It was going to be a 3-hour drive, and Judy was going, to be honest with her daughter about everything! Judy knew her daughter was sexually active having helped her get birth control.  And having spied her web history knew the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree!  Little Constance’s body had blossomed, and like most good mothers, Judy knew what was best for her to do.  Get it out of her system already!  The long drive meant for bonding Judy had reserved for storytelling.  A tame version of the truth.  She started with “It was supposed to be a girls night out.”

It was 19 years ago, and Judy remembered thinking she would be back in her Basement bedroom rubbing her clit alone soon.  She recalled frustration and hardened nipples thinking about waiting for the kids she nannied to wake up for another day of screaming after not getting laid!  The honey drips a reminder her body knew what she needed, and Ben’s growing impatience only added to her slutty her frustrations!  Her attempt to make herself irreplaceable was not going well.

Ben sometimes liked to tease women he’d been with about fucking them.  He was masterful at finding out what they wanted and exploiting his prey’s sexuality to control them. Some had a weakness for sucking cock and fell in love with his oversized meat.  Being 10 inches when fully hard, and just thick enough to almost hurt was what other women found to be Ben’s best attribute!  But he also would eat pussy as well as most women, having learned the Art from his ex-girlfriends Sylvie and Ashley who were married now.  Something about Ben made everyone want him.

Sex wasn’t how they had started out, but by that night Judy was in the center of the web!  And Ben had a habit of dumping women who didn’t follow through.  In that way, he was a complete asshole!  But as Judy’s clit rubbed against her moist, silky panties, she knew she could never accept that!  The feeling begged her not to leave before the thorough pounding planning this double date had promised!  But as it was going, this wasn’t an ideal Friday night, and her friend was a no-show.  Leaving her alone with two men who were unfortunately, one too many!

 It had only been a couple of weeks since Judy had lost her virginity to a guy her age from the club.  Someone Ben had suggested from the who had just lost his girlfriend.  It was fun as Judy she fucked and sucked him whenever and wherever she could,  But the ex soon became jealous,  wooing him back with a promise of more frequent blowjobs!  Which was ok with her since the experience had run its course.  She was ready for something new!

Judy was 19 and soon would be back home, under her mother’s watchful eye soon enough.  And Utah is nothing like NY!  There were no opportunities to have sex without being caught, outed and labeled a whore or worse!  Impure.  You are expected to tell on yourself!   Which was one of her favorite fantasies to masturbate herself to sleep with.  Imagining admitting her lustful secrets like a good little whore and promising not to do it again!  Repression caused by the irony of living in a polygamous state gone straight!

Being in NY had been an adventure!  She traveled to tourist sites on weekends with friends and family and spent her first two weeks soaking in the atmosphere.  The people who never said hello unless they had lewd intentions jumped out at her.  Even in her conservative midwestern outfits, there was no hiding her voluptuous assets.  Judy especially noticed how their looks made her crave more attention like it!  It wasn’t long before she began testing her non-existent barriers and gave into temptation.  And Ben had been her guide.

Her tits ached for action as her date stood patiently across the bedroom knowing his big, black cock was captured under his jeans!  She had been leaning on it all week so by now, knew it’s every twist and bend!  It was bigger than the guy who took her virginity a month earlier.  And much more satisfying.  The truth was it didn’t last as Judy quickly discovered her sexual needs were more “evolved,” and her mentor became her target.

Ben was a much more experienced lover, and the women in the gym gushed about him.  How much of a “gentleman” which some knew was a public farce intended to lure them to feed his voracious sexual appetites.  The different stories that all ended the same way.  A broken barrier wall and inability to resist his calls to action.  The dangerous excitement these women craved became their addiction.  But Ben knew Judy was only around for a short time making their relationship dynamic unique.

She was curious and shared his dirty secrets.  As a religious woman and Virgin, there was no harm in her questioning him about sex?  Once those two things were established AND Ben made it clear he had no interest in deflowering her, there was an ease in their interactions.  Plus, Judy knew the woman he slept with and believed when he told her he didn’t need her too.  They understood one another.

For his part, Ben never told secrets.  He was a strict believer in keeping his private life private and as a bachelor didn’t believe in drama.  One way he maintained his lifestyle was silence.  Sometimes at the end of his cock!  But Judy was different.  Curious, but definitely in NY to explore her sexuality, even if she couldn’t admit it to herself!  Ben recognized things in her she hadn’t yet discovered about herself.  Why wouldn’t he become her friend?

Ben had tested her curiosity, and to his delight, every time Judy needed more details!  He’d smile and tell her more.  But that was usually after talking about 50 other things neither was interested in more than each other.  It was always the end.  When Ben would provide so much detail, it gave Judy ideals about how she should be massaging her own pussy at night!  Always while trying to remember what he said he had done to another girl.  What he was probably doing to one as she slept and kept her virtue a little before screaming her orgasm into the pillow and falling asleep with a sated smile.  Judy trusted Ben. But that was a month ago, and the relationship was different now.  Judy was the one who found herself wanting him all of the time and competing for his attention in her last days since she was leaving soon.  She didn’t want to waste the opportunity before she recommitted herself.  The flesh is weak.

“Too bad.  She doesn’t know what she’s missing!”

The words came out of context but brought a smile to the increasingly disappointed 3rd wheel.  Ben’s friend had been cool, and she knew he found her attractive.  After a couple of shots of Tequilla, the sentence spoken with a certain envy.  Under different circumstances, she thought as Ben spoke.

“Wayne.  Before you go home could you go to the store and bring me back a mixer?”

Wayne was even a good sport about that.  He just smiled his big smile and winked at her which surprisingly surged through her body like a pulse!  Did she want him to leave?  The man smiled and left the room, but Judy hardly noticed with Ben’s lips fastened onto her nipples just as quickly.  Licking and sucking in between long, wet kisses and firm grasps of her breasts and pinches of her desperately needing attention areolas!  She came as his fingers pushed inside of her as he asked the unbelievable question.

“So you want to fuck us both?”

The tequila heated Judy’s groin as his fingers touched her swollen bud as she tried to pretend she wasn’t cumming on Ben’s twisting fingers as he looked into her eyes.  Was he in her head now orchestrating her dirty thoughts?

“You’re joking right?”

Ben removed what was left of the top and unzipped the skirt from the back as it fell to the floor.  His hands seemed to be everywhere she liked them to be at the same time!  On her ass.  On her wet kitten since she wasn’t a full-grown pussy as of yet.  Ben licked her legs open before standing between them while slowly pressing his cock into her pre-lubricated walls!  Her heels were on, and she was sitting between Ben’s legs as he sat on the edge of the bed when Wayne opened the bedroom door.

“Ask Wayne if you can make up for your friend with your mouth.”

Ben had never talked to her this way or even intimated he was slightly interested in sharing her but Judy knew she was the happiest bouncing into his lap where she was.  Wayne removed his shorts and out sprang another beautiful big dick!   Judy’s eyes popped as she realized her friend was never coming and Ben had been planning this sexual improvisation from the beginning!

Turning herself as she ground down on his engorged rod.  Their eyes meet as Judy kisses Ben deeply before whispering into his ear.

“You’re the best. Thank you.”

He knew what she meant.  Her pussy clamped down around him shivering around him.  Her wet hole tightened and massaged his muscle, and her skin was flush from head to toe.  He was happy she was enjoying their time together, however short it had been.  It would be over before they both wanted it to be.

Turning around Judy focused on the new task at hand.  She clasped her nipples in either hand before pressing them together as an invitation to Wayne to come closer, which he barely hesitated to do!  Rubbing his extended cock over the young woman’s face and periodically allowing her to taste it!   She was still riding Ben while licking the head of his tasty friend!

Momentarily she wondered what her parents would say if they saw her.  Pussy full of big, black cock while a second man willingly fucked her tits and mouth!  Would her mother be ashamed of her for cumming so soon as well as hearing her ask for more whenever her mouth became unoccupied by the ebony dick between her lips as it traveled the cavern between her white tits! Judy’s used the back of her tongue in hopes of making him cum as her hands grasped his legs and ass against her body and sometimes, down her throat!  She couldn’t believe she was able to swallow him so easily.  But Ben had been fucking her mouth so much, it was easier to take Wayne in!

Judy sat on Ben a moment noticing he felt even bigger than usual inside her!  It was a good thing as he was about to cum deep inside her and she was afraid of getting pregnant.  But as Ben grasped her nipples hard between his fingers alternating his angle between each thrust, there was no stopping it!

She wanted to experience it all!

“My pussy.”

It was true.  Even as Judy sucked and licked on Wayne, her body began to convulse and contract because of him! Feeling herself within herself as she came over and over as Ken twisted his hips to counter her attempts to avoid her most sensitive spots to no avail!  It took everything she had to maintain focus upon Wayne’s hard cock when he came without warning into the back of her throat! Judy removed the tool from between her lips, running her hands up and down to spread the remainder on her overheated tits and nipples with the intention to cool them down.

“Wow.  Apology accepted, and I gotta bounce.”

Picking up his shorts Wayne left as Judy ground hard against Ben’s lap.  She would have laughed at his hasty exit, were it not for the smashing her cavern was enduring at the hands of her lover.  Judy stood and lifted her feet off of the ground, so he was pounding her face down into the wooden floor!  She needed to make him cum which always seemed to take forever!  Something she would learn to miss as she recalled in future years.   Ben whispered things then too.  Dirty things.  Words she has never forgotten and about what she really wanted out of life!  To be in his bed and his toy as long as she could.  It By the time he came inside her she wanted him to cum deep inside of her and never remove it.  She was willing to do whatever it took as long as they could always be together!  And he promised her he would make sure they could.

Judy’s 40-year-old body was still in good shape as she drove into the Hotel parking lot.  Her breasts began to perk up as she recognized the Hotel.  Her daughter now knew the truth and was being afforded a chance to experience it herself!  She would even just watch if she wanted too.  Judy liked being watched and had no shame about who she was and her ongoing relationship with Ben and his circle of friends.

“So Daddy knows?”

Judy smiled as her daughter smiled back at her.  Their arms wrapped together as they have their final word before entering the hotel and the night began.

“Ben introduced us.  Who do you think arranges the suites?  But that’s another story for another time.  Do I look ok sweetie?”

She thought for a moment it was a silly question knowing her makeup would be ruined within the hour.

Mandy didn’t understand why this was happening!  Hadn’t she done everything he asked?  Sending him pictures of her when he asked her to?  She even had allowed him to share her with his friend, even though she didn’t like the idea at first.  And now he was calling her, telling her they were through and he was going back to his bitch of a wife!  How did this happen?

The tears flowing down the side of her face hadn’t stopped since she had hung up the phone and squeezing her clit between her thumb and forefinger wasn’t doing the trick.  She was cumming all over the floor, sure.  Imagining Keith’s hand was between her legs, and his cock was in her mouth like she always did when he wasn’t around.  Waiting for his return.  But the joy her body felt didn’t stop the tears from flowing because she knew, he wasn’t coming to see her ever again.  The phone wasn’t going to ring, and Keith wouldn’t tell her what to wear or how to touch herself.  She was all alone now.   All because of his bitch wife. 

Mandy knew where he lived with his wife, but she had never gone to his home.  They met in her office as he was filing for divorce and their “relationship” had blossomed from there.  She never had a man like him.  Big and horny all of the time for her.  She was powerless to say no to him, even now.

Most of their rendezvous were in public places like a Department store dressing room or a secluded area of a park.  They both shared a spirit for adventure and exhibitionism, and with a cock like his, she was hardly ever able to say ‘no’ to any of his requests!  She was a simple, healthy, normal 24-year-old paralegal when they had first met, and not nearly the sexual creature she was today.  She never wore panties, granted.  And she always loved the feeling of the wind brushing against her bare pussy, even as a young girl.  But she was not mischievous sexually beyond that.  From their 1st meeting, his piercing eyes and the impressive figure had cast a spell on her, and before she knew it, Mandy was gagging on his dick and letting him use her body in every slutty way imaginable privately and publicly.  And now it was over? 

Mandy had hardly noticed that she was walking towards Keith’s home he shared with his wife as she was not in her right mind.  Her heart raced as she knocked on his door, knowing he couldn’t possibly answer since he was at work.  The thing she promised him she would never do, tell his wife about them, was exactly what was going to happen!  Since Mandy was not in control of her emotions, she had no idea what she was going to say to the bitch when the door opened and Athena, Keith’s wife stood in front of her.  The fat troll. 

“Can I help you?”

 A woman answered the door, annoyed at the veracity of Mandy’s knocking. She was about 5’10 with blonde hair and impressive features.  Her breasts were about 34C and barely covered by her nightgown, which was sheer.  Hardly the frump, her husband, had described!  She was beautiful!  She towered over the ebony seductress and looked down upon her as if she knew why she had come.  They always did cum after all!  In one form or another.

Athena held no false pretense.  Her husband loved to fuck other women, and she knew it.  But they had an “understanding.”  The marriage was solid, and she knew all about this Mandy person.  Knew he had told her he was getting divorced so that he could have her.  It was ok.  They had similar and differing tastes sexually and allowed each other a certain amount of leeway with others.  A man as good in bed as her husband needed to be kept happy.  And she didn’t do the slutty things in public.  Too much risk.  But they were definitely partners in crime.  She had pointed Mandy out to him in her office and gave him the divorce idea in the first place!  She knew what her husband needed.    

“I am looking for Keith.  Are you his wife?” Mandy asked. 

Her clothes were thrown on and in her heightened state, were not many.  Sweats and a tank top. She had not thought this through.  Her own 34C breasts were still hard from the masturbating she couldn’t stop doing, even on the car ride over to fight her rival.  She expected an out of shape frump.  Not a Greek Goddess with a body that looked like it had been trained for combat!  She WAS going to tell his wife everything, whoop her ass, and wait for Keith to come to her home later where she would make her case for his cock once more.  Mandy knew she was the best woman for him and wasn’t going to be discarded so easily.  If that were ever his plan

“Come in.  He should be home soon.  I am his wife, Athena.” She said while opening the door wide enough to allow the young woman entrance. 

“I don’t know if that is such a good idea,” Mandy replied.

For the 1st time today her instincts began to work for her.  She had hesitated.  This woman was not scared or shocked by her presence which meant she was probably armed or worse, crazy.  Mandy knew Keith was not due off of work for at least another 4 hours and wondered why the woman would say different and never even questioned her relationship to him.  She knew something wasn’t right.  But it was too late.

“No Mandy, I insist,” Athena replied.  “Unless you want me to shoot you on my doorstep and explain your crazy threat to kill me over my husband.”

Pulling out the small caliber pistol from behind her back, Athena smiled wistfully at the most recent young bitch who had been riding her husband.  She had followed him to the bar with a camera to videotape her fuck in the alley for him.  And what a show it was!  Mandy’s pierced nipples shining against the spotlight as her husband and his BF took her from both sides.  One holding her suspended by her waist.  The other with 1 hand across her torso, as he force-fed Mandy his big black dick.   All of Keith’s friends had big dicks, and she knew them all personally as well as intimately.  Even if Keith was clueless to that much. 

