex while recording it all for Anne.  They would watch the tapes once a week before sending them to her attorney when Janice would lick and talk her through all the good parts until Anne would stifle her voice with her pink pussy.  But she would always let her up in time to breathe.  Anne’s hand’s massaged her clit thinking about the control she would soon exert over him.  And the lover she was meeting downstairs.  Before she came too soon, it was time to go. 

Anne had to change her thoughts before she soaked her panties and never left the room. Sometimes she hated being in control!  But her husband wasn’t her equal, and the love lasted as long as his wandering eye’s attention span. The truth was her intellect intimidated and emasculated him.  Anne had been careful about her business, and that was reinforced by a very strongly constructed prenuptial agreement which she would have gladly torn up had he shown any backbone over the years!  The thoughts completely turned down Anne as she changed her panties and left for the Bar. 

These trips out of town grew her business, sure.  But the nights alone were the motivation for planning them out.  That and feeding Anne’s inner slut.  What happened by accident once had her hooked on being a toy for men the same way her secretary was a toy for her!  Powerful, hung, men with large. Appetites for women like herself.  She always reserved the second day to recoup but always ended up fucking her way through that one too.  In discovering her own sexuality, Anne uncovered her own submissive danger zone and began to rely upon her journeys to keep her sanity.

“Slut A” was how she described herself on her profile.  Promising a plethora of sexual activities if she could be convinced to do them by the “right guy or group.”  It was good to be the boss, but better to be herself.

Anne’s own red hair was conservatively cut.  But her dress choice for the evening was immodestly tight and perfectly synched to her curves.  It had a zipper in the back and barely contained her voluptuous breasts in the front and her legs that were covered just above mid-thigh.  Shopping for clothes was always the most fun, as she would never keep these things in her family home lest her husband find them and discover her own extracurricular activities.  Each city came with a new reason to shop.  Trying slutty outfits on helped he get into character.   


Her eyes raised above the Martini she sipped, as the man from the internet stood before her even sexier than in his picture!  His beard was rough, but not unkempt and he was as tall as he said he was.  Around six feet even and from what she could tell, in as good shape as in his pictures.  She only hoped the one picture she couldn’t verify in a crowded bar also matched, but she would look into that soon enough.

“Yes, sir.”

Anne stood and greeted Tim with a hug, nearly jumping as his large hands cupped her ass behind her back in the process as he whispered in her ear.

“I can’t wait to spank this ass.”

Anne thought to herself, black men!  They were always so aggressive and forward!  Even the educated ones seemed to fuck her like she owed them something!  Being in charge and having to think for everyone all of the time was boring.  But she never had to worry about that with them, which is why they were her preference in these situations. 

“I see you are as fuckable as in your pictures.  Are you ready to spread those legs for Daddy?”

Anne sat back down and slid next to him in the booth, smiling as she did so.  The memory of his firm body pressed against her and his smell under her still fresh and new!  They had chatted for about an hour online total which mostly consisted of him telling her what he expected from her for his 10 inches.  And once the bargain was struck, there was no turning back! 

“Put on the collar.”

The gold leather matched her dress color which of course, he had instructed her to buy.  Anne had never gone this far with anyone publicly.  And the thought of being watched as this man leashed her publicly made her quiver and moan!  Of course, she hesitated, even though she was now alone in the city.  But his fingers moved under the table and rested in between her thighs, spreading her lips and trailing across her wet mound to allay her fears.  


“Are you getting cold feet?”

Tim’s hand between her legs thrust one large finger into her wet pussy which she was sure the Bartender noticed as he leaned into her and whispered.

“If you are getting cold feet I can just leave you and your wet snatch alone?”

Tim’s fingers fucked her rhythmically as he looked deep into her eyes. 

“Put it on.  Don’t be shy to be who you are with me.”

Anne looked at the Bartender’s disgust and contempt watching them closer from across the room as she reached onto the table and fastened the collar around her neck.  Her nipples were jutting out beneath her dress, and her panties which were bunched up on the side were moist from the finger fucking or the anticipation of what was to come!  Anne knew the city would be different. 

“Ask for the check.”

Anne motioned to the waitress as Tim continued to fuck her pussy shamelessly as the Latina approached them in the corner of the room.  


“Ask nicely.”

Tim squeezed her clitoris as he told Anne to repeat herself, releasing an orgasm unlike any she had ever experienced!  Anne felt the humiliation of the moment and noticed the smirk come across the server’s lips as she gasped in the shame of her sweet bliss!  Her left nipple was noticeable to anyone within 5 feet of the couple anyway, and it was apparent what was happening to the woman as Tim was hardly shy about taking liberties with her. 

“Check please.”

The woman smirked at Anne’s sluttiness as Tim smiled at her as he began to talk. 

“So what’s your name?”

“Jasmin” she replied.

“Well, Jasmin. Anne here is a guest of the Hotel, and we would deeply appreciate.”

When Tim said deeply, he plunged another finger deep into her twat, bending one to rub her outer wall which elicited a moan from the helpless woman before continuing. 

“If you would just Bill the room and send up a bottle of Dom to room…What room is it dear?”

“1221” Anne moaned.

“1221.  We were going to go clubbing, but as you can see, I don’t think Anne will make it.  And could you bring it up?”

Reaching into his pocket, Tim handed the waitress a folded 50 Dollar Bill. 

“Of course,” Jasmin replied as the two exchanged smiles. 

Anne was too deep into her own voyeurism to notice though as she was fixated on the few people left in the Hotel Bar at this hour who were all watching her get finger fucked by a stranger!  It was too dark, and she was too far gone to recognize any faces.  But she knew she had an audience when her pussy clamped down on his fingers as she came.  Tim clipped his leash onto Anne’s chain and stood up, removing his magical fingers from her tightened hole in the process.

The walk to the elevator was blissfully short as Anne dropped her head and traipsed behind Tim quietly.  Two other men followed them and jumped in the elevator behind the happy couple as Tim pressed the button and immediately turned his attention to Anne. 

“Turn around and bend over.”

Anne turned to face the two men who were both smiling wide grins.  She bent at the waist, exposing her gold panties which were a mess scrunched around her pussy.  Her face was directly at eye level of the two men’s crotches as she felt Tim enter her roughly, pushing her face straight into two strange crotches!  She felt their engorged bulges rubbing against her cheeks as Tim wasted no time splitting her in two in front of them!  She was so ashamed of herself for cumming on his 2nd unannounced entry into her as the men reached out to hold her up by her firm tits. 

“So you like this big dick baby?”


“And you are ready to take us all on?”

Anne reached for the silent men’s cocks, rubbing them up and down her open palms as Tim continued his public pussy punch with his oversized dick.  They were as advertised!  At least 8 inches, one wider than the other!  The elevator opened as Tim withdrew his meat and the men pulled aside, allowing Anne to fall to the floor.  Her panties still around her thighs as she felt a tug on her leash. 

“Come slut.”

Anne crawled on the floor of the thankfully empty hallway with the two men behind her.  Laughing at her dripping snatch and lace panties hanging around her thighs as she moved.  Tim opened the door with her key card as they all walked into the Suite to become better acquainted. 

Tim closed the door and took his cock out again which Anne immediately took into her face. 

Smack . Smack.

Each ass cheek was assaulted by the other two men, making Anne release Tim immediately.

“Ask to lick this meat slut!”  Tim growled at the horny woman.

“Please, sir.  May I suck your big, black cock?” Anne asked nicely.

Tim grinned at the woman as he nodded his approval while behind Anne, the other two men got undressed.  She could barely fit half of him in her mouth until Tim grabbed her head and started forcing himself down her throat roughly.  Her eyes began to bulge as Tim held her firm as one of the other men behind her played with her ass.  Applying some form of lubricant as he pushed his finger deeper and deeper inside of her.  Anne was excited by the unknown.  Not knowing who these other men were beyond Tim telling her beforehand they were trusted friends who loved fucking white women like him.  She felt herself building to an orgasm at the thought of being so powerless to stop anything from happening now! 

Tim grabbed Anne firmly by the neck and lifted her off the floor before turning her around to enter her once more!  Unzipping her dress which stood around her ankles and constricted her ability to move!  This gave the men in front of her access to her tits as they both affixed clamps to her pink nipples, which stood out long and hard from her breasts as Tim once more entered her pussy to Anne’s delight!  Her short haircut left not much to grab, so her ears were pulled back to accommodate each of the other black dicks one at a time until she had lost count of what was going on! 

