As the women walked towards the Lounge area off the Dining Room. Avery noticed how Jane strode so confidently. The two women. One more Beautiful than the other were now all grown up. Owning the room both knew was the sight of their parent’s many sexual trysts a decade ago. When both women were still children and far different versions of themselves today.
The familiarity the ladies shared with the building, and one another made the moment all the more natural. Except, it wasn’t. It was the culmination of a long-ago perceived betrayal by Jane. Never forgotten by Avery.
Unlike the impossible promise between them made in a sapphic embrace, Avery had been too ashamed of to ever recall. The way their warm breasts and hearts were beating in syncopation of an unspoken promise. A broken one. Both women had the right to never see one another again and yet, they were here together.
Playing and exploring each other’s bodies. Exploring one another’s thoughts of reckless abandon, in between passionate kisses. There was nothing serious about their sex then. Till their moistest. Most sensitive and delicate senses ground against one another. Swirling in a rhythm that bound their flesh together as something more. During a moment of ultimate weakness. Jerrod had caused this to happen.
In Avery’s mind? The first time she allowed Jane to tie her wrists together in submission. It was compounding a mistake. Even if it did fulfill another need. Another thing she wanted to try that fueled her nightly sleeping ritual of masturbation by fantasy. The black box had been well checked by Jerrod. The lesbian lusts though? Those had been filled by Jane.
Now over a decade later as both women walked towards the back booth? Their two husbands stood behind in the next room, talking about a game. Seemingly unaware of the nooks and crannies of privacy the building allowed. But not concerned with their departure after Avery’s outburst. When the two women entered the Backroom to sit at the corner table the men assumed it would soon be worked out.
One nodded to the other. The button was pushed by Jane and the table and chairs swiveled into the wall like a TV stage prop! The Other room with one important thing they both needed now. A well-stocked bar and stools on the left. And a King size bed to the right.
“Well, Jane. Wow!” Avery stalled and smirked before continuing. “You have done well for yourself!”
Avery spoke first. Like always. The older sister with the broken wing. The outward strength portrayed was a lie and a mask. Ensnaring weaker men attracted to her natural beauty. Unaware of the type of attention a woman like Avery required to possess completely as a partner. That Avery’s couldn’t be identified by the nice guys. You had to be strong to see her.
“Not completely.”
Jane responded while her eyes never strayed from her former lovers. Looking inside them for the gashes and tears Jane knew were there. If she could heal Avery in one night, she would. But the wounds weren’t so easy to locate on the stranger that Avery was today. Even for Jane, who once knew Avery’s Body and Soul so well.
“I didn’t get anything that I wanted but, I got almost everything.”
Jane spoke in a measured tone while reaching out to caress the head and face of her first love. Afterward all Jane could do was react with a facial expression of hurt. As Avery recoiled from her touch and immediately moved behind the unfamiliar but, fully stocked bar.
“So. I am supposed to think after all of these years that you never ‘intended’ to not only fuck. But marry the guy I loved? And didn’t use me to do it?” How exactly did that happen anyway, Jane?”
Avery reached for two glasses in an attempt to hold onto her emotions the best that she could. Putting the cold ice into both glasses and pouring two fingers of scotch like an experienced bartender. She was angry. But composed herself well before continuing to speak.
“You. You, Jane, were always making plans. Always fixing broken things. How exactly did you fix Jerrod to marry you?”
Avery handed the glass of Cognac to Jane after never asking whether or not she wanted it. She was assertive. Reliving the moments ago feeling of finally cutting loose! On her husband. The weak fucker. Jerrod for thinking she ever wanted to see him again! And especially this bitch Jane! Avery could feel her breasts swelling with excitement with each new defying word! As she walked and sat on the edge of the Bed across from Jane and noticed her lovely breasts and the shadow of nipple across the front of her dress. Jane wasn’t so plain anymore!
“Or did you plan to save your heterosexual virginity for Jerrod too? Since we both know you are the original Butch lesbian. No matter how much you dress yourself up like a Princess. What a fucking waste! Just like this fuck room! Why are we here? Of all places! Did you just want me to see that it exists?”