 She had been watching the tape when she heard the knock on the door.  Pleasantly surprised to see the young whore Mandy on her doorstep, she knew what she wanted to do as her own pussy throbbed at her good fortune.  Christmas had come early!  She wanted to see Mandy and her dark head between her thighs for two weeks, so she told her husband to break it off until Mandy could be convinced to be hers too.  Knowing all along it would bring the woman to her doorstep since she had been pulling strings to their attachment all along!  A proper introduction was soon at hand as she picked up the 25. Caliber pistol she had purchased for such an occasion placed the handcuffs on the table and answered the door.  Keith would not be home anytime soon, so this was a chance for her to question the young woman alone.  And make sure Keith was honoring the sanctity of their marriage.  For lack of a better term. 

Stepping through the door, Mandy heard the door slam behind her and the locks being set.  Athena was enjoying the power trip and instructed Mandy to move towards the table where the handcuffs sat waiting for her.  The younger woman pleaded for leniency but to no avail.  Athena’s pussy was already pulsating, and for her, that meant no turning back! 

“Did you really think you were coming to MY HOUSE to start some shit?  Sit down bitch!”  Athena tossed the handcuffs towards Mandy and instructed her sternly.    

“Put them on.”

“Bitch are you cray…”  Whack! 

An open hand smashed across the heartbroken young woman’s face without warning, halting her speech mid-sentence.  Crazy.  No.

“Now!  Next time it’s the butt of my gun, and I am calling the cops.  You can explain to them how you ended up in my living room.  Our neighbor is on duty right now.  I can call his cell, strip you naked and turn you over.  He loves black girls too.  The whole night shift will get a crack before dawn.  You are far away from home Missy.”

She smiled at the thought of her considering this. She would make light work of Mandy in or out of handcuffs, and she hoped she would get the chance to prove it to her.  It would only make the conquest more sweet.  She continued.

“If you work hard enough with your mouth, you may not be arrested by the tiny dicks.  These police are well known for forgiving tickets with the help of a flexible tongue like yours.  At least from what I have seen.  But I am sure your attire would call for something more.  Are you willing to take that chance? Now put em on!” she screamed. 

Mandy had never worn handcuffs before since she had always been so willing to please her boyfriends, they had never been necessary.  Her mind was ablaze as she locked them tighter than they should be and the thought about what this crazy bitch would do next!  Mandy was still moist from seeing Athena standing in the doorway, totally comfortable with her sexiness while standing before her.  She had never been with a woman and didn’t plan too either.  But she also knew she was trapped.  She wished she had thought it through instead of coming here. 

Athena smiled as she placed the gun on top of a shelf the smaller woman would not be able to reach.  Mandy stared at her, wondering why Keith ever would need her in the 1st place!  She was an Amazon!  Her body was one toned canvas accentuated by a plump bottom not usually found on white women, or so Mandy believed!  And Keith had married her, so she knew, she had to be good in bed.  What a fool she had been to believe him!  All married men lie.

 “Don’t worry dear.  I won’t hurt you as long as the conversation goes my way.  And that means I talk, you listen.  Before you answer any of my questions, though.  We need to figure out how you will address me.  You I will just call slut.  Or whore.  Or both.”  Pausing for emphasis.

“Look, Athena is it?” Mandy said.

“I realize you have no reason to forgive me, but I am sooo sorry for fucking your husband.”

“Are you now?”


“Well, that is the first lie.  Never met a woman who claimed that!” 

 Athena said while walking towards the smaller woman and ripping her tank top down, causing the woman’s hands to lurch forward in modesty and fall off of the couch she had been sitting on onto the floor!  Her hands were cuffed in front as Athena straddled her from behind in a hold reminiscent of a wrestler as she straddled Mandy between her legs and reached around to squeeze Mandy’s hard nipple in her left hand. 

“If that were true, you wouldn’t be horny right now would you?”

Pulling the woman’s sweatpants beneath her knees limiting Mandy’s ability to move.  Athena plunged her right middle finger between the woman’s thighs, feeling no resistance beyond Mandy’s wetness.  As scared as she was, she was every bit the slut from the video, which she now resumed. 

Mandy’s eyes opened wide at the sight of her secret affairs playing on her ex-boyfriend’s wife’s TV as the screen filled with the views of her dirty deed. 

“You interrupted my favorite part.”

Athena spoke as Cliff came onscreen and grabbed the young woman’s head.  Pulling her mouth off of his saliva soaked cock and coating her face, tits, and a portion of her dress with his semen.  Mandy had forgotten Athena’s fingers inside of her and captured by what was happening onscreen came her all over Athena’s hand violently! 

“Looks like someone enjoys amateur porn!”

Athena laughed as she pushed the woman forward with her foot onto her hot, tingling nipples releasing her hand from inside of her.  Mandy was spent and hardly noticed the cuffs being placed on her ankles attached to a bar.  She couldn’t run away if the wanted too.

Athena pulled her to her feet by her hair and released her hands from the cuffs, only to pull them back behind her and refasten the cuffs. 

“The name is Mistress Athena.  And its time you learned how to please me.  And if you do a good job, I will forgive you for trying to fuck my husband away from me.  If you don’t…”

Athena sat back down on the couch and spread her legs, revealing a well maintained, pink pussy.

“Eat.  While I tell you how things will go from now on.”

Mandy had never been so close to a woman’s pussy and began to tentatively lick up and down Athena’s slit like she would like to be licked herself until she found a rhythm.   Athena gave her an hour to get her off twice, or else.  She came 3 times but of course, said it was only once!   Athena thought then how much she loved breaking in new girls as Mandy feverishly worked the dominant woman’s clit with her tired, but now willing tongue.   

Hours later.   Beep.

Checking his phone the image came through from his wife as he opened the door.  His wife being pleasured by his girlfriend!  Walking into the living room after and taking his clothes off at the door, Keith walked over to where his wife laid.  Her legs spread wide to accommodate the head bobbing in between them. Keith bent over and kissed her deeply, causing Mandy to lift her eyes to watch.

Snap!  The whip flashed against her skin and backside and she quickly resumed her task, Keith’s most desired cock inches from her face!  Athena had not told her she could watch!  She felt a twinge of jealousy at the intimacy between them until finally, the married couple stopped and Keith moved behind her.  The head of his cock relieving all tension as he fucked her harder than he ever had!

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all?


Mrs. Johnson fixed her face and applied her lipstick last, as she gathered her manuals and adjusted her panties beneath her knee-length skirt.  She had been fingering herself so fervently as she sucked the young Receiver’s cock down her throat that they had become frayed on one side.  Leaving her left vagina lip encased between thread and fabric.  The taste of his young cum dotted her taste buds as she walked down the hallway towards her car confident she was doing her best to help team morale by giving another player his earned A.  The fourth ‘A’ this semester.  A simple way to keep track of things.

The Football Team was Undefeated!  A source of school and town pride in a District that hadn’t had success in team sports for almost 10 years!  For this Upper-class liberal enclave benefitting from the number of Professional Athletes children that now walked the halls.  Sons of privilege.  Their Fathers were either NBA, NFL, or MLB retiree’s, gifted with an unfair genetic advantage.  Even the Caucasian boys were genetically superior to the other, surrounding area’s students District’s kids physically.  Mrs. Johnson always had a thing for athletic boys!  In College, she frequented the Men’s Dorm hallways sometimes more than her own place!  Never very particular about where or with how many men she encountered.

Freshman year of College Shay was quite the slut and especially for the Black athletes!  They made her cum and used her in ways that sometimes reminded her of home and Daddy’s playthings.  The ones used for sex by both he and Aunty before having doors slammed in her face!  But they always came back for more!

 “The sex or the money or both always brought them back!”  he’d say.

For Shay, it was always the sex!  That and keeping Daddy happy and respected by his Booster friends who were to the man a bunch of lecherous, dirty old rich men.  Sometimes, Shay left their dorm with all her clothes but, almost always without her panties.  Those were usually useless afterward anyway.

Daddy said sex with Black men was ok but, she would never be allowed to marry one.  But he understood the thrill of fucking those studs.  Alluding to the fact he may have even watched mother during Alumni/recruiting weekends on occasion convince the Boys to sign with State.  Her solid Trust fund meant she didn’t have to marry rich of course but that would not be allowed and Shay found the most convenient husband available.  Someone who worshipped but, never questioned her spending a lot of time away from home on Business trying to impress Father.  How little he understood about the Family he had married into!  Like her Mother, Shay was pure cock slut when it came down to it, and needed her freedom!

Shay’s Father well….  He was a philanderer and sexual deviant once she once walked in on Fucking his secretary while eating out Shay’s Aunt, her Mother’s sister in his home office!  Shay remembered screaming as she saw Dad’s cock sliding out of his Secretary’s dripping wet pussy and into her beloved Auntie’s mouth!  Still slick with the help’s juicy cum.  Or maybe it was a purr?  Shay also recalled her Father turning his head towards her while still pumping Auntie’s face until he came between her cum oozing lips as if it got him off, her watching!.  He smiled at her when he noticed Shay’s fingers squeezing her nipples at the sight roo though Shay had blocked that part out of the Memory!

“Like mother.  Like daughter!”

The blonde secretary purred.  Right before Auntie pushed her crotch over the woman’s mouth.  Where the “less” part of her panties left her labia exposed to the frosty air.  Shay suspected Daddy kept it cold to see women’s nipples poking through their sheer summer dresses.  Since the other parts of the home were usually overheated making the transition of rooms tenable to the least sensitive areolas.  But why she even took the time to figure it out before knowing the truth about anything else said more about herself than Shay’s well-hung father! 

“Shut up slut.  You’re a shitty secretary!  Use your tongue for what it was intended, slave!”

The horror this light-skinned black woman would have to endure these two for a living!  Even if the way her legs were shaking and her fingers manipulating her tanned snatch indicated the chore wasn’t so bad?  

“We will talk about this later cupcake.  Now close the door behind you and go do your homework.”

Her Father acted and talked as if nothing unusual was happening.  Even as his cock protruded towards his daughter’s direction.  Dripping saliva and pussy juice onto Grandfather’s antique rug!   So since 15.  Shay was indoctrinated into the Family way and never was ashamed of anything sexual behind closed doors. 

Daddy was a Good father and Shay was, after all, her Daddy’s girl!  They were extremely close and though they never crossed that line.  It wasn’t unusual for them to see one or the other in the act.  There were no secrets they could not tell the other.  And, it wasn’t required to share.

When young Mrs. Johnson lost her Virginity, her parents were in the next room for her 17th Birthday Celebration in Barcelona.  Surprising her with a pair of the ethnic boys she seemed to like the best!  They spoke Spanish but, their ethnicity was impossible to distinguish beyond Beautiful!  Shay Johnson was already an enthusiastic Cocksucker thanks to Boyfriends and one Black Teacher, making the threesome experience even more enjoyable!  As the 1st Boy’s cock severed as a Comfort animal for her wet, warm mouth.  Shay’s Maidenhead was displaced under the Penthouse clear ceiling and the Black Stars of the night!  Her parents were always very attentive to her needs.

In the US, Shay turned 18 and was off to College!  Her parents made sure Shay had her own place.  A close drive to Campus used to entertain College Recruits for their shared Alma Mater during recruiting season.  And just be herself the rest of the time.  They were Legacies and Shay personally delivered 2 All-America’s to the School herself!  Daddy was proud of her and teaching seemed to be a natural choice of Profession as Shay knew how to build a report with young men!  Her parents couldn’t be prouder! 

“Mrs. Johnson.  Mrs. Johnson, I’d like a word with you”! 

A Mercedes of course.  The man behind the wheel had parked his car between her and her own and obviously had to have been waiting for her. 

“I’m DJ’s dad.  Artis.  It is so nice to meet you!”

She couldn’t tell how big he was exactly in his car.  But considering DJ was a 6’5 chiseled young man with a cock to match, she imagined Dad was similarly built.  Even if he wasn’t her type. 

“Sure.  How can I help you?”

“Well.  I’d like to thank you for working with DJ.  That A was completely unexpected as we both know.  DJ is not A type.” Artis said.

“Well.  I disagree.”  Mrs. Johnson followed with

“He’s been working very hard all year and the results are showing.”

Artis was talking to the young white woman’s soft tits as he responded.

“That is exactly what he said.”

Something about his voice.  The innuendo that wasn’t.  Or maybe it was the flash of remembering DJ holding her ass as he dipped his tanned stick into her honey pot the day before!  Either way.  Mrs. Johnson felt satisfied with her work with the young man and knew his recruiting trip would go well.  Thanks to her.  He was a Borderline prospect but, her Alma Mater did want him and Shay used whatever influence she had to support the University!  Just like her mother once had.

“Well, the proof is in the pudding!”

She smiled as she started to walk around the front of his car.  Shay was 5’6 with Reddish Brown curls and long legs.  Her ass-swaying a little extra as she moved towards her car door.  Her full C-cup tits bouncing in the wind.  Sucking cock always made her feel sexy and powerful!  And the tingle in her taste buds was enough to get her through her scheduled Skype session with hubby in an hour.  Marriage is work.   

“Well if you are not busy tonight.  We ‘d like you to come by the house.  It’s an unofficial PTA thing we do here and this year, you made the list.  The Misses would love to discuss your success with DJ.  Some of the other parents will be there but, it is a mostly social thing.  We won’t keep you long.”

Shay thought to herself a moment that there was no way she was going to a student’s house she was fucking!  Sounded like a complete setup!  I mean, if she was going to fuck DJ she would consider it but, still never go!  She liked what she did and besides, had her eye on the Junior class!  The last thing she needed was some Catch a Predator moment with an angry Mom!    

“Sorry.  I can’t.  We have plans my husband and I.”

Artis put his car in park and got out, walking around to meet her standing at her door.  He was about 6’8 and judging from the bulge beneath his pants, at least 2 inches larger than his son!  He didn’t try to hide his erection at all!  And despite him not being her “type”, how could you miss that! 

“Let me rephrase that.  We expect you around 9.  Principal Barnes will be there too and a few of the other Faculty.  It’s a good time for all and great for your career since there are forces at work in the District even a woman of your Background can’t navigate.  Please don’t make me beg?” 

Shay was still staring at his cock which she figured had to be wider than any she had ever seen and, Shay had seen plenty!  She was displaced momentarily.  Imagining what it would take to accept something that big into your body!  Too bad he wasn’t a student.

“You gave out 3 other A’s this semester to players?  Their parents will be there too and want to thank you.    And honestly, there are going to be some changes in the School Board this year.  Only those invited will know what is going on and, you want to know.  Besides.  With those teaching techniques of yours, you should never say no to me again!”

Shay’s silence spoke volumes even if her eyes were fixated to the hammer attached to Artis himself! 