Tim was now working himself into her ass slowly as one of the other two men finally removed the dress that held her ankles hostage if only to get them wide enough to access her swollen clit.  Anne felt as if she could explode into two separate pieces but she was helpless in between these 3 men!  But it was obvious they had done this before as Tim settled her expertly onto his friend’s 8 inches while pumping her ass deeply.  The pain that she felt now replaced by the joy of being filled and controlled by three strange black men fucking her holes! 

“Now you can remove this from your slut bucket list!”

Tim laughed as he released a stream of semen deep into her anal cavity.  The other two men continued until they also came inside of her.  Something they hadn’t discussed would happen but thanks to the stinging inside of her body from their massive dicks, she was happy had occurred!  The man beneath her made Anne lick her juices as well as Tim’s semen, which had dripped onto him as he pulled on her collar.  Anne knew she found her favorite new hobby when she felt herself cum again as she licked him clean!

“Best one yet.” 

All she understood as the men leered over her fallen, cum stained body on the floor.  They never even made it to the bed as Anne lay exhausted from the activities before Tim led her into the shower to fuck her once more as she cleaned herself up, but this time, he didn’t cum.  She was being worked harder than ever by anyone and enjoying every second of the ride!  The other two made use of the large Jacuzzi tub, filling it with a warm bath before leading her in to clean herself, and them.  Her nipples were amazingly still clamped together tightly and now throbbed in pain due to the lack of other bodily distraction.  Anne was exhausted but willing to see the night through.

“If you are going to join the club, you need to learn how to take care of all a man’s needs.”

The two men took turns commanding her in the water for what seemed like an hour.  Teasing her by fucking her holes whenever she bathed or attended to the other.  But Tim had disappeared from the room, leaving her to their whims. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

Jasmin stood, the waitress stood in the bathroom doorway wearing an apron and holding a bottle of Champagne.

“And don’t forget a woman’s needs too.”

Tim kissed her deeply as he came up from behind Jasmine.  Anne felt a twinge of jealousy at their intimacy but didn’t have much time to formulate an opinion on the new addition to her party.  She barely had time to react to the 9 inches being worked into her sore but satisfied pussy from behind by one of her new friends!  Jasmine walked over to the water’s edge, her perfectly manicured pussy with the tattoo that reads “Tim’s” staring Anne directly in her eyes. 

“Eat me, bitch.”

Walking into the Bedroom Jennifer knew exactly what to expect.  She had been at the gym for the past 2 hours barely able to contain her energy!  The weights had flown up into the air with each push as Jennifer attempted to Focus on her movements, as opposed to what was probably going on at her house.  

The Glock in her right hand was loaded but, the safety was on.  The sounds of fucking weren’t hard to distinguish from the ones emanating from the TV on the wall.  They were the same.  Her husband, Joseph was using their personal home theater without her!  Everything was visible from the hallway with the door open.  Jen’s finger slipped off the safety for a moment as she recognized the woman on her Wall Unit as her friend Christine!  But cooler heads prevailed as she watched the whore scream in agony as Joseph.  Her greatly endowed Husband and lover, pushed his whole 9 thick inches into her spread ass in one slow, cold stroke!  She never knew either of them was capable.  Him of fucking her close friend.  And her of taking such a huge cock up her tiny ass! 

Christine wasn’t a large woman.  As a matter of fact, she was small by comparison to Jen.  Almost a half-foot shorter and nowhere near as physical.  Many a night, Christine had too much wine and after talking about how fantastic of a lover her husband was, would joke about what she would do to Christine, or any other woman if she ever caught them together.  After the women would gasp at the seriousness of the fit Jen’s words.  She always eases the tension by telling Christine loudly in front of the other women.

“You I’d just make lick my ass you’re such a whore!”

They’d laugh at Christine because they knew she would never cross Jennifer in that way!  And Christine would laugh because she had already fucked all their husbands without them knowing!  Some of them twice.  But Jennifer really did scare and excite her as much as any man.  Something Christine had never experienced before with a woman.

She had been competitive in Judo and even competed in the Nationals, almost making the Olympics!  She was proficient with firearms also as well as the only woman any of them knew who had ever knocked out a man.  While wearing high heels!  Jennifer was in love and lust with her rich, Half-Nigerian husband who was seeming, her only weakness.  She would obviously do anything for him.

 And Christine?  She couldn’t resist the temptation and danger involved in completing the circle of neighborhood men!  The escalating nature of her whorishness required a Grand Finale worthy of the accomplishment.  A dangerous fuck in the home of her most dangerous friend!  Even if she had to promise him to do anything he wanted!      

Her feet paused as Jennifer lowered her shorts and panties onto the floor before proceeding any further.  Of course, she double checked the safety as she slowly rubbed the barrel of the cold metal over her clit a few times.  Just enough to unleash a small, tender wave as she felt her thighs slightly moisten!  The had discussed him cheating for what seemed like the longest time now.  But she never had the courage to confront her feelings about it because she also knew he was usually very discreet. Saving his trysts for road trips and never ever straying close to home!

Watching the screen intently, Jennifer noticed the handcuffs that held Christine’s wrists in place behind her back and moistened in amazement as she watched her Husband’s cock push into and out of her tiny hole!  She screamed at the top of her lungs “Please.” But no other words found their way out of her throat since Joseph would fill her ass once again, rendering her unable to speak.  It was so hot!  Catching her husband pound the little slut!  But she knew she couldn’t let him get away with this in their home!  Jennifer walked into the room with the gun at her side and a grin on her face. 

“What the fuck do we have here?”


Joseph stopped momentarily and looked at his pants-less wife.  Her beautiful, trimmed bush-hardened his cock inside of the tiny woman and she whimpered at his still growing dick, pushing against her forbidden walls!  She had never been so full and the pain was only matched by the pleasure of Joseph’s ever-growing spike!  She hardly noticed the gun until the barrel was pressed against her head and her eyes became filled by an angry wife and friend! 

Joseph grinned momentarily as he looked into his wife’s eyes and saw her fury!  He pulled his dick out slowly, till just the tip was inside of Christine before thrusting into her hard and fast!  Christine howled in pain as the most powerful orgasm of her life overcame her!  The pain and humiliation were unbearable!  And her pussy was squirting all over Joseph’s thighs and down to the sheets! 

“Owwwwwwww” she moaned. 

Barely feeling the pain as Jennifer grabbed a parcel of her hair and yanked her face off of the pillow she was drooling over!  

“You are a fucking mess bitch”. 

Joseph looked into his wife’s eyes and knew what he was going to do.  His heartbeat was pumping so fast that he cock feel the skin on his cock stretching inside Christine’s well-oiled ass!  It hadn’t started that way.  But since he was recording, he could watch the young slut finger herself while kissing the knob of his distended cock tomorrow.  If there was a tomorrow to come.

“What are you going to do with that gun?  Shoot me?” 

Joseph spoke almost daringly.  And at the very least, defiantly.  But he had planned for this.  Hell.  He had planned this!   Except for the gun part which Joseph always knew was a possibility with his hot-tempered wife.  The only thing that seemed to bring her down anymore was a long, vigorous fuck!  Which wasn’t the bad part.  That part was it was the same fuck!

Marriage can kill passion.  And Joseph reasoned that he would rather take a bullet than continue this Vanilla construct of a marriage.  Something had to change.  So he clumsily left clues when he was sure his wife would play along, invited the local strumpet and pseudo friend a chance at what she seemingly always wanted.  Her friend’s husband’s cock!  And waited.  Seducing a sub who barely knows she is was easy.  A simple matter of timing and opportunity. 

“Do you think I care about this slut Jen?”

With that, Joseph crammed the length of his hardened rod deep into the confused woman’s body in one swift, unloving stroke!  Pausing as his balls touched her prone ass while Christine screamed in what could only be described as agony!  He almost came inside her it was so hot!

“I will fuck her until she can’t walk for you.  If you would like?”

Four more swift, deep strokes later Jen felt stunned by her reaction!  Jen could have done something.  Should have done something.  Anything besides just watch as her betrothed battered his sick, slut friend’s ass right in front of her!  Anything other than drip down her thigh at the sight of her man, conquering another woman right in front of her eyes! 