Jane knew what she meant. This room. This building had been owned by her father with the secret purpose that only select members of the community were allowed to know about. It was a part of a Private membership held only by a few men of the community who knew it existed. And most of the community’s women. There was another house which was better known and off the grid a bit. But this room? Was legendary.
Jane and Avery’s fathers in their time were two of the men. With Jane’s father through a series of holdings being the legal owner of this building until his death. When it reverted to Jane. Her selfish Dad certainly knew wanted the story to end with him. But the secrets held within these walls were immense to be destroyed. Here, they remained captive.
“I inherited this place. From my father when he passed. It wasn’t a choice. And according to more than a few people, it also wasn’t the original intent.”
“You could have sold it. Why keep it? You barely live here.” Avery responded.
“And pass up an opportunity?”
Jane moved closer to Avery but this time, stopped short of offering condolences and picked up the drink she had poured for her.
“I found my Father’s diary in this room. His book of dirty deeds that were over a decade long and still growing when he died. It was everything that we believed it was. And more.”
“Then why keep it?”
“Because its mine. I own it. And I don’t give anything away. That is where we are different Avery.”
In turning her back for the first time from the conversation. Jane gave the woman her first clue that the communication between the two of them would not be one-sided. Avery could see the muscles clearly developed in Jane’s open-backed dress and the recognition of the years gone by came rushing through. Jane was a strong woman. Nothing like the girl who serviced Avery all those years ago she remembered. Always with a loving touch and kind word to soothe Avery’s, broken heart. Jane wondered what her touch was like now. Even as she needed to continue her angry pretense for answers.
“If you would have taken the opportunity to invade your Father’s inner sanctum and discovered what I had? Written in my Father’s own hand? You probably would have sold the place. But then again, your Dad was just an average deviant.”
“Fuck you. Plain Jane.”
The name the girls used to call her in High School rolled out of Avery’s mouth as if she had created it. But hit the wrong mark. As Avery would soon find out.
“I was going to say I’m sorry about how things worked out and explain everything. But now?”
Jane smacked Avery with an open hand harder than anyone ever had! In fact? It was the first time she could remember being smacked anywhere other than on her bare bottom and the force startled her off of one heel.
“You always thought you were better than everyone. Especially Jerrod. You think he would ever marry a truly average woman with Tits and no substance? You never loved him! You loved getting fucked!”
With that? Avery lunged at Jane with a fury she never knew she had inside of her! Swinging and flailing her arms and legs in the direction of the Jiu-jitsu expert in an awkward manner. Hitting Jane in her arms repeatedly. Each blow never reaching its destination and just as quickly? Avery felt her breath being restricted by an arm across her throat.
Jane had maneuvered herself behind Avery and somehow, twisted her in a way that she had lost the free will to replenish her lungs. Unable to breathe as Jane’s free hand held Avery’s breasts close to her body in her hands. She felt a slight pinch but was losing consciousness and couldn’t tell if it was her imagination and odd arousal at being overpowered? Or Jane exerting her free will over Avery who was slowly losing strength.
“You always thought you were big shit. In control of everyone and everything because of these perfect tits. Your perfect mouth. Your perfect ass. You little spoiled bitch!” Jane sort of snarled.
“Let me go…”
Avery spoke as she squirmed against Jane’s strength to no avail. And as the blood began to flow slower and slower into her brain and seemingly faster and harder into her nipples and pussy. Avery started to panic. Believing that Jane could have other plans in mind and a simple hand into her rapidly soaking panties would be all that required to melt her resistance. Avery needed to break free.
“Apologize, bitch.”
Jane loosened her grip enough to allow Avery to catch another deep breath before she answered.
“No. You used me to get close to my Boyfriend. What type of friend fucks their friend’s ex? You should be apologizing to me bitch!”
Jane hadn’t intended for this to happen but, knew that it was a possibility! Having hoped for a more peaceful resolution to their issues since Jane never forgot her first lover. And her Husband’s one-time favorite plaything as well had Jane believing the reunion had so many possibilities. As well as Avery’s pride. Jane and was prepared for any possibility. Especially this one.
“I’m sorry you don’t understand what happened. And. I wanted to explain it to you. But I am not sorry. Jerrod is my husband.”