“Budget cuts always are fatal for Public schools.  Many of us though like our school the way it is and instead of sending our kids to Private ones, are talking about Donations to support the District in its time of need.  A Teacher/student sex scandal would destroy that goodwill.  Amongst other things and cause a scandal that could expose the Teacher’s life and family.  Who wants that?”

The bulge in his pants jerked noticeably as Shay’s eyes followed the path of the monster across the open window shelf.  She reflexively jumped and almost reached out to grab it but at the last moment, kept her hands down and hoped Artis hadn’t noticed.  But Artis free hand reached between her seat, rubbing her Ass while smiling down at her. 

“See you at 8.”  

Shay smiled at him, doing the only thing she could think of in the moment as she watched Artis walk away.  Be still.  Was all this just Bullshit?  Was DJ setting her up all along?   Did Dad just want to fuck her and when she arrived it would be just the two of them?  What would she do?  What if he wanted Anal?  His voice is kind of sadistic!  Shay squirmed at the endless possibilities and found herself grasping her crotch hard.  Like she always did when she was horniest!  She was looking at a no-win scenario and possible jail time.  But it was all she could do to not plunge her fingers back into her throbbing crotch and push as hard and as deep into her tunnel as humanly possible!  Shay knew that she had no choice other than to play along.  And driving home was not going to be easy.    

Turning on her computer and opening her legs wide for her Hubby.  Who was half awake as well as across the globe to fully enjoy her lust meant little to Shay.  She skipped the seduction part of their conversation and went directly into fucking her wet, pink pussy with a short, powerful vibrator until she passed out from exhaustion or emotion as much as sexual satisfaction!  Because she wasn’t satisfied?  How could she be? 

Her dreams were littered with numerous men.  Mostly black but, all well hung.  Which her husband was not.  Shay chose him but in the moment of sleep accompanied by the memories of other lovers who fucked her like a dirty, dirty slut.  She couldn’t remember why?  Why wouldn’t she at least TRY to find a man she could be faithful too?  Or at least honest with about who she is!    A 26-year-old teacher who got into the Profession to mostly watch young boy’s crotches and let her Principal fuck her in the ass once a month as a part of her Mentorship!  And more importantly, if it wasn’t him, it would have been someone else!  Maybe even the janitor!  Shay remembered when slept with her Best friend and her husband.  Cumming on her friend’s face while she licked Shay’s pussy clean of her own Husband’s cum!   The same friend who she used to treat almost exactly the way her Dad treated his Secretaries?  Was she like her Father.  Or just like him?

“If there weren’t cameras in this lot Mrs.  Johnson.  I would be yelling in your face so loudly, you wouldn’t be able to hear anything for the next two days.  Are you such a whore you would have sucked my dick where the cameras would catch everything?  Maybe I should just bring the video to the Police and let them handle it?” 

In her dream, Shay started to cry immediately at the thought!  But always after her hands and mouth dove towards Artis larger than life showpiece!  Of course, she would if given the chance to put his manhood into her warm, wet throat!  Her darkest dreams had her choking near to death on a huge cock like Artis and she always awoke to soaked panties afterward!  Shay had always used sex to get her out of just about everything and her reaction in her dreams was just Shay being true to her nature!

Though Shay was truly confused by the prospect of not being in control of her choices when she woke.  She also realized for the 1st time in her life, she was excited by it!  She had finally been caught in the Web she had woven for herself over years of being a selfish whore.  Knowing Artis loved every second of taking her control! Just like when she walked in on her Dad, Shay didn’t know what was to come next.  All whores eventually, get caught.

An hour had passed since her conjugal Skype session ended and she knew her Hubby was in a deep sleep from the amount of cum she witnessed during the session.  He seemed to get extra excited whenever she just got into it and his devotion to her sexual sensibilities made him perfectly ready to be cucked one day soon.  Even if she didn’t know that was her own plan.  Shay decided to make the best of the situation and prepare for a Party. 

Shay ran a bath and cleaned herself meticulously.  She had been dripping a lot since Friday’s were usually sex packed during the Daytime since she usually planned her Blowjobs for Fridays.  She especially savored the thoughts of the prude HS girls missing out on these horny HS studs because she had drained them hours earlier!  Those little bitches didn’t deserve it anyway!   Doing her Kegel exercises in the tub as was her practice, Shay wondered if they would matter anymore if Artis decided to have his way with her hole!  But she kept it out of her mind as she dried and got dressed. 

She didn’t want to wear panties but, decided to anyway.  What if this is a legitimate gathering?  Maybe Artis and DJ kept it to themselves and were just fucking with her?  She needed to be careful and decided on a modest dress with a button that showed sociable but, not a graphic amount of cleavage.  Her heels were modest as well.  But underneath there were Garters and a sexy, sheer lingerie ensemble that matched the color of her purple dress.  Just in case. 

When she arrived, Shay noticed there were only 7 cars total and two she recognized were of fellow faculty members.  Teachers who had started at the District around the same time as her.  One Black and the other Latino since diversity hiring was a part of the District’s core value.  She noticed the stickers on their cars from Big time sports Universities like herself.  And she also noticed the Superintendent’s Tesla which was parked in the Drive.  There were about 20 to 30 people in the Living Room, milling around and she figured most of them were within walking distance in the neighborhood and in the moment, she relaxed.  There was no way this was a setup with this many people! 

Artis’ wife and DJ’s mom opened the door and greeted her warmly introducing herself as Artis wife  Anita.  All while removing Shay’s coat and offering a drink which, Shay attempted to refuse. 

“Don’t worry honey.  We are taking your keys and have 2 Drivers on call tonight to ferry the guests.  Relax!  We know how to treat our Educators in the Hills.” As she smiled into Shay’s cleavage before adding.

“Even lovelier in person aren’t you?”

Grabbing her hand, Anita walked Shay around the room.  Introducing her to most of the people in attendance as “another of our Educators!”   She seemed to know a lot about Shay which, caught the younger woman by surprise.  She was smaller than Shay by about 2 inches.  She even weighed less which was something Shay had been interested in if, the meeting turned bad!  Shay was confident she could take her until Anita let it slip she was once an Olympic competitor in Jiu-jitsu herself but, she came in 4th, right outside of a Medal. 

“Ironically.  The woman who defeated me for the Bronze looks a little like you Shay.”

Anita smiled at Shay and in the moment, she knew Anita knew her and DJ!  Call it intuition among the women.  As the color fled from her face Anita grabbed her hand tighter, toying with the young teacher in what was an awkward gesture, to begin with by holding a grown woman’s hand.  Shay had been relaxed by the four drinks but now realized her mistake.  Too drunk to flee.

Thinking with her pussy instead of her head in hoping Artis would have found some way to save, blackmail and force her to suck his monster cock at some time during the night was why she came!  Instead, she was left awkwardly holding the hand of an expertly trained Mother of a student she had technically, been fucking and sucking for personal gratification!  The relief came with the Superintendent clinking his glass for a short speech to the seemingly worked up crowd.

“I’d like to thank the relatively new Faculty members for joining us tonight for our Bi-Annual Parent/Teachers mixer.”  Followed by a wink and polite applause, before he continued.

“Mrs. Shay Johnson is our newest Invitee.  She is a Physics and Biology teacher at Hills and one of our Most Popular Young Teachers!  Especially I hear with some of the students!”

Laughter and giggles commenced as Shay stood blushing in the middle of the room!  Was he talking about her having sex with students?  What the fuck were they all laughing at!  Shay’s instinct to flee became a freeze as the older man continued…

“You all have such dirty minds!  No wonder why we can’t have these events Officially sanctioned!” 

More laughter.

“Now if everyone has signed their waivers would like to head down we can get this Party started!” 

And with that, the room began to empty into the yet unexplored by Shay lower levels of the home.  Shay, however, felt her hand being tugged in a separate direction. 

“Come with me, Shay.  We need to discuss the waiver.” Anita said.

Sensing this would probably be the best time to leave.  Shay attempted to pull her hand away from Anita’s grip but, to no avail. 

The Superintendent turned and faced the women.  Noticing the slight tussle from his teacher he decided to Shay’s relief, to come towards him.  This would be her chance.  He smiled as he approached and began to pull out his phone.  Stopping in front of her as he turned up the volume of the Video playing. 

It was Shay’s car.  Parked outside of the home they were now in but it was obviously shot by security cameras.  She remembered that Friday night.  DJ said his Parents were on vacation and she had broken her rules to give him a ride home.  The problem was what happened once she stopped the car in front of the Dark home. 

The Superintendent slid behind Shay and rubbed her dress covered ass in a circular motion, causing her to jump.  She was so fixated on the film of her leaning over the trunk of her BMW.  Her pink dress hiked over her head as DJ pumped her pussy full of young cum!  She didn’t notice him circling behind her and aside Anita. She was too shocked to be watching herself be exposed and worse, she never knew it before now!  The dew dripped between her uncomfortable thighs as the Superintendent fondled her ass.  Feigning surprise at finding panties between her garters! 

“I wouldn’t take you for a woman that ever wore panties.”  He whispered as if Anita wasn’t close enough to hear and chuckle at. 

The part in the video when she turns around to suck the last drop of his sweet, young cum while savoring the taste of her own honeypot that covered his almost 9-inch cock was accompanied by a strange twist of fate.  Anita faced the woman as the Superintendent dropped the phone to watch Anita force her tongue into Shay’s mouth!  Shay wasn’t sure how good to feel about it, considering the circumstances.  She had let a woman eat her before, of course, but, Shay had always been the aggressor and always. The beneficiary!  Shay, she stood firmly planted while Anita released her hand.

“Your case has been mediated by the Board and the parents of the aggrieved students are all here tonight.”

The Superintendent was stern yet, businesslike as he barely looked at Shay now.  His hair thin but. his otherwise average looking body seemed strong and was connected to as a healthy, hardened cock beneath his trousers he never attempted to hide!  It was like Shay had entered one of her many sex driven fantasies except, the danger was real!   The Superintendent reminded Shay of her father in the way she could sense he didn’t want to fuck her but,  was turned on at the prospect of what she would do next!  And judging from Shay’s nipples, so was she! 

“We are a very tight-knit community with as you know, a very unique demographic.  The best teachers in the Country are applying to our District and, for good reason.  It is a gateway to success in Education.  We only hire the best.”

The Superintendent paused briefly before Shay spoke.

“Thank you.  I”

“From now on do not interrupt me.  If you understand then please nod.  I am trying to offer you a way out of the Lawsuits these families are planning to file against you.  They are consenting age but, you are still their teacher.  The Laws are very clear in these cases.  Do you understand me bitch?”

Turning to face her as he said the last word.  Shay nodded her consent before he began to speak again.

“Because we hired you.  We know you are NOT a dumb bitch.  But, you have been known to be reckless and we can’t have asterisks walking the halls of our Community so we have decided to reign you in.  Your choice is sign this waiver consenting to be the Party Slave and all will be forgotten.  You will service the Men and women in attendance and not say a word as to why to any of them beyond you are a Horny slut and made to be used by all.”

Shay decided to bolt!  She made it one step before being corralled by Anita and held in an Arm-lock!  She didn’t have to exert much pressure for one of Shay’s titties to fall out of her dress and expose a super hardened nipple!  As the Superintendent touched it, Shay jumped and almost came!  The pleasure of being defenseless was so intense! 

“Shay, you really don’t have much of a choice!  We have you on tape and the Internet loves teacher fucking student tapes!  You will be arrested because the Sheriff is downstairs!  And, though I know you come from an affluent family.  I am pretty sure Judge Raines will make sure you do time since he was promised your Asshole 1st!  Don’t make this difficult!”

He handed her a binder before placing his mouth on the exposed nipple and reaching under Shay’s dress to thrust two fingers inside her convulsing wet hole.  Her shivering body flexed against his fingers as Anita manipulated her arm, forcing her to bend her knees onto them widened digits involuntarily until pressure was no longer needed!  Shay came in the Living room as it emptied out and was so caught up in her own pleasure, didn’t give a second thought a few people were still in the room.  But they never flinched at the sight of her grinding down onto her Superior’s hand.  Shay managed to sign the waiver in the binder before allowing it to drop onto the floor in slutty ecstasy!   What choice did she have?

Smiling at the young woman as they ascended the stairs to the Bedroom, Anita fitted a chain and two nipple clamps Shay’s protruding points.  Anita promised to make sure Shay wasn’t damaged by any guests or Parents and assured her she would only be used by some of the Partygoers.  As long as Shay licked her pussy and ass like a good little white slut should.  Obeyed her commands and those she allowed to have control over her tonight.  And didn’t try to escape the consequences of her actions by claiming she couldn’t do what was asked of her.  She told Shay it would be good for a slut like her to learn some discipline since she was getting older after all!  And her first lesson was going to be a good old-fashioned paddling and pussy eating tutorial.  With her and the rest of the Mothers of the Boys, she had violated. 

As the night went on, Shay made amends with all of the Families as well as paying off the Sheriff with her mouth and the Judge, who deposited a load deep into her Ass as he yelled: “All fines satisfied!”  Her mouth and pussy were sore for days as the Party was well organized.   

First, she ate the Mother’s pussies and each had a dirty, verbal message about being an Old slut with the punchline being sprayed on her face!  Only 1 was extremely rough with Shay.  Sitting on her face for so long each time Shay felt she would pass out!  Only to be awakened by the woman’s finger being thrust up Shay’s own cum soaked Asshole!  When the woman ended with the sweetest kiss and most gentle words about how good Shay was with her mouth Shay returned the gesture in earnest!  Shay was a quick study and the truth was by the time Anita had stopped paddling her ass earlier in the evening, Shay was loving the taste of the woman and wanted more!  Eating pussy wasn’t just easy, it was natural to her!  Her nipples throbbed from the two tight clamps but, her body felt great! 

When the men came in to spend time with her Shay knew this was no normal gathering.  The smallest cock was 1st.  But each subsequent man was a bit larger and some fucked her longer than the last!  They all wore condoms which was a relief.  until some of the men removed them to spill their seed wherever they wanted!  Her face and tits were the most popular choices!  She was a sweaty, soaking mess by the 3rd hour and not being given much time if any to recover from Cock to cock!   And the fucking seemed to go on forever!  That was until the gangbang culminated in Shay being nearly split in half by Artis 12-inch Monster which was not covered by rubber and after a few unconfortable strokes felt so good!  It was quite a relief when he came inside of her in such volume it almost served as an Ointment to her throbbing walls!  And she got a ten-minute break to clean her face but, not her hole which was rich in Artis thick cum and strangely made Shay feel comforted.  She loved feeling cum inside of her.

The other 2 Teachers were soon brought upstairs to close the evening and told to get into a Daisy chain with each one cleaning out the cum-soaked pussy of the next!  Later she learned the women had been similarly invited and duped into being sex slaves though one was lying.  She had volunteered.  Anyway,  Shay came 1st and her reward was to be fucked by the remaining horny guests since she was obviously still horny!  By the time the last man had cum on her face the home was empty and Shay was exhausted!  She passed out on the Bedroom floor. 