Christine for her part cried in pain.  Biting at the air for comfort in the form of a stick or bone even!  She settled on hoping she wouldn’t bite her own tongue when she realized no oral distraction was coming!  There was a wave of pleasure mixed in between the agony of being stretched so wide over and over!  One she had never experienced before that lifted her pain into the euphoria that perhaps was being amplified by fear!  Holy shit this man was right she thought!  That big brown cock was rendering her legs useless beneath her and her cunt was contracting like a dog in heat!  Christine knew she must look pitiful to them both.  And the threat that she may never leave the room was very real!  But what a way to go!  Jen always knew it could end like this!  The helplessness was only adding fuel to her fire. 

“Doesn’t look like the bitch wants to leave.”

Jen grabbed a swath of her hair as she spoke and used it to pull the woman forward.  She was completely helpless.  Hands cuffed behind her back.  Ass overstuffed with cock as she was.  She felt the gun pressed to her temple once more as Jen spoke.

“Look at me bitch!”

The words scared her momentarily until she felt Joseph slide completely out of her ass!  The air whisked inside her, filling the space left by the enormous dick she had promised to drain inside her tiny hole.  Joseph’s pursuit of her was strange.  Much different than the other men in the neighborhood who had taken her shopping.  Or along with them on short “business trips” to enjoy her talents.  Joseph didn’t offer any of that. 

As a matter of fact.  He was the only husband who had approached her.  Cornered her in the kitchen of another neighbor and kissed her as if she had asked him too!  His hands seemed to be all over her body in the short encounter! Her ass.  Her tits.  And surprisingly, inside of her pussy while whispering her the vilest thing she had ever heard into her ear!

“You will beg me for the dick.  You get wet to the touch like a true slut.” 

Joseph was almost laughing as he said it!  The first encounter only lasted a minute but, she hadn’t stopped thinking about him since.  Within days she was giving him her first public blowjob!  He had bought her a collar and attached a leash to her whenever she knelt before him.  The school around the corner has not very private cubbyholes he would take her into which Christine was sure were not Private.  Many people had seen her bobbing head and the last two times, Joseph made her wear a skirt and held it up, so passersby could see her ass as her head sucked down mouthfuls of semen down her throat before shooting his last burst onto her face.  The photo she had sent Joseph at home.  Proof she hadn’t cleaned it off yet was the last piece of “evidence” Jen had discovered.   But Christine was by then, desperate.  Humiliated.  Broken. 

Jen had been yelling directly into Christine’s face and with her hair in hand, almost lifting her off of the bed!  The moment had passed and she was back in the present.  Her asshole ached and she could barely breathe, due to the number of Orgasms’ she had experienced in a short period of time!  She was defeated and barely able to resist being flipped on her back and straddled by Jen!  Her mouth was full of pussy and her hands were still bound beneath her.  Her only weapon was her tongue.  Which thrust into Jen’s powerful box frantically due to lack of experience and deprivation of air!  She wanted Joseph to fuck her anywhere so bad!  But with a face full of sweet pussy.  And her ears muffled by Jen’s powerful legs.  All she could do was eat her out and hope she lived to tell the story! 

The couple spoke softly.  Almost lovingly for the next five minutes while Christine licked and sucked Jen’s pussy and clit for her life!  When there was silence, Christine felt Joseph’s strong hands beneath her legs.  Pushing them apart.  They were powerless to move from the ass fucking and suffocation.  And Jen’s hole began to gush into and all over the woman’s mouth and face.  Her lips wet with so much juice they slipped and slid between Jen’s folds.  As she rubbed her face all over her mouth.

“You’d better not bite me bitch?”

Christine jumped as she felt the end of the object she knew had to be a vibrator pushed inside of her!  It was on high and immediately had her insides shaking!  It was then Jen lifted off her face and she realized what they had done. 

Her legs were chained together at the ankles.  And somehow, the vibrator was attached to a harness snapped around her waist!  And she was cumming! 

But she didn’t see Joseph until he entered her mouth and commanded her.

“Clean my cock so I can fuck my wife!”

Christine opened her mouth as wide as she could until his balls rubbed against her nose!  He had taught her well as she slurped her saliva off, as each inch reappeared from between her lips.  It was instinct!  The pleasure of the vibrator sending her off over and over.  All Christine could do was whimper like a sad puppy as she watched to couple fuck all around her for the next hour!  It was so humiliating!

Not only had he not fucked her, as promised.  Not only had she eaten pussy for the first time!  And not only had she actually saved a marriage she was hoping to sabotage.  Christine was now a slave to them both! 

“I told that whore not to mess with my man.  Now,

look at you!”

Their final act was to kick Christine off of the bed and onto the floor.  Writhing like the wanton slut she always had been!  Christine watched intently as Jen beat her once again.  Riding the cock Christine wanted so much as Christine was being overwhelmed by a toy!  Her ass still throbbing from the fucking it took earlier.  As Christine lay on the floor admiring the cock she also wanted inside of her, she couldn’t stop cumming or smiling!  And it was all on tape! 

“I love you, baby.  And I want you to be happy.  Happy Anniversary Jennifer!”

Jen grinned down at the defeated woman as she felt her husband’s throbbing cock, pushing her into “that place”.  The one that made her fall in love and overlook their differences.  The one that made her 3 months pregnant.  She felt her husband’s loving seed fill her womb once more and reveled in delight, knowing she would have the slut come lick her dry happily!  Especially since she had spared her life! 

The recording alone was enough to enforce their will on Christine if, ever necessary.  And it would be nice to have a cunt licker at her beck and call she thought.  But they would only need her for a year, tops.  Long enough to keep her husband home and time enough for Jen to fully recover.  By then, Christine would be a new woman!

Brushing her hair backward with her left hand as she sauntered down to store aisle, Randi couldn’t stop thinking about what she Witnessed across the hallway earlier in the morning.  Her panties were soaking through because of it!  And every time a man had talked to her during the day, it had only gotten worse!  Randi never considered herself that “type” of girl!  But as her steps grew even wider due to discomfort, she was definitely having second thoughts.

The day had passed in its otherwise normal, uninteresting way with people coming and going through the Office.  And she had only made one social error.  Allowing her eyes to linger into the crotch of the Delivery guy Sal.  She saw him every day.  But today, the “package” seeming slightly bigger and heavier around the balls area than usual.  Was he single now?  Randi actually thought about grabbing him into the next room and seeing for herself!  Instead, she signed the package and blushed as he winked at her before leaving.  Perhaps another day?

Her neighbor’s naked cock was ruining her focus!  The vision of the man she hardly ever laid eyes upon and never thought of consciously was making her panties squishy as she sat uncomfortably in her moist chair!  He was a pig!  An unrepentant womanizer and a stereotype of the unfaithful and oversexed black male!  At 5 am, ushering out the same two white women, she had seen arguing the night before in the very same hallway together!  The contented satisfaction on their faces cementing what she already knew about them and him.  He was a man whore.  With no respect for anything or anyone else’s feelings, and so were they!  As the women stood in the Hallway blocking Ted from Randi’s full view instantly, she felt disgusted to live so close to such a beast! 

The fact he had stood naked in the doorway as he kissed and pawed at each woman intermittently for what seemed like minutes turned her stomach!  Randi watched through the keyhole from her side of the door, appalled at the lack of respect these women were showing for themselves!  She didn’t like Ted much.  He was arrogant and pretended to be polite.  But Randi knew better.  Beyond the cordial Hi’s and byes, she barely knew her neighbor at all!  And she preferred to keep it that way while she quietly waited for another unit in the complex to become available.  A request she made a week after he moved in, discreetly of course.  4 months later there was no word, and she had almost forgotten she had even made the application until this morning.  He had been the perfect neighbor.

They had talked in another tenant’s apartment once during a party.  Making superficial chatter about nothing.  If he didn’t live directly across from her, she wouldn’t have said anything to him, but since he did, Randi was curious.  But when Ted said something about just graduating from Engineering school and just moving to the area for work, Randi remembered thinking “At least he has a job.” while simultaneously tuning him out.  Bullshit!

Tall.  Muscular.  Probably a college athlete who lucked into a scholarship he didn’t deserve, and boring as hell!  A black nerd.  Really?  Not like she was interested, but the Vodka in her at the time thought what kind of fun could that be?  Until that morning, Randi thought Ted was harmless and her virtue safe locked behind her own door.  But all day today, her panties said otherwise.