With that, she released the woman onto the Bed. Otherwise, Avery would have dropped to the floor and perhaps hurt her delicate self. But Jane didn’t want her that way. She wanted what she always wanted from her conquests.
“And yes. He is the only man I have ever been with or even want to.”
Avery laid on the bed panting, in an attempt to catch her lost breath while Avery walked over to the Bar and fixed two more drinks. Both women having gulped down their first. Their Fathers would have been proud.
“Do you remember when we first found out about this place?” Jane asked.
Avery put her head down remembering the story. There was a girl in her class who told her about it. A senior like Avery who had approached her after gym class. Confided in her. Her name was Lynn.
Lynn’s father was a gambler but, not a very good one. Her mother? Well, she had started out as a good and dutiful wife but came from poor stock, with no family money to speak of. It wasn’t long before their façade of affluence broke down. And Dad’s lousy luck was visited upon her Mother who had no intention to go back where she had come from. At least that was how Avery had described the woman as she began to recall the story Lynn told.
“My parents took me to Amici’s for my 18th Birthday Friday, and it started out as the best night of my life. Dad encouraged me to do something he always yelled at me about and dress sexy in high heels and a short dress telling me. You’re a woman now. So, I dressed accordingly. Even though it felt strange to have my Dad ask me to sex it up for a family celebration.”
Avery remembered Lynn’s voice becoming more playful as she spoke what to her were the most horrible portions of the tale. And how she had moved closer on the bench towards Avery. Uncomfortably close as her hand rested on Avery’s thigh and the rest of the girl’s had almost left since it was the last class of the day and most girls chose to shower at home.
“My father said. I brought you a Mercedes like your friends have. And you want to go to Dartmouth in the Fall but princess. I have no money and haven’t had any for a while. He sipped his Champagne and walked out of the room with tears in his eyes. And that is when Mom took over.”
Avery was reliving the moment. As silent on the bed as she was in listening to that day in the quiet locker room listening intently as Lynn continued. Taking off her shirt so her breasts are swinging in the air explaining she was going to shower and drive home and would be willing to drop off Avery too. If she needed before continuing.
“So, Mom says to me. Your Father is not a man dear. I am sorry to tell you this but, he is just a failure and a fraud and hasn’t been taking care of you. He lost everything years ago, and it is only by being cooperative that we have been able to keep anything.”
Lynn continued by asking her Mother what she meant.
“Well. I convinced My Parker to not Foreclose on the house. And have been entertaining our creditors every week. Privately and publicly. Doing favors for them and providing services for Real men. Not like your Father. He is a cuckold dear. And it is better you hear and experience this yourself and don’t waste your time with Daddy’s hopes and dreams bullshit. There are so many rich and generous men here willing to pay for your education. For a price.”
“A price?”
That was when Lynn said her mother pressed the button under the table, and the booth became the very room the women were talking in now. Lynn’s hand also began to move up and down Avery’s leg at this point as well. Coming dangerously close to touching her there.
“Remembering that story turns you on, Avery?”
Jane’s voice had brought Avery back into the present. For a moment she was in her gym shorts. Pussy lips pressed against her firm athletic panties. Waiting to be removed from their place by Lynn. Frozen in place thinking about the degradation she had endured in order to secure a four-year scholarship when all she really wanted was to be normal. Fuck a couple of guys her own age. Kiss a few girls she found edgy. And marry a nice, safe College boy. Lynn’s tongue swirled across her body and into her mind as Avery wondered if she was now so sex craved telling her no and pushing her tongue away from her twat would drive Lynn to desperation. Better she lifts her ass off the bench and give her a better angle instead.
Like Lynn believed her mother had. There was nothing wrong with sex for money. If the money was significant. Better a rich whore than a poor one! But unlike her mother? Lynn wouldn’t have to apologize or fit in. Lynn belonged by birth and was still around.
“What does that matter today Jane?”
“It doesn’t. I just wanted to see if any part of the slut that I used to know is still there. That’s all.”
Jane smiled a superior grin knowing the enhancements she had made to the place. The men who opened this room. Her father included. Were a step above savages. The room was muffled, but back then, they enjoyed the thought of customers being within an earshot of anyone hearing the goings on of the fuck den. Reveling in one member taking a husband for drinks as another debased his wife on the other side of the wall. Utilizing blackmail. Exerting financial dominance and essentially preying on the women in the area. The men used the club to humiliate other men without them ever knowing.