Shay woke the next afternoon in a cast iron bed in a room she wasn’t familiar with from the previous evening.  Her laptop was next to her somehow and, she smelled of sex!  There was a sound of running water and Shay walked towards it where there was a woman in a Maid’s outfit running a Bath.  She was older but, seemed familiar to Shay somehow?   The woman’s frame was a little fuller though but very shapely for an Older woman. Shay couldn’t see her face but immediately recognized her voice. 

“Like mother.  Like Daughter.”

It was her Father’s former secretary!  They were in the Basement and she explained to Shay she was locked in the Basement till DJ left the house in about an hour.  He didn’t know anything about the Swinging PTA parties or the room they were now in was built strictly for Mom and Dad’s personal guests.  Soundproof.  Well-equipped.  And private enough for her to exact her revenge on Shay.  

“Clean yourself up and get ready for your 1st meal of the day, You have 10 minutes,”  she said.  

“I know your family was never big on names so you can just call me Mistress.  Same as my sister Anita.  You have much to learn before you Skype that hubby of yours.”

 And I can’t wait to become reacquainted with your Aunty she thought as Shay dug her tongue into her hairy folds of pussy flesh telling her.

“You are going to love it here.”

While Shay thought to herself.  I already do.    

The thought had crossed her mind.

“How well do you think you know Jake?”

Anna could be such a bitch.  Her big tits gave her a sense of entitlement that came from their power to make men, and certain women bend and kneel to her whims.  And she gave no fucks about anyone not named Anna!  Why they were friends in the first place escaped Gemma most times with her especially wanting to tell her exactly “how well” she knew her own Husband!  But then she didn’t want to spoil Anna’s surprise.  But this bitch was just asking for it!

Gemma instead sat across the table smiling the fake smile she knew would make Anna’s day.  The one that revealed just exactly how clueless she was to the fact Jake had ejaculated into Anna’s cleavage just before she arrived to meet Gemma for lunch.  Even if it was a lie,  Gemma’s face hid the disgust she held for Anna’s deception while maintaining her balance deftly.  She would get her chance to smile soon enough!

The remote butterfly Jake had fastened inside of Gemma buzzed her button mercilessly under the mismatched set of undergarments she was wearing beneath the long, 70’s style skirt.  The one with the pockets large enough to conceal her remote control and hold her keys.  She fumbled the keys and especially the one to the lock with the anticipation of teaching Anna a lesson in loyalty.  A lesson she knew the whore couldn’t understand with words.  Anna would have to experience it.

“When she acts bitchy Gemma what will you do?”

Jake’s voice was in her ear like a whisper of wind, and she brushed her hair back behind her left ear, as if he was invisible but right there with her instead of elsewhere preparing for the night’s fun.

“Press the button and don’t.”

“Cum.” He finished.

His dick rocked her insides at the time, accentuating the clear message of what he wanted from her.  And Gemma was listening.

The purring of the tiny machine made Gemma relax as she smiled at her unsuspecting, slutty friend imagining what she was thinking while verbally mocking her with ambivalence!  She wanted to kick her ass.  But Anna’s tits did look irresistible, so she understood a little while imagining her husband’s big, black cock in between them, poking the chatty bitch in the chin which made Gemma laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

Gemma couldn’t say it.  But the thought of his cum shooting into her unsuspecting mouth made Gemma very happy!  She knew Jake well enough to he would punish the disloyal bitch!  And it was only a few hours away.

“Just looking forward to my trip and thinking about all the men!”

Anna wanted to hear this!  Ammunition for her weekend rendezvous with Gemma’s husband, while she was out of town supposedly on business, could only bring him closer to her she thought.  Gemma could tell her what she planned to do while away for the weekend.  And Anna could tell Jake and get even closer than they were already!  Having his 11’ buried in her was the best feeling she’d ever experienced, and she wanted more.  But Gemma was in the way!  She wanted to do more than fuck him whenever he had time.  And the best way was to remove her beautiful friend and rival from the picture altogether.  It wasn’t as if they had any kids and she was breaking up a family.  Just a marriage!

“Can you keep a secret?” Gemma whispered while moving in close.

“Of course.”

“I have something planned for later tonight.”

“Really what?”

“Let’s just say it’s a group thing.”

What a slut!  Anna had felt somewhat bad about what she was doing with Jake behind her friend’s back and almost had told her what happened between them once.  Maybe Gemma would have understood since she was married to Jake’s cock as much as Jake and knew its effect on women better than anyone!  But Gemma was looking more like a greedy slut to Anna by the second!  If she were Jake’s wife, she would never fuck anyone but Jake!  Even if that did go against her nature.  Even if he cheated on her like Gemma suspected and Anna knew but said she couldn’t prove.  Jake deserved better!

Gemma’s under the table orgasm wasn’t noticeable and masked by fake laughter and Anna’s general self-involvement.  Gemma had lost another bet with Jake and would be doing penance soon as time allowed.  She could always lie to him about the orgasm?  How could he prove otherwise?  Though most women wouldn’t be aroused at the thought of their man with another woman, it was always Gemma’s most favorite thing!  Watching.

Flipping the switch off and asked Anna the one question that always brought her back to Earth.

“So how are things with your husband?” Gemma asked.

Anna had married well, sure.  But she settled sexually, and her husband spent more time at work than home with Anna and their young daughter these days.  He had a nice sized dick.  But it didn’t compare to Jake’s Meaty Masterpiece dangling between his legs.  And he didn’t use it enough on her!  Even with their infant daughter spending the Summer at his parents, her husband Phil hardly found any time to fuck Anna.  Even shying away from the blowjobs she once loved to give him.  She was mostly alone, and Gemma knew she hated thinking about it.  It was a blow to her massive ego and a very sore point with Anna.  Jealousy was what caused Anna to start fucking Gemma’s husband in the first place.

“Well, he.”

“I’m sorry I have to get home and get to the airport.  We’ll talk when I get back?”

Gemma wanted to make sure Anna was angry and followed through with her date with Jake.  Pissing her off seemed like an excellent strategy to begin getting her rival worked up good!  Gemma strode happily out the door of the Restaurant which Anna was sure due to her looking forward to being an anonymous slut.  But all Anna cared about was being Jake’s.

By 7,  Anna was entering her friend’s home, no knocking as Jake told her he was in the Master Bath waiting.  Removing her Dress and leaving the garters and push up bra on, Anna began the ascent up the stairs and onto the tiled floored Master Bathroom and marital sanctuary.  She wore the outfit her husband had brought her for their last Anniversary night together which made her heart beat a little faster and her thoughts a lot sluttier than the usual. She thought what he would do if he saw her in it now, going to fuck her Best friend’s black husband who Phil hated!  It was getting her more excited by the moment.

Phil had always liked the other guys Gemma dated.  But they were white and had a lot in common with Phil.  Anna even suspected he wanted Gemma for himself which only made her secretly hate her more.  But after hearing Jake and Gemma go at it on a weekend getaway, his attitude had changed toward her and Phil wanted nothing to do with the new couple.  She was now referred to as Anna’s slut friend and worse by Phil.  But Anna was intrigued.

“Hi, beautiful.”

Jake’s teeth flashed a bright white smile that traveled across the distance of the room and seemingly, brushed against her pussy.  Standing up in the water, she could see about 8 inches of flaccid dick attached to his hip like a 3rd arm!  She loved her husband’s full 7in before, but now, there was a new Sheriff in town and no turning back!  Her body craved her best friend’s husband!

Stepping out of the tub and down the steps, Jake approached the excited woman in slow motion, or so it seemed.  His lips reached out to hers and engulfed them in a kiss for the ages that melted her will and moistened her already soggy box!

“I have a gift for you.”

His fingers fastened a collar around her neck before three fingers were plunged into her vagina, giving Jake control and preparing her for the inevitable long ride to bed.  She had read about bondage before and even tried to introduce her husband, Phil to it.  But he was only into basic sex and had hardly touched her since.  But Jake was the one she wanted now.  Anna couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her!

“Suck my cock.”

Jake had always been a perfect gentleman with her, so this new tone surprised and excited the horny woman immensely!  She dropped to her knees and carefully worked the head of his cock into her mouth.  It was a little wider than her husband’s but too long to fit down her throat completely, which didn’t stop Jake from trying!

“Relax.  Don’t bite.”

Her air was being constricted as her eyes rolled back into her head in anticipation of passing out.  Jake just smiled and pulled the bra down under her tits, unleashing her 34 D’s and pressing Anna’s erect nipples against his thighs!  She hadn’t even noticed she was fingering her pussy before she came on her fingers and Jake released his grip on her hair!  What an orgasm!  She didn’t even know something like that was even possible!

“Enjoying yourself yet?”

Jake looked down at the blonde woman beneath him as his erection stood upwards, saluting its work.

“You are fucking amazing!”

The words just came as she shook on the floor beneath him.  Her eyes fastened upon still wet his balls and ass as she attempted to recover her senses.

“So you liked that?  Because Gemma said, you would like that the first time I fucked her throat.  What a slut you are!” he said.

Anna ignored the insult and instead attempted to catch her breath and tell all of Gemma’s secrets.  But her words came out in halting breaths mixed with muffled sounds.

“She is.  She is probably fucking another guy right now.  Which makes no sense when she has you at home.”

She had that part right!  Picking her up from the floor by her arm. Anna stood still partially clothed before him, looking like a drunken whore recovering in a bathroom stall.  She was still beautiful, and her body was top notch even after the baby.  Anna was justified in her conceit.

“Tell me more.”

Jake turned her around and grabbed her arms, binding them together behind her back at the forearm with a cord of rope while spilling all that she had.  Told him how Gemma didn’t love Jake like she pretended too and wasn’t the devoted wife that she appeared to be.  How Gemma had bragged to her about fucking four guys at a time one night and her plans to rendezvous with four more this weekend.  That part was made up.  But since Anna was on a roll getting buried herself by Jake, she wasn’t about to stop before she completely buried Gemma for good!  Jake for his part just listened.  Pinching her long nipples hard from behind her every time she said something he knew wasn’t right.  Sitting on the edge of the bathtub behind her waiting until he was ready to pry her now defenseless slit apart with his hand before impaling her like a split roast with extraordinary grace!

“Keep talking.”

Anna’s face flushed as she told all of the dirty secrets between the girlfriends!  She must have cum ten times from sensual inner massage of her best friend’s husband’s pole.  All while recounting the dirty stories she had told her to him!  The things she made up were from her fantasies to life.  But close enough to the truth that Gemma would not be able to defend the lies either!  The smile on her face cemented and the cum long washed from between her cleavage probably meant it was going to be a long, hard night!  The kind she dreamed about ever since hearing them fuck all those years ago!  When Gemma walked through the open bathroom door, she almost thought she was hallucinating!  A side effect of mind-blowing sex.

“Don’t mind me.  Just forgot some things.”

Anna wanted to stand and run!  At least cover herself!  But her feet were off of the ground now, and her arms were of absolutely no use in dislodging herself from Jake’s seemingly still growing rod, which was pounding another unexplored region inside her at the moment!  Jake was maneuvering her in ways her husband never could!  Causing her to orgasm by hitting her G-spot over and over!  It hurt so good!  But even Anna could see it wasn’t safe!  Anna was helpless to resist and unsure she wanted to, having been nearly drained of all energy by a good black dick.  Even in the face of being caught red-faced with a dripping snatch Anna was too happy to care!

But Gemma walked in calmly for a reason.  Revealing a Nanny Cam pointed directly at them, recording her betrayal on tape!  Gemma walked with the camera in the same direction, bringing it in for a close up of the well-fucked face of a Jezebel.  She didn’t want to look directly at the face or open her eyes even, but the pounding her pussy was enduring left her no choice!  Gemma grabbed her left nipple, squeezing it so hard Anna’s pussy burst into a wet, earth-shattering orgasm, with Gemma recording the whole thing.

“You like my husband’s black dick?  You want to be me, bitch?”

The last stroke caused Anna to squirt her answer all over all 3 of them and Jake to push her onto the floor, where Gemma continued to record the moment.

“Wonder what your husband will say about this?”

Gemma stood next to her bull husband, stroking his cock as she continued to record Gemma’s uncontrollable lust!  She was embarrassed.  Ashamed.  Humiliated.  And still cumming two minutes later as Jake immersed himself in the bath water once more to clean himself off.

“That’s three hon.  I won again.”


Jake sneered at the well-fucked woman while recalling the other two.  Gemma’s college roommate was one.  She fell victim during a weekend visit which now was every 3 months.   Two was Gemma’s cousin and closest confidant.  She was the easiest to seduce as she asked Gemma’s permission 1st, being the one who initially turned Gemma on to black men!  Each time the bet was the same.  Jake got the pussy.  Gemma got to watch which she absolutely loved to do!  But since Anna lived so close?  Gemma wanted to be sure things didn’t get out of hand between them before she agreed.  She knew how alluring big tits could be to men.

“The stories I told you Anna weren’t about me stupid!  But they were for your benefit.  I wanted to see how you would react to them because I knew you would tell.  You have your eyes locked on Jake’s crotch everytime we are together.  You just needed help.”

Grabbing the woman’s hair, Gemma flipped her onto her back before lifting her own skirt above her, revealing her naked honey pot which dripped down onto her friend’s face.  Anna had never been with a woman before and wasn’t sure she wanted to be with one now.  But her face was soon smothered by Anna’s thighs and held in place by her weight.  Her tongue was trying to keep up with Gemma as she slid back and forth over her entire face, humiliating her further.

“I’m married.  I don’t fuck anyone else.  I know everything about how to keep my husband happy.”

Gemma laughed as her pussy unloaded it contents across her glistening face.  Kissing her husband as he leaned in to express their undying love for one another.

“You are so hot wifey.”

She couldn’t see Jake, but wished he would stop watching and come to fuck her now!  When her legs parted, she knew that was exactly what was happening and her pussy began to moisten once more.  Her knees were high and legs spread as if there was an invisible lover between them as her pelvis dry humped the air.

The cock pushed into her and knew immediately it wasn’t Jake.  It was wider and shorter than Jake was and as Gemma stood up, Anna recognized the two men in the room as her own husband’s employees!  Before she could respond, she was back on her knees, with one of the men pushing his long, thin cock into her mouth before she could object!

“You know each other don’t you?”

Jake laughed as he watched the two size up the holes between her legs in anticipation of filling Anna like never before! It was just like in the stories, but this was really happening!  The men were telling stories about how much an asshole her husband Phil was while sharing her breasts stuck between them equally.

A lick here.  A bite there.  A few choice words mixed in.  They always knew Anna thought she was too good for them to even look at.  And didn’t hold her bitchiness towards them against her either.  The fingers of one, or the other, or maybe both violating her personal space the whole time to her silent delight.  She was too good to keep just for himself and a woman built like her should never walk around looking like she needed to get fucked either.  That she looked like she needed a good boning all of the time!  Today was different!  Today she was like every other lucky girl!  Anna knew they were being intentionally disrespectful.  But her body kept telling her they were right.