Not all black men have huge dicks like the guys on the Internet and in the movies!  Her cousin Gemma had slept with a few black men and even married one.  But she always told Randi she wasn’t missing anything special.  In fact, Gemma specifically had told her that Black Men were not for Randi and she would be happier with a regular, average white guy.  She always wondered about the sneer on her cousin’s face when she had said it, though since  Randi wasn’t sure, Gemma genuinely cared for her like a Cousin should.  And with good reason.

And as she recalled the way her neighbor’s cock stood at attention even as the women were leaving hand in hand, she realized the two Cousins disagreed about everything!  Especially sex.  Randi never really enjoyed it or found time to explore it.  While Gemma had practically done everything and in the process, literally became the Black Sheep of the family.  Marrying black and not caring if they kept in touch with her or not!  Randi had chosen not since it was the path of least resistance.  But for some reason, she thought about calling Gemma for advice all day. 


“Hello.  Who is this?”

“It’s you cousin Randi.  How are you?”


There was a cold silence on the line making Randi more uncomfortable than her cold, day soaked panties!  She placed her weight on either foot as she slowly slid her panties off.  Opening her legs wide in the process and feeling the wind caress her ripe pussy folds!  Gemma had always been tough on her and even borderline inappropriate.  But right now, she needed her advice.  Even if it was going to hurt.

 She recalled the moment when they were both teens, and Gemma called her a frigid cunt and smacked her across the face for telling on her sneaking out the window during a family visit.  Gemma had met some guy from Randi’s High School and fucked him in his car the first night!  A black guy at that!  And Randi for her part had sneakily ratted her out, being a good girl. It was a long time ago when the cousins were forced to spend most of the rest of the week together so Randi could ‘watch’ her.  And watch she did. 

“Why are you calling me Randi?  We haven’t spoken in years.  I thought you would be in a convent or something by now?”

Gemma’s laugh made Randi twitch a little, but the discomfort was mostly in between her legs.  Her sexiest pair of panties rested around her ankles, where Randi left them as she kneeled forward to relax with her ass in the air as if inviting an invisible lover to come to enter.  Gemma’s voice reminded her of what happened the following night all those years ago.  When Julius and Joseph climbed into her window with Gemma’s help.

They were the two most popular boys in school.  One white.  One black.  And both star athletes know for their bright personalities as well as their sexual conquests!  With Gemma’s help, they were through the window and pounced on Randi in an instant!  She remembered being terrified and aroused as the ball gag went into her mouth and Gemma pulling her blonde hair back so the three deviants could overpower her quietly.  She remembered the sensation of being choked too.  But since her Bedroom was on the other side of her Parent’s very large house, no one outside the room heard a thing after they had tied her up.  Her pussy was melting at the thought of being fucked by either of the two studs!  Especially Joseph, who was in her and most other girls eyes in school, perfect!

Looking at Julius though terrified Randi as he opened his eyes wide as he held her throat in one hand. Only when he laughed and said “Don’t worry.  This dick isn’t for you.” did she relax.

As the boys disrobed, Randi’s eyes were flush with their big dicks while Gemma left the room to explore the house, making sure everyone was otherwise occupied or asleep.  While she was gone, the two boys were more focused on each other, complimenting each other’s cocks as well as admiring each other’s bodies.  Years later, it came out they were at least bi, and the rumor was they still were the best of friends.    

“I guess after what you did to me I should never speak to you.”

Randi’s voice was low but strong as she felt her index finger touch the bottom of her wet snatch.  She placed the tip in slightly to moisten before encircling her anus threateningly.  Remembering Julius touch from long ago.

“And what exactly did I do to you, Randi?”

“You know.”

“No.  I don’t.  Say it.”Gemma was getting off on bullying her frigid cousin and remembered every detail of that night.  She always did.  Especially the look of longing on her cousin’s face as she watched the boys fuck and suck her mouth and pussy for the next 3 hours!  Gemma was a wild child and unafraid to take what she wanted!  She also was extremely sexually aware and knew immediately how much Julius and Joseph wanted to compare cocks, and the fact she was from out of town was a good way for them to keep a secret!  Neither cared much or even thought about Randi, the nerd!  Who would she tell?  Her lab partner? Who would believe her saying anything about anyone?Neverthelessthe town’s two favorite sons!  Randi had been masterfully trapped? Forced into a pervert’s dream.

And Gemma was the pervert.  But it wasn’t all her fault.  She had been watching her parents fuck strangers, as well as their neighbors for as long as she could remember!  She was quite the voyeur as long as she could remember!  Her teen body provided the tools to explore what she knew she wanted to draw out of others.  And in her frigid cousin, Gemma sensed a kindred spirit buried deep inside of her .  Her goody two-shoes act was actually in Gemma’s mind, a cry for help!  The fact Randi was such an uptight, prissy bitch only made her plan more delectable!

“You can’t talk about it because you can’t admit how turned on you were?”

Randi stuck her middle finger deep into her snatch and felt it tighten and convulse around her hand before she could reply to Gemma’s voice!  A moan escaped her mouth as she came felt her cum drip onto the floor in the same way it had that night!  She was leaned over the chair with her tits across the seat.  In the same awkward position, she had been tied up all those years ago, without the rope.  Randi hadn’t realized how possessed she was in the moment as her nipples shook with pleasure to the touch!  And Gemma was still on the other end listening.

“You bitch.” Randi managed to say to unsuccessfully mask her arousal.

“As I recall cousin I didn’t let those boys rape you.  All I did was make sure you couldn’t rat on me like an uptight cunt by taking a picture of what you really liked!  I never exposed your fetish to be dominated or even told anyone about anything that happened.  How wet your cunt was when I fingered you as I made you eat those boys juices out of me.  How you begged me to let them fuck you too.  But that wasn’t for you.  You were a good girl slut Barbie toy.  Not a Princess or the Queen you pretended to be!  So slut.  Why are you calling me again?”

Despite everything that had occurred that night and over the subsequent years of mostly silence, a part of Randi knew that her cousin was telling the truth!  That night of memories was the only thing she ever thought about when she masturbated.  Which was the only way she ever got off since the ‘men’ she dated were less than inspiring in bed.  Randi had a rocking body but, in her attempt to be taken seriously as an Attorney it stayed mostly hidden from public view.  But that wasn’t the only reason.

Randi was also always careful after that night to only have sex one way.  In the missionary position with the lights completely off!  She didn’t want anyone to know how she was inside.  There was no room to become successful and sexually proficient because she knew she was just like Gemma. Even when she told herself differently.

Randi had no tattoos or piercings beyond her ears to speak of.  She wasn’t flirtatious or even friendly to people!  And the few sexual experiences she did have were usually brief.  Remembering Gemma being split from both sides by two well-shaped hunks had been the highlight of her sexual career and whether she admitted it or not, had a profound effect on her sexuality!  She always knew what she wanted!  But was always afraid to pursue it.

“It’s about Julius,” Randi said.

Gemma smiled as she remembered the first long, black cock she’d ever had attached to Julius.  The Defensive End who was 230lbs of chiseled man with a 9-inch cock to match!  There were no black boys where Gemma lived.  So the chance to fuck him was met not one young Gemma was about to let pass!  The threesome the next night was just the cherry on top!  Joseph was white, but the same size as Julius and in order to humiliate her cousin further, she had fucked them both in her cousin’s bed!  She knew her cousin had a crush on Joseph and fucked him for spite.  Sure as she knew after the night in Julius backseat, she knew she would marry a black man.

“Girl if you wanted to fuck him you should have fucked him back then!  He lived in your town!  Just like the cowardly slut.  I am married and do not keep in touch with ex-lovers! Try Facebook!  So what?”

“No.  That’s not it.”

Randi began to tell the story of her neighbor and what she had seen.  How she hadn’t paid attention before but now, was jealous of all of the women she had seen coming back and forth.  Mostly white, like her.  And never for more than a week at a time.  As she rubbed her pussy and recounted more detail about the comings and goings at the Apartment than she thought she knew, realizing her disdain had been infatuation from the start!  His strong, tight ass which he couldn’t disguise in his khakis.  His hair.  Looking wild and kinky to the touch.  And his lips.  Especially his lips!  Which she longed to have eating her out right now!