Jane had eliminated that aspect by changing the acoustics, so the room was now sound proof. Nothing in? And nothing out. No one could hear if Avery protested and the only person who could? Didn’t care. Jane’s breasts began to harden in anticipation of living out a long-desired fantasy with Avery. Willing or not.
“Avery truth is, I miss you.”
Jane began to take her shoes off as she spoke. Sitting directly in front of Avery on the edge of the Bed. Watching her every move. Jane started by rolling down her stockings. Leaving only the slightest of fabrics between her and the chair and dress beneath her bottom. Before she started unbuttoning that and letting it slide down her shoulders. Standing to her feet to step through the top of the dress. Jane stood before Avery in the slimmest of panties and bra set which looked more like a bustier than a brassiere. Her rock-hard body proof that Jane was now, fully grown.
“You were always the best big sister.”
Jane began to slide next to Avery on the bed in an extremely aggressive manner. Her confidence having frozen Avery in place. Avery didn’t know what she wanted, but she knew it wasn’t to leave! Her wrists began to ache almost instinctively. Feeling the invisible rope bindings. Or cuffs. But it was what she wanted and not what was happening. As Jane reached out for them. Touching fingers on both of Avery’s hands with her own before sliding them down to clamp down on her wrists? Avery knew whatever happened next that she wanted it to.
“Give me a kiss lover and let’s make up.”
With that Jane pressed her face against Avery who attempted to feign moving her face away before swinging it back to accept the intruding tongue of Jane! Pushing through her exceptions and taking away her ability to resist the chance to do two things she always wanted to do. As Jane mounted her and began to rip Avery’s dress off of her body? Avery was lost.
Jane was again the dominant one. She leaned over and watched as her left breast fell directly onto Avery’s mouth. The same way Lynn’s mother’s had onto Lynn’s as the men. Jane and Avery’s fathers. Watched the mother restrain her own daughter. Lynn had said she wanted not to think about the way her mother’s nipple had tasted inside of her mouth and specifically, on her tongue. But it was only in her mouth long enough for the cuffs to be attached to her wrists!
The men were taping the whole thing too. Instructing Lynn’s mother to let her know if she accepted or wanted the scholarship? She would have to be “enthusiastic.” The tape would be proof for all time of Lynn’s willingness to use her tongue to please her own mother as she rode her face as if she had done this before. So, when Jane slid up and placed her own slit over Avery’s wanting mouth? She knew exactly what to do.
“Ummm. Have you been eating pussy at school?”
Avery began to swirl her tongue around and inside of Jane with an intimate knowledge Jane has missed so much! This was even better than 18-year-old Jane telling the story of Lynn practically attacking her in the locker room that day while admitting that she had been fucked by her Father and a few older men that night. All under the direction of Lynn’s own Mother!
Now Avery remembered being angry, at first. Wondering why another girl would tell such a story! Thinking this was going to get out and Avery would have nothing left. Only to instead be treated to the most thorough tongue lashing of her life by a thankful classmate. One who thoroughly enjoyed the harsh treatment she had received at the hands of Ron and the other sexual deviants of the community that night! Her tongue was showing Avery how grateful she was for her Father! And that quickly? Lynn had been forever changed.
“Do you remember what you told me about her? About Lynn?”
Jane was now slowly rotating her pussy over Avery’s tongue inside of her wet slit. Arching her lips to give Avery the chance to speak and participate. Up until that moment, Jane knew that Avery had no choice. Curiosity and lack of proper attention as well as the memories of how good sex could be meant she was destined to be cuffed to this bed, given a chance. But only her words could make it ok.
“That I loved the way Lynn ate me out?”
Jane was satisfied Avery was still in there as she resumed her 360-degree rotations over Avery’s stiff and steady tongue. As she leaned forward to place her ass directly onto her tongue? Avery began to furiously lick and buck beneath her weight.
“You know you shouldn’t be cumming this way, Avery.”