“Enjoy Gemma.  We will be watching the tape in the living room later while deciding whether to send it to your husband’s parents!  I remember you telling me how much they hate you anyway!”

They all laughed as Gemma felt her ass being lubed up by the Mailroom clerk!  She was being tossed around by the two until the clerk settled into her tight hole while his buddy, the Shipping manager filled her cunt with his long cock.  She hardly protested as her face, once flushed with embarrassment and shame was now filled with lust!

“Yes.  Fuck me.  Fuck me!”

Gemma smiled and put her husband’s cock down her throat next to them, never gagging once as she brought him to the edge of oblivion over and over before aiming his jizz at Anna’s unprotected face!

“Who’s the slut now Anna?”

The men both came inside of her, never considering pulling out as Anna attempted to recall if she had taken her pill on time!

“Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.”

The men spoke simultaneously as she writhed on the floor, unable to comprehend how she could have been so stupid!  She was cramping on her insides, but unable to release her hands from their restraints.  Her pussy and ass were leaking cum since all three men had dropped full loads either in or on her.  A body that was still shaking and being recorded!  Anna didn’t know what to feel since she was sure the tape was proof of rape.  But she couldn’t recall asking them to stop once!  That was when it all hit.

Anger.  Betrayal.  Happiness?  All she knew was she was grateful that before Jake left to show his friends out, he dropped her into the bathtub.  Allowing the water to wash some of the sticky cum out of her.

“I am so glad you arranged to spend the weekend with my husband because I really like watching him fuck other women.  I get the Best of both worlds.  I get to watch and know because I give him white sluts like you, he will never leave me.”

The smack across Anna’s face was undeniable as she felt her skin heat up as the blood rushed to the flesh beneath.  Gemma was playing with her hair too and twirling it in a way that teased her into believing she meant to cut it short.  It was a mind fuck.

“I knew my cousin Jan wanted him.  She told me.  That didn’t mean she didn’t have to pay the price of fucking all the guys.  But I respect her.”

She paused and smiled at Anna.

“My roommate Jen?  That was a surprise since she has never been very sexual to my knowledge.  But she really has no time to find men so; I forgive her too.”

She paused and smiled again.  Gently caressing Anna’s face and lingering her hands over those magnificent natural breasts even childbirth hadn’t ruined.  She knew the boys were going to love her!

“But you?  I never thought you would ever betray me and fuck my husband.  So now, you belong to me.  Or I will make sure Phil divorces you and gets everything you slutty homewrecker!

Anna heard her speaking but only understood the last sentence.  She hoped her friend wouldn’t drown her, helpless as she was with her hands tied behind her back.

“I’m sorry.”

The second smack came from her lips and was almost sent back immediately by Gemma’s rage.  She allowed her husband a long leash, knowing he could be with almost anyone he chose.  He was not just a big dick to her.  He was a good man who deserved better than this slut who lost herself so quickly with other strangers.  Anna had failed.

Anna would have taken him from a weaker woman.  Sneaking around behind Gemma’s back showed no class or respect which it was obvious Anna had never been taught.  Gemma saw Anna’s face when she was being dominated and knew the woman’s marriage was over already.  She would never be able to stop, even if left alone by Gemma.  She was an experimental slut now.  There was no going back. The blackmail angle just gave her an excuse.

“I am going to give you one chance to earn the contents of this tape…”

30 minutes later Anna walked down the stairs in her high heels, and nothing else beyond the collar and chain fastened around her neck.  The men from before were gone.  But five more sat on the couch, watching as Gemma led Anna downstairs to meet them.  The stories Gemma had told Anna were true!   Gemma watched the men encircle her new pet in the middle of the room, and Anna knew exactly who the next story was going to be about really!

Chad was sitting at a table near the bar in a direct line with the TV.  He hadn’t watched a game since college it seemed so he had no idea who was playing or what the stakes were.  What he did know was his work was all consuming and looking for investors had worn him down over the last few months.  Hearing the word “no” everywhere compounded by the recent lack of success in even getting meetings was wearing him down.  He had the next great thing, and no one would even speak to him!  He needed a drink and some normalcy in his life, even if he had never gone to a bar alone before. 

He didn’t blame his friends for his loneliness.  Most of them were pairs or busy getting settled into their careers.  The same track he was on at one point.  But being an Engineer and working on the same, safe project didn’t appeal to him as much as it did his ex-girlfriend, Jenny.  Quitting his job to follow his dream without telling her in hindsight may have been a rash decision.  And he hadn’t been laid since she left eight months ago.  A fact his boner consistently reminded him of even with a broken heart. 

 Moving on was tough, and he still hoped to win her back at some point.  Once he hit it big with his big project, she would fuck his brains out like a long lost vibrator.  His patent was in the works either way, and eventually, Chad knew he would be a success.  Being without his love was just the price he had to pay for now.

 “Hello.  I am Amelie, and this is my sister Justine.  May we join you?”

The voices came from behind Chad and as he turned to face the identical women his mouth opened wide.  They were gorgeous!  Both wearing matching Short sets that had a business like look except for the barely past mid-thigh cuff and the cleavage-bearing jackets.  The women stood about 5’8, but the heels made them look at least 5’11 which is slightly shorter than his own six feet while standing.  He didn’t know what to make of them, but they both favored his ex Jen, but with fewer clothes.  He remained speechless for a moment until Justine spoke.

“We will consider that a yes.” As they sat down on either side of him at the roundtable.

“Sorry.” Was Chad’s unimaginative reply. 

In an attempt to regain a modicum of cool he found himself apologizing just so as not to appear stunned by their beauty!  He could see directly through the women’s sheer white business blouses.  On one twin, the left nipple was sticking out in between the buttons of her shirt.  And on the other twin, the right nipple which in her case, was pierced through the center. 

“That is how you tell us apart,” Amiel said confidently the man had noticed her sister’s jewelry. 

“Justine is pierced on her breasts, and I am pierced somewhere else.  But we will get to that.”

 Chad was shocked at his luck and thought perhaps it may have changed for the better. Having just moved into a smaller apartment next door a few months ago he had ordered take-out on numerous occasions but never stayed to soak in the atmosphere.  He couldn’t afford his old place with no job and no Jenny to catch his back anymore, and cocktails were a luxury.  His student loans were monstrous and only together could they manage their bills.  The next move would be the outer boroughs, or into the street, he thought. 

He was always unlucky at picking up girls despite being very good in bed.  The skill didn’t translate into words for him when it came to selling himself and more recently his heart wasn’t in it.  Jenny understood, and he thought she loved him unconditionally.  Nothing that had happened between them made sense.  

 “Chad let’s just cut to the chase.” Justine continued in a seductive voice.

“Right now you have two beautiful twin sisters sitting beside you.  And we want something you have.  Do you think you can give it to us both?”


The woman now pressed closer to him on either side allowing each one to have a nipple brush against him.  Chad was no longer watching the game or thinking about Jenny.  His cock stood at full attention under the table until a single thought crossed his mind.

“How did you know my name?” He asked as he looked around for a camera or familiar face who had to be in on the prank!

The women eased back and locked eyes for a moment.  Then burst out laughing!   Chad’s eyes stayed focused on their heaving breasts the entire time, forgetting the question at hand.  From the glances, he was able to ascertain the twins were both C cups. Reaching in their purses, the sisters literally put their cards on the table.

“We want to buy and help you develop your invention, Chad Joseph.  We want to be your partners!”

 The women spoke alternately as they gathered themselves as quickly as they arrived. 

     “Don’t worry about the dinner bill we took care of it.  We wanted you to eat before we came over because it is going to be a long night.  Isn’t it?”

     Reaching out their hands to usher the man out of his seat Chad started to stand until his boner smacked across his arm in the attempt!  It was long but quite wide and heavy to the touch and nearly knocked his wrist off to the table!  Amiel stepped forward as she reached out nonchalantly to grasp the monster beneath its strained cage.  Rolling her hand around it as the few bar patrons there turned to watch her equally voluptuous sister exit.  Swaying her ass and turning to entice the men before exiting.  Distracting them all from her sister’s examination of Chad’s hardening dick behind her. 

“Is this for me or the business proposal?” she asked coyly. 

 “Both.  But what makes you think I want both of you as partners?”

He heard himself reply knowing somewhere in hearing the value of his work Chad had found his courage.  And seemingly something extra!  She smiled as she turned her back to him and started walking, pulling him forward by his cock while pressing his dick into her backside, hiding its prodigious girth. 

“Let’s not make the other men jealous shall we?  We have a car outside to take you to the office and discuss the details” she said.

“On Saturday?” he asked.

“Well normally we stick to traditional business hours, but we prefer to work in an unorthodox method most times.  Depends on the business.”

He followed Amelie’s voice reflexively.  Guiding him through the short walk to the door, where Justine stood holding it open until the duo passed her by allowing Justine to give the men one last glance.  Justine had drawn most of their attention by walking ahead of the two of them.  The man being led by his dick by the identical in almost every way ingénue name Amiele cloaked 

momentarily as she completed the first part of their seduction by ushering Chad out of the doorway.

The Town Car driver opened the door as Justine slipped by the two again to enter the backseat first.  In pushing past her sister, Chad noticed the women’s nipples briefly brushed together.  Chad would have sworn Justine shimmied her shoulders, prolonging the contact and creating friction between the two pairs of jutting areolas but realized it could be his imagination.  He had been watching a lot of porn recently.    

As Justine next slid her cones against his own chest, he could feel the metal attached to her nipples press into him.  The sinful twist causing his hardened cock to twitch in her sister’s hand once more!  One sibling now placed her hand on top of her sister’s before replacing it completely engulfing his pole inside of her own hand.  She looked up at him from her seat in the car with her arm extended and fingers surrounding his cock and pulled the poor man towards her she spoke.

“In case you attempt to get away.  There is one of us in front of you.”

And Amiel finished.

“And one of us behind you.  Get in.”    


The women smiled and continued to tease the sex-starved inventor inside the car while adjusting their outfits.  The fact that they were still discussing his fusion project while doing so was inconsequential.  They kept interrupting their proposal to tell him how cute he was!  But it was all business-speak aside from the constant brushing of Chad’s inner thigh which made it hard for him to focus on what either woman said until they mentioned money. 

Their offer was more than he would have dreamed of making with the stock options!  Including ten million dollars upfront for the patent licensure rights.  The patents would pay out forever, and he needn’t worry about money again!  But there was a condition. 

They also wanted Chad.  They wanted him to build it for them to run their power environment in some far away African country! And he had to agree today.  The details and the papers were in their office, but the idea was to use his power grid to support the new government expansion and upgrade.

Chad gave two fucks about social engineering.  But he did view his invention as a child and liked the idea of implementing it on a large scale.  But he did wonder would he be able to have his dream as well as win back his woman at the same time?  With her, it wasn’t about the money.  Chad was convinced that he could do both despite what he knew was going to transpire soon.  If he ever admitted it, she couldn’t really complain since they are technically not together anymore, right? 


He hardly noticed when the car stopped and the door opened in front of a building with HART on the doors.  Delaying their exit Chad boldly grasped the sister’s thighs in either hand and stuck his mouth to their breast one at a time over their blouses.  He felt like a new man already!  Perhaps it was the talk of money working on him like an aphrodisiac!  As Amiel stepped out, bending to show him her beautiful bronzed ass engulfed by her pink thong he thought he would like their Saturday style of mixing business with pleasure! 

The elevator doors closed behind them and Amiel began to speak.  He was learning the pattern between the two that Amiel was always the first to speak. 

“I want you to understand the Confidentiality Agreement you are about to sign also includes this recruitment session.  You can never talk about anything we discuss, or you will be in Breach of Contract and suffer numerous penalties.”

“Very stiff penalties” offered Justine along with a sly smile.

 “What happens at Hart, stays at Hart” Justine chimed in as she brushed past the man as the Elevator doors opened. 

Her blouse she began to unbutton immediately, and Chad watched as her bare back was exposed. More fabric fell to the floor as she continued into the open space and directly behind another door. Her ass was definitely identical to her sisters!   Amiel headed towards her desk, Chad’s hand in hers despite his wanting to follow her through the unknown entrance. 

“Don’t worry about her for now.  We have business to tend to.  Follow me.” She said

Despite his most primal instincts telling him otherwise, Chad followed Justine’s completely clothed sister to the desk where the papers laid out next to a pen.  Looking it over briefly he quickly signed.  Having seen everything that he needed too and see except the women’s naked bodies.  They wanted him, or his fusion project and he needed to get laid by these gorgeous women!  What else was there to discuss?

His dick was wet on its tip now from the relentless teasing of the twin temptresses as he focused upon the beauty of the moment along with Amiel’s green eyes and pouty lips.  His dick ached to feel them suckling the base of his cock like Jenny used to do for him daily!  She was the only woman he ever met who could take his dick in her mouth that way. 

“I know you’re thinking we are going to let you fuck us now Chad!”

The voice of Justine behind him as she stood completely naked!  The beautiful woman’s nipple rings looked even better in the light!  Momentarily losing track of Amiel who had stepped around the desk and began to unbuckle his belt to lick his bulbous cockhead in a smooth circle before devouring it down her throat! 

“Ummm.” Amelie licked his pre-cum off the tip and what had dripped now down each side carefully. 

“The reports on you were exact!  9×6!”  Looking into his eyes as they rolled back at the feeling of her wet, warm mouth causing him to cum so easily! 

Reports on his dick?  Standing up she kissed turned to her sister kissing her deeply and passionately.  The woman’s breasts rubbing together as they matched each other’s moans so well it sounded as if they were singing a song together.  Chad reached out and cupped Amelie’s ass in his fingers maneuvered the zipper on the side of her shorts.  Removing his hand only to allow them to drop to the floor.  His hands caressed her supple bottom and teased her honey pot before settling in, rubbing circles around the ornament.

 “And such talented hands.” 

Justine led her sister by the hand and Amiel, in turn, grasped Chad’s hand leading them into a darker second room with little light except under the King Sized Bed that sat near the front wall.  The woman stopped on either side of him, alternating kisses and removing his clothing.  His shirt, pants, and Boxers all removed in a slow dance mixed with kisses and touches until he stood before them both naked.  Chad found himself seated on the edge of the bed licking at Amelie’s pierced clitoris deftly as the woman moaned her appreciation for it!  She pushed his face forward onto his tongue as he rolled and flicked it over the attached piercing.  He enjoyed how she shimmied around each time his tongue found a new spot of pleasure.   Justine pulled him down flat on the bed by his shoulders so that Amiele could place her thighs astride his face, confining his mouth to her sister’s service. 