“Whoa, cuz!  Slow your row a bit!”

Gemma empathized with her cousin for the first time ever!  She even felt sorry for torturing her that night slightly more than a decade ago now even if she had gotten off on it!  Maybe she should have convinced her to join them willingly instead of corrupting the two strangers into her twisted plot?  Maybe, it would have been more fun since Gemma really loved to feel a woman’s mouth on her clit!  But she was a year younger than Gemma at the time and despite her cunning, didn’t want the boys to be at risk.  Randi was immature and quite the uptight little cunt at the time after all.

“First of all,” Gemma continued.  “He sounds like a player and though you have always been a prissy bitch.  I don’t want you to get hurt.”

The words and sounds of concern seemed genuine coming from Gemma.  But they only made her body ache more to be pressed against her neighbor!  She didn’t know if she could take such a man inside of her.  But she wanted to find out.

“Second of all.  He lives across the hall!  If it doesn’t work out are you willing to watch him continue to bring bitches home?  Think about it.”

As Randi considered the scenario she could feel the blood swell upwards to her nipples.  Her mind rushed to seeing the women walking away hand in hand and she wondered what that must feel like.  A woman’s touch.

“I don’t know.  I never thought about it.”

“Well, you should.  Dick is a powerful thing and you are very inexperienced.  If he turns you out, you may be unable to say no.  Is that something you would be down for?”

Gemma’s ease with her slang was only turning Randi on more as she grasped her nipples hard in her hands.  Her headset was attached to the phone, limiting her ability to adjust her position from ass up/face down into the chair and she imagined she was watching Ted and his playthings frolic together in her old bedroom in front of her!  Gemma was not deterring her at all!

Knock knock.

No one ever came over unannounced and Randi didn’t have many friends anyway.  She figured it must be a delivery and pulled down her shirt and up her skirt, letting the panties fall to the floor in plain sight of the door.

“Hold on Gemma.  Someone is at my door.”

“Ok.  But I have to leave soon so make it quick.” Gemma answered.

“Who is it?”

“Ted.  Your neighbor!”

Looking through the peephole ,she noticed Ted standing with a bottle of some type of Alcohol Box in a bow.  She opened the door and smiled at him a full-toothed smile.  Something she never did.

“What’s wrong.”

Gemma listened on the phone excited to be witness to her cousin’s dilemma.  The very man they were talking about was there!  What was he up to?

“Listen neighbor.”

Does he not know my name?

“I am sorry about this yesterday.”

“Sorry?” Randi replied.  “About what?”

“About the girls arguing in the hall.  They told me they saw you after I straightened them out and there was no reason for you to be subjected to their petty argument over nothing.  Also, I want you to know, it will never happen again.”

Handing her a bottle of Dom which Randi reached out to accept uneasily.

“A token of apology.  Enjoy your evening.”

Ted turned towards his door when Randi blurted out to him.

“What were they arguing about?”

Without turning back to face her ,Ted replied “Me.”

“But……  Didn’t they both leave this morning?”

Ted turned to face Randi again and this time, look her in the eyes then, down her body.  He could tell she was naked under her clothes and could sense from her curious tone what he suspected was true.  She was watching through the keyhole this morning and had caught a glimpse of his cock!  11 inches of cthe hocolate stick that seemingly, never rested!  The last part she didn’t know.  But his track record was such he knew one of two things would happen.  She would be afraid of it and avoid him completely or…..

“No.” he answered.  Baiting the proverbial hook.

“Why would you lie?  I saw them leave this morning!!”

“You did?”

Ted moved forward towards her and grasped her hair bun in the back, pulling her face closer to his. His free hand grasped her waist, causing her to shudder momentarily and almost drop her cell! With both hands occupied, there was no way to resist his bold advance and her body froze in the moment as he traced his lips across her ear.

“And what else did you see neighbor?”

Pushing his way inside of her Apartment, Randi felt his lips press hard against her own until his tongue sunk into her throat!  He rubbed his growing cock against her leg as his fingers reached under her skirt, feeling her damp pussy, thrust into her tight hole two fingers to the knuckle!

“You are very tight.  Almost virginal.  Tell me you want to see it up close.  All you have to do is ask!”

The phone fell out of her hand and onto the carpeted floor as Randi felt her knees buckle beneath her hips and her entire weight smash onto his large, black hand inside of her!  Her lips matched his intensity as they engaged in a kiss once more!  Her body flushed with orgasm as the thought of her letting this Black Man have his way with her was too much to imagine, nevertheless, try!  But she had found its way to his belt and almost unwittingly, unleashed his cock barely a foot away from her partially open door!

“You never fucked a black guy before.  I can tell.  Your pussy is too tight.”

Randi found herself in the same position as before.  Face into the chair but this time, her skirt was hiked up around her waist.  Ted was not giving her the chance to change her mind at all as she felt the bulb begin to part her vagina into two opposite planes!  Working its way slowly into her in a methodical way that was both gentle and rough simultaneously!  Each inch carefully pushed into her after a teasing rhythm that lubricated her walls, Randi felt all sense of the current reality slipping away!  His teasing had been longer than any of the 4 sexual encounters she had combined since those men were usually intimidated by the body she kept so well hidden as well as quick cummers naturally!  Ted was neither as he took 10 minutes to fill her tight cavern completely before beginning a long, slow fuck!

“Damn girl.  You almost made me cum!  Where have you been hiding this body?”

“I’m fat.”

“No.  You are perfect!”

Slamming his dick length into her Randi felt what was to be the most intense orgasm of her life continue for at least 3 minutes!  As her entire body became flushed red, it was all Ted could do to hold onto her hips and continue to stroke her into oblivion!  He watched as his cock grew wetter and wetter and his arms bristled in the attempt to keep her properly impaled on his stick until Randi regained control of herself and pushed back into his hips, meeting his strokes perfectly.

“Damn this pussy good.”

Randi heard the words and pushed back into him harder at an almost frenzied pace!  It hurt so good when Ted began spanking her ass on each down stroke!  Her little orgasms coursing through her veins and fingers!. A simple fuck was transforming her  into a sexual being and when Randi felt Ted’s thumb push into her ass Multiple orgasms took over!  Her arms became weak as Randi’s face pressed into the seat cushion.  Pushing deeper while draining her of ever sexual block!  All she wanted now was the one feeling Randi never had.

“Cum inside of me.”

Ted’s cock unleashed a torrent of jism that dotted her walls and fled straight for her ovaries.  Randi didn’t fuck enough to be on birth control and she knew as her womb filled what she was doing was dangerous!  But Ted’s dick was so far in her as she felt touched reached her womanhood ans softly, slip away.

She didn’t care.  This had been so far, the best moment of her life!  One Randi in her current state,  never wanted to end!  Pulling his half flaccid meat from her body was easy, as it slipped right out.  Sucking it into her mouth was an act of contrition.  The first man she had ever allowed into her mouth as she licked away like a puppy does a meaty bone!  It seemed natural as  Ted’s eyes fixated on the borderline racist woman’s joy.  Smiling at his handiwork in successfully converting her into a believer!  Ted had seen that look before in other women.  She could and would do anything for him now.  And Gemma, still listening to it all on the other end of the phone, knew it too.

As the months went by Ted and Randi became more than lovers. They were parents!  Other women still came by his apartment at different times.  Randi even came to enjoy threesomes with other women as well as 1 on 1.   Randi understood she couldn’t handle Ted’s sex drive and big black cock by herself and didn’t make an issue of having to share.  And when she did, it was usually because she knew it would make him fuck her good!  She would fuck other men with his permission but make no mistake, there was no another man for her!

Their son was born and they continued to maintain Ted’s apartment across the Hallway and became quite popular in certain circles!  They spent most of their time in her Apartment being parents.  And used his place mostly for trysts and exploring Randi’s desire to be tied up, dominated and watched.  Even though most of her family disavowed her for the relationship, she still had Gemma and most of her Trust fund, which she collected before she ever became the property of Ted.

But that is another story. 

She wore Red High heels and a tight, conservative skirt.  Her eyes were green and a bit glazed from the lack of sleep and the hit from the Vape before she got there.  Not high.  Just enough to make it through the first hour when she would decide whether or not the Evening was a complete waste of time or, to have a second drink.  All depended on him.