Jane placed her lightning box back over her mouth as Avery slurped at it furiously. Attempting to catch her breath and Jane’s sweet honey simultaneously through her mouth. Since her nose was pressed hard against her muff making breathing in anything beyond Jane’s scent an impossible task!
“And that is not what I was talking about.”
Jane swung around on the bound woman and reached between her legs. Running her hands up and down Avery’s well-manicured bush. Teasing her wetness into believing it could have what it wanted. A tongue or finger. Some type of constant contact to clear the mess her between her thighs that was quickly building again!
“That I envied her.”
Jane pushed 3 fingers into Avery’s hole as she told her.
“See. No one knows you like me.”
Avery was going to get what she wanted but first? Jane wanted her to herself. That was the deal. As she began to lick and suck Avery’s pussy and clit Jane offered Avery what she really wanted.
“Rim my ass then slut.”
The two women remained that way in one form or another for the next 30 minutes. Avery cumming harder than she had in years. Knowing she could finally be her true self! Cuffed and controlled. Without any responsibility or ability to stop anything that would or could happen! She pulled at the restraints with each new orgasm as it built up inside of her before being set free. And reveled in the comfort so much, she forgot about the time and the fact she hadn’t come alone! The sound of the booth turning let her know that someone else had entered the room but, she couldn’t see who from the sides of Jane’s round behind. She began to struggle a bit more against her bonds when Jane sat straight up, on top of her again. Covering her eyes now.
A pair of familiar hands grabbed each leg until both were like her hands, both bound apart. This time in sleeves above her ankles.
“Don’t worry babe. I am going to stay right here.”
Jane’s voice reassured Avery that no matter what? Avery was going nowhere. She was dominant and more than capable of controlling Avery in ways only she had. But the pressure she felt between her thighs was another reminder of the past.
The bulb was round and hard, and Avery could feel her gap widening with its push forward. As the knob slipped inside of her body. Avery knew it was Rod. And a tear began to form inside of her eyes. She didn’t know whether it was because of the reunion of their two bodies? The Lover Jane, sitting directly over her. Leaning into what she could now see was Jerrod’s ebony, full-grown chest to kiss those soft lips as he began a rhythm inside of Avery? Sadness? Or the pure joy of knowing she was going to cum again. This time harder and all over her long-lost Rod! Avery knew all along something like this was what she wanted to happen. But she never believed for a second that it would!
“We wanted to say we were sorry together,” Jerrod spoke.
The three of them. Together again and for the first time moved in unison. Jerrod tunneling his way through Avery’s nerve endings with his massive cock. Her screams muffled by Jane’s slippery nest over her mouth. And Jane’s mouth locked on the lips of her husband as her banged his ex-girlfriend beneath them both! It has worked like a charm as Fred was in another room being distracted by the waitress. Her instructions to keep him tied up until they all get there. Together.
Beneath the Pope’s Avery bucked and crowed until all she could do was lay there as Jane took her cuffs off her wrists and then, her legs. Jerrod climbed up between them. Stopping to kiss her lips. Tasting the familiar scent of his spouse upon them.
“I missed you, Avery.”
Her hips shook as Avery’s leg lifted onto the bed. Encircling his cock between her hips. Rising and falling with each deliberate stroke of her honey hole! Her head shook each time Rod would hit bottom and push a bit further. Through the rebuilt nerves once originally assaulted over a decade ago. Avery began to Orgasm over and over again as Jerrod began to cum inside of her! Feeling the pressure of his spurts mixed with her own she suddenly pushed up and him off of her while saying.
“My mouth. Please put it in my mouth.”
As Jane replaced Jerrod’s stick with her tongue in Avery’s subservient mouth. She continued licking and sucking the woman to an extended Orgasm. Jerrod gave Avery his choco stick. Placing the nearly spent monster onto her wanting tongue. Just like old times. As Avery thought about Lynn. The young girl who was always a bit adventurous eating her pussy in the shower. If anyone had seen them they certainly hadn’t stopped to intervene! It was as out of control as an 18-year-old as Avery ever felt. Even with all of the times Jerrod and Jane had tied her up or masked her eyes from what was coming next. As she began to Orgasm once again under the influence of the Pope’s Avery understood why Jane hadn’t sold the place before falling asleep.