Justine moved between his legs now to tease Chad’s aching, tender balls.  Her tongue licking his formidable stick towards a pleasurable climax despite his best efforts to remain in control of his situation.  Not an easy task with such an expert on his tool, working against his will!  Luckily, she seemed to savor the control her throat had over him and paused from time to time allowing him to gather his wits.  Caressing her pierced nipples around his cock before resuming the machinations upon his slickened stick that were driving him wild!  She tasted the salty precum mixed with her own saliva and wanted more!  But alas, she was there to complete a mission and knew she should enjoy what she could from him for now!  There would be other chances to taste him as she eased off her expert cocksucking to bring him closer to level now.  They were almost done. 

Chad couldn’t see what was happening with his face full of wet, tasty pussy.  But he knew the difference as Justine’s mouth stopped teasing his rod and was replaced by a wet, tight pussy that fit his cock like a glove!  Finally, he thought!  He wanted nothing more than to shoot his seed into her tight hole and fuck Amiele as soon as his cock could recover!  He felt the handcuffs being slipped around his wrists but was in no position to notice or care.  He was fucking identical twins!  Amiel slathered his face one final time before sliding upwards to attach the chain attached to his wrists to the bedpost above him and standing up, next to her sister! 

The surprised look on Chad’s face as he watches the women kiss while his dick unloaded into an unknown pussy was perfect!  3 women! His eyes rolled back as the woman riding his cock shuttered and came inside of her!  His arms outstretched above his head, he was unable to move forward to see who she was but the secret wasn’t long for keeping. 

“My baby sisters Justine and Amelie.” The voice was unsteady with her still shaking bum but familiar to him all the same.  It was his love, Jenny! 

“We have always been close.” As she finished her words and sexual convulsions simultaneously.

The sight of his long lost girlfriend reemerging where she had lived with him in his dreams for the last eight months sent the blood rushing back down to his cock immediately!

“I have been keeping tabs on you and honestly would have expected you to fuck at least one girl by now!  But you proved just how special you are so I wanted to make our reunion special too!” 

She deftly had maneuvered herself to face Chad as her sisters watched astride the bed. 

Masturbating each other as they watched their big sister slide upon Chad’s still hardening cock.  Leaning on her knees and elbows as she slowly rocked herself back and forth over him.

She missed him as much as he missed her and wasn’t going to waste much time explaining what happened or where she had been.  There would be time for that later!  That was why she had her sisters bring him to her in chains so he couldn’t resist.  With everything they had shared between the four of them, there was no reason not to let the girls see his beautiful cock up close as a reward for delivering him to her!   


The girls quietly left the room, confident that Jenny would call them back in the morning to get better acquainted.  They loved their sister and respected her more than anyone else and knew she would keep her promise of letting her future husband fill them too.  But they also knew the night was the lovers chance to get reacquainted and they knew how much she missed him. 

“You almost fucked everything up when you quit your job and didn’t discuss it with me Chad.  I will always take care of you as long as you always take care of me by being honest.  I know you are true to me already.  Always have.”   

Jenny’s kisses on his chest and neck assuaged any feelings of anger he might have otherwise felt.  Knowing how great of a woman she was and how lucky he was to have her back!  His last thrusts into her canal pressed upon her button as he came inside her slick canal once more and she lay spent on top of him.      


“There is a lot to talk about between us.  A lot you don’t know.  Like about my family.  I wanted to share with you before but, things got complicated when I fell in love with you.”

Chad didn’t understand what happened but didn’t need to.  His hands uncuffed now holding her tight to his body was all that he wanted so, the other problems between them weren’t important.


As a young woman, Charlotte had been well schooled.  Taught the best path towards Marriage and prosperity.  The road to wealth and a guaranteed form of happiness.  Shopping!  Most of the women in Charlotte’s family were similar, if not the same woman in a different shell.  Different types of Dolls and Princesses with Varying Degrees of influence over their husbands.

The men went on to marry women like their mothers.   Beautiful girls with Alabaster skin and various shades of hair.  All interested in the Basic creature comforts of life.  Non-controversial types with little need of opinions of their own.  Beth was one of those women.  Charlotte’s Sister in law married her handsome Brother William.   

Though most of the women in the family avoided work.  Beth was a High-school teacher and head of the local District’s English/Drama Department.  Working with young, urban youth mostly.  Pushing the “benefits of an education” for societal progress.  Beth was quite successful mentoring and cultivating young men through tutoring programs William’s Law Firm underwrote.  The Established scholarship program helped many get through College. 

Good for them but at 38, Charlotte felt the world had passed her by.  A marriage with no children but, the credit cards still worked!  Sure her husband was having an affair but wondering about his small dick satisfying the Beautiful, curvy Black secretary she was sure was his Mistress.  The woman barely respected Charlotte and, Beth’s request to have her husband fire her fell upon deaf ears.  Charlotte was becoming a bitter shell of a woman who was questioning her own life decisions.  And watching porn. 

Charlotte spent most of her time at home online, watching various types of sex which was how her story began.  With Beth, her sister in law stopping by unexpectedly.

“Hello!  Anyone home?”

Charlotte was in her Office chair.  Legs wide open with her fingers rolling up and down her wet pussy.  Watching what even she hadn’t realized what had become her favorite viewing material.  Interracial porn.  This one was the usual improbable scenario.  A woman her age, answering a door in her bathrobe still wet from her shower.  Signing for a package and ending up giving the well endowed black delivery man a Blowjob in her doorway before opening her legs and taking the improbable member deep into her hot, wet pink cunt!  The cock was at least 11 inches and almost as thick as her wrist and Charlotte wondered if she were a ‘real woman’, would she even be able to take such a large cock.  Her own pussy had never been challenged in such a way and none of her friends or family had ever intimated they ever had either.  But Charlotte was fingering herself so feverishly, she couldn’t hear her front door or even Beth approaching her office in high heels which clicked across the hardwood floors.  By the time she realized Beth was in the doorway to her office, she was cumming all over her chair!  And Beth had caught the last 2 minutes on video before speaking. 

“That was hot. Guess I understand now how you survive your marriage!”

Charlotte nearly fell off of her chair as she struggled to gather her clothes in a vain attempt to cover her shame. 

“Interracial porn is the best, isn’t it.  Almost as good as the real thing!” Beth continued.

“What are you doing here Beth?”

Beth stepped forward, cornering Charlotte in the back end of the room with her clothes in her hand. 

“I could ask you the same thing?”  She slyly replied.  “But it is time for your Donation and when I realize you hadn’t sent the check I figured it was a good excuse to stop by.  See how my Sister in law was holding up in this big house all by herself while her workaholic husband serves his secretary/Mistress.”

“What?  What are you talking about?” Charlotte asked. 

She wanted space to get away!  At least enough to put her dress or at least, her panties back on!  But she remembered she never put panties on this morning.  Heading straight to the Computer from the shower.  Barely pausing long enough to grab her robe off the back of her door.  A direct result of having washed her nipples in the warm water for what was probably 10 minutes alone!  Squeezing them roughly like the men in the videos often did to willing sluts.  Smacking them with her bare hands while being compelled to delve 3 fingers deeply into her wanting snatch repeatedly!  She had been imagining a lot of unladylike thoughts recently.  Wanted to Feel so many different sensationsrecently.  She knew her body was changing and had heard of women becoming hypersexual at a certain age.  But she didn’t believe her behavior was anything more than a phase. 

The fact it had been going on for 2 years notwithstanding.

“You have a beautiful body Charlotte.”

Her sister in law was pulling on the small hand towel Charlotte had mistaken for clothing and in looking down.  She realized she was barely covered at all.  Her wetness was visible on the inside of Charlotte’s thighs in dried streaks.  But were quickly disappearing with the glistening sweat that was the result of her embarrassment! A small struggle ensued that Charlotte lost.  Leaving her as naked as the pure joy of the previous moments before Beth’s untimely arrival! 

“I think you should share it more.”Beth continued

Beth grabbed her sister-in-laws hair and the motion of her head pulling back and the subsequent gasp left just enough space for Beth to slip her tongue into Charlotte’s unsuspecting mouth!  Beth was smaller in stature but, more powerfully built than Charlotte had ever recognized.  Her conservative dress around the family was conceived to conceal her dominant stature.  And in grasping Charlotte’s bare ass with a precision that allowed Beth to tease her love box while establishing a warm grip.  Beth recognized she was about to take another task off her Bucket List.  Help my sister-in-law! 

Charlotte had no idea what was going on but surprisingly, stopped objecting.  She went to Vassar and had had relations with women secretly throughout her pre-married life.  Her breasts swelled with the sensation of Beth’s soft tongue probing her wet mouth forcefully as it broke her resistance within moments.  She was transformed back to her rainy Sunday afternoon dorm room almost 20 years ago when her roommate confessed her desire to be naked with her.  Dominate her.  And she acquiesced.  But this was to be nothing like that. 

Beth thumbed at Charlotte’s areolas.  Testing her reactions as she considered the best way to get what she wanted from Charlotte.  She considered the woman’s overall sadness and lack of life whenever they met.  And her basic, if unformed kindness.  Charlotte was also friends with her husband’s secretary.  Having referred the young woman to him as a former student.  Which was true twice.  They were now equaled in many ways.  With Charlotte’s husband firmly underfoot as her slave.  A fact no one in their stuck-up family could ever conceive and if they could, would ever discuss together.  Especially the men.

The video Beth had just taken was enough to Blackmail her into submission.  Knowing an accidental text of Charlotte spasmodically touching herself to Double team Interracial porn could result in scandal and complete humiliation for her and her family.  But it wasn’t the only video.  There were hours of Charlotte masturbating all over her house, taped by her husband without her knowledge.  His Secretary/Mistress ideal to install Cameras so she could watch her.  Study her so that she could eventually take her place.  Making him watch it before making him lick her own pink pussy was a stroke of deviant genius, as his tiny penis pushed against his cock cage unable to enter her pink, Nubian fortress without proper permission.    

“You want me because your tiny dick can’t satisfy your white wife.  Say it.”

“My tiny dick can’t satisfy my white wife.” He’d repeat.

“And you are lucky if any woman cums on your face.”

“And I’m lucky if any woman cums on me.”

His failure to repeat her word for word meant his ass would be whipped or worse as he leaned over his Executive chair.  And he always misspoke.  After which he would lick his Mistress till she decided he could go home to Charlotte.  Often very late at night.   Beth knew everything about his affair and more about Charlotte’s marriage than Charlotte ever would!  But it took until today for her to decide to help. 

Charlotte began to untie the belt attached to Beth’s Dress and undo the 3 buttons in the front.  Her lips kissing her Sister’s inner thighs as she worked her way up to her panty-less crotch.  As Beth found her way into the reclining chair.  Charlotte’s mouth began to munch on the woman’s well-manicured box like a lost traveler returning home.  How much she missed the musk of a woman’s snatch and the feeling of a strong, feminine pair of hands on the back of her head!  She was in her quiet dorm room again.  Completely in love with being ‘forced’ to do things she never would on her own!  Cumming in small waves against her will as another Video played on her screen behind them. 

Beth marveled at her Sister in laws skillfully textured tongue and its good work!  She expected her to be awkward and even, non-receptive to her Sapphic, carnal advances!  Despite her Vassar experience.  Beth almost wished she hadn’t told Ty to come in the house to join them!   He was a former student and every day over Spring Break, a different one would accompany Beth on her fundraising tour.  It gave them a chance to catch up and reminisce as well as recruit new Donors.  By bringing an example of what the program means to the Community while allowing Beth to catch up with him simultaneously.  It was a tradition for the Scholarship winner to receive a special Teacher’s Award Night before embarking on Freshman year.  And Ty’s had been one to remember!   It also encouraged the young men to continue supporting the program post-graduation which had been running for 14 years now.  Beth believed in incentives for them, and herself. 

Holding Charlotte’s head firmly in place with her hands over her ears and under her skirt, Charlotte never heard nor saw Ty enter the room.  Only when his tongue scraped over her labia did she realize they were not alone and she attempted to turn behind her to see who it was.  But Beth held her firmly in place as she lowered her hands to her neck. 

“It’s just one of my students here to collect your donation.  Don’t worry.  It’s our secret.” 

Grinding her pelvic bone down towards her sister’s tongue as Ty positioned himself between the woman’s open legs.  Charlotte was in too much ecstasy to resist!   She had no idea who or what was coming next, but she reasoned it might be her as she felt the large knob of the uninvited guest rub the inside of her increasingly sticky honeypot.  Lubing her anticipation. 

“Is that real?” Charlotte mumbled. 

“Don’t be scared,” Ty said.

The blackness of his voice shook her being as Charlotte felt the flesh of his hard cock push into her tiny hole by comparison.  Her womb had never been stretched by anything so thick and if it weren’t for the tiny hands wrapped around her throat through her sister in laws skirt, she certainly would have fell face first to the floor! 

“Oh my God is this really happening?”

Charlotte didn’t expect an answer as her beaver flapped tightly against the weight of Ty’s prodigious cock movements deeper into her body than before.  Unable to lick her sister, Charlotte’s breathing became heavy and hot between Beth’s slippery thighs!   Her eyes wide open in the comforting darkness of Beth’s powerful legs but providing only faint light of her wet pussy against the light.

Pulling back the sides of the dress, Beth looked into her sister’s wide eyes to see her face as Charlotte became filled with cock for the first time ever.  If Charlotte forgot, Beth never would!  The face of pure ecstasy and pain being pushing beyond.  Only to succumb to the sensation of a well-hung black stud pounding her pussy to an unending Orgasm because of Beth!.  You want to experience something like this, Beth thought!   Grinding Charlotte’s face around her own sprite like vagina.  Bathing Charlotte’s face and Tits in the process, before pulling Charlotte up by the nipples to allow her Student to make a donation of his own!  Beth wanted to kiss her deeply but, not now. 

Ty for his part was showing some of his best work.  Symbiotically directing his cock inside of Charlotte the same way he had the horny white girls from College.  He could direct her body to do whatever he wanted by changing the way he pushed into her.  How quickly.  How deep.  It was all a new experience for Charlotte.  Ty could tell from the way she jumped each time Ty pumped inside of her differently.  In many ways he thought, as he fucked her over and over, she was less experienced than the young white girls at school.  Though her mature body was much more sensitive and susceptible to his strokes and motions. 

Looking at his former school Teacher Beth.  Legs shaking with that familiar, satisfied smile across her face.  Remembering her telling him in school how much she LOVED Donation time.  To be old enough to understand what that really meant!  Charlotte was settled into a comfortable place with a group of long, fast, deep, strokes that reached into her sexual soul.  Carefully Charlotte was discovering what each inch of him meant inside of her and Ty was proud to show his former teacher what else he had learned in College!  Their eyes locked in an approving gesture as Beth acknowledged she herself would be looking forward to a more proper reunion between just them.  Today was about a check!