His wife would be there, but she was with her Husband anyway.  A man she loved but, no longer lusted for.  It wasn’t either of their faults that sex had become Vanilla and mundane.  That was what marriage was about, her mother had told her years ago.  But that didn’t mean she had accepted entirely her fate of a sexless life!

They had made a connection and even though they both resisted it.  Contact was inevitable.  From the first handshake, she had been drawn to him and sensed the same with him!  Her nipples tingled like the first time, and her voice hardly could utter the required “Hello.” Before their hands broke apart.  And like that, she was hooked! 

Brushing against him that evening to leave almost sent her into a mini-orgasm.  But she knew that was a lie she had to tell herself as she slipped off her panties minutes later and felt the dampness that engulfed the silk set.  To admit her affection.  To admit she desired to be touched by those same fingers that were seemingly the same as all the rest?  Would be to admit she wanted someone other than her Husband!  She was too good to admit that.  But still, here she was.  Hoping for more. 

The neighbors got together every couple of months, and Rob was smiling and mixing alone when June entered behind her husband.  The years had eroded part of his chivalrous nature, but tonight, it worked to her benefit as she could scan the room over his shoulder.  Placing both her prey and rival in an instant.  She instinctively knew what to do and instead of the usual handshake, opted to hug this month’s host to set a precedent.  The men, all of whom had wanked off to the thought of her naked body pressed against theirs many times, couldn’t help but perk up at the prospect of her ample bosom and seemingly soft ass pressed against their mostly out of shape bodies!  And Rob was the 3rd closest! 

He seemed engaged with another Housewife and seemingly, never noticed her unsteady approach.  But within a moment, his arms were open as his hands brushed lightly against her breasts on their way to her back, barely above her waist!  Smoothly done she thought.  As his top two fingers squeezed the top of her ass strongly but, subtly as he whispered in her ear.

“As sensual as the last time.”

Before releasing her and greeting her by name, for all to see!  The only one who noticed there might have been something between them was the woman who witnessed the exchange.  But she was somewhat scandalous herself and enjoyed the moment. 

June continued to the last two men and women at the party.  Extending a hand to the first but unable to do the same with the last!  He had witnessed the other men and didn’t want to be shortchanged!  But Rob was still on her mind.  His hands had found her two most sensual places that were long since forgotten in a sexless marriage!  And it was confirmed.  He felt it too. 

The Evening passed with the usual banter about politics and the world in general.  June’s husband once again gravitated to Bill.  The man he spent the most time with on Earth.  Their affection for one another bordering on sexual as she noticed their body language for what seemed like the 1st time.  Maybe she noticed because she was thinking about her own chemistry with Rob?  He who was attached at the hip to his own wife.  June had been attempting to size her up all evening but was out of practice and as a result, couldn’t get a read on her.  What was she thinking anyway?  She was married! 

She walked down the Hallway towards the Bathroom to get a grip on her emotions as much as anything else!  Her dark sandy hair was a bit out of place, and her competitive fire was out of control!  A quick trip would help her gather her emotions and hopefully, give her the strength to call it a night.  She didn’t care what her Husband did, and as usual, he would probably linger at the Party.  But June needed to go!  If only to calm these sensations she was experiencing! 

The vodka in her hand went down smoothly as she fixed her makeup and started to open the door to the Bathroom.  She was momentarily startled at the sight of the couple pushing their way in!  It was Rob and his faithful wife!  Half a disappointment she thought as both seemed a bit tipsy.

“Excuse us.”

His wife continued forward towards the loo as Rob stepped in behind her and closed the door! 

“Excuse me.  I was just leaving.” June said.

In reaching for the doorknob, her breasts pushed against Rob’s own chest which felt so good!  Rob used the chance to pull her closer, with his arm around her waist and smell her perfume? 

“Flowerbomb.” Rob paused.

“One of my favorites.”

June didn’t know how to respond.  Here she was in an intimate embrace with the one man she has been fantasizing about the Last 5 weeks.  And his wife was watching them!  Her face reddened with either embarrassment or excitement.  She couldn’t tell which as her Ass twitched beneath his firm grip!  His skin was dark.  Mediterranean almost and the bulge in his pants was immense!  Much bigger than anything she’d had in years!  June’s impulses froze as his hand cupped her ass and one finger explored the crack between her underused cheeks!  She almost melted!  

“Rob loves perfume on a woman.”

Amanda was standing directly behind her now as her husband fondled June’s ass. 

“Rob loves many things about women.”

Kissing her neck, Rob let his one hand wandered towards the front of her skirt.  As the other explored the rest of her body!  Amanda never touched her.  But June could feel her hot breath close and when looking back to see how she was allowing this to happen, noticed her panties were down around her ankles and her hand was rubbing circles around her clit!  June didn’t know what to think!  She wasn’t attracted to women at all!  But the site of Amanda watching as her Husband Rob took liberties with her body made her legs weak!  Luckily, Rob still had a firm grasp on her bottom and held her weight in his hands!  This continued for another minute until Rob spoke over her shoulder. 

“Get dressed hun.  We’re leaving.”  He said.

Immediately Amanda pulled up her panties and smiled at her husband. 

“Don’t smile.  You know what you did was wrong!”

What the fuck!  Rob was the inappropriate one!  Or was he?  They were both?  June’s confusion continued as Rob moved her against the sink and grabbed her left wrist.  Amanda circled behind him silently.  Watching as he used his control to rub her hand against his big dick! 

“We are leaving soon.  But I think you and Amanda made a connection in here.  Maybe you guys should become friends.  We are always looking for new friends.”

With that, Rob pressed his face and mouth against June’s!  They shared a deep, long kiss that she had never even shared with her Husband of 15 years!  His lips were warm and soft!  And his tongue was commanding!  In breaking the kiss, Rob looked into the love-starved woman’s eyes and knew.  She was his! 

“You should stop by the house sometime.  I think you two would get along.” He whispered. 

Amanda opened the door and grasped her Husband’s hand.  They were gone as soon as they had come!  I mean they had cum?  Or just June!  It had been so long since June had even felt the sensation of arousal, she couldn’t tell if she had or hadn’t!  All she knew was she didn’t understand anything about what had just happened! 

After cleaning herself up a bit which wasn’t easy in her sensitive state.  June exited the Bathroom.  Walking past her other neighbor who had been talking to Rob in the large room when she first entered and into the small gathering of 10.  She could hear the couple saying their goodbyes and noticed her husband, attached to Bill as usual!  She gave him the nod.  Letting him know she was leaving to take the short walk 3 houses down and into her bed, alone.  Saying goodbye to the neighbors as she went for the door on unsteady legs. 


Amanda’s voice rang out across the room. 

“We will walk you home since we are tired from all the activity!”

The crowd laughed as if they knew something which, they didn’t.  Amanda was so pretty and sweet!  They just wanted her favor already!  But they didn’t know her.  No one there did!  That was their advantage. 

June almost bolted, but for some reason, she was stuck in place.  She wanted Rob for herself but, would have never acted upon it!  At least that was what she told herself.  But there was more to the couple that piqued her curiosity.  And it only made sense she wait since they lived two doors down from her. 

Rob smiled at his wife, and they walked towards her hand in hand.  His eyes never left her as if they were truly in love!  It was hard to miss.  June knew she should probably avoid them both but, she couldn’t.  She wouldn’t deny herself a chance to feel Rob’s hands across her body again!  Tantalizing her senses as they were and igniting fires inside her she had forgotten even existed!  She wanted to know more! 

The door closed behind them, and the 3 hit the sidewalk towards home silently.  Amanda stepped back.  Allowing Rob and June to walk side by side while he explained as much as he was going to in the street.  They were one house away from June’s when Rob broke the silence.

“I liked you from the first time I laid eyes on you.” He said.

June turned around and asked Amanda.

“Don’t you have anything to say about that?”

Amanda’s head faced down as Rob continued to speak.

“She won’t answer you unless I tell her to.  That is the basis of our marriage.”

“What do you mean?”

The distance between the homes seemed woefully short as they reached her driveway. 

“Come to think of it.  We aren’t so tired, and we have never seen your home.  Would you like to invite us in for a Nightcap?”

Pausing to consider her husband probably wouldn’t be home for another two hours.  June decided to sate her intellectual curiosity and said yes.  Ignoring her throbbing parts pleas for immediate gratification by her own loving touch.   She wanted to rub her wet clit to sleep!  But she didn’t want to seem intimidated by the bohemian customs of her neighbors!  And since she wasn’t moving anytime soon.  She figured best to get over it now! 

What June took her marriage vows very seriously.  And despite her suspicions about her Husband’s proclivities towards men.  She had no proof and didn’t want any!  She had convinced herself that she was his.  Even if he wasn’t interested.  And the lack of sex had helped her rise in her Legal practice.  She had almost forgotten what attraction was like until Rob!  But there was something about him that was different!  She knew it from the start.  But now, she was learning what. 

“Do you mind if we make ourselves at home?” Rob asked. 

Not knowing what that meant.  June considered saying NO!  But again.  She was off balance yet, excited to learn.

“Of course not,” June replied.

With that.  Amanda removed her panties from beneath her dress and placed them in her purse while simultaneously pulling out what appeared to be a sex toy!  She pushed a button which started a slow vibration, then sat directly against the door on the floor with her legs spread in a way that showed great flexibility.  No one could enter unless they pushed her over! 

Rob walked directly to June and circled around her as she stood, watching in amazement at the silent wife’s grinding against the floor! 

“She knows her place June.”

The words entered her ears and heightened her senses. 

“I love my wife.  As all men should.  But she can’t handle all of my urges.”

His hands circled her waist now as if measuring her responses to his touch.  June stood transfixed.  Almost unaware of his explorations until one hand reached beneath her skirt and 3 fingers plunged deeply into her wet pussy!  June moaned and looked at Amanda directly in the eyes for something.  Anything that would show objection to her husband touching her in front of him while her pussy dripped down her legs in waves she never knew she was capable of!  That was when it happened! 

Rob ripped her panties off and would have lifted her off her feet!  But his hand against her back stopped her from falling onto her face!  Her skirt was up and his Dick inside of her faster than she knew possible!  The pain!  It was much bigger than anything she’d ever experienced, and Rob was as rough inside of her as he had been gentle before!  Fucking her from behind as they watched Amanda writhe on the floor in front of them!  Rob whispered into her ear once more.

“35.  You don’t have the body of a 35-year-old woman.  Your pussy is as tight as 18.”

June was appalled at his language but at the same time.  Wanted to hear more!  No man ever talked to her that way!  Especially not her queer hubby!  Did she just think that?  Rob lifted her off her feet as her heels dangled in the air.  But he wasn’t pushing into her.  June was sliding up and down his cock like a Rodeo rider and didn’t even know it!  Cumming all over the front of his expensive suit and barely able to look Amanda, his wife in the eyes as she watched them both! 

“Amanda.  Tell her now.” 

Amanda began to speak and explain that though they were married.  Rob fucked any woman he wanted with her blessing.  She said she had been a young slut.  Cunt even. Destined to be nothing.  Do nothing with her life when Rob saved her.  Showed her the way of discipline and focus.  And she was never as happy as when he was pleased!

“As you can feel.  My husband has quite a large cock, and in case you can’t tell, he can and will fuck you for a long time.  Much longer than most woman can take.  That was how he got me!  I challenged him in a Bar one night.  He said he could make me come 10 times before he came once!  I said if he did, I would be his slave for a week!  After the week was over, I was a different woman!”

“Enough talk.”

Rob barked as he dropped June down from his cock, and onto the floor!  Walking over to his wife, his cock dripping with June’s juices.  Amanda opened her mouth to take as much as she could of it over her tongue!  June watched the spectacle, unable to move forward or retreat as her pussy hole still gaped from the blissful assault!   How many times had she orgasmed?  Was she still cumming watching her neighbor get faced fucked roughly on her floor!  Something June had thought would never appeal to her now, she wished it was being done to her!   

“She is not just my wife June.  Amanda is my property.  But as you can see by her gagging.  She still can’t suck my dick properly, and she definitely can’t handle my needs alone!” 

Pushing Amanda back onto the floor, Rob reached between her legs and seemingly, turned it up while pushing her onto her side.  Reaching into her purse are removing a pair of handcuffs to place behind her back!  His cock dripped Amanda’s saliva as all June could do was watch.  Paralyzed by the sight and the hard fucking she had endured at the end of his member.  She wanted it back!   And she wouldn’t have to wait long! 

Rob rose and considered June’s hungry eyes, knowing what she wanted!  Getting on his knees to meet her at eye level, Rob kissed her deeply like before, and June melted!  Moving behind her, Rob lifted her skirt and mounted her as he stood behind and over her.  Each push going deeper and deeper into her soul! 

“I am going to ask you a series of yes or no questions and the moment you lie to me is the moment I stop.  Do you understand?”

“The neighbor’s say you need this more than anything.  Are they right?”


” June answered.

“They also say you are a first-class bitch.  Are they correct.”

The word that usually made June lash out in anger now made her cum intensely beneath him!  The pause made him double his entry into her harder and deeper. 

“Answer me, Bitch!”

“Yes.  Yes, I am!”

Reaching down, Rob caressed her jutting nipple so hard she wanted to scream!  But she couldn’t as June felt another wave of orgasm pass through her!

“I said Yes or No!  Do you want me to stop fucking you on your Living Room floor now!”

“No.”  He answered so quick June surprised herself.  

She couldn’t see Rob’s smirk but, he knew she had given up.  Given in to his power as his rod swoll to greater lengths inside her!  He loved when they broke!  And he couldn’t wait to cum inside of her.  Rob knew it wouldn’t be long now!

“Is your Husband Gay?”

June paused before answering, and Rob knew he had her where he wanted.  If she said no.  He would leave her where she lies.  Make her beg to see him again since he knew she was never going to be the same. 

And if she said yes?  He would have defeated her.  Made her admit the one thing she never could admit to herself after 15 years of Marriage.  Her marriage was a lie. 


Rob came deep inside of her at the admission what seemed like at least a quart of cum but due to her lack of sex, how could she tell!  Pulling out he walked over to his wife Amanda, who dutifully licked and sucked him dry! 

Amanda was pulled towards June as she lay on the floor, ass still in the air. 

“Don’t worry.  Amanda will clean up this mess.  Won’t you dear?”

With that, the younger woman delved her tongue deep between her neighbor’s folds.  Expertly cleaning her crème filled hole and licking their collective juices off of the floor until there was nothing left!  At some point, her hands were freed as June felt them on her ass, steadying June as she experienced shock after shock until she fell asleep on the floor.

June was awakened by the sound of the door opening and her husband walking in 2 hours later.  As expected.  She was on the couch and wondered if it was all a dream!  But her sore pussy let her know it wasn’t though there was no sign of the neighbors left.  The house was cleaner than she had left it and there was a note pressed in her palm written by a woman, was her guess.  

Meet me at the Mall tomorrow to go shopping.  It was great talking with you.


“But I am a good girl!”

The voice not so assuredly announced in hushed tones into the strange man’s chest.  Burying her reddened face and shameful expression of uncontrollable lust along with the sound of her muffled ecstasy.  Shari’s mind raced as her new lover pumped his way inside her.  Deliberately holding back each time as if to prolong her embarrassment of predicament.  Each stroke accompanied by a word of encouragement for her tightening hole.

“Tell me how much you want me inside of you…” he whispered while biting her ear for emphasis.

Shari did not know if she was capable of responding verbally to the man who controlled every inch of her being.  But her body did.  Her hair.  Tightly wound around one hand limited how she could do position herself and simultaneously creating an image of him fucking her face in the same way.  She hoped that would be next! But Shari knew that she was powerless to resist his wishes either way.  He was, after all, doing this to her in this not quite an empty Bar and Shari knew that wasn’t her choice.  Was it?

Controlling the depth of his strokes inside of her was creating an orgasmic tsunami Shari did not know that she was capable of!  The woman cursed him inside of her head as his cock edged and milked her body flawlessly as her ass slid around the wooden floor.  The predicament allowed her to speak only a one-word answer to the question.


There were no other sounds in the place that was truer than Shari’s moans of delight.  The unending wanting of her lover to be finished exposing her had passed, leaving an uncaring whore in its place! Experiencing her crème flowing in between her thighs in the manner of a faucet was something Shari had read about, but never experienced before that moment!  A reflection of hidden thoughts and desires and their effect on her present day activities.  Shari had lusty wants and dirty desires that needed to be held in check for her own benefit she thought.  The last clear thought that she would remember from the evening.