Charlotte could feel Ty’s cock swelling up against her walls and she wanted him to cum deep inside of her!  She previously felt his cock jerking.  The small spurts of fluid as big as any she ever felt from her husband making her womb wetter each time but, he never stopped! Could it have been her since she had no idea what most of what she was feeling was!  Charlotte wanted Ty to cum inside her or wherever he chose!  After all of that good fucking, who could resist?

Ty’s final spurts hit the back of her walls in places Charlotte never thought possible.  Feeling alive as Ty continued to pump his seed deep inside of her, before falling back onto the floor.    

“I don’t know your name Ms.  But not a drop of that good sperm better hit the carpet.  Bring that mouth over here.” Ty barked. 

Charlotte immediately turned over, sucking the string off of the end of the once unimaginable big, chocolate dick. 

“There’s some on my balls too.” Ty continued. 

Beth stood and kissed her student.  Getting dressed and leaving Charlotte and Ty alone to get better acquainted.  Charlotte had forgotten all about her as she wrapped her mouth around the long, half flaccid young dick until he fucked her a few more hours before Beth returned to retrieve him and, the yearly donation.  Ty even went to work for the family business because after all.  Parents need jobs.  

The thought had crossed her mind.

“How well do you think you know Jake?”

Anna could be such a bitch.  Her big tits gave her a sense of entitlement that came from their power to make men, and certain women bend and kneel to her whims.  And she gave no fucks about anyone not named Anna!  Why they were friends in the first place escaped Gemma most times with her especially wanting to tell her exactly “how well” she knew her own Husband!  But then she didn’t want to spoil Anna’s surprise.  But this bitch was just asking for it!

Gemma instead sat across the table smiling the fake smile she knew would make Anna’s day.  The one that revealed just exactly how clueless she was to the fact Jake had ejaculated into Anna’s cleavage just before she arrived to meet Gemma for lunch.  Even if it was a lie,  Gemma’s face hid the disgust she held for Anna’s deception while maintaining her balance deftly.  She would get her chance to smile soon enough!

The remote butterfly Jake had fastened inside of Gemma buzzed her button mercilessly under the mismatched set of undergarments she was wearing beneath the long, 70’s style skirt.  The one with the pockets large enough to conceal her remote control and hold her keys.  She fumbled the keys and especially the one to the lock with the anticipation of teaching Anna a lesson in loyalty.  A lesson she knew the whore couldn’t understand with words.  Anna would have to experience it. 

“When she acts bitchy Gemma what will you do?”

Jake’s voice was in her ear like a whisper of wind, and she brushed her hair back behind her left ear, as if he was invisible but right there with her instead of elsewhere preparing for the night’s fun.

“Press the button and don’t.” 

“Cum.” He finished.

His dick rocked her insides at the time, accentuating the clear message of what he wanted from her.  And Gemma was listening.  

The purring of the tiny machine made Gemma relax as she smiled at her unsuspecting, slutty friend imagining what she was thinking while verbally mocking her with ambivalence!  She wanted to kick her ass.  But Anna’s tits did look irresistible, so she understood a little while imagining her husband’s big, black cock in between them, poking the chatty bitch in the chin which made Gemma laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

Gemma couldn’t say it.  But the thought of his cum shooting into her unsuspecting mouth made Gemma very happy!  She knew Jake well enough to he would punish the disloyal bitch!  And it was only a few hours away.

“Just looking forward to my trip and thinking about all the men!”

Anna wanted to hear this!  Ammunition for her weekend rendezvous with Gemma’s husband, while she was out of town supposedly on business, could only bring him closer to her she thought.  Gemma could tell her what she planned to do while away for the weekend.  And Anna could tell Jake and get even closer than they were already!  Having his 11’ buried in her was the best feeling she’d ever experienced, and she wanted more.  But Gemma was in the way!  She wanted to do more than fuck him whenever he had time.  And the best way was to remove her beautiful friend and rival from the picture altogether.  It wasn’t as if they had any kids and she was breaking up a family.  Just a marriage! 

“Can you keep a secret?” Gemma whispered while moving in close.

“Of course.”

“I have something planned for later tonight.”

“Really what?”

“Let’s just say it’s a group thing.”

What a slut!  Anna had felt somewhat bad about what she was doing with Jake behind her friend’s back and almost had told her what happened between them once.  Maybe Gemma would have understood since she was married to Jake’s cock as much as Jake and knew its effect on women better than anyone!  But Gemma was looking more like a greedy slut to Anna by the second!  If she were Jake’s wife, she would never fuck anyone but Jake!  Even if that did go against her nature.  Even if he cheated on her like Gemma suspected and Anna knew but said she couldn’t prove.  Jake deserved better!  

Gemma’s under the table orgasm wasn’t noticeable and masked by fake laughter and Anna’s general self-involvement.  Gemma had lost another bet with Jake and would be doing penance soon as time allowed.  She could always lie to him about the orgasm?  How could he prove otherwise?  Though most women wouldn’t be aroused at the thought of their man with another woman, it was always Gemma’s most favorite thing!  Watching.     

Flipping the switch off and asked Anna the one question that always brought her back to Earth.

“So how are things with your husband?” Gemma asked.

Anna had married well, sure.  But she settled sexually, and her husband spent more time at work than home with Anna and their young daughter these days.  He had a nice sized dick.  But it didn’t compare to Jake’s Meaty Masterpiece dangling between his legs.  And he didn’t use it enough on her!  Even with their infant daughter spending the Summer at his parents, her husband Phil hardly found any time to fuck Anna.  Even shying away from the blowjobs she once loved to give him.  She was mostly alone, and Gemma knew she hated thinking about it.  It was a blow to her massive ego and a very sore point with Anna.  Jealousy was what caused Anna to start fucking Gemma’s husband in the first place.

“Well, he.”

“I’m sorry I have to get home and get to the airport.  We’ll talk when I get back?”

Gemma wanted to make sure Anna was angry and followed through with her date with Jake.  Pissing her off seemed like an excellent strategy to begin getting her rival worked up good!  Gemma strode happily out the door of the Restaurant which Anna was sure due to her looking forward to being an anonymous slut.  But all Anna cared about was being Jake’s. 

By 7,  Anna was entering her friend’s home, no knocking as Jake told her he was in the Master Bath waiting.  Removing her Dress and leaving the garters and push up bra on, Anna began the ascent up the stairs and onto the tiled floored Master Bathroom and marital sanctuary.  She wore the outfit her husband had brought her for their last Anniversary night together which made her heart beat a little faster and her thoughts a lot sluttier than the usual. She thought what he would do if he saw her in it now, going to fuck her Best friend’s black husband who Phil hated!  It was getting her more excited by the moment.

Phil had always liked the other guys Gemma dated.  But they were white and had a lot in common with Phil.  Anna even suspected he wanted Gemma for himself which only made her secretly hate her more.  But after hearing Jake and Gemma go at it on a weekend getaway, his attitude had changed toward her and Phil wanted nothing to do with the new couple.  She was now referred to as Anna’s slut friend and worse by Phil.  But Anna was intrigued.

“Hi, beautiful.”

Jake’s teeth flashed a bright white smile that traveled across the distance of the room and seemingly, brushed against her pussy.  Standing up in the water, she could see about 8 inches of flaccid dick attached to his hip like a 3rd arm!  She loved her husband’s full 7in before, but now, there was a new Sheriff in town and no turning back!  Her body craved her best friend’s husband! 

Stepping out of the tub and down the steps, Jake approached the excited woman in slow motion, or so it seemed.  His lips reached out to hers and engulfed them in a kiss for the ages that melted her will and moistened her already soggy box!

“I have a gift for you.”

His fingers fastened a collar around her neck before three fingers were plunged into her vagina, giving Jake control and preparing her for the inevitable long ride to bed.  She had read about bondage before and even tried to introduce her husband, Phil to it.  But he was only into basic sex and had hardly touched her since.  But Jake was the one she wanted now.  Anna couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her!

“Suck my cock.”

Jake had always been a perfect gentleman with her, so this new tone surprised and excited the horny woman immensely!  She dropped to her knees and carefully worked the head of his cock into her mouth.  It was a little wider than her husband’s but too long to fit down her throat completely, which didn’t stop Jake from trying! 

“Relax.  Don’t bite.”

Her air was being constricted as her eyes rolled back into her head in anticipation of passing out.  Jake just smiled and pulled the bra down under her tits, unleashing her 34 D’s and pressing Anna’s erect nipples against his thighs!  She hadn’t even noticed she was fingering her pussy before she came on her fingers and Jake released his grip on her hair!  What an orgasm!  She didn’t even know something like that was even possible! 

“Enjoying yourself yet?” 

Jake looked down at the blonde woman beneath him as his erection stood upwards, saluting its work.

“You are fucking amazing!”

The words just came as she shook on the floor beneath him.  Her eyes fastened upon still wet his balls and ass as she attempted to recover her senses. 

“So you liked that?  Because Gemma said, you would like that the first time I fucked her throat.  What a slut you are!” he said.

Anna ignored the insult and instead attempted to catch her breath and tell all of Gemma’s secrets.  But her words came out in halting breaths mixed with muffled sounds.

“She is.  She is probably fucking another guy right now.  Which makes no sense when she has you at home.”

She had that part right!  Picking her up from the floor by her arm. Anna stood still partially clothed before him, looking like a drunken whore recovering in a bathroom stall.  She was still beautiful, and her body was top notch even after the baby.  Anna was justified in her conceit.   

“Tell me more.”

Jake turned her around and grabbed her arms, binding them together behind her back at the forearm with a cord of rope while spilling all that she had.  Told him how Gemma didn’t love Jake like she pretended too and wasn’t the devoted wife that she appeared to be.  How Gemma had bragged to her about fucking four guys at a time one night and her plans to rendezvous with four more this weekend.  That part was made up.  But since Anna was on a roll getting buried herself by Jake, she wasn’t about to stop before she completely buried Gemma for good!  Jake for his part just listened.  Pinching her long nipples hard from behind her every time she said something he knew wasn’t right.  Sitting on the edge of the bathtub behind her waiting until he was ready to pry her now defenseless slit apart with his hand before impaling her like a split roast with extraordinary grace! 

“Keep talking.”

Anna’s face flushed as she told all of the dirty secrets between the girlfriends!  She must have cum ten times from sensual inner massage of her best friend’s husband’s pole.  All while recounting the dirty stories she had told her to him!  The things she made up were from her fantasies to life.  But close enough to the truth that Gemma would not be able to defend the lies either!  The smile on her face cemented and the cum long washed from between her cleavage probably meant it was going to be a long, hard night!  The kind she dreamed about ever since hearing them fuck all those years ago!  When Gemma walked through the open bathroom door, she almost thought she was hallucinating!  A side effect of mind-blowing sex. 

“Don’t mind me.  Just forgot some things.”

Anna wanted to stand and run!  At least cover herself!  But her feet were off of the ground now, and her arms were of absolutely no use in dislodging herself from Jake’s seemingly still growing rod, which was pounding another unexplored region inside her at the moment!  Jake was maneuvering her in ways her husband never could!  Causing her to orgasm by hitting her G-spot over and over!  It hurt so good!  But even Anna could see it wasn’t safe!  Anna was helpless to resist and unsure she wanted to, having been nearly drained of all energy by a good black dick.  Even in the face of being caught red-faced with a dripping snatch Anna was too happy to care! 

But Gemma walked in calmly for a reason.  Revealing a Nanny Cam pointed directly at them, recording her betrayal on tape!  Gemma walked with the camera in the same direction, bringing it in for a close up of the well-fucked face of a Jezebel.  She didn’t want to look directly at the face or open her eyes even, but the pounding her pussy was enduring left her no choice!  Gemma grabbed her left nipple, squeezing it so hard Anna’s pussy burst into a wet, earth-shattering orgasm, with Gemma recording the whole thing. 

“You like my husband’s black dick?  You want to be me, bitch?”

The last stroke caused Anna to squirt her answer all over all 3 of them and Jake to push her onto the floor, where Gemma continued to record the moment. 

“Wonder what your husband will say about this?”

Gemma stood next to her bull husband, stroking his cock as she continued to record Gemma’s uncontrollable lust!  She was embarrassed.  Ashamed.  Humiliated.  And still cumming two minutes later as Jake immersed himself in the bath water once more to clean himself off. 

“That’s three hon.  I won again.”


Jake sneered at the well-fucked woman while recalling the other two.  Gemma’s college roommate was one.  She fell victim during a weekend visit which now was every 3 months.   Two was Gemma’s cousin and closest confidant.  She was the easiest to seduce as she asked Gemma’s permission 1st, being the one who initially turned Gemma on to black men!  Each time the bet was the same.  Jake got the pussy.  Gemma got to watch which she absolutely loved to do!  But since Anna lived so close?  Gemma wanted to be sure things didn’t get out of hand between them before she agreed.  She knew how alluring big tits could be to men.

“The stories I told you Anna weren’t about me stupid!  But they were for your benefit.  I wanted to see how you would react to them because I knew you would tell.  You have your eyes locked on Jake’s crotch everytime we are together.  You just needed help.”

Grabbing the woman’s hair, Gemma flipped her onto her back before lifting her own skirt above her, revealing her naked honey pot which dripped down onto her friend’s face.  Anna had never been with a woman before and wasn’t sure she wanted to be with one now.  But her face was soon smothered by Anna’s thighs and held in place by her weight.  Her tongue was trying to keep up with Gemma as she slid back and forth over her entire face, humiliating her further.

“I’m married.  I don’t fuck anyone else.  I know everything about how to keep my husband happy.”

Gemma laughed as her pussy unloaded it contents across her glistening face.  Kissing her husband as he leaned in to express their undying love for one another.

“You are so hot wifey.”

She couldn’t see Jake, but wished he would stop watching and come to fuck her now!  When her legs parted, she knew that was exactly what was happening and her pussy began to moisten once more.  Her knees were high and legs spread as if there was an invisible lover between them as her pelvis dry humped the air.

The cock pushed into her and knew immediately it wasn’t Jake.  It was wider and shorter than Jake was and as Gemma stood up, Anna recognized the two men in the room as her own husband’s employees!  Before she could respond, she was back on her knees, with one of the men pushing his long, thin cock into her mouth before she could object!

“You know each other don’t you?”

Jake laughed as he watched the two size up the holes between her legs in anticipation of filling Anna like never before! It was just like in the stories, but this was really happening!  The men were telling stories about how much an asshole her husband Phil was while sharing her breasts stuck between them equally.

A lick here.  A bite there.  A few choice words mixed in.  They always knew Anna thought she was too good for them to even look at.  And didn’t hold her bitchiness towards them against her either.  The fingers of one, or the other, or maybe both violating her personal space the whole time to her silent delight.  She was too good to keep just for himself and a woman built like her should never walk around looking like she needed to get fucked either.  That she looked like she needed a good boning all of the time!  Today was different!  Today she was like every other lucky girl!  Anna knew they were being intentionally disrespectful.  But her body kept telling her they were right.    

“Enjoy Gemma.  We will be watching the tape in the living room later while deciding whether to send it to your husband’s parents!  I remember you telling me how much they hate you anyway!”

They all laughed as Gemma felt her ass being lubed up by the Mailroom clerk!  She was being tossed around by the two until the clerk settled into her tight hole while his buddy, the Shipping manager filled her cunt with his long cock.  She hardly protested as her face, once flushed with embarrassment and shame was now filled with lust! 

“Yes.  Fuck me.  Fuck me!”

Gemma smiled and put her husband’s cock down her throat next to them, never gagging once as she brought him to the edge of oblivion over and over before aiming his jizz at Anna’s unprotected face! 

“Who’s the slut now Anna?”

The men both came inside of her, never considering pulling out as Anna attempted to recall if she had taken her pill on time! 

“Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.”

The men spoke simultaneously as she writhed on the floor, unable to comprehend how she could have been so stupid!  She was cramping on her insides, but unable to release her hands from their restraints.  Her pussy and ass were leaking cum since all three men had dropped full loads either in or on her.  A body that was still shaking and being recorded!  Anna didn’t know what to feel since she was sure the tape was proof of rape.  But she couldn’t recall asking them to stop once!  That was when it all hit.

 Anger.  Betrayal.  Happiness?  All she knew was she was grateful that before Jake left to show his friends out, he dropped her into the bathtub.  Allowing the water to wash some of the sticky cum out of her.

“I am so glad you arranged to spend the weekend with my husband because I really like watching him fuck other women.  I get the Best of both worlds.  I get to watch and know because I give him white sluts like you, he will never leave me.”

The smack across Anna’s face was undeniable as she felt her skin heat up as the blood rushed to the flesh beneath.  Gemma was playing with her hair too and twirling it in a way that teased her into believing she meant to cut it short.  It was a mind fuck.  

“I knew my cousin Jan wanted him.  She told me.  That didn’t mean she didn’t have to pay the price of fucking all the guys.  But I respect her.”

She paused and smiled at Anna.

“My roommate Jen?  That was a surprise since she has never been very sexual to my knowledge.  But she really has no time to find men so; I forgive her too.”

She paused and smiled again.  Gently caressing Anna’s face and lingering her hands over those magnificent natural breasts even childbirth hadn’t ruined.  She knew the boys were going to love her!

“But you?  I never thought you would ever betray me and fuck my husband.  So now, you belong to me.  Or I will make sure Phil divorces you and gets everything you slutty homewrecker!

Anna heard her speaking but only understood the last sentence.  She hoped her friend wouldn’t drown her, helpless as she was with her hands tied behind her back. 

“I’m sorry.”

The second smack came from her lips and was almost sent back immediately by Gemma’s rage.  She allowed her husband a long leash, knowing he could be with almost anyone he chose.  He was not just a big dick to her.  He was a good man who deserved better than this slut who lost herself so quickly with other strangers.  Anna had failed.

Anna would have taken him from a weaker woman.  Sneaking around behind Gemma’s back showed no class or respect which it was obvious Anna had never been taught.  Gemma saw Anna’s face when she was being dominated and knew the woman’s marriage was over already.  She would never be able to stop, even if left alone by Gemma.  She was an experimental slut now.  There was no going back. The blackmail angle just gave her an excuse.  

“I am going to give you one chance to earn the contents of this tape…”

30 minutes later Anna walked down the stairs in her high heels, and nothing else beyond the collar and chain fastened around her neck.  The men from before were gone.  But five more sat on the couch, watching as Gemma led Anna downstairs to meet them.  The stories Gemma had told Anna were true!   Gemma watched the men encircle her new pet in the middle of the room, and Anna knew exactly who the next story was going to be about really!


Camille kissed her boyfriend and told him that she loved him which in a form was the truth.  She would be working late tonight.  In leaving the apartment in the same manner as any other day, except an hour earlier Chad would have no reason to believe she would be lying to him.  It was a big presentation day.  There was no purpose in questioning what had become the most steadying relationship of his young life.  They were solid, and that was all that he knew. 

Men, for the most part, had always disappointed Camille.  Promising big rewards and providing slim margins.  At least in the business world, she could see the disappointment coming and turn a profit!  What she wanted at the time was what he wanted so for Camille’s plans things were almost perfect.  She was affectionate towards her fiancé as her lover had convinced her it was ok to feel something for them both.  Chad still had the perfect girlfriend and future wife for him in Camille and was a lucky man to live with such a stunningly beautiful and smart woman.  She didn’t bother him to spend time or for attention, as he built his career either which was a plus.  She had accepted him the way that he was.

When they first met, it was a cerebral match the two represented that brought them together.  Right age, right looks. Camille who was smoking hot but reserved and mostly cool to life.  Her rare appearance of sexiness was of the few and far between category, and enough to impress the men in Chad’s circle to whom superficial things mattered most.  The image was the thing. 

At the time, a steady man was acceptable for Camille as sex was a trained afterthought.  The ignition flames from a few licks of Chad’s tongue between her thighs that had ignited the few encounters between them faded than stopped long ago.  The suggested reason was fatigue and a busy work schedule, so it was as if they were already an old, married couple.  The drunken night spent after two pedestrian dates, when every dirty desired deed and wish was granted by the other had been entirely forgotten by him.   

Camille denied herself the growing impulses she felt for licking and sucking cock with Chad instead,  saving that part of herself for others.  Her mother had convinced her that no man wants a whore for a wife and her father had proved it by divorcing her.

Camille always felt guilty for not telling her father sooner about what she knew and saw with her own eyes but instead tried to gain his approval by becoming the opposite woman her whore mother had proven to be.  Stephen was bringing something out of her the young woman believed her mother probably understood well.  Her panties became moist with shame just thinking what she allowed him to do to her!  Camille played with herself recounting chances she had taken with him.  She barely recognized herself those days or even now, squeezing her clitoris so hard she didn’t see the men in the truck beside her watching her intense rubbing and driving technique.

She had slipped her panties off as soon as she got to the side of the vehicle.  Stepping out of them one heel at a time before bending down straight legged to collect the conservative undergarments as one of her male neighbors watched the micro dress she barely wore rise above her toned ass.  The marks she had explained away to unsuspecting Chad as being seated uncomfortably for an extended period of time exposed as they lay across her tanned from lying on Stephen’s veranda bottom.  Leaning into the car, Camille retrieved a clear lotion from the center console and poured it into her hand as she stood outside the vehicle.  Placing her leg inside the open door, Camille leaned forward slightly before rubbing the liquid into the cracks and crevices of her hot bottom in a circular motion.  Her finger paused momentarily before she pressed it up, into her moist vagina briefly and applied that juice as well.  Camille looked over her shoulder and into his eyes before fully entering the vehicle, noticing a tent forming in the previously unseen neighbor’s shorts when she looked directly into his gaze and smiled.  Camille waved at him as she drove away. She may need his help one day when Chad wasn’t around she thought.  One never knows about anything these days. 

She was meeting Chad’s boss about becoming a client, and she was prepared to close.  Her secret lover was opening many new doors, and in purchasing the PR Firm, she worked for, had inserted her as the new CEO.  How he was able to get her old boss to stay on and take her orders, she wondered about but hadn’t got around to asking yet.  Not caring about anything past her journey.

The meeting was being held in a private suite at 11am at the Marriot usually reserved for Cocktail events or pre-Bachelor parties.  Stephen had made all of the arrangements.  She didn’t head to the office and was expected to check into a separate suite in the hotel for an 8 am the massage.  Camille would have preferred to prepare for her presentation which she had just completed, not just expecting to be given the business!  She wanted to earn it the right way despite Stephen promising that she would be given that chance.  But only if she did things his way, without questions.  The last part being entirely against her nature as gossip was an integral part of who she was.

She had arrived at the room and done as he said.  Disrobed entirely and waited for the masseuse to enter.  She wore the plush white robe over her body and thought about the presentation being set up downstairs by her former boss, Andrew.  He had always been such a prick as a boss, and now, he was the one taking her shit!  She wondered what her lover had over him and wanted to know how he had completed the takeover so adroitly, but the knock on the door interrupted the useless questions.

“We are here for your massage.” 

The tall, married couple walked into the suite with the male laying out the massage table and a separate, smaller table which he began to place various items on.  His wife proceeded to introduce themselves to the woman as she was surprised to see them together.  She had never seen a pair of masseuses and was instantly uncomfortable with the arrangement. 

“I’m Jane.  And this is my husband Jim and this note, I believe this for you Camille.”

She handed Camille the letter and proceeded towards the bathroom closing the door as Camille hardly noticed women.  Her husband, Jim, however, Camille did notice continued to prepare.  Even smiling at her softly.  What a hunk!  She almost thought Jane was going to introduce him as Tarzan!  He was tall, around 6’4 with huge hands and from what she could see from his immodest slacks, a dick that matched his proportions!  Camille was unaware there would be two of them which made her more unsure about the situation despite knowing it was too late to make another decision.  Having a strange, large, aroused man who could take her by force anytime he chose in such close quarters might not be for the best.  All she had been thinking about was Stephen’s hard dick and the dirty deeds he wanted her to complete for him.  Knowing Tarzan’s fit wife who could kick her ass was just behind the door poised to catch them wasn’t ideal.  She had almost forgotten the note Jane had handed her as the possible scenarios ran through her mind were this visit under different circumstances!  She opened the envelope deciding to get a grasp of the situation before asking them to leave so she could do things her way. 


     I wanted you wholly relaxed and prepared for the day, so I asked my personal masseuse Jane to help.  I don’t want you burdened with concerns about your meeting this morning and command you to turn yourself over to Jane and Jim completely as you have done for me.  They are there for your pleasure.  I don’t have to explain it is all a part of our arrangement.  Enjoy.


Jane opened the bathroom door as Camille finished reading her last sentence, holding a pair of handcuffs bound together with a foot long chain.  She wore a bikini now which accentuated her toned/muscular physique.  He black hair was a contrast to her husband’s blonde locks and now loosened to her shoulders.  She turned towards her husband and nodded, and his shirt was lifted above his head, revealing his similar physique to hers.  She turned to Camille and spoke. 

“I need you to lie on the table face down, and please extend your arms.”

Camille had hoped that her lover Stephen would stop by for a quickie but hadn’t expected anything like this!  She looked at Jane directly before dropping her head, symbolically acknowledging the woman’s dominance as she moved onto the table.  Her hands were then bound loosely by the cuffs, and Camille immediately felt Jim’s oiled hands across her back as his fingers magically erased her tensions.

 For 10 minutes, the man touched her in ways Camille had never before experienced!  His hands were adept at finding all of her tense muscles, making her whole body weak to the touch!  She had almost forgotten the cuffs underneath her head or the other woman in the room as her eyes closed and fell into a massage induced sleep.  Wondering if she would awaken in time for the presentation until she was jolted awake by Jane’s hand caressing her inner thighs as a lesbian panic set in on Camille. 

“Open them.”

Camille had never been with a woman or given it much thought before now.  Sure, girls hit on her, but she had seen her mother sucking her friend’s pussy once in the kitchen and knew it was a big part of her mother being a whore.  The thought crossed her mind as she widened her legs and the woman inserted her fingers into her moistened vagina gently, as she would.

She felt the table drop inward and was temporarily startled as her legs touched the ground!  She was bent over now and attempted to stand before Jim, standing above her head grabbed her handcuffs in the middle, stopping her immediately. 

Her eyes were staring directly at the naked Adonis colossal dick!  It had to be 11 inches and was almost as wide!  He grinned at her, pressing a button on the side of the table, folding the top of the table, so there was nothing for Camille to lean on.  His wife had her legs in between Camille’s, and she knew better to attempt to close them even as the woman manipulated her towards orgasm.  She was completely under their control! 

Jim released her hands, allowing her to bring them down before grabbing her hair and pushing her mouth onto his dripping cock.  She gladly ran her lips across his precum, savoring the taste while her head was pushed further onto this enormous rod!  She wanted Stephen’s dick, but Jim’s was delicious on her tongue right now!  She wondered how it would feel inside her, tearing her walls apart as Jane adeptly moved her fingers across her inner walls, simultaneously circling the palm of her hand across her mound!  Camille could feel the intense orgasm building inside of her and was ready to burst when Jim lifted her mouth off of him.  The combination of her saliva and his precum clung to the side of her face as she gasped for breaths of air but wanting to scream for more!  She had forgotten about everything except her own happiness and need to get off which was how her lover had planned things to go. 

“Bring her to me hubby.”

Camille was stood up by Jim grasping the chain between the clasped cuffs,  He held them above her head, so she was forced to walk on her toes to avoid being dragged into the bedroom.  She wanted to run to the king-sized bed instead of Camille feeling the cuffs cut into her flesh as she was pulled along, heightening her arousal by being so easy and defenseless.  Jane slapped the woman once she arrived on the bed by her husband’s hand as if reading her whorish thoughts.  Camille came a little as she felt the blow from the healthy amazon woman, but didn’t understand what she had done wrong.   

“So you think you can just suck my husband’s cock without asking permission you slut.  Just because whores like you think you deserve a real man’s dick?”

She whispered into Camille’s ear while her husband stood behind her.  Rubbing his horse dick around Camille’s slick vagina in a circular motion which only served to arouse her again. 

   “But you don’t. Not yet.” Jane snarled.

Jim walked forward and placed the head of his cock directly in front of both Camille and Jane.  Camille instinctively opened and move towards it only to have her hair yanked back roughly by Jen. 

“Horny sluts like you need to learn to be patient.  Ask properly.”

With that, Jane proceeded to deep throat her husband’s massive hard-on adeptly, swallowing the whole thing in one attempt!  Camille watched in awe as the woman released the member and kissed Camille on her soft, gasping lips.  Their tongues and tastes intermingled as Camille felt the lingering bitters of her own pussy on the woman’s tongue. 

Jane looked at her as if she knew what Camille was thinking and placed her husband’s cock back into Camille’s waiting mouth.  She rubbed her own body against Camille, sliding down until her head and tongue rested between Camille’s waiting, wet slit.  Camille had never imagined a woman could make her feel so good!  Her body shook and convulsed as images of her hungry mother, hands on their neighbor’s nipple squeezing as Jen now held hers in her hands now were awash in her mind!  And while sucking the Camille hungrily to orgasm after orgasm! 

Jim was holding her head in both hands now and began to cum in her mouth as Camille nearly choked yet continued to swallow despite her own cries of pleasure!   Jane stopped licking Camille long enough to release his cock from the struggling woman’s mouth and aim the rest of his load onto Camille’s waiting, naturally tanned breasts.  Jane licked the C cups clean before placing her mouth over Camille’s, allowing the woman to savor the flavors before pushing Camille onto her back to recuperate!  Jim stood and released the cuffs.  Kissing her wrists after the couple collectively dressed and began to exit, leaving the table on the floor. 

“About the presentation which by the way was moved back to 1 pm.  Stephen wants me to come back alone this to make sure you are awake and help you prepare. And don’t worry dear, I have a keycard.”