The need to hide from being discovered slowly slipped away as Shari only wanted him to push his cock deeper into her and relieve the pressure being built up inside by his edging her with his perfectly big dick!  Shari’s thoughts blended becoming action.  And all the woman could discern from the surroundings was her conscious mind was slipping further away into bliss!  Replaced by the compliant whore she needed to be to endure her lover’s precision pounding.  He was at least 8 inches.

Shari didn’t come out frequently to play games.  The excitement and adrenaline she craved for most of her existence usually were placated by her favorite toys, which were smaller than Daniel, and an open window.

She loved getting herself off for sure!  But craved being watched by others while she pleasured herself, as it had always heightened her senses and made her cum quickly.  So to be here, sitting next to a limp dick her friends had set her up with, was just a ruse to get what she really wanted.  And the proof that they didn’t know what she wanted at all!

“This is what a hard ‘no’ sounds like.” She had said.

Her blind date was in sales, so she believed the phrase to be appropriate to end their meeting prematurely.  She gave him as much of a chance as any other man, but he wasn’t her type!  Barely a man she thought while removing the drink down her throat the now unhappily departed man had brought her.  Another night she might have entertained him.  Sucked his small cock in his car and called it a favor for a friend.  But tonight she was looking for something special.

Shari could feel most eyes on her as they entered the bar.  It was darker and seedier than her station, so a woman of her quality stuck out like a sore thumb.  She was outfitted in a sexy black dress with high heels in hopes of meeting what her friend suggested was a Prince.  She knew her friend’s taste in men, so her dress was strictly chosen for Plan B, which included a walk on the wilder side of life and a new outlook on the night.

Her blind date had been too everything.  Too anxious.  Too excited by her overt sexuality while never touching even her arm!  Shari hadn’t come out to not be touched!  What she wanted was a sexual release, not a wordy relationship!

So Shari, in her high heels and short dress.  Wearing a pair of barely there panties that covered the natural outline of her dampening folds and were visible at certain angles past the slit in her dress was alone in the bar.  Left to fend for herself.  Her breasts were accentuated by the push-up bra providing support, while not entirely covering her nipples.  Her areolas were being pinched at the top of the tit cage against the thin fabric of her dress that she enjoyed the feeling of immensely!  It was the closest thing to being naked as the air brushed against her skin.  And now she was alone in a Bar full of strangers, far from home.

Breaking the rules of socially acceptable sexual behavior for her was exciting.  She had thought about attempting a night out like this long and hard on many occasions.  Usually while rubbing her clit to eventual collapse and sleep.  Her thoughts would wander into ‘depraved’ scenarios each time until her thoughts and self-inflicted orgasms escalated into action.  Through imagining different lovers with a similar result would cause her fingers to linger outside her thighs as long as she could before burying themselves inside of her bare, wet, cunt. The thoughts of not being able to resist also grew.

What started with Shari being ashamed that she couldn’t help herself from thinking about such things all of the time, ended with an unknown date with this Internet clown!  Thrilled at the thoughts that alone get her off with barely a touch could become a reality with a man!  That is how Shari started.  But now leaving her disappointed and wondering exactly how long it could be before she would get to act upon her urges.

Her mound would throb, and breasts harden when looking at men and measuring the creases in their slacks elsewhere.  Their knowing leers usually had her wondering if they understood what she imagined about them, or were just regular horny men.  Either way, if they knew how easy it could be to ravish and control her with their dicks, they would do more than smile in her direction!  Each day, knowing it would take less as her defenses wore themselves down.  Sex is all that she thought about these days.  Being ridden and used like the fuckdoll, she always felt she would be happiest being anywhere but work!  And this time in context.  Not like her College memory and the night, she pretended to be drugged so the frat boys could have their way with her while she maintained her “innocence.”  Shari loved being their helpless toy and craved to feel that way again!

The man stood at the end of the bar waiting for her to come closer as she swatted away other suitors with great dexterity.  The sense of urgency built inside of her breasts as she admired his size and strength and wondered if his cock would match!  He could easily take her by force at any time, but would he?  Shari’s thoughts of pleasuring this stranger built up with each step forward, sapping her confidence until stood astride him practically naked while speaking her attraction, using carefully chosen words.

“Excuse me.”

All she could imagine while pressing next to him was taking him home and fucking his brains out! Placing one hand on his waist while pushing her hard nipples against his arm Shari decided to forgo any form of subtlety and opt for the direct approach.  Her hands lithely brushed his back in a feigned attempt to pretend to gain some form of balance, all while brushing his firm behind. Shari’s hand lingering a moment too long, but catching his attention immediately.

The stranger reflexively grabbed her forearm and tugged slightly down, causing her knees to buckle slightly under the pressure.  The pain shot through her arm, sending a jolt and a flash through her body instantly which brought Shari back to the present from her fantasy walk.  He was more dangerous than she thought and more!  Catching a glimpse of the dark face while his well-manicured hair and lowered gaze disguised any semblance of form as pain shot up her arm before he let her go.

“Sorry about that.”

He spoke deliberately before pausing to grab her by her waist and pull her close to him.  Her body now crushed against his in an excitingly comfortable, but scary way.  Her breasts pushed forward and released themselves from their semi-caged state underneath her dress.  The sight of her dark pink, seemingly brown nipples available to both of their eyes still restrained by the thinnest layer of fabric was not as startling to Shari as their mutual reaction.

Daniel lifted her upright while his free hand pushed her breast back into their respective cages politely.  It was if they had been lovers forever as he encircled Shari’s right nipple before holding it tightly between his fingers and kissing her firmly on the mouth in front of everyone before letting her go.

“That should make up for it.” he sneered.

Transfixed, Shari rooted to the point as the strange man named Daniel ordered her a drink.  Comforted by this beautiful stranger whose eyes were boring into her soul.  She felt as if she dare not leave his side without permission which kept her riveted to the spot.  The stranger was now talking and thinking for them both and she had no desire to disagree!

In his mind, Daniel knew instinctively what she wanted from him and was in no mood to be evasive or coy.  Seeing her deliberately vulnerable along with the way she responded to his fingers, which he used to gently massage her clit, Daniel knew all he needed to know.  He finally grabbed her forcefully and said the only thing she could remember.

“I know what you want.”  With a smile and a wink.

Grasping her hand Daniel took her away from the other Men and women who had been watching them interact together before she could utter a verbal rebuttal.  Settling into a corner that was partially dimmed, Daniel placed two fingers between her legs before stiffly ripping her panties aside.  Hoping for another glimpse at her unencumbered treats, his other hand forced her tits not only above her bra but outside of her dress!  A full view only blocked by his thick body.  The thought of public exposure sending a tingling sensation throughout her body!

All the while he handled her so roughly the woman blushed with excitement, even as her heart pounded with fear of being discovered in this communal setting. She need not worry about such things as all eyes in the establishment had never left!  They watched it all as Daniel was inside of her as quickly as she wanted him to be in her fantasy!  Even if she was unsure of the setting. Daniel had turned her inhibitions against her so skillfully, working her womanhood like a true cocksmith!  She felt him finally pressed against her flesh Shari realized how defenseless she was and in a thought, screamed in the agony and ecstasy of the moment the most powerful orgasm of her young life!  Her inner walls trembled uncontrollably and the rest of the Bar’s patrons watched the stranger remove his fleshy rod and spew his sperm upon Shari’s partially open mouth and lips before dribbling down her chest!  She felt ashamed at her display while simultaneously cumming looking at the men beginning to encircle her.

She would lay there unable to move for what seemed like an eternity while other patrons moved ever closer, discussing what to do with such a spent slut.  The reference making her pussy twitch as she knew what they were saying was true!  Her head nodded in their direction, Five men in total including her dispatched date waved their cocks in her direction as she noticed how big he was! Had he mentioned that earlier, none of this would have probably happened!  Dumb luck.

Fingers and hands touched and prodded her available body until Shari was once again impaled by a strange cock, but this time from her knees.  And another.  And another.  Her mouth quickly filled with the sweet taste of her dirtiest dreams.  While her body still shook in a feeble attempt to recover from her encounter with Daniel, who was now, nowhere to be seen.  Any attempt to follow him now would be impossible now. So Shari did the only thing she could do.

Apologize to her initial date in the best way she knew how since didn’t want her friends to hear about their date.

And smile.